Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 142: The Level 20 Regular Dungeon (Part 1)

The area of ​​Tingfeng City is not large, but it is not an easy task to repair it. After all, it is also the city where I live. Even if Zhao Nan didn't say anything, the players put down all the tasks at hand, and helped anyone who could help, picking things up, lifting things, hehehe, God's Chosen figures are everywhere visible.

After the dungeon ended, Zhao Nan got a lot of benefits, and Tingfeng City also got a lot of benefits. The level of the city has been raised by one level. Although this level is a simple change from 1 to 2, it makes Tingfeng City completely different.

The first is the position of the city wall. The huge blue stone bricks are arranged very tightly, which has increased by nearly half of the original height. moat. Under the river, there are many sharp stalagmites, densely packed, which makes people frightened.

On the city wall, the number of archery towers has doubled, and the archery towers themselves have become more ferocious, with giant crossbows appearing on each of the archery towers. The crossbow arrows shot by this kind of giant crossbow have an extremely long range, and the effect on both the sky and the ground is also excellent.

And the number of people that can be recruited by the City Defense Army has also greatly increased.

After the city was upgraded to level 2, the blood recovery potions and mana restoration potions that were sold in the commodity also changed. It used to be small, but now it is medium, and various common medicines have also been upgraded to varying degrees.

The level of the temple has also been raised by one level, and there is an additional prayer function. When monsters attack the city, the city owner can sacrifice some designated items so that the players in the city can get different status bonuses.

Originally, according to the normal development, if a city wants to upgrade from level 1 to level 2, the first thing to do is to conquer the regular copy of level 20, and then after more than 70% of the players in the city reach level 25 of the character, then complete the system assigned to Only a special task of the city lord can do it. It's just that Tingfengshi went through the back door this time, which saved a lot of time.

For Zhao Nan, after this incident in Tingfeng City, the benefit is not simply the improvement of the city level, but more importantly, the change of mentality. Don't dare to press down on the level, no matter whether you open the map or not, you may be shot while lying down, and this special dungeon situation occurs. This piece of luck has survived, but who can guarantee that it will be safe next time?

As the city lord, taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Nan conveyed through the city lord's broadcast the next day the idea of ​​waiting to die if you don't strive for self-improvement. The city lord's passionate words made the deputy city lord, who knew what kind of character he was, snicker. It's just that the effect is surprisingly good.

The next step is the strategy for level 20 regular dungeons without any surprises.

On the second day after the mobilization, a raiding team of a hundred people, watched by many people, walked into the entrance of the regular level 20 dungeon of Tingfeng City one by one. As the back of the last person disappeared, many people became anxious.

Although it was decided to continue to develop the map, the casualties of the level 10 dungeon were still fresh in people's memory.



Zhao Nan naturally knows how the level 20 regular dungeon in Dongyuan City is. But he was powerless to hear what the level 20 regular dungeon in Fengshi was. It's just that for his own abilities at this stage, although the boss of the regular dungeon is powerful, the minions on the road can't stop him.

Most of the maps of regular dungeons are mazes. Therefore, after entering the level 20 regular dungeon, Zhao Nan wasn't too surprised. It's just that for this completely unfamiliar dungeon, Zhao Nan can only walk every step carefully.

"The unknown is the most dangerous."

Two flame faucets roared and shuttled through the passage of the maze, and the raging fire that would fill the entire passage, after various bonuses, its power has far exceeded its own limit. The five huge stone monsters in front of them were easily destroyed by the flames.

Zhao Nan gained 30 experience points, looked at the road ahead, shook his head, turned around and beckoned. In the dark passage, there was a little lolita Ye Anya who claimed to be 13 years old with long snow-white hair and walked slowly. come over.

Zhao Nan made himself as gentle as possible and said, "Are you hungry?"

Little Loli shook her head and yawned, indicating that she actually wanted to sleep.

Zhao Nan looked around and said helplessly, "Even if I'm not afraid of these monsters, you probably won't be able to sleep well in this place. I can't fight without making a sound."

The little loli turned her head and thought for a moment, then nodded, as if she had made some decision, she stretched out her hand, her eyes shook for a while, and a phantom appeared. The phantom gradually turned into reality, and it turned out to be a catwoman wearing a close-fitting black dress, with a pair of cats on her head, a long tail behind her buttocks, a white smiling mask, and a thin sword slung around her waist female.

Zhao Nan was amazed.

Little Lolita pointed forward, and the masked Catwoman shook her fiery figure, transformed into a black shadow, and sprinted towards the maze passage ahead.

"What is this?"

Zhao Nan has always been very curious about the origin of Little Lolita, including her occupation, skills and so on. Of course, apart from knowing the name of Yeyue Musician, I don't know anything else.

Soon Little Lolita handed over a piece of paper, Zhao Nan squeezed the paper over, looked at it, on it was written "Pet Shadow Warrior" in five beautiful small characters.

"It can explore the path of the maze?" Zhao Nan quickly understood what Ye Anya's actions were all about.

Little Lolita nodded, bowed her head and wrote again, but this time it was not words, but a grimace. The ghost face has long hair, and looks somewhat similar to a little loli. Zhao Nan froze for a moment, reached out and stroked the little loli's head, and said apologetically, "I will pay more attention next time."

"Remember the lesson!"

Zhao Nan smiled, and put away the note with warnings written on it by Little Lolita, together with the grimace picture. In the past two days, Finina has acquired an additional hobby, which is to collect all the things that little Lolita has written and drawn one by one.

She said that it was full of memories, and the back of each note had to write what little Lolita's expression was at that time. After a long time, I might be able to write a book of growing up or something like that.

After putting away the note, Zhao Nan simply sat up on the spot.

Entering the dungeon this time seems a bit unlucky, the strategy group kept moving forward, someone accidentally stepped on a trap, and then saw a flash of light, and there was no time to react, the entire strategy group was split apart. Zhao Nan and Finina were separated because of this, but they ended up in the same place as Little Lolita.

Fortunately, the team channel can still be used. After everyone got in touch, they didn't know where they were. After a little discussion, they decided to continue exploring the maze at their respective locations. Whether you can meet them halfway or not, you will always meet at the end of the maze.



Finina is a little dissatisfied with the current situation. The stone monsters that are occasionally encountered in the maze are called "Guardian Stone Giants" and their levels range from 24 to 27. Apart from the higher defense, the individual has a higher attack power. Strength and movement speed are relatively slow, it is not difficult for her to kill.

But in this almost aimless way, she didn't know whether she was going forward or backward, which was what upset her.

"Sister Finina, drink some water."

Yanan behind him poked his head out and passed the water bag in his hand. Since being separated, the monsters along the way have all been singled out. Although Yanan can also rely on Pandora's transformation to temporarily resist for a while, but after the effect of the skill disappears, he can only misfire. After all, her level is still slightly lower, and she is not a powerful profession such as a hidden profession.

Yanan looked at Finina who was drinking water with her mouth pursed, her eyes gradually blurred, and said in a low voice: "Sister Finina, you are really good-looking. No wonder Brother Zhao Nan has been inseparable from you all the time. If you change I am a man, and after having you, I am unwilling to let go."

Finina smiled slightly and said, "But my little friend has always regarded you as a treasure."

Yanan shook his head abruptly, hating iron for not becoming steel, and said: "That pig's head can't do it! He, if he is half as big as Zhao Nan, I will be thankful!"

Finina couldn't help but chuckle. The two have lived and died together, and they still don't give up in extremely difficult times. Although Yanan didn't say anything, if she really wanted to change Xiongyou to someone else, she might be the first to object.

His mind was seen through, Yanan lowered his head and refused to let go. The two women walked in the maze. Although they were not afraid of anything, they always felt a little bored.

Yanan chatted and said: "By the way, sister Finina, brother Zhao Nan is such a powerful person, are you worried that he will change his mind that day? You may not know how popular he is in Tingfeng City now .As the lord of the city and able to ride a dragon, he is still the strongest one. I don’t know how many girls are discussing it behind their backs. Some fantasists even say that they don’t mind even if they can be underground lovers. They don’t want any face. It's disgusting!"

Finina rolled her eyes and pretended to be surprised: "So he is so popular."

Yanan nodded fiercely: "That's right, not to mention Brother Zhao Nan. Look at the virtue of Xiongyou, and there are women flirting with him all day long, it's annoying to see!"

"It turns out that you have said so much, you are worried about Xiaoyou."

Finina chuckled, and said that she couldn't see the other party's mind clearly after so much, so she spent the six years of the dungeon in vain.

"Damn, he's the only one!" Yanan blushed slightly, sticking out her tongue in a charming manner.

"By the way, I heard Nan describe it." Finina lowered her lips with her fingers, looked at the ceiling of the maze, and suddenly smiled: "Yes, this kind of situation is called Tsundere."

"I'm going... I'm so arrogant, my old lady!" Yanan pretended not to let go, and suddenly called softly: "Hey, there is a door!" (To be continued. Please search for Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster! )

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