Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 126 Who is it?

Huang Kun and the others were stunned. They were simply stunned. In such a short time, they didn't know what else they could think about. But those who are prepared are different.

After Pandora's transformation, Finina's attack power tripled directly, and the golden quality sword in her hand emitted a bright sword light, like a bright moon being picked off and knocked to the ground.

Yes, on the ground, all attacks are immune, but it doesn't mean that even flying sand and rocks are immune. The power of that sword cracked a large area of ​​land, and silt, sand and rocks shot out, causing smoke and dust to billow around.

"Damn, I can't see anyone!"

The scariest thing to see.

The invincible time was also fading, a dragon chant sounded in the sky, and then a strong wind blew away, blowing away the smoke and dust and the confidence of the eight people. Zhao Nan was riding on the back of Olisis, and Finina was still wearing a Pandora armor, which was dazzling in the sun, like a Valkyrie.

At this time, since Huang Kun had already changed into a spare weapon, he could only change into a spare weapon! But after going and coming, the time for the invincible potion was running out, and they couldn't give them half a minute to think about what kind of attack they should organize.

Zhao Nan casually blessed Finina with a rock armor, and when the eight people frantically released their skills into the air three to four meters, Finina jumped out of Olisis, holding the sword to protect her. By your side, hit those skills directly.


Those skills exploded on her body, but the life value of the rock armor was emptied first.

After she landed, the rock armor still had one-fifth of its health remaining. This calculates the increase in Pandora's defense power after transformation, and the defense power of the Rock Armor itself is naturally frighteningly high.

It also scared Huang Kun and the others.

20 seconds passed like this! It seems like a waste of time! This attack, which cost them a lot of contribution points to design, was wasted like this. Not only didn't he hurt the opponent a single bit, he even dropped a level directly because of the effect of the potion! This would be a big loss.


Nima does not have the effect of the invincible potion. It is impossible to fight these two people. Even if you want to fight, you need at least two or three times more people.

Zhao Nan frowned and said, "Can we go?"

With a swipe forward of the Soul Devouring Staff, countless gray mist shot out from the top of the staff, covering the space within fifty meters in an instant, and the mist turned into streaks. Like a ghost, it entangles no one.

The soul roars!

The special skills that come with this kind of staff cannot be copied, but its attack range is sufficient. The attack of Soul Roar directly affected the spirits of Huang Kun and the eight people.

Their character level is far from reaching level 25, and the mental damage they receive is directly 100%! At this time, it was as if the head was stepped on and stepped on by 10,000 grass-mud horse beasts, and the pain was so painful that it made people kneel with their heads covered!

Taking advantage of the effect of Soul Roar on everyone, Finina, who was transformed by Pandora, immediately slashed at the nearest person.

The attack power of the Sky Sword Master itself is high, how much power can be tripled in the transformed state?

I saw the sword light bursting brightly, and instantly struck towards the mage of the dark department.

The mage of the dark department pressed his forehead with both hands, but saw the sword light flashing. A terrified expression appeared on his face.

At this moment, the regret in his heart! One fell on his body, causing his whole body to split open from the face to the back of the body, and the life value was emptied in an instant!

This mage was at level 20 before taking the invincible potion, because even if it was due to the side effects of the potion, it would be better to go back one level, it would still be level 19! Level 19 has a lot of health, including defense and so on. It was still cleared by one blow...

How terrifying the attack power and skill power is to be able to do this!

In an instant, the remaining seven people. Feeling difficulty in breathing, he staggered and fled in terror.

Mud foot deep*2!

On the ground right now, a large piece of land suddenly turned into mud.

Finina lifted the blade upside down, turned around and jumped back, landed in front of a person, and thrust out the sword without thinking. With a sword fluttering red, the man gritted his teeth, but could not utter a word, and passed away with horror and regret.


At this time, two huge flame dragon heads rushed down from the sky. A wave of fire rolled up on the ground, and a figure fell to the ground, scorched black all over!

It's too scary!

Almost all people are killed in one blow! Huang Kun trembled all over... When he attacked the mutated soul-eating python king together, he didn't feel the terror of the other party, but he felt that the attack power was a little stronger and the speed was a little faster!

But now when I fight against each other in person, I realize that this is a person from two worlds! However, how would he know the horror of Finina's Pandora transformation?

What's more, they don't know that the dark gold quality staff in Zhao Nan's hand is powerful.

three! Since the invincibility effect disappeared, within a few seconds, three companions had died, and there was no last word left.

Thorns and vines!

One person was imprisoned in an instant, and at this time, eighteen sword lights exploded, and Finina's star combo directly tore through the defense of the other person, piercing him like a sieve, under his pleading eyes , making another sword quickly.

Four died and one was captured!

There were only three people left, and all three fled in different directions. At this time, the monster that was originally emptied just happened to be refreshed.

The monsters here are already extremely dense, and whether the three of them have the ability to clear the monsters with one blow, if they want to escape, they have to face the siege of more than three monsters directly. Although they are not afraid of these monsters, they are afraid of those two people who are like killing gods!

"I surrender! Let me live! I will never fight against you again!" A person who was besieged by five or six monsters at the same time kept repelling the monsters around him and looked at Fei Ni who was charging. Na begged.

Zhao Nan said coldly: "Leave a question."

Naturally, Finina didn't hold back her hand, and directly chopped the man to death with a sword. At the same time, Olisis killed another person in the distance.

Only the remaining little Ice Phoenix spat out a mouthful of frost, freezing the last Huang Kun and the monsters around him.

Zhao Nan waved his staff, calling out fire and meteors, and continuously emptied the monsters on the field.

Naturally, Huang Kun was also under the blow of the fire and meteor, and groaned in pain, and in the end, there was not much life left.

Olises swooped down from the sky and pressed his whole body to the ground, unable to struggle.

Zhao Nan walked forward and said, "Okay, who told you about my whereabouts... Well, it's a waste of time to ask you, so I'll let you answer honestly."

He reached out and pressed his hand to Huang Kun's forehead.


Huang Kun lost his mind for a moment, his thoughts were directly controlled, and he said dullly: "Someone gave us your whereabouts."

Zhao Nan frowned and said, "Who?"

Huang Kun said expressionlessly, "I don't know, it's just a physical letter."

Zhao Nan pondered and asked: "Can you guess who it is before?"

Huang Kun shook his head.

Zhao Nan snorted coldly, Oulisis lowered his head, opened his dragon's mouth, and bit Huang Kun's head directly.



Zhao Nan looked at the corpses that were gradually melting into the ground, and frowned. Finina canceled the transformation skill, walked enough, and also frowned: "Do you have a clue?"

Zhao Nan shook his head and said, "Before I came out, I didn't tell anyone. Only we can see the transmission record... That is to say, since we set off, we have been calculated by others."

Finina's face changed slightly and she said, "Zhan Zhao and his wife... Could it be them? They sent the mission scroll, and they are the two who know the mission location."

Zhao Nan sighed and said, "If they are the only ones who are okay, I'm afraid that there are people behind this...someone is manipulating all this behind the scenes. According to the situation, these two people will not be the designers. It is okay to know that the sneak attack succeeds, once it succeeds or fails Now, they must be the first suspects, which is tantamount to taking a risk...Of course, it is also possible that this is a psychological tactic they are playing, and it is not necessarily..."

"Then, who is it..." For a moment, Finina also had no idea.

In Tingfeng City, the only person Zhao Nan can trust unconditionally is Finina. Even Xiongyou and Yanan are among the suspects. Of course, the possibility of these two people is extremely low.

"Let's continue to complete this task." Zhao Nan said after pondering for a while.

But Finina objected: "However, if someone wants to kill you, you should find him out as soon as possible! Don't let him go!"

There was a murderous look in her eyes, and a black light seemed to flash across her jewel-like pupils in an instant. Zhao Nan didn't notice it, and said with a smile: "The man is hiding behind, how could it be easy for us to find out? We are looking for a needle in a haystack, and we don't know when we will be able to find the criminal. Rather than doing this, it is better to wait for him to show his feet alright."

Finina was pleasantly surprised: "Have you figured out a way?"

Zhao Nan said: "There is only a simple concept, and I haven't fully thought it out yet. I will talk about how to operate it later, but the first step is to complete the current task."

Now that Zhao Nan has plans, Finina naturally no longer insists. The two simply took back the bracelets dropped by the eight of Huang Kun. Although they were attacked by surprise, they had gained something.

On the next road, Zhao Nan activated the two detection auxiliary skills of Listening Wind and Lightness Wind all the way, but when he reached the destination, he never met any player again.

The location specified by the mission scroll is in the small lake in the valley.

At this time, Zhao Nan opened the scroll, and a golden light was cast on the calm lake, and then there were waves of slight earthquakes, as if something was about to break out of the lake. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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