Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 131 From Crazy to Standing Up

Panting with difficulty, Zhao Nan reluctantly took out a bottle of instant blood recovery potion, stuffed it into his mouth, and with the last remaining strength, bit the bottle of potion hard. The potion poured down his throat, and some spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Like spit out blood, it slid down the neck.

The life value was restored in an instant, and the horrible wound on the body was also healing quickly, and the current situation was all right for action. It's just that he was still lying on the ground, still feeling hard to breathe.

Zhao Nan had never felt this kind of feeling before, it was a heart-piercing pain, as if the blood in his whole body was completely drained at this moment, his whole body was weak, and waves of dizziness came to his heart.

Paled face.

The little ice phoenix suddenly let out a mournful cry, and flapped its wings away from the ground, following the direction where Earl Rose disappeared, crashing headlong into the dense fog.

Zhao Nan bit her lip, more bright red liquid oozes from between her teeth, this is the real blood, bursting from her heart, no matter how hard she can suppress it.



Suddenly there was a huge beast roar, and I saw that the huge sarcoma formed by the fusion of two or three hundred monsters had grown an ugly and huge head at this time, and its limbs also burst out from the sarcoid, dark green. The liquid left from the various ruptures is very permeable.

The lv23 mutant demon leader.

A golden name with variations. This is a mutant king monster whose strength is far beyond the same level.

After the demon leader completely broke through all the sarcoid membranes, he raised his head to the sky and roared again, then lowered his head, his eyes were fierce, red light flashed, and he looked down at the ground. meet someone. Without even thinking about it, he waved that huge claw and slapped forward.

A hint of madness also flashed in Zhao Nan's eyes, and the soul-eating staff held tightly in his hand fired an electric shot, and the light of the skill flashed instantly!

At this moment, the huge paw did not take a picture, but saw a huge light blue light film blocking the top of Zhao Nan's head.

But this is not the skill released by Zhao Nan.

At the same time, bursts of sonorous and passionate piano sounded. Zhao Nan subconsciously looked for the source of the voice. But seeing that not far away, snow-white long hair fluttering, a smaller figure standing quietly, a guqin standing upside down beside her, holding it with one hand, and stroking the strings with the other quickly, It was so fast that only afterimages could be seen, but a blue light emanated from the Guqin.

It was this little girl who blocked the attack of the mutated demon lord for him.

Ye Anya who met by chance in that village!

The little girl appears. Zhao Nan couldn't help but hear that he had made an appointment with Finina to find her, and couldn't help but feel cramped again.




The voice was urgent and short, as if she had exhausted all her strength, and her expression was even more worried. Sweat dripped from Ye Anya's forehead.

The mask that resisted the giant claws of the mutated demon leader was still as stable as Mount Tai. At this time, the other claw of the demon leader suddenly grew violently, and swung directly towards Ye Anya's position!

Ye Anya couldn't help but turn paler. He was originally pale, but now his face was bloodless.

at this moment. Zhao Nan reached out and released two powerful whirlwinds to hit the ground, and his body slid out against the ground under the thrust. Before the demon lord's attack, he hugged the little girl to his body, and kept going, sliding for twenty or thirty meters before stopping.

Only then did Zhao Nan put down Ye Anya, her face was gloomy, and she didn't say a word. Holding the staff in his hand, he turned and walked away.

But suddenly Ye Anya pulled the corner of her clothes, and the little girl said with great difficulty: "No..."

"I will not die, I will never die until I find her!"

This is what Ye Anya listens to, but in the eyes of the little girl. It's more like what Zhao Nan said to himself.

"Whether it's level 23, level 33, whatever level..."

Zhao Nan gritted his teeth, the pierced blood hole on his body had long since healed, and the resentment that was difficult to calm down in his heart could no longer be restrained at this moment, holding the staff in both hands, as if holding a sword, fiercely Swipe out.

The world within fifty meters turned into azure blue!

Ice field!

A beam of black rays shot out from the top of the Soul-Eating Staff at the same time, hitting the demon lord impartially, causing his HP to drop by 20% immediately.

This is the special skill that comes with the Soul Devouring Staff, the death ray! But it didn't trigger the effect of reducing the monster's HP by 50%.

Zhao Nan didn't care whether the extra effect could be stimulated or not, so he roared and rushed forward!

Flashing Wings!

Thorns and vines*2!

Assault Wind Blade*2!

Flame Dragon Strike*2!

Fire Rain Meteor*2!

The soul roars!

Ice field!



The sky suddenly darkened, and it was raining sporadically. Ye Anya had been standing there for more than an hour. For more than an hour, she witnessed a terrifying battle with her own eyes.

That man seemed to be insane. During this long battle, he hardly stopped for a moment. Ye Anya no longer remembered how many skills Zhao Nan had released.

It's just that the big platform, which was half intact, has disappeared at this time. Whether it is the pillars or the decorative railings around, they are completely turned into stone powder.

On the ground are blue and red empty bottles, which can be seen everywhere, like shells appearing on the beach after the tide recedes.

The light rain gradually became heavier.

The demon lord suddenly stopped still, and his life value had been emptied. All the flesh on its body was trembling, as if a forward air flow was rushing through its body, and then that huge body exploded directly. Pieces of flesh and blood mixed with rain fell from the sky.

It turned into a green rain of blood, dyeing the surrounding area green.

The Soul Devouring Staff in Zhao Nan's hand suddenly fell to the ground, his legs bent, and he was kneeling on the ground with his head raised. The green blood rain dyed his hair green, and was washed away The rain that comes washes it off.

To deal with this mutant king, he almost exhausted all his recovery potions, and also drained all his physical strength.

The rain ran down his hair, wet his entire face, and slid down.

Zhao Nan looked up to the sky and let out a mournful cry.



The rainwater hit the guqin with a soft ding-dong, which gradually became clearer. Ye Anya sat on the ground, regardless of the rain, young, but with a serious expression, her hands stretched out, and her slender fingers began to play the piano.

The sound of the rain, the sound of the piano, the sound of breathing.

Zhao Nan knelt on the ground silently, her body was completely soaked. The life value that was almost at the bottom is slowly recovering over time.

The sound of the piano kept ringing, waiting for heavy rain, and then light rain until the rain stopped.

In fact, the rain came very quickly. It became bigger and bigger for a while, and then changed from big to small for a while. Although it has stopped, the sky is gloomy.

Zhao Nan stood up from the ground, and said in a rustling voice: "Enough... I can, stand up."

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