Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 136: Tingfeng City War (6)

There was no sound.

No one knew what caused the accident, the excited crowd suddenly stopped, and the scene was as calm as if the old monk was not knocking on the wooden fish's meditation room. Pairs of eyes opened wide looking at Zhao Nan lying motionless on the ground in front of the door.

Fu Yun suddenly felt an uncomfortable itching on his face, which was caused by a drop of cold sweat crawling down his forehead.

On Zhao Nan's stabbed left chest, a smear of bright red dyed his clothes, and gradually expanded.

Just die like that?

This sudden change almost made people unable to think... Probably everyone knew that a stab in the heart was a fatal injury.

"No... His health hasn't dropped too much!" Lin Yu stretched out his hand and pointed.

Waking up with a start, Zhao Nan's body suddenly moved, and he grabbed the dagger with his right hand and pulled it out forcefully. The dagger was blood-stained and looked bright red, and the left chest was red, which was even more shocking.

Zhao Nan stood up staggeringly, looked down at the dagger in his hand, looked at everyone in front of him, and said with ferocious eyes: "It's a pity... I was born with a heart on the right side."


Fu Yun exclaimed, his expression changed from tense to relaxed, and subconsciously said: "That's really great."

"not good!"

Zhao Nan snorted coldly, pointed at the audience, and said in a tone that seemed like a volcanic eruption: "I have worked hard to restore Tingfeng City! I am in such a situation today, if I am not born different from ordinary people, He died on the spot long ago! If I had known this, I would have done nothing to save this city!"

His eyes were fierce and ferocious, and he suddenly laughed wildly: "Since I can do all the bad things in a few days, then it is not short of a cruel crime. I don't know which of you is targeting me. I don't care about it." ! Today I will let you see what is truly cruel and inhumane!"

Lin Yu's face was startled, and he blurted out: "Zhao Nan, what do you want to do?"

Zhao Nan suddenly became indifferent, and said like stagnant water: "You can blame me, why can't I blame you? Let everything return to the original point."

"Don't be impulsive!"

Zhao Nan didn't stop. He waved his hand violently, and at this moment, all the people present were suddenly dragged down. Before they could figure out what happened, they were expelled from Tingfeng City one by one. There were hundreds of terrified screams, like ghosts crying.

Not just the people inside the castle, but even those who didn't come over. All the players scattered in Tingfeng City were pulled out from various places, and without knowing what happened, everyone gathered in the air and all left the city.



Until the players on the scene were completely emptied, there were still dozens of people staying in front of the castle. They all walked in front of Zhao Nan and stood respectfully with their heads bowed.

Zhao Nan said in a low voice, "Let's go to Butler Blade to receive the reward."

"Yes, my lord."

Dozens of people thanked them one after another, and then walked into the castle from Zhao Nan's two. Zhao Nan closed the door by herself. Then the void opened, and a hazy crack opened in the air in front of him, and a black shadow walked out of it.

As soon as he came out, the masked man in black walked up to Zhao Nan, stretched out his hand to touch his wound, and said softly, "Does it hurt?"

"Little fool. These are just some dyes." Zhao Nan said with a low smile: "It's you, the direct deprivation of the five senses in the prison, did it scare you?"

"No, you told me. Ready."

Take off the mask, revealing a long embroidered golden hair. The man in black is obviously Finina.

Zhao Nan patted her cheek and said with pity: "Thank you for your hard work."

Finina chuckled and said, "It's nothing, it's actually very easy to go back and forth to the temple once."

After all, she took out a short horn in her hand, and Finina asked, "What should I do with this bewitching horn?"

"Keep it for fun." Zhao Nan said casually, "No matter what you say about this thing, you need 2000 contribution points. It's a pity to throw it away."

Finina nodded, but at this moment she saw Ye Anya walking out in pajamas with a pillow in her arms, yawned, and held out a small book.

"What's going on, it's noisy," wrote.

Zhao Nan touched Little Lolita's head and said with a smile, "It was just catching mice outside the city just now, it's all right, go to sleep."

Little Lolita wrote again: "What's in your hand?"

Zhao Nan shook the red dagger in his hand and said with a smile, "This is a toy."

He tied the dagger into his palm, and the blade of the sword automatically shrank into the hilt, leaving only the tip of the blade leaking out, and said with a smile: "Although it is a toy, it is not suitable for children. Children play."

Little Lolita continued to write: "My concubine is 13 years old!"

Finina stroked Ye Anya's head in a funny way, and said softly, "Wow, then in two years, you can get married!"

Little Loli blushed, and then wrote: "The concubine has gone to bed."

Ye Anya yawned at the beginning, turned around and walked away with her pillow in her arms. The two looked at each other and smiled, and Finina then asked, "With so many people, staying outside the city is not an option."

Zhao Nan sneered and said, "The autumn wind is cool, it will be better if it gets colder."



It's a bit chilly outside the city, but it's not cold at all. The gathering of people in their early 10,000s is enough to warm up the place. The second thing is to be in the monster area. Although it is only the lowest level 1 or 2 monsters, you have to move around. Otherwise, if you are bitten by these monsters, you will die of pain even if you don't die for a long time.

People who didn't understand the situation kept cursing, and some people were directly expelled in their sleep. Those who figured out the situation were busy at this time sorting out the chaos on the scene.

Until dawn, such a talent in his early 10,000s was considered to be rectified.

He is crazy, he really dared to do this Lin Yu couldn't help sighing.

Fu Yun smiled wryly and said: "Everyone has seen what happened just now. In that situation, he was accused by so many people, and in the end he was attacked by someone. He almost died. Anyone would hate him."

"But, we don't know anything! We weren't there at all!" Someone jumped out and cursed loudly: "Are you fucking stupid? One person can do hundreds of bad things in a few days. Kill hundreds of people back and forth Personally, it's treasure hunting and rape/rape, and fighter jets are not so fast. This is framed, can't you see it?"

Lin Yu shook his head, he really couldn't understand why the crowd was so turbulent at that time, and he couldn't control it at all.

"But he did kill Boss Huang Kun and the others. There is also a photo crystal as evidence!" A mage took out a photo crystal and argued hard.

"Are you so stupid? This is obviously a frame-up, isn't it? The photo is so far away that you can't even see the person's appearance clearly! Even if it is a person, you can't tell it with a little makeup. The assassination of a person is clearly promoted by someone behind the scenes, revenge, I will repay you MB! No, why did you have this thing? Could it be that you were there at the time..." The person who spoke said with a ruthless expression: "Could it be you who planned it? this conspiracy?"

The sorcerer was so frightened that he threw the picture crystal on the ground. He quickly waved his hands and said in shock: "Someone sent this to me, not me, not me!"

"Fuck, you idiot IQ!" Finally, someone couldn't help cursing angrily: "Who sent it to you, can't you see such a simple premeditated plan?"

The mage turned pale and said tremblingly, "Then... what should we do now?"

At this moment, where does he have the idea of ​​revenge or not? All these people were expelled from the city, and all safe areas could not be entered. Even if there is a northwest wind on the monster map, it will always end up starving to death.

"That's a madman. How many lives are those!"

"You fucking shut up. If you are framed and assassinated, you almost die. Do you hate it? Are you ruthless?"


Yes, come alive like this. Who dares to say that he does not hate, who dares to say that he is not ruthless?

Fu Yun couldn't help shouting: "Stop arguing! I'll try to contact him, maybe I just got too angry."

Lin Yu shook his head and said: "I tried it a long time ago, and the email has not responded. It is probably because the prompt was turned off...or even refused to receive it directly..."

Not long after, there was an exclamation from the crowd. A young man shouted loudly: "Brother Yu? What are you doing, you guys?"

"Little friend?"

Seeing Xiongyou and Yanan walking out of the crowd, with puzzled faces, Xiongyou asked: "What happened to expel?"

Lin Yu shook his head and said, "You don't know?"

Xiongyou took it for granted: "Xiao Nan and I have a mission. We have been out of town for two days, and we just came back."

Lin Yu's heart moved and said: "Little friend... Do you think you can go to the city?"

Xiongyou asked strangely: "What can you do?"

Lin Yu urged: "Don't ask, just go in and try!"

Xiongyou murmured, and upon hearing the words, he had no choice but to walk towards the safety zone on the edge of Tingfeng City, but he was stared at by pairs of eyes behind him, making him always feel inexplicable Alexander.

One step, two steps, three steps, Xiong You walked into the safe zone with ease.

Lin Yu was overjoyed and said, "Little friend, it's up to you this time! Everyone's lives are in your hands!"




There are many, many more natives in Tingfeng City than God's Chosen, so after dawn, the streets and alleys haven't changed much, except that occasionally some shop owners are cursing those God's Chosen who don't come to work They are all unreliable goods.

At this time, the castle was extremely quiet.

The three of Zhao Nan were eating breakfast. Little Lolita had a small body, but her appetite was astonishing. They didn't know each other for more than three days, so Zhao Nan felt that he should ask Ye Anya about her background.

In his knowledge, he had never heard of such a profession that used guqin as a combat weapon.

"Anya, what is your occupation?"

Now that I have decided to ask, naturally I can't be twitchy.

Ye Anya tilted her head and thought for a while, looked at Zhao Nan and then at Finina, then pulled the small notebook next to her to her eyes, and started writing.

But at this moment, Yan Feng walked in and said respectfully: "My lord, Mr. Xiongyou said that he wants to see you."

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