Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 154: The Deceitful Wizard (5)

The mutation alarmed many people, and the villagers who were still sleeping peacefully walked out of the house, most of them were in messy clothes.

All the people gathered quickly and lit torches one by one. The fire became brighter and brighter, besieging the whole street.

Zhao Nan quickly got dressed, and Yeyue woke up from the start. Looking at the strange things on the street, she couldn't help turning pale, and hurried out, only to see that little Lolita was also woken up early in the morning, lying on the window sill, Looking at the things on the street, he didn't look scared at all, and seemed to be enjoying watching.

"Kids, don't watch, go to bed!" Yeyue hurriedly walked over and shouted.

"No, I want to go out and watch the fun!"

Little Anya made a grimace, jumped out of the bed, put on the slippers precisely, and ran away.

"This child!"

Yeyue couldn't help frowning, Zhao Nan was outside the door at this time, and said in a deep voice: "Let's go out and have a look."



The whole street was full of people, and it seemed that the whole village had already come out. Zhao Nan found Xiao Anya among the crowd, and pulled her back with a straight face. Yeyue took the little loli, hugged her, and softly taught her a lesson.

"Brother, what happened?" Zhao Nan asked when he caught someone.

"Oh, it's Zhao Nan!" The man turned his head, glanced casually, and said with a serious expression, "We caught the witch!"


"Yes!" The man snorted coldly: "So many people died in the village recently, this time the sinner was finally caught! Fortunately, the village head was a soldier before, and he used a good skill, otherwise, I definitely can't catch that witch. That witch is very powerful and powerful. Three or five people can't get close to her. It was like going crazy just now, with a sword slashing, even the pillars at the entrance of the village can be smashed. Cut off the sword!"

"So powerful?" Yeyue trembled when she heard it, and said quickly, "What does this witch look like?"

"The one with blond hair looks pretty. But I guess she made it out of witchcraft." The man shook his head and said, "The village chief said that the witch wants to kill people and take people's souls to practice witchcraft! This kind of murderous demon must be Burn her to death!"

Zhao Nan was taken aback, and quickly pushed the people in front away one by one. I saw that a pile of firewood had already been set up in the vacated space. Among the firewood, a wooden pillar was erected. And on the wooden pillar, a woman was tied up at the moment.

The woman's blond hair was a little messy, and she lowered her head, unable to see what she looked like. Seems to have passed out.

At this time, an old man was standing in front of a piece of firewood energetically. Under the light of many torches, his figure looked particularly burly. He was holding an old long sword in his hand, and his arms were wrapped around him, blood oozing out. This side just fought, and the witch captured the village chief.

"Listen everyone, this witch is going to be burned to death today. Avenge the dead!!" The village head shouted vigorously.

"Burn to death!"

"Burn to death!"

"Burn to death!"

At this moment, the crowd was turbulent, and some people cried and said that they wanted to avenge their lost husbands. Each of them moved and lowered the torch in his hand. The light of the fire rose and fell on the street, and the sound shook the sky. After all, little Lolita was scared and turned her face away from her mother's arms.

Yeyue stretched out her hand and held Zhao Nan's palm, which was already cold and sweating. Zhao Nan comforted softly. The surrounding sounds shook the sky, but his heart was cold.

The noisy voice was very loud, and the blond woman who was tied to the wooden pillar shook her head slightly and woke up. She looked up, and the scattered mage was blown by the wind. Showed his true face. The blond woman looked around blankly, at the rope on her body, at the firewood surrounded in front of her eyes, fear and anxiety were written all over her beautiful face.

She wanted to yell, but her mouth was stuffed with a cloth, and she could only make a whining sound.

At this moment, Zhao Nan had a headache and hair, as if countless sharp steel needles were piercing the center of his eyebrows at the same time, and he broke out in a cold sweat from the pain. He held his eyes tightly, unwilling to take his eyes off the wooden pillar for a while. One look is like a knife piercing my heart, and the same thing again, almost suffocating.

"Let's go back! What's wrong with you..." Yeyue panicked and supported Zhao Nan, pulling him away with all her strength.

"Light it up!" The village head ordered.

Several strong men came out from the crowd, and struck the torches on the firewood, and a burst of flames immediately burst forth, and spread into the wooden pillars in an instant.


Zhao Nan couldn't help but let out a muffled snort, his tired eyes began to get heavy again, and he fell to his knees on the ground in extreme pain. Yeyue remembered crying: "Who will help me, where is the doctor?"

"Dad, don't cry, don't cry~"

Zhao Nan raised his head with difficulty, pushing open his eyes that were about to close. At this moment, little loli's terrified face came into his eyes, he opened his mouth, and waved away Yeyue's hand that was trying to support him. Looking at the panicked mother and daughter, they suddenly put their palms in their mouths and bit them hard.


His mouth was full of blood as soon as he bit it, but the pain made him suddenly sober.

"My husband... what are you going to do?" Yeyue's face turned pale.

Zhao Nan vigorously wiped away the blood from his mouth, but the wound on his palm was still bleeding. He shook his head, became more sober, looked at the burning flame, kicked his legs and rushed over without saying a word!

"don't want!!"



I saw a figure suddenly jumping out from the crowd, running at a terrifying speed, and with the momentum of running a few meters in front of the violent fire, he jumped up and jumped into the fire with one leap. Among the piles, he jumped to the side of the blond woman.

The flames had spread to the feet of the two of them.

"What do you want to do!!" The village head roared angrily, "Do you want to save this witch?"

Zhao Nan didn't pay any attention to the shouts from the crowd outside the flames, but followed his instinct and untied the blond woman.

He tore the cloth from the blond woman's mouth, and asked quickly, "Are you okay?"

"Who... are you?" The blond woman hesitated and said, " want to save me?"

"I don't know, save me if you want." Zhao Nan asked quickly while panting, "What about you, are you really a witch?"

The blond woman said: "They said I was... I don't remember. It's just that I always feel that I am not... There is another person, I want to find him."

At this time, the flames had already burned to the bottom of their legs. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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