Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 143: The Level 20 Regular Dungeon (Part 2)

What appeared in front of the two of them was a purple door, protruding from the corner of the wall, which seemed to be closed tightly.

"Purple door, Brother Zhao Nan said that the probability of this kind of secret room containing treasures is very high, and the chance of being a trap is very low!" Yanan's eyes lit up a little, and he immediately suggested: "Shall we go and see?"

Finina looked at Yanan. When this girl met everywhere, she was still a timid and lovely person. Only after getting along with each other, did I realize that Yanan is actually a lively, active and enthusiastic activist.

She looked sideways at the door, and then said: "It's okay, it shouldn't hurt to be careful."

Zhao Nan could walk into this dungeon without even frowning, so how could a Sky Sword Master be a coward with a skill no less than his own? When she was still at level zero and followed Zhao Nan out of the city, she dared to sit in the monster area, holding an elite monster in her arms, and she didn't panic at all.

She also has her self-confidence. The moment Yanan opened the door, what Yanan saw was not the beautiful and gentle little wife standing weakly behind Zhao Nan, but a Valkyrie who seemed to be able to withstand thousands of troops. Yanan's heart skipped a beat, and he said with great yearning: "It would be great if one day I can be as good as you."

Finina chuckled lightly, and had already surveyed the situation in the secret room the first moment she opened the door. There is only one box in the middle, and it doesn't look like there is a trap. I just don't know what will happen after the box is opened.

"Your brother Zhao Nan said that what is powerful is not the person, but the spirit."

"Although people with mental toughness are always better, there are some things that can't be done with a strong mind." Yanan shook his head and said, "Things like this exist all the time. Otherwise, why do you think there are people with levels?" A little higher, someone's level is lower?"

Finina felt that this kind of talk actually had its own reasons. She herself didn't know how to answer. I just suddenly remembered that I was in the 'time copy' that day. One night, Zhao Nan once said something like this: "Some people are born well, and they live a carefree life. Some people are facing all kinds of suffering, and they are still struggling when they die. We are actually living in an unfair world. Within the world. This kind of unfairness will not disappear, so if you want to be fair, then it is better to be an unfair person. As for how to do it, that is a question of how you think."

"The key is to do it or not to do it." Finina said what she said at the time. Say it again at this time.

Yanan said with a bitter face: "The key is if you can't do it if you do it?"

"Then you can only struggle to the death. If you earn it, you will never bow your head. At least you can feel more comfortable. It is always better to leave with reluctance than with despair."

"That's not something to encourage people to go up every day."

Finina shook her head, pointed at the box, changed the subject and said, "Let's see what's inside."

There was no such horrible thing as a large wave of monsters approaching after opening the treasure chest, and then the secret room was closed. Who said that treasures can only be obtained after fighting? So what are those who pick up wallets on the road?

That's not fair.

The two women had a heart-to-heart chat, and they ran into such things as getting the treasure safely in the secret room. Naturally it is even more unfair. Finina occasionally had a flash of inspiration, and said, "So the opportunity is actually right in front of us."

At this time, Yanan didn't have any action style at all, and said a little sadly: "It's a pity that things are impermanent."

Finina scolded with a smile: "How old are you?"

Yanan laughed, rolled his eyes, and looked at the things in the box. With his hands in his hand, he gently pinched his index finger and thumb, and lifted the things out. Just a regular bottle. Shaking his head inside, it's not a magic pill or anything like that.

Early Spring Rain and Dew: Special props. Allows seeds to germinate.

"That's why I said, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment." Yanan sighed.

Pie in the sky, unfortunately, the pie is an overnight thing, in fact, it is more than delicious.

However, Finina took the early spring rain and dew, and took out the 'clean flower fairy seeds' from the backpack with a flick of her heart. The two are placed in both hands.

"What is this?" Yanan asked curiously.

"Seeds." Finina finished in a low voice, put the flower fairy seeds on the ground, then opened the bottle containing the early spring rain and dew, and put them on the seeds, although she waited and watched.

not for a while. The flower split open, and a crimson bud grew out, very fast, it grew to the size of a fist in a short while.

"It's amazing." Yanan was surprised by this super fast growth rate.

The two women squatted on the ground, quietly waiting for the moment when the flower bloomed, and subconsciously slowed down their breathing.

"This is a deep red rose!" Yanan held his chin, staring in a daze.

"Xiao Nan has a lot of research on flowers." Finina laughed.

Yanan smiled lightly and said: "My family used to be a flower shop, so I have a little research on flowers. The Chinese language for roses is love and longing for love. Different colors have different meanings, like this deep red one, It represents the yearning of 'I just want to be with you'."

Finina's eyes lit up, dazzling, and for some reason, she suddenly burst into infinite love for this flower, and she smiled slightly, which was instantly touching.

I saw that crimson rose flower finally blooming, and the whole secret room flashed with this touching pink luster. In the center of the blooming flowers, I saw a small person sitting with his knees hugged, with a pair of thin wings growing behind him, wearing a pink petal dress , just to the calf position.

lv0 Rose Fairy.

At this time, the eyelashes of the rose fairy in the words trembled slightly, and slowly opened her eyes. Those were a pair of ruby-like pupils, which made people intoxicated in an instant. At this time, Rose Fairy stood up, stretched her waist, flapped her wings behind her, flew away from the flower with a 'chirp', and landed on Finina's shoulder.

Choo Choo Choo!

The Rose Fairy whispered in Finina's ear. Looks very happy.

"so cute!"

This kind of cute creature that doesn't eat fireworks in the world instantly captured the two women present completely, and immediately started teasing around the newly grown rose fairy.

"Jiujiu, Jiujiu..." Finina rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "You can call me 'Jiujiu' from now on."



At the end of the dark labyrinth passage, the shadow fighter Catwoman, said to be Little Lolita's pet, came from the side wall. Jumped to the wall on the other side, using a very agile and weird way of advancing, finally jumped to the side of little loli, and knelt on the ground with one knee.

"Master, you can move on." Catwoman's voice was lazy and soft.

Zhao Nan touched his nose. If Finina is counted, this catwoman is the first humanoid pet he has ever met... although it is only a cat person.

Anya Ye nodded her small chin and pointed, and Catwoman stood up. Looking at Zhao Nan, he said, "Master Zhao Nan, please follow me!"

Zhao Nan was slightly taken aback, pointed at himself and asked curiously, "Do you know me?"

"I have the same mind as my little master, so of course I know about Mr. Zhao Nan." Catwoman said, shaking her ears on her head, patted her long tail behind her, and said in a slightly low voice: "Thank you, Mr. Zhao Nan, for your kindness to my little master." Two rescues!"

Zhao Nan became interested and looked at Catwoman. Through the subsequent introduction, I learned that the catwoman's name is Yeyue. Because it was in a team state, Zhao Nan soon saw that Catwoman's current level was 30...



The level of pets is naturally limited. Some pets require a lot of experience points to upgrade, while others require less. For example, Oulisis and Little Ice Phoenix, their upgrades are far more difficult than Gao Mingyang's pets.

Some pets require even less experience points to upgrade than their own owners, so it is very easy for pets to have a slightly higher level than their owners. In general. Pets can only be 5 levels higher than their owners.

Shadow fighter Catwoman Ye Yue's level is 30. Zhao Nan doesn't think it's strange, he just wonders how Xiaoluolei can train Catwoman to the limit of 5 levels higher than himself. This is really unbelievable.

An owner and a pet follow the ancient way of speaking. Zhao Nan smiled strangely, and joked: "I think, are you a descendant of that kind of old family that has been handed down?"

Little Loli rolled her eyes, not knowing that this kind of eye-rolling expression had no effect on Zhao Nan who only regarded her as a little sister, but instead provoked bursts of chuckles.

"Your Majesty has already checked out the road ahead, and I invite the little master and Mr. Zhao Nan to follow me. There are traps in some places, so you need to be careful." Catwoman Yeyue said softly.

Then he half-kneeled and squatted on the ground. At this moment, little Lolita held the hem of her skirt and climbed onto Catwoman's back. Catwoman gently supported her, and little Loli lay on Catwoman's shoulder, and soon fell asleep.

Sleep when you say sleep, without hesitation at all.

Zhao Nan frowned, but did not speak. On the contrary, Catwoman seemed to have noticed it early in the morning, and said in a low voice: "The little master is not in good health. If possible, please be more careful in the future, Mr. Zhao Nan, and don't let the little master do too violent things."

Zhao Nan was stunned for a moment, puzzled and said: "No matter how bad your health is, you always have to walk. Besides, there are blood recovery agents..."

Catwoman whispered: "Before the little master became the God's Chosen, he had a bad heart, and he would faint even with a little strenuous exercise, and even his life was limited. I'm afraid he won't live long. Fortunately, he became the God's Chosen, Only then did he save his life. However, a little strenuous exercise will still cause the life value to continue to drop, which is very dangerous."

Congenitally deficient.

Zhao Nan quickly figured out the key point. Why the little Lolita has always been pale, even paler than the people who landed in the Snow Clan, can be explained at this time.

"My little master seldom spoke before, so I can only communicate through pen and ink. Please forgive me, Mr. Zhao Nan."

"You can just call me by my name." Zhao Nan shook her head, and asked curiously, "Since Anya's situation is so bad, why didn't you show up before... Well, it should be why she didn't call you out?"

A catwoman at level 30, even if she doesn't know her strength, the level alone is already scary.

"About this question, I can't answer it." Catwoman's eyes flickered with a gleam.

The cat sees the mouse.

Zhao Nan's pores all stood up for a moment, but his expression remained unchanged and he said, "No problem."

Catwoman sighed, and then gave a more detailed explanation: "This is a secret between me and the little master. It is very important to the safety of the little master, so I can't say it."

Zhao Nan nodded. The matter of Ye Anya can only be discovered bit by bit with time. Finina loves her, so Zhao Nan will naturally not use some tough methods to treat this little loli. So he can only make himself as patient as possible.

Not to mention anything else, in the Dust Palace that day, Little Lolita resolutely rescued herself, which greatly increased Zhao Nan's affection for her.

While thinking about it, a group of rock monsters suddenly rushed over, and at first glance, there were 8 of them. The monsters in this dungeon are in groups of 4, but unexpectedly, the two groups will die as soon as they are touched.

The catwoman turned around quickly, threw the little loli away with gentle force, and then turned around to pick it up, but the little loli who was in a deep sleep was not disturbed at all. Catwoman handed the little loli into Zhao Nan's hands, and said in a low voice, "Leave the monsters here to me, and please take care of Mr. Zhao Nan, my little master!"

After all, he pulled out the rapier from his waist, and with that sound, the tight black clothes quickly merged into the dim environment of the passage, and one person knocked away the 8 monsters that had rushed forward.

Catwoman jumped and landed in front of the frontmost monster, and stood there immediately, refusing to retreat half an inch of the ground, like a steel barrier that cannot be blown by the wind or broken by waves. The soft body actually has some kind of strange rhythm, avoiding, stabbing the sword, so fast that it can't beat the 8-headed monster.

What's even more frightening is that no matter how fast the attack is or how it resists, Zhao Nan can't hear a sound.

Catwoman Yeyue is like a shadow, just like when it appeared, quietly.

Quietly and completely eliminated the 8 monsters in front of him, turned around, and put the sword into its sheath. Zhao Nan calculated the time, from her attack to the end of the battle, the time-consuming would probably not be much less than her own.

This is a horrible person... the cat is right.

Because she was wearing a mask, she couldn't see what Catwoman's face was like at this time, but her steps were gentle and steady, so it could be deduced that she was not tired at all.

Zhao Nan narrowed her eyes, and gently handed the little Lolita into Catwoman's hands. The little Lolita leaned on Catwoman's back again, trembling slightly, changed into a stable position, and went back to sleep. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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