Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 129: Black Princess (Part 1)

Of course this is not Finina's home. The identities of the two are actually not even considered guests, but Zhao Nan suddenly had a different feeling for Finina's mischievous words.

Of course, this is not a kind of empathy - he moved around and moved to the same person after all. In fact, Zhao Nan knew that this was at best a novelty. It's like two couples who have been together for a long time suddenly have a hot head one day and play a role-playing game to increase the fun between the two parties.

Zhao Nan really hoped that was the case.



Behind this door is a huge circular and empty room. Overall white. In fact, the Duchen Palace is also white when viewed from outside the palace. But now, in the entire palace, I am afraid that the pure white feeling from the outside still remains.

The owner of that palace is also white. Standing in the very center of the room, with eyes closed, the body is standing, and then placed in a huge transparent crystal, the hands are slightly spread out.

Zhao Nan walked forward, and Finina followed beside her, unwilling to stay away for a moment, humming an unknown tune briskly.

Zhao Nan suddenly felt a little familiar, and subconsciously asked, "What song is this?"

"Prayer on an obscure moonlit night."

The tune stopped suddenly, inserted its name, and Finina smiled as she linked her hair, "Does it sound good?"

Zhao Nan nodded and said with a smile, "It sounds good."

Finina sneaked a kiss from the side suddenly, then turned around in front of Zhao Nan, her black hair also turned around, and then said longingly: "Then I will often hum for you in the future."

Seeing her appearance, Zhao Nan felt pain for no reason, and said subconsciously, "Okay."

The interrupted tune rang again, and Zhao Nan walked to the place where the master of the Dust Palace was. Under the huge crystal. It depicts a strange magic circle.

At the edge of the magic circle, seven grooves appeared in a circular wire groove. The size of the groove is just the right size for the summoning orb in his hand.

"Let's put the beads in together." Finina suddenly stopped humming and said with a smile, "This feels better. I can accomplish something with you."

Zhao Nan was stunned, and separated three of the summoning beads in his hand, and said softly: "Then let's slow down. Be careful not to wake up the owner here."

Finina chuckled and said, "Fool, we came here to wake him up!"

This smile is so beautiful.



The two of them really came to wake up the master of the Dust Palace, so at the end of the day, the summoning beads were inserted one by one into the slots on the edge of the magic circle.

The two of you, one and one, took turns doing simple mosaic movements. In fact, it was only seven simple times, but she stopped three times in the middle. Every time she stopped, Finina would always say that her beads were not the right size, and she wanted to exchange them from Zhao Nan.

Regardless of whether this is deliberately naughty or not. Zhao Nan couldn't feel any disgust at all.

Not far away, Sky Dragon and Little Ice Phoenix watched the two of them fighting like a child's play house, and they didn't know what to do. It's just that a dragon and a phoenix are closely side by side at this moment, but their expressions are not very cheerful. It's not cold in here at all, but they seem to be warming each other.

At the last moment, when the spirit-calling beads were put into the last groove by the two of them hand in hand, the entire magic circle was activated, and a faint white brilliance was released from the spirit-calling beads, flowed into the slot, and then began to fill the wire groove. The entire magic circle. Then it flowed into the huge crystal piece by piece.


Suddenly a crack appeared in the crystal, and Zhao Nan let out a little breath. This task is finally complete.

Unexpectedly, there was a loud noise at this time, and a corner of the room suddenly collapsed, and the shattered and flying stones hit various places with a crackling sound, and a strong wind blew.

Zhao Nan and Finina almost couldn't stand upright.

"Ding! Player Zhao Nan was attacked by Earl Qiangwei, please counterattack in time."



Who is Earl Rose. Zhao Nan hadn't heard of it, and only thought it was the last link in the task of awakening the master of the Dust Palace.

Usually at the end of the plot, you have to fight an enemy like a boss to be considered complete.

Zhao Nan thought so at the beginning. But when he saw Earl Qiangwei who came out of the smoke and dust and appeared very clearly, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Earl Rose is not some ugly monster. It was a woman with short black hair, wearing red and white, similar to medieval knight costumes.

The woman is extremely beautiful, and possesses a heroic aura, with sharp eyes and a pair of bewitching purple pupils. On the top of the head, one, two, three, there are three green blood grooves.

lv? ? ? Earl Rose... and it's also a golden name.

Zhao Nan wanted to scold her right now. This is a king-level character who can't even see the level!



This will definitely not be the last link in the special scene of the Dust Palace. The enemies that appear in this link are only open to level 20 maps, and it is impossible for players who can complete the task to appear.

Zhao Nan began to break out in cold sweat, Earl Qiangwei's eyes had locked on his direction, strangely, there was no trace of murderous look on his face, only surprise.

"I finally found you, Your Royal Highness!"

After all, he knelt on the ground on one knee, which is the most loyal and standard knight etiquette.

The princess was referring to women. Zhao Nan subconsciously looked at Finina. Finina frowned and looked at him, and suddenly said, "Nan, who is she?"

Earl Qiangwei raised his head at this moment, his black bangs flicked, and his purple eyes became more excited: "Your Highness, I have been looking for you for a long time! I sensed your breath by chance in the Lost Zone a few months ago, and I have been chasing after you. Come. It's a pity that it was suddenly interrupted, so I had to hide in this place. I didn't expect it to finally let me wait, it's so good!"

"Princess..." Finina pointed at herself strangely and said, "Are you referring to me?"

Earl Qiangwei said happily: "Your Highness, have you forgotten me? I am the guardian appointed by His Majesty the Night King!"

Finina shook her head and said, "I don't know you."

Earl Qiangwei was not disappointed at all and said: "When you were separated from the princess back then, you were still young, so it is normal not to remember me. Well, since you have found Her Royal Highness, please follow me back to the Empire! You have disappeared It has been fourteen years, and His Majesty is very worried!"

Saying that, Earl Qiangwei got up straight away, the armor boots on her slender legs clangingly hit the floor, and took a step. Another step, it was a speed that was completely invisible. Appeared in front of Finina.

Double Spin Fly*2!

But Zhao Nan made a move at this time, and two powerful whirlwinds appeared in front of Earl Qiangwei, blowing straight away.


Zhao Nan's eyes narrowed instantly. Even though Earl Qiangwei appeared, knowing that her level is very high, but he didn't expect that the double-spinning attack could only deal a mandatory 1 point of damage! Even the knockback effect in this skill book is useless.

"Who are you?"

Earl Rose was very respectful to Finina, but when he turned his head to look at Zhao Nan, he was frosty.

"court death!"

The dead word was spit out. An unprecedented strong sense of crisis made Zhao Nan's muscles tense up. He took Finina's hand and took a quick step back.

Earl Rose just waved his hand at this time, but saw a flash of red light, and there was a deep mark on the ground, and the whole room was cut in half by the red light. The floors are broken open layer by layer. Deep down to the lowest level.

Thorns and vines*2!

At this moment, Zhao Nan shot again. Twenty vines wrapped Earl Rose, unable to move for a moment. But Zhao Nan didn't choose to make a move, and stretched out his hand to make a move. Tianlong reacted and smashed the wall of the room quickly, and the two jumped out. Riding on the back of the dragon, he fled towards the air.

This Rose Earl is currently impossible to defeat!

Zhao Nan looked back nervously in the air, but Earl Qiangwei was nowhere to be seen. At this moment, Olises suddenly screamed, but he saw Earl Rose appearing in front of him at some point, and he didn't feel the slightest sense of imbalance in midair. He raised his leg and kicked out, hitting Olisis hard on the head.


This huge force instantly caused Olises to hit the ground!

But Zhao Nan and Finina were still in midair, lost their balance for a while, and they also fell completely to the ground. But when she was about to fall to the ground, Finina lightened her body and was caught by Earl Rose.

Zhao Nan fell to the ground, feeling extremely painful for a while, but gritted his teeth and struggled.

At this time, Finina, who was hugged by Earl Rose and landed on the ground, her eyes flashed black, and the long sword around her waist was drawn out like a gust of wind, slashing fiercely at Earl Rose's body.

"You dare to hurt him!!!"


This sword slashed fiercely, and the light of the sword was terrifying. A huge spark was drawn in front of Earl Qiangwei's breastplate. The force of the sword even caused her to retreat a few steps violently.

Earl Qiangwei paused, and a light white sword mark had been drawn on her breastplate. She raised her head and said in surprise, "Your Highness... what are you doing?"

Finina ignored her, and jumped to Zhao Nan's side anxiously, "Nan?"

Zhao Nan shook his head and said in a deep voice, "It's okay."

It's just that Olises suffered a serious injury at this time, lying in the big pit made by the fall, his life value has almost dropped to the lowest point, and he was screaming, Zhao Nan had to quickly take it back into the pet space middle.

Earl Qiangwei's face was gloomy at this time, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, Finina's black hair was flying without wind, and a golden light flashed on her body, she directly activated Pandora's transformation, transformed into a golden meteor, and stabbed directly at Earl Rose.

The thorn missed, Earl Qiangwei simply dodged and said anxiously: "Your Highness, stop!"

Zhao Nan watched the duel between the two in amazement, and heard the damage that Finina's sword had done to Earl Qiangwei just now.

Subconsciously checked Finina's status.

The character level turned out to be level 55...

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