Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 128: Black-haired Finina

Little Ice Phoenix Saya suddenly flapped her wings with some difficulty, fluttering her body up and down, but did not land on Finina's shoulders.

It also did not take the initiative to attack the monsters in this side hall. Before the monster in front of me got close, it had already been torn into two halves by a sharp sword glow.

Although the battle here is calm, blood is already flowing in the entire inner hall. Finina stepped on the blood-soaked floor and walked forward lightly.

The corpses of monsters gradually increased.

Her cheeks seemed to have turned paler, and the speed of her strikes gradually accelerated, and she gradually penetrated into the dim side hall.

Straits of dark red mist began to float from a distance, as if driven by some strange force, they turned into whirlwinds, wrapped around her, and then squeezed into her body bit by bit among.

Finina didn't seem to realize it, her lips parted slightly, and she let out low and cold laughter.

The killing became faster and faster. The long hair fluttered, and gradually lost its original color as it fluttered, gradually blending with the dim interior of the palace.

I don't know how long it took, but the dark red mist has been completely sucked into her body. Finina stopped her movements suddenly, and there was no target to kill in front of her.

She turned around, looked at the little ice phoenix following closely behind her, and stretched out her hand, but the little ice phoenix chirped, as if frightened, but finally flew onto Finina's arm.

The master it saw had completely turned into a stranger with black hair and black pupils.

" are Saya!"



Zhao Nan had finished clearing the palace complex on the left, got two spirit-calling beads, and quickly retreated back the same way. He and Finina met at the entrance of the main hall, and after thinking about it, he flew away on Olisis.

It's just that I was at the entrance of the main hall, but I didn't see Finina.

Zhao Nan suddenly became anxious. Immediately shook his head and smiled again. His mage mostly has group attack skills, so he is naturally faster than Finina, and it is normal for him to come out faster.

Thinking of this, Zhao Nan patted Olisis on the head, and was about to fly to the temple group on the right. I thought that although I could find her to appear through the team channel, but I was stubborn for a while, so I might as well give her a surprise.

This special scene of leaving the Dust Palace was boring, and Finina's mood was already bad because of the little girl's departure. That might make her smile.

But at this moment, a scream came out from the main hall, it was so tragic. Zhao Nan was puzzled, so he couldn't help but open the door to take a look, only to see the corpses of monsters on the passage of the main hall.

The bodies of these corpses were fragmented, and they looked like they had been chopped open by sharp weapons.

Zhao Nan murmured in his heart, probably this is what Finina did. But before the appointment was made to wait, with Finina's character, she would not take the initiative to take the first step. Could it be that something special happened?

"Finina, where are you?"

"Nan, I'm upstairs, come here quickly, I've almost cleaned up the place!"

The voice was not very different, but there was an emotion of longing to meet each other.

Zhao Nan shook his head and said with a smile, "You have worked hard."

"Well... because the monsters here are really annoying, blocking you, watch me kill them all, come here quickly!"

The voice was soft and had a greasy taste, Zhao Nan scratched his head, always feeling something was wrong.

He patted Olisis on the head, and walked along the monster corpses along the road one by one.

The corpses of monsters along the way, judging from their appearance, don't seem to be weak. Assuming that the number of monsters in the left and right side halls is equal, Finina wants to clear the monsters on the right, and then come here and kill them all the way up. This speed is too frightening.

The screams on the road became louder and louder, and after climbing several floors, Zhao Nan could already feel Finina's presence... It's just that this breath was a little strange.


Then, the induction became stronger and stronger, as if it was just ahead. Olises suddenly lowered his head and let out a low growl. Zhao Nan didn't care about it, but muttered about the strange but familiar feeling in his heart.

Suddenly, a flash of light burst out in front of him. At the corner, Zhao Nan saw a slender figure erratically moving back and forth among the monsters like a ghost. When the sword was drawn out, a monster would fall to the ground.

"It turned out that I used Pandora to transform, no wonder."

Zhao Nan shook his head, Pandora transformed, and instantly increased Finina's attack and defense by three times, so having this kind of monster-killing speed is naturally nothing. It's just that this kind of transformation needs to consume a lot of mana, but it seems unnecessary to deal with monsters of this level.

At this moment, Finina was wrapped in battle armor, even her head was covered, as if she had sensed Zhao Nan's arrival, and after watching the opening scene, the sword in her hand became even brighter.

Release the group attack skill with one move, instantly eliminate the monsters around him.

At this time, she sheathed her long sword, leaped towards Zhao Nan, landed in front of Zhao Nan, and stretched out her arms to hug him. Pandora's transformation was released at this time, and the person leaned forward and kissed him. .

Zhao Nan froze for a moment, Finina seemed a little too enthusiastic. But after he realized it, the ones who met his eyes were a pair of abyss-like black eyes.

"Finally seeing you..."

Looking at Finina, who put her head on her chest and hugged her tightly with both hands after asking for a kiss, Zhao Nan said strangely, "Your hair..."

Finina raised her head, smiled suddenly, pulled her hair by her ear, and whispered, "Does it look good?"

Zhao Nan frowned, this is his most characteristic face.

At this moment, Finina suddenly reached out and stroked Zhao Nan's eyebrows gently, "Nan, don't worry, okay? I will be sad when I see it."

"But you..."

Finina came close to her head again, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, she is still there, and will return to you soon... So, during this period of time, don't ask me why, just let me It's good to be by your side."



Black hair, black eyes.

This is Finina now.

Apart from these, Zhao Nan couldn't find any reason to deny that the woman in front of him was not the one he loved. Facing her strange request, Zhao Nan was silent for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Perhaps there was some change in Finina's body that caused this, or there were other things that he didn't know about.

But the bond between the two is still there. Although the feeling has added a little strangeness, it is still clear.

"It's so kind of you."

Finina came to kiss again, and her tongue was groping hard in Zhao Nan's mouth, with unprecedented enthusiasm and intensity.

After a long time before they separated, Zhao Nan let out a sigh of relief. Although he felt something was wrong in his heart, he kept his face calm at this moment, and asked, "How many summoning beads have you found?"

With her hands behind her back, Finina chuckled and said, "Guess."

Zhao Nan pretended to be distressed and said, "I can't guess what you're thinking."

Finina said coquettishly, "Then give me a kiss, and I'll tell you."




Zhao Nan didn't hesitate at all. The feeling in my heart couldn't be wrong, it was indeed Finina's fault.

After kissing the cheeks, Finina showed a satisfied smile, stretched out her hands from behind her back, and said like a treasure: "Look, I found four!"

Zhao Nan said pleasantly: "I have three... It seems that there is no need to waste time on these monsters. The master of the Dust Palace should be at the top of the main hall. Let's go."

Finina smiled sweetly, reached out and hugged Zhao Nan's arm, and went ahead by herself, "Then let's go."

Zhao Nan secretly thought that Finina's change might have something to do with entering this dusty palace. Then maybe leaving this place, things will become clearer.

The two walked side by side closely, towards the topmost position. The strange thing is, I never met any monsters on this road.

The wind of listening was turned on, but Zhao Nan could hear the breathing of many monsters around him. It's just that the sound of breathing seems to be forcibly suppressed, and the atmosphere doesn't dare to take a breath.

They seem to be afraid of something.

what exactly is it?

Even Olisis and Little Ice Phoenix, who followed behind, kept a certain distance at this time. Zhao Nan could feel a kind of uneasiness from Olisis.

These are all because of the people around me.

Is it because of the black-haired Finina next to her?

This road suddenly became dark like an abyss, making people uneasy.



"By the way, after we go out, why don't we look for that little girl around here?" Zhao Nan said suddenly.

"Ye Anya?" Finina lowered her head and nodded her lips before softly saying, "Well, I'll go wherever you go."

Zhao Nan became even more strange. This is what Finina experienced before she changed. In other words, her memory is still reserved. It's just that the character has changed a little bit.

Once upon a time, she was gentle and quiet, like a white lotus.

Now the enthusiasm is like fire, and it is more lively.

"As long as you like it." Zhao Nan said irrefutably, and then pointed out: "It's here."

In front of you is a unique vermilion gate, standing at the end of the passage, and above the passage are huge windows every few meters, from which you can see the appearance of the entire Chuchen Hall.

Zhao Nan glanced out of the window, and there was no change in the entire Leaving Dust Palace, everything remained the same.

But from the corner of his eyes, there seemed to be a snow-white figure flashing past below the palace, and when he looked again, he found that it was just a white gauze fluttering in the wind in the palace group.

"Nan, what's the matter?" Finina asked curiously.

Zhao Nan shook her head and said, "It's a bit dizzy...let's go in."

Finina smiled lightly, then let go of the arm that had never been let go all the way, trotted out, pushed the door open, turned around playfully, with white teeth like shellfish, and said with a charming smile: "Welcome!" continued.)

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