Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 147: First Snow

After tossing and tossing for a long time on the edge far away from Tingfeng City, Zhao Nan somehow recovered the past with a bunch of dry food and blood recovery agents, etc., staying at a leveling point for a full month. I have never left half a step, and I feel like living in an open-air temporary safety zone for food and lodging.

Those days were the most boring, and after a whole month, the harvest was only mediocre. It was really frustrating and lost, and I was at a loss for the way forward.

Now this time is the same boring, but the effect is excellent.

The skills of the five series are complex and diverse, and the higher the level, the more skills you can learn. Zhao Nan's own skills have become a bit bloated. Some skills are not commonly used, but when the intuition will be used, it is a pity to abandon them. This embarrassing situation will become more and more obvious as the skill increases.

Therefore, after having the ability of 'Fusion', Zhao Nan will naturally have to streamline all his skills. As for the character level, it can also be slowed down.

Sharpening a knife does not cut firewood by mistake.

What's more, "duplicating" once is regarded as using the skill twice, and the speed of proficiency improvement has actually doubled.



Monster Calendar July 10th.

There are still 10 days left before the first monster siege, exactly half a year has passed. Since clearing the level 20 regular dungeon and opening the level 30 monster map, the average level of all players in Tingfeng City has risen almost every day. Originally, the number of players in Tingfeng City was not too many, and the average number of tasks that individuals could accept would naturally be much more.

The dungeon is only that big, if ten people farm and a hundred farms, the one who gets more experience and equipment in the end is naturally the case of ten people starting to farm.

It may be a long time before the opening of the level 30 regular dungeon. But the second monster siege is not far away.

Zhao Nan's simplification of the skills he has learned has almost reached the final stage.

In the past few days, Zhao Nan has been a little concerned about the situation in Dongyuan City. Ximenyu became the city lord of Dongyuan City two months ago, and he took the path of being close to the people, unlike Zhao Nan, who never mentioned the ability to expel. It's just that the level has been suppressed for too long, and there will always be someone who is accidentally upgraded. Therefore, the opening of the level 20 regular dungeon in Dongyuan City is not something unforeseen. Since Ximenyu has really become the city lord, he naturally knows about the city upgrade system. As the city upgrades, you can recruit city defense troops, let the aborigines participate in the monster siege, improve the city's defense, and so on.

Ximenyu is not stupid, he is naturally aware of the disadvantages of blindly relying on suppression levels to avoid things like monsters attacking the city. Monsters can be refreshed, and players are counted as one dead. If this continues, there will always be a day when they are completely consumed. Instead of this, it is better to continue to develop. Therefore, the strategy of Dongyuan City's level 20 regular dungeon was also put on the agenda, and the strategy was completed soon.

At this stage, Dongyuan City is also in the midst of an upgrade frenzy for the whole people.

In addition, the development of the 'End of the World' guild was somewhat beyond Zhou An's expectations. Now this guild has developed into one of the three major guilds in Dongyuan City, far surpassing Sirius Duan's 'Guardian Knight'. If the guild's overall strength is simply calculated, it can even compete with 'Purgatory'. Zhao Nan thinks this is already very powerful - after all, the president of 'Purgatory' is the city lord.

Moreover, the guild of 'Purgatory' has also become an intermediate guild.

Gao Mingyang and the others are developing well, and their level quickly rushed up.

In addition, Dongyuan City also exploded the forbidden ball. It is estimated that it will be much easier to defend the next time the monsters attack the city than Tingfeng City.

"I said, Zhao Nan, what's going on with you over there, why don't you explain it. Apart from knowing that you are not dead, we don't know anything else! Can we still be brothers?"

The email Gao Mingyang sent yesterday was full of dissatisfied anger of "bought a watch last year".

Zhao Nan looked at the mail, and sat in the monster area by himself, surrounded by the mighty and domineering sky dragon guarding him, no monster dared to approach it half a step. He didn't think about skill sets at the time either. I just remembered the moment when "The End of the World" was announced in a small bar in Dongyuan City a long time ago. Singing and dancing that night, forgetting everything, everyone is passionate.

Zhao Nan was alone in the group of monsters, and suddenly he couldn't help laughing out loud, with an indescribable emotion in his heart, he quickly replied to an email, and wrote a sentence in a very literary style.

"As long as you remember the original dream, we will meet again one day, probably in spring."

Then he closed the email reminder from Dongyuan City, and the Soul Devouring Staff stood up, as if giving the sky a middle finger. Monsters that can be reduced to a little bit of experience.



"It's probably spring! Damn it, it's just winter, so how long will it take?" Gao Mingyang looked at the mail that came from afar, looking forward to the stars and the moon, and couldn't help but cursed.

The guild hall of Dongyuan City currently only lives in the floors of two intermediate-level guilds. The elders of the 'End of the World' guild are all looking at their guild leader's dispirited, in fact, very cute angry expressions.

Regardless of whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, there is at least one hope. After realizing that he seemed to have become a joke, Gao Mingyang cleared his throat heavily: "Winter is coming, can spring be far behind? This kid Zhao Nan also knows Xuecai The poems are not bad."

Then, with a soft laugh, among the guild elders, since Finina left, there was only one woman left, and she couldn't help laughing and said, "It's Shelley, from "Ode to the West Wind."


The whole room roared with laughter, only to realize that it had been a long time since two members of the guild left suddenly, it had been a long time since they laughed like this, tears came out of their laughter.



After laughing for a while, Xu Yang stopped and rubbed his aching stomach from laughing so hard. It's a bit cold today, Dongyuan City has the first snow in winter. Through the window in the room, you can see that the entire Dongyuan City has become gray and gray.

Because it was a bit cold, everyone prepared to drink some wine to warm up, and they started chatting after a while. They just passed the level 20 regular dungeon half a day ago, and they gained a lot. While warming up here, they are also celebrating.

The snow is falling, and the snow is getting thicker. Xu Yang rubbed his cold fingers. Then he silently opened the mail bar, tilted his head, and typed a sentence.

Then he sighed and didn't send it out, but simply kept it and was in a state of being ready to go.

"It's better... wait until you can say it yourself." (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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