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Text Chapter 134: Tingfeng City Battle

This is not a reunion after a long absence. From separation to goodbye, it took less than a day, but Zhao Nan felt that it was longer than Sansei III. Finina didn't know the cause and effect, but felt that Zhao Nan was a little more enthusiastic at this time, and couldn't help but feel throbbing in her heart, and the two hugged each other for a moment.

Looking at Finina's appearance, Zhao Nan immediately understood that she didn't know anything about everything... The black-haired girl naturally had another identity, the strange level promotion that erupted in the Dust Palace, and Rose Earl, what is the inside story, it is worth investigating.

"By the way, what happened today?"

Zhao Nan's excitement naturally couldn't dispel the doubts in Finina's heart, so she asked directly later.

The two are very familiar with each other, Zhao Nan knew in his heart that if he fabricated a set of lies casually, it would naturally be seen through, so he had no choice but to avoid the seriousness and said lightly: "I am also a little confused. woman, and then you passed out, and that man took you away."

Zhao Nan sighed and said apologetically, "I am no match for her. Fortunately, there are props in the temple that can summon you back."

Finina froze for a moment, then subconsciously said, "No wonder I met that strange woman when I woke up."

Zhao Nan asked nervously, "What would she do without you?"

Finina shook her head and said, "I just woke up, and then came back with a golden light."


Zhao Nan heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. It seemed that the Fenina and Earl Qiangwei he was familiar with had not had time to talk to each other. It's just that it's not known when Finina's completely different personality switched over.

Finina suddenly said: "But I always have the feeling that that person doesn't seem to have any ill intentions towards me... Maybe he mistook me for who it is?"

Zhao Nan pretended to be relaxed and said: "Who knows... By the way, I found Ye Anya when I came back."

A happy event instantly dilutes an unpleasant event that happened just now, and Finina said in surprise: "Really?"

"It's just outside the door." Zhao Nan nodded.



The two pushed open the door side by side, and Ye Anya was seen sitting on the steps outside the door. Looking at the orange-red evening sky, there is a moon in the east, a semi-circular sunset in the west, a touch of dark blue in the middle, and a little bit of stars.

Ye Anya sensed someone behind her and turned around to take a look. The expression on his face was no longer cold and cheerless, but a touch of weird eroticism. He tilted his head to look at it, and then wrote.


"What is she talking about?" Finina asked without understanding.

Zhao Nan smiled and said, "This child seems to like you very much."

"That's good."

Finina smiled happily, and before she left, she leaned over to look at Ye Anya's exquisite smiling face, and showed a smiling face herself. Zhao Nan blinked at Ye Anya, and little Lolita nodded half-understanding, and returned to her dull look.

Zhao Nan took the opportunity to say: "Okay, I've been busy all day. Go back and have a good rest."

This proposal is naturally excellent. Finina also wanted to change little Lolita into a new set of clothes, for fear that her current slightly sloppy outfit would cause people to misunderstand her.

Earl Qiangwei must be very angry now, and Zhao Nan estimated that she would definitely come again. He just sticks out in the safe zone and doesn't shoot her. This Earl of Rose may have some special plot on him, otherwise it would be impossible to run around on the map.

Even if she could enter the city, she would be afraid of an aborigine who couldn't use skills in Tingfeng City, who has many privileges as the city lord.



The three walked across the straight bridge of the temple talking and laughing, and then stopped suddenly.

To say the least, there are two or three hundred people surrounding the bridgehead. All of them have bad eyesight. Zhao Nan saw some people who blocked him in the village outside the city not long ago.

He originally planned to find Zhan Zhao, He Pinglian and his wife after returning to the castle. See what clues you can find. I didn't expect this group of people to react so quickly, it seemed that they had planned it long ago.

But where is the black hand behind the scenes? All the players in front of them were filled with righteous indignation, and they looked like they came out of the same mold, but nothing could be seen at all.

But these people can only block it, and there is no further action. Once someone makes a move, it seems to be blocked to vent their anger.

"You can't escape!"

Someone snorted coldly in front of him. Although he can't use force, he still has a determined expression on his face.

Zhao Nan had no choice but to say: "Let's all go back. Think about it clearly, there is no good end to fighting me in the city."

Immediately, someone sneered and said: "So what if we are blocking you here? What if we can't attack first? Can you do it? Everyone is the same, we have more people guarding, if you have the ability, don't leave here for the rest of your life ?”

Zhao Nan ignored it and took Finina's palm. Go straight ahead. Finina patted the little Lolita on the face, and said softly: "It's okay, your big brother will protect us."

At this moment, Zhao Nan came forward without any fear.

Everyone was angry.

A strange scream sounded out of nowhere: "There is only a prison in the city without the death penalty. If you kill him for revenge, you will end up in prison!"

A word seemed to startle the person in the dream, seeing that several impulsive guys had rushed over.

Skills can't be used, so you have to use the most primitive body to attack. Besides, the sharpness of the weapon is still there.

Zhao Nan sneered, looked at the few people who had never been there, and suddenly waved his hand.

It's just a simple wave, like swiping away those annoying flies. But it's that simple, the bodies of the first few people did suddenly rise into the air, they let out a strange cry of surprise, and their bodies were thrown out by a strange force, and they flew out in front of the city wall of Fengcheng .

This scene directly stunned everyone, but someone in the crowd said in horror: "What did you do to them?"

Zhao Nan said blankly: "It's all my fault, I didn't make it clear before. The city lord has the right to expel people from the city...and there is no need for any reason."

Evicted, out of town!

Seeing the surprised crowd, Zhao Nan sneered and said, "Deportation is a complete expulsion. Within the map, not only Tingfeng City, but also suburban villages are not allowed to enter... Those who are deported will no longer be able to get a safe zone. supplies, you can only wander on the map. To put it bluntly, after the expulsion, it is no different from when it was occupied."

Zhao Nan continued to walk forward.

But everyone still refused to retreat.

Zhao Nan said calmly, "I don't mind driving you all out of the city."

"you dare!!"

"Why don't I dare?"

Zhao Nan waved again, and the body of the person who spoke flew out, turned into a black spot, and disappeared.

"Who is stopping me?"

Zhao Nan left now, but no one dared to stop her. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

ps: I have been stuck recently, and I am really powerless for the title gentleman, so I have been using this big battle as the title. Anyway, from the beginning of the dust palace to the end of the war, it is a complete plot, and it seems appropriate to use the title of the war.

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