Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 153 The Deceitful Wizard (4)

After the aunt reminded her kindly, she smiled and walked away with a figure of eight steps. The setting sun set a little further, and Zhao Nan and Yeyue's bodies were stretched very long on this small street. Gradually, the shadows began to overlap.

Zhao Nan's hand was suddenly held by Yeyue.

"It's better to go home, otherwise Anya will really lose her temper."

Yeyue smiled, looking extraordinarily happy, she leaned her head over and said softly, "What do you want to eat tonight?"



It is unreal, but there is always a voice in my head telling myself that this is the most real thing. But I always feel that something is wrong - Zhao Nan told himself so.

Ever since that aunt appeared, he easily accepted that Yeyue was his wife. Moreover, the other party seemed to blend into this role more easily. After a kiss at sunset, he happily ran home and waved back in front of the house, with a virtuous look waiting for her husband to come home.

This is a simple house with only two rooms and a bathroom. The kitchen and living room are integrated. Zhao Nan sat on a somewhat hard bench, knocked his head lightly on the wall behind him, and looked at Yeyue who was skillfully chopping vegetables.

Is this really my wife?

"Dad, Dad! Tell me what happened today!"

A soft voice came.

With snow-white long hair, the cute little loli with an innocent face threw herself on Zhao Nan's body and refused to get up.


Little Anya.

This is the little girl who appeared in front of his eyes after opening the doors. Zhao Nan was convinced that he didn't hate this little girl, and seemed to have a certain degree of affection for her. If this is really his daughter, it seems to make sense - the problem is, didn't Yeyue just say that she forgot many things? Why did I suddenly remember it? Zhao Nan suddenly felt uneasy.

And stay strong.

"Dad, what's wrong with you? What are you thinking about?"

Little Anya stretched out her hands and held Zhao Nan's head up, "Wake up, wake up!"

The shaking head was a little swollen, and Zhao Nan couldn't help frowning. At this moment, Yeyue came over, stretched out her hand to smooth his brows, squeezed and sat down, and asked curiously, "What are you bothering about? It's almost time for dinner!"

Zhao Nan shook her head, turned little Lolita on her back, and hugged her on her legs. There is a mirror next to it. In the mirror, I was so young, Yeyue was also young, and the little Lolita was as delicate as a ceramic doll. This is indeed a very happy family of three.

It's just, how could he have a daughter who looks like twelve or thirteen years old... The self in the mirror is so young.

"Dad, Dad, what are you thinking, why didn't you tell me?" Little Lolita turned Zhao Nan's head back again vigorously, her face puffed up and her face was unhappy.

Zhao Nan blinked, subconsciously said: "It's nothing, I just think my little baby speaks very smoothly today. You don't like to talk usually."

"When did I stop talking?"

A severe headache, the pain was almost suffocating. Zhao Nan lost consciousness again.



Gently touching his forehead with his hands, rubbing his swollen head, Zhao Nan opened his eyes. He lifted off the slightly heavy soft quilt, exposing his upper body, feeling a little cold all of a sudden.

The moment he opened his eyes, the soft lighting accompanied by some cold wind blowing in through the window cracks, and the soft but comfortable breathing filled the humble room.

"you're awake!"

The joyful voice came from the ear, Zhao Nan turned his head and saw a pair of furry ears dangling in front of his eyes, Yeyue's beautiful face also came into view at the same time. He seemed to have forgotten something again. I've been forgetting things today.

"How do you feel?" Yeyue whispered in his ear.

"What's wrong with me?" Zhao Nan felt that he needed to ask some questions.

"You fainted suddenly at night, which frightened me and the child." Yeyue stretched out her hand from the cup with some fear, and grabbed the other hand that was also under the quilt. "We were terrified at the time. Later we called the village doctor and he said you were just tired and you'd be fine if you rested."

After finishing speaking, he lifted himself up slightly, and covered the quilt that had been opened at one corner again: "It's cold, be careful of catching a cold."

Zhao Nan closed her eyes, resting her head on a soft down pillow, sighed and said in a low voice, "Yes...we are husband and wife."

"What are you talking about?" Yeyue stood up again and put her face on top of Zhao Nan's.

Opening his eyes and looking at the person close at hand, Zhao Nan subconsciously said: "I was thinking, maybe having a home is not bad."

The corners of Yeyue's lips suddenly turned up slightly, as if she became very happy because of Zhao Nan's words, she suddenly lowered her head, found a suitable angle, and gently sent the tip of her tongue into the opponent's lips. in the mouth.

Intertwined and intertwined, a delicate feeling seems to make people forget everything and get lost in it.

Breathing gradually became faster.

Yeyue suddenly lifted the hem of the thin and soft pajamas on her body, gently held Zhao Nan's hand, and awkwardly pulled his hand into her pajamas, feeling the cool palms began to stick to her muscles, couldn't help but hummed emotionally.

Zhao Nan held the soft and elastic place, and found that it was impossible to hold it completely at once. Subconsciously, she explored it with a little force, her fingers bounced lightly on it, and suddenly touched a small point. Instinctively let the thumb and index finger squeeze lightly, and the little tip immediately became harder.

Yeyue suddenly put her hand on her pajamas, pressed the mischievous hand, and parted her lips. Her face was flushed, her eyes flickered, she seemed a little scared, and said in a low voice: "Little Anya just fell asleep with you, and Your body is not feeling well today... you'd better sleep."


Zhao Nan pulled his hand out from the opponent's clothes. Although the palm of his hand was soft and touching, he felt a sense of relief in his heart.

Yeyue tidied up some slightly sharper pajamas, poked her head out from under Zhao Nan's arms, and lay on his chest.

Quietly, a peaceful heartbeat can be heard, which makes people's eyelids feel like a heavy weight is hanging on them, and it is almost too heavy to open.

In the middle of the night, there was suddenly a mess of shouting and cursing outside the window.

A lot of flames were shaking by the window, Zhao Nan woke up with a start, jumped up, and pulled the curtains aside, the street was already full of people, all with hideous expressions, the flames made the whole street red lights up. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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