Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 130: The Black Princess (Part 2)

Not only is the character level 55, but even all the attributes of her body at this time are a value that makes Zhao Nan unbelievable! Zhao Nan's eyes suddenly became dizzy.

This attribute exceeded his expectations, and even under the condition that Pandora's transformation had been tripled, the speed at which it exploded still did not pose much threat to Earl Rose.

She was still dodging simply, constantly persuading Finina to stop, her panicked expression was not fake at all.

"What the hell..." Zhao Nan's heart skipped a beat.



Zhao Nan gritted his teeth suddenly, no matter what happened, he didn't let his woman fight in front, so he was in a daze. Even if they don't know what's going on with Finina's abnormal promotion, the enemy right now is very obvious.

The cooldown time of the thorns and vines has expired. Since the active attack skills are not effective for Earl Rose, then play the auxiliary position!

With a vigorous swing of the Soul Devouring Staff, Earl Rose was once again entangled by thorns and vines while dodging. Seeing the opportunity, Finina burst into eighteen sword lights with the long sword in her hand, cutting off the vine instantly.

Earl Qiangwei didn't even frown for the 2000 points of damage lost at that moment, but in the subsequent actions, he finally pulled out the knight sword from his waist, held Finina's sword, and took advantage of it. At the moment when the two swords intertwined, he sighed: "Your Highness, please forgive me!"

Then with a twist, Finina's sword was easily thrown away. The long sword spun rapidly in the air, and finally stuck on the ground.

Earl Qiangwei said softly: "Your Highness, you haven't grown up yet, don't use the power of the royal family indiscriminately, or it will be bad for your health."

"Who cares about you!"

Finina instantly took out the spare sword from her backpack, and swung it out with a backhand. Earl Rose sighed again. He easily blocked the attack, and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, you are not my opponent at the moment. Your body is the most noble existence, so don't do this kind of thing, so as not to get hurt."

Suddenly, Earl Qiangwei's body stopped. The speed suddenly dropped a lot, and there seemed to be a wonderful force in the four weeks that completely suppressed her body.

A sword light flashed in front of her eyes again, she subconsciously waved her hand to block it, but said in surprise: "Huh..."

This time to block, she was unable to use any strength, and the knight sword in her hand was thrown out instead, and the sword that was chopped at her body took advantage of the situation and caused more than 1000 points of damage on her body.

But it didn't damage the health of her three blood tanks.

Earl Rose took a few steps back and stared. Behind Finina, a blue light emanated from the man's palm, completely covering the surrounding area. The power that suppressed her body came from this kind of light.

This is the field of ice! Make the enemy unable to use skills within the field, and the speed is reduced by 200%!

"It's you again!" Earl Qiangwei snorted coldly, "Through me again and again, I won't spare you!"

After all, he took a step forward and bypassed Finina at a terrifying speed. Before Zhao Nan could react, she reached out and pinched his neck. He snorted coldly: "Think that if I can't use my power, I can't deal with you? Pure physical power is enough to kill you!"

It's just that she is extremely afraid of the power that limited her ability just now. It's good that this person is weak now, if she reaches her level, and then uses that weird power, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Zhao Nan was pinched by the neck and almost suffocated. Naturally, the ice field cannot be maintained. He vigorously swung Earl Rose's arm with both hands, but didn't move a single cent. As she said, relying on the strength of his body alone was already terrifyingly powerful!

"I can't keep you!" Count Qiangwei immediately raised his hand!

Zhao Nan raised his hand with difficulty at this moment. His fingers trembled violently in the air. At this moment, the golden light on his forehead suddenly rose, and a golden mark emerged.

With difficulty opening and closing his lips, he spat out word by word: "Heaven... punishment..."

Then swipe your fingers down!

In an instant, above the clear sky, an incomparable golden thunder struck down from the void, and that thunder shook the entire map of Tianfeng City!

Thunder falls!

It hit Earl Qiangwei and Zhao Nan at the same time.



When the thunder fell, it disappeared. At this time, half of the large platform of the entire Chuchen Palace had disappeared! The air wave from the bypass also blows Finina away. And the place where it disappeared directly turned into a terrifying deep pit.

In the deep pit, Zhao Nan gasped for breath, but his body was unscathed. At this time, the golden mark on his forehead gradually faded until it sank into his forehead again.


After becoming the city lord of Tingfeng City, Zhao Nan obtained an ability. He never mentioned it to anyone, and kept it in his heart as a secret, as his last trump card.

Using Heaven's Punishment, you can summon a thunder, land on the map of Tingfeng City, any unsafe area, and deal a devastating blow to the enemy!

This is also the ability that every city lord will have.

It's just that this terrifying ability is not used casually. It can only be used once in 30 days, and this ability cannot be halved with his own professional ability! And every time it is used, the level of the city lord will automatically drop by one level.

Usually, most of the city lords will carefully keep the ability of Heaven's Punishment, and will not use it until they face the irresistible monsters when monsters attack the city.



Suddenly, somewhere in the deep pit, a figure burst out from the soil, it was the Count Rose! At this time, she was covered with scars, and the red and white knight uniform on her body was even more tattered, almost to the point of being naked. Count Qiangwei was made to have a good time, since when has he been so humiliated since his debut? A look of shame and anger flashed across his face!

At this moment, her life points in the three slots directly lost as much as one...but still more than half of her life remained!

Even God's Punishment couldn't kill her! !

Zhao Nan had to smile wryly, because the level of Tingfeng City is too low, and the power of Heaven's Punishment is not enough... If the city's level can be raised to level 3, the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment can definitely destroy her to pieces!

"People of the dynasty, I will not keep you even more!"

The thunder almost killed her. At this moment, she was extremely shocked, and even more frightened and furious!

Earl Qiangwei yelled angrily in mid-air. While he was in the air, a pair of fiery red wings floated out from his back, turning into a flash of red lightning. With lightning speed, his five fingers clung to each other, turning into sharp swords, directly piercing through the sky. Putting off Zhao Nan's chest!

At this moment, Zhao Nan felt the approach of death like never before.


Suddenly, a shrill cry resounded through the sky, and I saw Finina's eyes swelled with black light, and a terrifying black air shot up into the sky. He said with incomparable resentment: "If you kill him, I will tear you apart even in the ends of the earth!!!"

The black air became stronger and turned into an incomparably terrifying air flow, starting from Finina's side, gradually turning into nothingness.

Earl Qiangwei suddenly turned pale with fright: "His Royal Highness, stop! If you overexcite the power of the royal family, your body will collapse!"

With blood and tears under her eyes, Finina said sadly: "I don't know what is going to collapse or not... But if he dies, there is nothing in this world worth loving."

Seeing the destructive power continue to radiate, Earl Qiangwei anxiously said: "Your Highness, I will not kill him!"

After all, he pulled out his hand directly, but instead of letting go of Zhao Nan, he stretched out his hand to suppress him, and said in a deep voice, "It's okay not to kill him, but you must go back with me, Your Royal Highness!"

"You dare to blackmail me?"

Earl Qiangwei swallowed and said, "Your Highness the Princess doesn't care about this person's life or death?"

Seeing Finina's increasingly violent expression, Earl Qiangwei hurriedly said softly: "Your Highness, as long as you go back with me, I swear in the name of the title of Earl Rose of the Empire, that I will never kill him with my own hands. It is the highest oath of the empire, and as your guardian, I dare not deceive you even more!"

Seeing that Finina seemed moved, Earl Qiangwei stepped up and said: "Your Highness, think about it, if you die, this person will be sad, right? I'm just taking you back. Her Royal Highness will also have the opportunity to meet this person in the future." Goodbye!"

The terrifying black energy shrank suddenly, and all returned to Finina's body. She said weakly, "Don't lie to me... otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, his body couldn't hold on, and he passed out on the ground.

Earl Qiangwei breathed a sigh of relief and released Zhao Nan. It's just that a blood hole was pierced through his chest, his body was weak, and his life value was even less.

Earl Qiangwei said coldly: "Don't worry, since I promised Her Royal Highness that I will not kill you, I will not do it myself. Just because you are worthy of His Highness's love? Hmph!"

She kicked Zhao Nan away casually, but the force was controlled very well, so that his health would not be completely emptied.

Zhao Nan twitched in pain all over his body on the ground, but desperately opened his eyes, staring at Earl Qiangwei. I saw that the other party reached out to Finina, hugged her in his hand, and then flew up into the air, looking down.

"However... keeping you here is always a serious problem. Although I can't kill you with my own hands... But it's not because I did it that I didn't break my oath."

Earl Qiangwei stretched out his hand, and at this time, the monsters that had not been eliminated in the main hall were captured one after another, and then they were squeezed together by a huge force.

Counting two or three hundred monsters, they exploded one by one at this moment, and then their flesh and blood fused together, turning into a huge sarcoma.

"Enjoy it..."

Leaving a long laugh, the person has turned into a streak of light, crashed directly into the thick fog, and disappeared completely. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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