Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 145: The Level 20 Regular Dungeon (Part 2)

At the end of the level 20 regular dungeon, there is a big room. There are many fire plates emitting orange flames all over the room, and the structure is almost the same as that of a level 10 regular dungeon.

This is the room of the big boss at the end of the maze.

The slightly different thing is that this maze does not have several layers, but only one layer. But within this layer of maze, there are many traps that will send people randomly. It would be depressing if you were teleported to another place just after reaching the general level.

Catwoman seems to have the ability to detect such traps. Because of the change, everyone quickly rushed to the source of the sound.

When they arrived, they just saw a group of figures, pissed on their buttocks, and rolled out screaming.

One of the figures rolled a little far away, with stars in his eyes, and finally stopped, lying on the ground, opened his eyes, and saw a pair of women's calves.

"Huh? Xiao Nan?"

The one who rolled the farthest was Xiongyou. At this moment, he stood up in embarrassment, looked at them one by one, and said happily: "You found it!"

Yanan looked at Xiongyou, then looked at the road ahead, there was another black shadow flashing in the door, and said strangely: "You didn't mean to attack the boss just now, did you?"

Xiongyou scratched his head in embarrassment and said: "I'm lost. Twenty-five of us here are divided into one group. We couldn't find the way after wandering around, but suddenly we came across the boss's room. I couldn't help it, I just plan to touch it and see if it’s good.”

Yanan said unhappily: "Is this something you can touch casually? Do you think the boss is a woman?"

Xiongyou quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, I don't touch randomly, I just touched one!"

Yanan's face turned red, and he stretched out his hand to use it on Xiongyou's waist. The latter was in pain, and his face was contorted. Yanan scolded angrily: "Dead man, you can't talk until you look around. ?"

"All around..." Xiongyou was stunned for a moment, and when he saw the people behind Yanan, they immediately shook their heads and laughed dryly.

Zhao Nan shook his head and smiled. Not only Xiongyou was in front of him, but the people who were swept out of the room also stood up one after another, and quickly began to check their status.

"Okay, little friend, you touched that boss, how is the situation?" Zhao Nan asked.

Xiongyou said with a bitter face: "I haven't touched it yet... Well, I haven't touched it yet, and I was chopped out by it with a sword. Those winds are very strong!"

Knockback skills... Zhao Nan nodded thoughtfully. At this time, everyone recovered and hurried over.

Two disasters in Tingfeng City, plus an unpleasant expulsion incident, as long as Zhao Nan stood there, most of the players dared not take a breath. Whether it's strength or power, Zhao Nan has the conditions that the players in Tingfeng City have to obey.

"Come on, let's touch it too." Zhao Nan joked suddenly.



"Oh? Who's that in black?"

Curiously watching Zhao Nan and Finina step into the boss's room, but besides that, there are Little Lolita and Catwoman.

"It seems to be little Anya's pet." Yanan approached the door of the boss room with a little worry and opened it.

Xiongyou's eyes lit up, and he said with anticipation: "Xiao Nan, after this dungeon comes out, let's get a pet too. Brother Nan said that the scene of getting a pet in Fengshi is coming out!"

Yanan, who didn't know what her boyfriend was thinking, nodded, suddenly remembered something, blushed and smoothed the dirty clothes on Xiongyou's body, patted the dust, and said in a low voice, "Does it hurt?"

Xiongyou was taken aback for a moment, then smiled foolishly, thinking that it would be better to get a more normal pet.



In the boss's room, the final character of Tingfeng City's level 20 regular dungeon opened his eyes, emitting a dark green light, and looked closely at the new group of people who invaded its territory.

Boss is not big, a little over two and a half meters tall. He is wearing heavy armor with many small steel nails on the armor. He is holding a huge epee like a door panel. He is actually covered in hair. A golden, gigantic Khajiit with a tiger's head.

LV28 Labyrinth boss traitor.

The scope of the betrayer's activities is a bit large, which means that there is not much room for the players to move around in the room. To be more direct, this is not something that can be conquered by hundreds or even thousands of people in a city.

"The number of people who can enter is... about 30." Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes and added a lot.

The eyes of the traitor calmly looked at the intruder beyond the limit of its movement, motionless, with the giant sword inserted in front of him, straightened up, with both hands flat on the hilt of the giant sword, like a fierce general Like, immovable like a mountain.

"Lord Zhao Nan, how do you plan to deal with the traitor?"

Catwoman suddenly made a sound, and Little Loli looked up curiously. Zhao Nan said with a calm expression: "My general approach is to investigate first and see the various skills of the boss before attacking."

Catwoman lowered her head and thought for a while, then she said softly, "In this case, I will leave the probing work this time to my subordinates."

Zhao Nan was taken aback, although the level of the betrayer was not as high as Catwoman. But why the ability of the boss is not as simple as the level. It's just that Catwoman Yeyue's initiative to ask for a job is a bit intriguing.

Zhao Nan pondered and said: "Finina, you and Yeyue go together. Both of you have good speed, if you support each other, the safety will be improved a lot."

Finina nodded happily, she was simply testing without using her real strength, she stared at her legs, and she fell into the betrayer's range of activities lightly like a flutter of catkins. At this time, Catwoman appeared beside Finina silently, but she didn't notice how she moved.

For a moment, Finina subconsciously smiled kindly, and said in a low voice, "Be careful."

"Miss Finina, please be careful." Catwoman put politeness into her words as usual.

Finina smiled slightly, brushed the hair on her shoulders, and at the same time pulled out the Rose Fairy hidden in her hair, pointed to little Lolita and said, "Jiujiu, where are you going?"

Chirp, Rose Fairy flew out, and flew sideways in front of Little Lolita to look at it. Little Lolita was also looking sideways, and stretched out her hands casually, pulling both arms of Rose Fairy from left to right.

Chirp! ! Chirp!

"Little Anya can't, this is not a toy." Finina said with a chuckle.

Little Lolita nodded, held the Rose Fairy in her palm, put it on her chest, and looked at it quietly - Catwoman had already made the first move, making a provocative attack on the betrayer.

Finina's eyes were fixed, and after a quick sound, the long sword in her hand burst into a bright moon-like brilliance, and her attack was a powerful moon crash.

This is a type of boss. Although it can't be said how superb the defense is, it is definitely worthy of the specifications of a regular dungeon boss. In addition, because of its small size, its speed is surprisingly fast, and it is even proficient in swordsmanship.

Zhao Nan watched silently. It is not a simple matter to calculate the various skill attack events of the boss.

I saw Finina and Catwoman turned into two black shadows respectively, walking around the betrayer, but they didn't see much effort, but the damage value was a little low, so it was slowly consumed.

Zhao Nan suddenly came to a surprising conclusion. If there are no mistakes in the middle, and the recovery agents can keep up, the two of them can consume the boss alive.

Suddenly, the traitor raised the epee high above his head and swirled it vigorously. A terrifying whirlwind spread rapidly around him, leaving no room for people to move and dodge!

Finina and Catwoman were defeated by this full-range skill attack, and their bodies were thrown out at the same time, with the ability to repel them. At the same time, their two health points directly lost one-third There are many.

At this time, the traitor who had just released the whirlwind thrust his sword into the floor forcefully, continuing his immobile manner.

Zhao Nan reached out and pulled Finina up, and Finina said apologetically, "This is a bit difficult to deal with."

At this time, Catwoman patted the dirty clothes, walked over and said, "Master Zhao Nan, the degree of probing can only go to this level."

But at this time, the people outside the door completely watched the battle aside, Xiongyou couldn't help but said with a bitter face: "It was also made by it just now... It can't be killed at all!"

Zhao Nan smiled and said: "It's not too difficult to attack. Although the attack range of the whirlwind covers all directions. But there is no wind at a place about one foot above the ground, and the top of the whirlwind is probably the dead spot of the skill effect. As long as When the whirlwind comes out, pay attention to these two points, and just attack slowly.”

"Then let's wait for other people to come over and act together?"

In the labyrinth, there are still some people from the strategy group who have not yet revealed it.

Zhao Nan estimated the strength comparison between the two sides, and said decisively: "No, we can win this battle!"

Everyone quickly reorganized the team. This time it was not as simple as a simple test, but all the members did it.

Zhao Nan released Olisis, and the little ice phoenix jumped out chirping. Catwoman quietly drew her sword, and Yanan directly entered Pandora's transformation mode.

Because the traitor left the battle, his health quickly recovered to its original level. At this moment, the sky dragon came roaring, and a huge ball of light suddenly flashed in its mouth.

After eating the pet elixir produced by the Dust Palace and rising three times in a row, Sky Dragon finally gained another attack ability.

Longguang bomb!

Like a cannonball, the shiny light bomb hit the betrayer's body hard, and the first attack succeeded! At the same time, the Little Ice Phoenix was not to be outdone, although its physique was small, the frost it whipped up was terrifying. The betrayer's body was sealed by a layer of frost, and the rest of the players who had prepared earlier also released their skills one after another.

Boom boom boom!

In the dungeon room, except for the blow to the boss, the power of the skills can't do any damage to any place in the room. The floor was already smooth, but at this moment it reflected colorful light, which was very dazzling.

Zhao Nan jumped up, stretched out his blazing wings, and flew high above the traitor. The height of the room is sufficient, and then forcefully tap the Soul Devouring Staff.

A black light shot out and hit the back of the traitor, and the black light disappeared. The next step is to wait for its health to decrease.

But at this moment, the rebel let out a roar, and with a lot of force on the long sword in his hand, a huge sword wind directly slashed at Zhao Nan's side. With a move of his mind, he slapped the Blazing Wings, and he dodged in an instant. The sword wind slashed across his body, and even took advantage of the trend to take nearly one-tenth of his health.

Fixed damage is too scary.

When the boss gets angry, he makes a big move. Zhao Nan was sweating coldly, not because he was frightened by the horror of the boss's attack, but because he looked at the health indicator above the traitor's head strangely.

Meow, he lost half of it directly!

"Fuck!" Zhao Nan couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

The death ray, that chance is extremely low, the effect of instantly reducing the monster's health by 50% was hit!

The level of this boss is level 28, and the chance of causing the hidden effect of the death ray to appear is only 5%! This kind of brutal hit rate immediately made Zhao Nan feel lucky.

The boss suddenly reduced the general health, and also stunned the rest of the people at the same time.

"Don't be in a daze, the boss is still moving!" Zhao Nan shouted loudly.

Being in a daze when attacking the boss is tantamount to courting death.

However, the extremely brutal hit rate of the death ray made Zhao Nan get the maximum hatred value of the betrayer in an instant. Unless he immediately jumps out of the battle and leaves the battle, it is impossible to give up on him and attack others until the boss dies.

That being the case, Zhao Nan didn't attack at all, and concentrated on avoiding the attack of the traitor, occasionally releasing a thorny vine for Finina to cut it. With the blazing wings and the ability to fly this time, Zhao Nan doesn't have to rely on leaving the battle to dodge the boss's attack, and the efficiency of the attack is undoubtedly much faster.

Cut and cut, one cut takes two hours.

Blazing Wings needs to consume mana to continue flying, especially when accelerating suddenly, the mana is consumed more quickly.

In this battle, Zhao Nan didn't take much action. He just kept drinking medium-sized mana recovery potions to ensure that he would not be attacked by the betrayers.

Little Lolita quietly hugged the Rose Fairy and stood on the edge watching, occasionally teasing her, and occasionally yawning, she felt a little sleepy and almost wanted to fall asleep. Suddenly, the little Lolita's eyes lit up, she took a small step, and jumped into the edge of the battle circle delicately.

With a bang, the maze boss finally fell to the ground!

After two hours of cooperative fighting, the maze boss was finally pushed to the ground.

Little Lolita yawned again, took a small step, walked out of the battle room like a rabbit, took out a big pillow and a cotton pad from the backpack, threw it on the ground, put her head on the pillow and closed her eyes.

After gaining experience, what will be dropped, Catwoman will pick up everything she can pick up. Little Lori has nothing to worry about, so she goes to sleep when she is sleepy.

After the boss is overthrown, in addition to killing the team to gain a lot of experience, the other participating players will also get different levels of experience rewards more or less according to the output damage.

It's just the various items that exploded, but there is no distribution right.

This is the first kill in a level 20 regular dungeon in Tingfeng City, and Zhao Nan is already looking forward to what rewards will be given for the first kill. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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