Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 148: The Legendary Undead

There was no snow in Tingfeng City, but the north wind blew, and suddenly it became much colder. Although all of them are for abnormal people after logging in to the game, they will still be cold when they should be cold, and they will still be hungry when they should be hungry.

Zhao Nan's unique fusion of skills is like some ascetics practicing deep in the mountains. He has this kind of patience and mood. Because I have been used to it before, it feels good to come once in a while. But Finina can't bear this kind of days where they can't meet but can only talk.

Although the level is also upgraded in the regular copy. It's just that when he feels tired, he still ignores the players who are eager for help, flicks his hair, and leaves the instance without hesitation in his arms. Then teleported several times and appeared beside Zhao Nan.

Catwoman will take the initiative to throw a piece of calico in the temporary safety zone, and then Finina will take out various delicacies.

Then it's picnic time.

Zhao Nan would not choose elf biscuits if he could eat two mouthfuls of hot rice. In particular, his taste was actually raised a little tricky by Finina a long time ago.

Zhao Nan reached out and took a sandwich that Finina handed over to her in front of her, and took a big bite. While chewing, she said with a smile, "How's the collection of spirits recently?"

Finina was touching the butter for the slice of bread Little Loli asked for, and said, "It's going to exceed 20,000!"

Essence is a brand new item that explodes from monsters. After the temple is upgraded to level 2, the prayers that appear and the status of all players in the city, the props that need to be used are spirits. This game is not a scarce item, but the amount to be consumed each time is an astonishing number.

The more souls sacrificed, the longer or stronger the blessing state will be. Of course, with the number of players in Tingfeng City, it is not easy to hit 20,000 spirits. It's just that in Zhao Nan's mind, it's far from enough.

Chirp, chirp.

While thinking about the soul essence, the Rose Flower Immortal chirped twice and poked her head out among a group of wild flowers not far away. Her little head has some tiny pollen, but it is a little cutely decorated. Zhao Nan glanced at it. Ever since Jiujiu was planted, it has been completely a baby born in the same source. It does not know how to move, is curious about everything, cannot form a team, cannot share experience, and can only upgrade by sucking various nectars.

Can't communicate either because she just chirps. But it won't go away. Strictly speaking, the rose flower fairy can also be regarded as a monster of the strange line, and the type is the fairy type.

Jiujiu will never get separated, he always likes to stay by Finina's side, and never gets separated.

"You can gain experience by eating, this little guy is at ease."

Zhao Nan chuckled, and saw that little Lolita pulled up her skirt a little, and walked past Qiangwei Fairy cautiously, suddenly, with no expression on her face, she threw her forcefully, and grabbed the little thing in her hands, Xiao Bing The phoenix flew back and forth above the two of them, occasionally screaming and screaming.

Since clearing 20 regular dungeons, this kind of leisurely life is enjoyed every now and then.

"By the way, Mr. Zhao Nan, you have been here for almost a month. Have you ever met the 'legendary undead'?"

Zhao Nan turned his head and saw that it was the catwoman Yeyue talking. She still wears that white mask. Only half of the mask can be removed, and it will only be removed when eating. Zhao Nan originally thought that there was actually a cat's face behind the mask, but what was removed turned out to be an unbelievably normal human appearance.

Yeyue's exposed lips were very sexy, she opened and closed, "Well, it's a legend about this area."

Legends and so on are generally linked to certain tasks. Zhao Nan's heart moved, knowing that this catwoman possessed some strange instincts. He once told Gao Mingyang jokingly that his sub-job was an explorer, so he knew more. This kind of sub-job actually exists, but the conditions for obtaining it are not as easy as the main job becoming a hidden job. It can also be regarded as a hidden profession among the sub-professions.

It is very likely that Catwoman has this kind of sub-job, so she is so powerful in exploring the maze. Of course Zhao Nan didn't ask.

What he cares more about now is: "What kind of legend?"

Yeyue said: "Well, when I came from Shell Village, I occasionally heard about the 'legendary undead'. It was said by an old woman who collected wild fruits."

Finina was taken aback, she had been with her all the way, and she couldn't help saying strangely: "Yeyue, I didn't hear that."

Catwoman smiled naturally: "At that time, you were still worrying about not buying butter, of course you didn't care about the conversations on the road."



Finina recalled it for a while, her face was stunned, she didn't care, she smiled and said: "There is no way, the men in my family have become tricky recently."

"It was my fault." Zhao Nan didn't mind bearing the charge. She squinted her eyes and asked curiously, "Then, what is the specific content of this legend?"

"It is said that there was a family of hunters in Shell Village. One day the man of the hunter's family went hunting in the mountains, but he never came back. His wife was waiting at the entrance of the village every day, but the man still didn't come back. Until one night, Many people in the village died suddenly and indirectly. The people in the village suspected that after the hunter entered the mountain, he must have violated a taboo and angered the demons living in the mountains. Only the demons would take revenge. Then the people in the village We discussed how to appease the demon, so we tied up the Orion's wife and sent her to the mountain as a gift for contribution."

Zhao Nan suddenly looked around. The monster area, or this area, he is currently in is the same kind of monster - the fallen demon.

"The so-called taboo, shouldn't it refer to this place?" Zhao Nan couldn't help frowning.

Yeyue shrugged and said, "I don't know, but this is indeed in the mountains. The monster is also a fallen demon, and it overlaps with the legendary demon in some way."

"But what is that 'legendary undead'?"

Finina hugged her knees and listened, a little fascinated.

Catwoman continued: "Since Orion's wife was sent to contribute, there have been no dead people in the village. It is said that the reason why the devil has calmed down. But later, someone occasionally saw a white figure appearing in the mountain, suspected to be the Orion's Wife, she will lure and kill those who get lost in the mountains to avenge herself.” (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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