Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 135: Tingfeng City War (5)

"how was it?"

"It is true that the person is outside the city, and he was not injured...but he is indeed unable to enter the city."

Not long after Zhao Nan left, the surrounding crowd stood next to each other and formed a circle. Everyone in the circle has a bad face.

"what should we do?"

"Just like nothing happen?"

"Expelling people from the city, isn't that driving people to death?" Someone couldn't help saying angrily.

"Yes, this approach is too dictatorial! It doesn't take human life seriously!"

"Let's go, let's unite all the guilds and expose this matter! He doesn't deserve to be a city lord when he drives people out like this! I don't believe he dares to drive everyone away!"

"Let's go, let's all start!"

Seeing a group of people gradually spread out in various streets of Tingfeng City, this place also became empty.



There was no obstruction on the road, and it was already dark when Zhao Nan returned to the castle. Just as he walked through the door, the butler, Yan Feng, walked up to Zhao Nan with a slightly uneasy expression.

"My lord, the two personal guards you arranged...died suddenly!"

Zhao Nan was taken aback, and subconsciously said, "When did it happen?"

"The first morning after Your Excellency left."

Zhao Nan waved her hand gloomyly and said, "I see...this is Miss Ye Anya, let me arrange for her to freshen up."

"I'll go with her. Blade stay." Finina whispered.

Zhao Nan nodded and said, "Alright."

Seeing the two walk away, Zhao Nan asked, "After I left, did anyone come to see me?"

"Except for a few people who want to join the city defense army, there are no friends from adults." Ren Feng bowed his head.

Zhao Nan walked with his head down, and the two couples had such an accident, it seemed that the clue was broken. Just being in the safe zone. If no one did anything, Zhan Zhao and the two would have died for no reason at all. But if someone did it, he should be in the prison in Tingfeng City right now.

The blade didn't mention it, it could only mean that there was no murderer who shot directly.

"Are they suicides?"

"I don't know about this." Ren Feng frowned and said, "When the woman's body melted, she could indeed see a relatively complete small life embryo. I think the possibility of suicide should be very small."

Zhao Nan frowned and said, "Go and see if Finina needs help. I'll be quiet."


After Renfeng left, Zhao Nan sat quietly in the courtyard alone. A clue, now is no clue.

"It seems that there are still many people who are willing to use contribution points."

This bizarre and abnormal way of death is probably only possible with those strange props in the temple... Zhao Nan can only think of this.

Then his brows were furrowed, and after an unknown amount of time, a burst of soft footsteps startled him.

Zhao Nan forced a smile and said, "Why are you here?"

"Anya seems to be tired. I'll let her go to bed first." Sitting beside Zhao Nan, Finina hesitated and said, "Still thinking about what happened today?"

Zhao Nan only talked about the cause and effect of the incident. Of course, some things that happened in the Dust Palace are omitted.

Finina couldn't help sighing: "I'm afraid there will be something else going on."

Zhao Nan sighed and said, "I just expelled people from the city, and it will probably spread soon. In the eyes of these people, my reputation is naturally not good. Besides, the people who left the city did not die, so it can be proved. The person behind it will probably take advantage of this matter and make a big fuss."

Finina worried: "This is very bad for you. You have been hiding the privilege of the city lord before, just to avoid unnecessary panic. But this time, all previous efforts have been wasted."

Zhao Nan smiled bitterly and said: "I don't want to make the situation too rigid. I didn't want to be the city lord, but I just changed someone else. I'm afraid it's also a way to suppress the level. We want to leave Tingfeng The city does not know the year and month. Besides, it is better to hold the various privileges of the city lord in his own hands than in the hands of others."

Finina stretched out her hand and placed it on the back of Zhao Nan's hand, sending some warmth.

Zhao Nan shook his head, cheered up and said: "This time I was tricked by someone, and I don't know who is behind it. But the other party probably won't know that I actually kept this trick .”

Zhao Nan stood up and said gloomyly: "I originally planned to win people's hearts slowly. The strategy dungeon opens the map. But now the rhythm has been disrupted, so I simply don't use this gentle method."

Finina hugged him from behind and said, "Have you figured out a way?"

Zhao Nan turned around and put her arms around her and said: "At the beginning, there are two ways. It's just that people are always hypocritical. Even if you don't want to be the city lord, you still want to see what people say about me. Okay. So I adopted a more gentle method. Now that someone is out to cause trouble, it's actually better...instead, it helped me."

Suddenly, there was an uproar of people outside the castle.

Blade walked quickly. His face was no longer calm and calm.

"My lord, there are a large number of God's Chosen outside the castle, claiming to see you."

Zhao Nan said calmly, "Then let them all wait outside. Tell them, I'm resting now, and I'll go out after waking up."

"Understood my lord.

As the blade retreated, Finina asked puzzledly, "Why do you keep them waiting? There won't be more people gathered?"

Zhao Nan suddenly listened to Ren Feng's side, and whispered for a long time, which made Ren Feng frown again and again. After listening to it, he said with a strange expression: "Sir, will you..."

Zhao Nan didn't care and said: "Since you want to be a villain, you have to look like a villain. If you don't be arrogant and domineering, how can you make people bear hatred? And the more people you gather, the better. It's best if all of these 10,000 people Come here, save yourself trouble in the future."

Although Finina couldn't hear what Zhao Nan and Ren Feng said, she wasn't curious, she just smiled and said, "Don't overdo it."

"This is not for fun... this time it is serious." Zhao Nan said word by word: "I want you to do me a favor later..."




It is always colder at night, but the temperature outside the castle is slightly higher. Because there are many people here. There were so many discussions, it seemed that the limit of patience had been reached.

Absolutely part of the players are blocked outside the door at this time. Of course, most people don't know what's going on.

When the moon was in the sky, Zhao Nan came out pacing.

At the same time, he also saw many familiar faces. The ones who are particularly familiar are naturally Lin Yu and Fu Yun.

"Everyone be quiet!!"

The bearded man saw Zhao Nan walk out, yelled repeatedly, and walked over frowning at the same time, Lin Yu followed. After them are the presidents of various guilds, large and small.

"Zhao Nan, they said that you can expel people from the city at will, and even expelled a few, right?"

Fu Yun has always liked this straightforward way of talking. That roaring voice was heard by many people, and after hearing it, they calmed down and made a listening expression.

Zhao Nan said: "Yes."

Lin Yu said in a deep voice: "Zhao Nan, why?"

Zhao Nan shrugged and said, "I saved Tingfeng City, so why don't you just ask me for nothing?"

Fu Yun couldn't help but said angrily: "One matter is one matter, can I treat you as I want because I have helped you? No matter what, it is your fault that you drove people out of the city!"



Zhao Nan looked at Fu Yun coldly, "Fu Yun, do you also think I am this kind of person?"

Fu Yun shook his head and said, "I have personally verified it! They are still outside the city and have made progress. What do you want them to do in the future?"

Lin Yu then persuaded with kind words: "Everyone, I think there may be some misunderstandings. Or there are some things we don't know? Zhao Nan, tell me."

"There is no misunderstanding. He kills and seizes treasures. He knows one thing and memorizes another. What else can we say about this kind of duplicity?"

"Yes! Fairness lies in the hearts of the people. You have contributed to Tingfeng City, but can you just ignore human lives at will?"

"That's right, that's right, you took my woman by virtue of your status as the city lord!"

"You killed my friend. I saw it with my own eyes, and I dare not speak out!"

"Everyone is here, and I can't help it! I just found a good item that day. When you saw it, you said to buy it for me, and then you turned around and left without a trace. I came to the castle to find you. But they are blocking the door!"

The sound of cursing gradually increased, from one place to the east, and one place to the west, everyone heard it like a cloud of mist, the more they listened, the more miraculous it became.

"Don't talk so much, everyone is angry with everyone, even if you don't want it by your life, you have to kill it!"


Dozens of screams sounded.

"In the end...what happened." Fu Yunda frowned, looked at the turbulent crowd, turned to look at Zhao Nan and said, "How could you have done so many things in just a few days?"

Zhao Nan snorted coldly: "Why can't it be done? Since you can all speak out, I can naturally do it, right?"

However, at this moment, a black figure covered his face sprang out from the crowd. In the night, he passed the crowd at a terrifying speed, and saw a short dagger in his hand glowing with The lightning speed pierced into Zhao Nan's heart.


Everyone was shocked.

At this time, a black hole appeared in the void, and suddenly a pair of huge iron hands stretched out, grabbed the masked man, and was about to grab the black hole.

The masked man said in a strange voice: "If you want to blame, blame you for offending someone who shouldn't be offended! There is no death penalty in Tingfeng City Prison, hahahaha!!"

I saw a dagger sticking out of Zhao Nan's left chest, and he was lying on the ground, motionless...

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