Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 146 Fusion

System prompts can be ignored. Zhao Nan just took a look at it for a while. That brutal death ray was too ecstasy, which cut the attack time in half.

This time, the first boss kill will usually reveal more things. Zhao Nan looked at the dazzling array of items, and suddenly his appearance brightened. Picked up a basketball-sized ball from the ground.

Judging by his joyful expression, it seemed that it was something rare. Everyone couldn't help coming closer. Zhao Nan said with a smile: "This is a forbidden ball, which cannot be equipped by individuals. But it can be installed in the soul crystal. When monsters attack the city, a forbidden field will appear near the soul crystal. There is no way for flying monsters to fly in it." Flying in this field."

If the monsters attacked the city, it would be okay if they were only monsters on the ground. Although the number was the same, it was hard to resist, but those flying monsters were the most difficult. The appearance of this air-forbidden ball will directly increase the security of the soul crystal when monsters attack the city next time!

There are only more than 10,000 players left in Tingfeng City. Even if the city reaches a higher level, Zhao Nan is still a little worried about the next attack by monsters. This is great, the appearance of the Forbidden Ball is a great relief. The next step is to improve the strength of the players in the city.

Catwoman picked up a necklace at this time, and said directly: "Master Zhao Nan, can this necklace be given to the little master?"

Zhao Nan took a look at the necklace, increased defense and increased health, and the quality was purple, which is not the best, but as far as Xiao Luoli is concerned, it is the most suitable for her.

Just as she was about to agree, Catwoman said again: "I am willing to explore the traps and routes of this maze one by one in exchange!"

Zhao Nan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded. It's a good thing that Catwoman is willing to take the initiative to help. He has long coveted the ability to explore the maze.

After the boss of the dungeon was conquered, there was a door to leave the dungeon directly.

But Zhao Nan did not choose to leave immediately. Instead, under the leadership of Catwoman, began to sweep the entire copy. The boss strategy method is out, and the limited map of the entire maze needs to be drawn to complete the strategy of a regular instance.

With the completion of the first level 20 regular copy, the system has already prompted that the map of Tingfeng City has been opened, and more advanced monster areas, more scenes, and more tasks have appeared. All these changes are completed in an instant.

But the moment the map was opened, there was not much cheering in Tingfeng City... The opening of the map means that the next time monsters attack the city, the number and level of monsters will have a significant increase. If you want to survive the next monster siege, then go to kill monsters, but do tasks to get various upgrades.

The new round of leveling upsurge in Tingfeng City started from this moment!



Catwoman's work efficiency is very high. It took a day to draw all the safe routes of the maze, and even marked the places with traps. In this way, as long as you don't want to be a fool, you can pass the maze map and practice safely in the maze. As for attacking the boss, that is a voluntary principle.

Although more maps were opened, Zhao Nan was not in a hurry to find some valuable tasks. Today is different from the past, he stays in the boss's room, and once the boss appears, he frantically brushes up, and he doesn't dare to say a word of extraneous words.

I am afraid that on the map, there is no monster that can give experience points comparable to the boss of a level 20 regular dungeon. Of course, every time a boss is spawned, Zhao Nan will replace a group of people. Except for a few fixed people, the rest, as long as they can cause more than 1 damage to the boss, will be taken once.

This can be regarded as both spawning monsters and leading people. When these people's strength and level rise in the future, they can also drive other people. After such a cycle, after everyone's level and strength have been improved, this dungeon will naturally not be a scary place.

Zhao Nan's current level is already level 28. When he went out to kill monsters, except for the level 28-30 monsters outside the edge of the newly opened map, the rest didn't give him much experience. He might as well have a good time with the boss in the dungeon, not only can he get more experience points, but he can also occasionally pop out some used props.

On the third day after killing the boss for the first time, Xiongyou and Yanan took the time to go to the Dust Palace, planning to get a pet out. In fact, after killing the boss for the first time, Zhao Nan gave the location of the Dust Palace. In the past few days, apart from dungeons, the place where players gather to do more is this special scene of getting pets.

Under normal circumstances, players can only fight with one pet.

This is common sense that Zhao Nan knows.

But the appearance of Finina somewhat subverted his cognition. Until Catwoman shows up. Like Finina, she doesn't have a player bracelet, and she can fight a pet herself. Zhao Nan finally knows a little more about humanoid pets.

In this way, the so-called humanoid pets do not actually possess the qualifications of a pet to play. In other words, because it is a humanoid pet, it can be used in additional battles.

But no matter whether he takes up this qualification or not, Zhao Nan already owns Olisis, so the quota for this competition is considered full. Therefore, there may be some powerful pet hidden in the scene of leaving the Dust Palace, but it has no chance for him. Unless Olisis died in battle.

Thinking of the fact that humanoid pets can also carry other pets into battle, Zhao Nan suddenly wondered, if he harvests one more humanoid pet, and then humanoids harvest humanoids, and the cycle continues, does it mean that he can, at the same time, Summon a terrifying number of teams? It's just that when I think about it later, I just regard this idea as a daydream. Leaving aside the issue of the probability of humanoid pets appearing, the various equipment and materials required by this amount alone are enough to make people daunting.

Since he didn't consider such unrealistic problems, Zhao Nan devoted himself wholeheartedly to his leveling.



after one month.

This is already the first half year after the catastrophe. The strategy for all members of Tingfeng City's level 20 regular dungeon has entered the formal process.

At the same time, Zhao Nan finally left the level 20 regular dungeon. As the character's level increases, the experience value given each time the boss is killed will become less. He had already reached level 30 at this time, so he had no choice but to go out alone and go to the mage hall in Tingfeng City to advance his career.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Zhao Nan, who has advanced his career and became an ancient black iron arcanist! Reward 30 points for all attributes, increase the original attack power by 50, increase the original HP by 500, and increase the original mana by 500, and get the ancient arcane inheritance. Turn on the 'Fusion' skill."

"Ding! Congratulations to player Zhao Nan for completing three professional advancement achievements..."



Every career advancement is a time when ability is greatly improved. That feeling is like drinking a frozen soda in one breath on a hot day, and it feels good all over. Zhao Nan is very satisfied with the improvement in strength obtained after advancing from the bronze rank to the black iron rank.

And this time, there was another professional skill of the ancient arcanist—fusion.

Fusion: The unique skill of the ancient arcanist. Two skills can be combined to create a new skill. Note: The skills to be fused must be of the same series; the level difference between each other must not exceed 5 levels; the fusion skills must be proficient; the fusion has a certain probability of failure, after the failure, the skill proficiency of the fusion is directly cleared and needs to be re-practised. to continue to integrate.

On this day, Zhao Nan was stunned for a long time after seeing his new 'Fusion' skill.

He subconsciously wanted to try this 'fusion' skill.

Explosive Fireball Searing Ray...

"Ding! Congratulations to player Zhao Nan for successfully merging two skills and obtaining a new skill, Burst Ray."

Burst ray: shoot out a scorching ray, after the ray concentrates on the target, release ten small scorching rays to attack.

The main ray has burning ability, and the secondary ray has the same burning ability as the main ray.

"I can't think of a single success..." Zhao Nan looked thoughtfully at the skill of the burst ray, but found that it was actually not as useful as the burst fireball. The cooldown time is much longer, and the mana consumption is also a bit more.

After the burst ray skill appeared. The previous bursting fireballs and searing rays also disappeared. But the Burst Ray skill can be forgotten through props, and then re-learn Burst Fireball and Searing Ray.

"No, no... Fusion is best to let the skills of the same series match with each other and complement each other's deficiencies, so as to achieve a more ideal effect." Zhao Nan quickly figured out the key.

All his current skills are purchased through the mage hall, and he uses the skills of ordinary mages. It is only because of the ability to reduce and copy that the attack power of his skills has been increased, and it is very terrifying.

However, these skills are public skills, and they are easy to be familiar with. If you use them too much, you will not see how powerful they are. If you pay attention to them, you can easily find a way to crack them.

Just like thorny vines, as long as two dark mages use it at the same time, the effect will be the same as him.

"The next work will be more..."



Among the level 20 regular dungeons, it has been a long time since I saw the terrifying skill release scene of the city lord. But it doesn't matter, because I'm afraid the deputy city lord is the same. And there is also a catwoman with a hot figure, although she is wearing a mask, but the swaying figure has already made people daydream.

As for the missing city lord, he didn't go to do some important tasks, but bought a lot of mana recovery potions, went deep into the edge of the newly opened map alone, and opened fire on those level 30 monsters.

Occasionally laugh out loud. Occasionally shaking his head in annoyance, he drank a few bottles of mana recovery potions, and his skills were flying all over the sky again. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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