Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 125: Lies Broken

Eight people, eight faces, five different weapons, and the same kind of eyes, scattered in four directions, front, back, left, and right, staring at them at the same time.

Finina's sword was already in her hand, and the blood on the sword was not completely dry. This was the result of killing monsters all the way, and even cleared the surrounding monsters with a big move.

The little ice phoenix Saya became silent, with a pair of nimble eyes flickering left and right, as if looking cheerfully, her little head nodded from time to time, and then combed the snow-white feathers on her body with her sharp beak.

Zhao Nan stretched out his hand to block Finina, telling her not to act rashly, and then came in with an expression on his face, and said calmly: "You are all here, maybe you have some mission?"

"Zhao Nan, we came here today just to ask you one thing."

Only one person made a sound, the others were silent, the arm holding the weapon remained motionless, only the eyes were changing.

Zhao Nan looked at the speaker.

This person is Huang Kun, and the other seven people are all leaders in various safe areas in Tingfeng City, except for Lin Yu and Fuyun. But now it is the president of the relatively powerful guild in Tingfeng City. However, the number of people in their guild is far from what it was before the fall.

It's just that these eight people appeared in this place, it seems that they have a plan... The question is, how did they find out their whereabouts?

"Ask." Zhao Nan said casually.

It's just that I'm calculating the occupations of these eight people in my mind, and what skills they will use when there may be a battle next.

Huang Kun snorted coldly: "The heart eater, it's just a lie!"

Zhao Nan said bluntly, "Who told you?"

Then another person sneered and said: "Tingfeng City has recovered, and the mage hall is also operating normally. You are also a mage, you should know that there is a skill experience function in the mage hall, right?"

Zhao Nan whispered: "So what?"

The man said disdainfully: "Unfortunately, I am also a mage of the dark department. Two days ago, I happened to try a skill experience of level 25 in the dark department. Guess what I experienced?"

Zhao Nan shrugged and said, "Then I can't guess."

"Zhao Nan, Ming people don't speak dark words." Huang Kun hurriedly said: "We went to Tingfeng City's large and small medical clinics once, but we didn't check out the so-called heart-eating worms! Hmph, props such as heart-eating worms Although it exists, how could such advanced props appear?"

Zhao Nan said indifferently: "You guys have made a clear investigation."

Huang Kun said angrily: "Okay, you actually used such despicable means to control us! I won't kill you today. It's hard to get rid of our hatred! Do it!"

Zhao Nan stretched out his hand and shouted: "Who among you wants to try the effect? ​​Are you all just guessing? Would you like me to confirm it again?"

The eight people waved their hands, but before the skills on the weapons appeared, they stopped their hands one after another, Huang Kun said in a cold sweat, and said in a hoarse voice from his throat: "Okay, you can do it if you have the guts." Let me try! If it really works, just like what you said, I can control my life and death at will, I, Huang Kun, admit it! What happened today is my fault. I promise you that I will be better than a dog in the future Loyal...if you can't do it, don't blame us!"

Zhao Nan waved his hand, stretched out his fingers, facing Huang Kun, and said in a loud voice, "As you wish, don't blame me if you die."

The finger was pointing straight, a red light suddenly appeared above the finger, and Huang Kun's throat shook. The heart was pounding almost audibly.


"Don't be fooled by him!" One person shouted violently.

Huang Kun's whole body trembled. The body instinctively moved to the left, this was probably the fastest reaction in his life. At this time, a beam of red light shot out from the side of his cheek, fell on the ground in the distance, and exploded a small dirt pit with a bang.

"You really are just bluffing!" Huang Kun couldn't help gritting his teeth.

Zhao Nan sneered and said: "If you want to blame, you can only blame you for having ghosts in your heart. You are not timid, how can you be deceived by my lies... Also. Who gave you the courage to stop me? Don't you think it's just because of how many of you? One, can you deal with me?"

Huang Kun sneered and said, "You two are very powerful, but at least you have a limit, right?"

But at this moment, a bottle of purple liquid appeared in the hands of eight people at the same time, and they quickly put it in their mouths. He bit it open and swallowed it into his stomach. At the same time, a layer of purple armor emerged from the bodies of the eight people at the same time.

Zhao Nan sighed and said, "In order to deal with me, you are really willing to spend your money, and actually use your contribution points to exchange for this kind of thing in the Temple of Tingfeng City."

This layer of purple armor comes with an invincible effect for 20 seconds. During these 20 seconds, no amount of skill strikes, or direct weapon attacks, will have any effect, and it is a very heaven-defying thing. Of course, this purple invincible potion is expensive, and the exchange of such a potion may almost bring down the contribution points they obtained in a monster siege to the bottom.

Of course, although this kind of thing is against the sky, it also has its own disadvantages. After the potion effect wears off, the user's character level will directly drop by one level.



Since there were only 20 seconds, Huang Kun and the others would naturally not waste it. With invincible armor on their bodies, no skill can attack them, and all skill effects will be directly invalidated during their charge. At this time, if you don't kill the enemy like a mad cow, then you are really sorry for the money you spent this time!

Eight people came from four directions.

Zhao Nan and Finina separated from each other in two directions.

At this time, the dark mage let out a thorny vine with a smirk, and the vines shot out instantly wrapped Finina's body.

She couldn't move immediately.

Relying on the Wings of Flashing Wind, Zhao Nan dodges left and right in the siege of the four people. It seems that there is no time to take care of it.

5 seconds have just passed, and there are still 15 seconds left before the effect of the invincible potion disappears!

The other four people who besieged Finina had crazy laughs on their faces. They can solve one right now, and there are still more than ten seconds left. Could it be that the combined strength of eight people can't solve a mage? ?

Just when the attacks of these four people were about to fall on Finina.

she laughed.

Zhao Nan also gave a low laugh.

The weapons that were about to pierce Finina's body suddenly fell off from the hands of these four people at this moment.

It wasn't just them, there were even four people besieging Zhao Nan, including Huang Kun. The weapons in their hands also fell off automatically and fell to the ground.

This change made people confused in an instant.

I'm really confused!

But at this moment, a golden light flashed on Finina's body. Under that light, the vines that entwined her were directly broken, and a set of dazzling battle armor had already been put on her body.

Pandora transforms!

All negative effects are cleared directly!

"Why!" Huang Kun shouted in surprise.

Zhao Nan said disdainfully: "Unfortunately, although the weapons I gave you at the beginning were good, it's a pity that you only have the right to use them..."

In this daze, almost six or seven seconds have passed. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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