Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 155 The Deceitful Wizard (End)

The flame was so strong that it didn't take a moment to evaporate the sweat left by Zhao Nan, and the burning sensation was very uncomfortable.

"Maybe we are going to be killed here?"

The blond woman couldn't help frowning. Although the situation was critical, she didn't seem to be terrified. The reason for frowning is because the firelight is a little dazzling.

The two of them looked at the burning flames. Beyond the flames, a woman with cat ears hugged a little girl with white hair, screaming sadly.

"He fell into the sorcery of the witch and lost his mind. He couldn't be saved, and he was burned to death together!" The village chief shouted angrily at this time, and waved his hand emphatically.

But I saw more people around, throwing more firewood into the fire. This suddenly made the hair of the flame expand.

At this time, the rope on the blond woman had just been untied, Zhao Nan kicked away the burning things around him, but he couldn't kick very far, the flames in front of him made him a little helpless.

He suddenly became quiet. Among the voices of many people and the sound of the wind blowing the flames, the cries of Yeyue and Little Lolita could still be vaguely heard.

"They... are your relatives?" the blond woman asked suddenly.

"They said they were my wife and daughter." Zhao Nan laughed at herself, "But I always think it's not."

He looked at the blond woman in front of him. Under the firelight, he subconsciously reached out and brushed her messy hair.

"I'm actually looking for someone too."

The blond woman's face was startled, and then her eyes became softer. For a moment, a sob rose up in her throat. She tilted her head slightly, letting her cheek touch the opponent's palm, and finally closed her eyes.

All the voices seemed to be far away from the two of them at this moment, and the fire seemed not to be so blazing. Familiar, clear, and vowed never to forget things began to shuttle quickly in the eyes of the two of them.

"I want to find someone." Zhao Nan muttered to himself in a low voice.

"I'm looking for someone too." The blond woman smiled softly.

Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes, only seeing the person in front of him, and his eyes gradually became clear: "I think I have found it."

"I think I've found it too." The blond woman's eyes gradually softened.

The two suddenly looked at each other and smiled. The laughter seemed to turn into a glimmer of light, and the light shot into the eyes of the other party, stimulating the perception that had been silent for a long time, giving both parties the right to know each other's name, and also giving the truth of forgetting...

"I'm back." Zhao Nan held the face that was close at hand, and wiped away the mist from the other's eyes at the same time.

"Welcome back……"



The flame didn't stop for a moment, and jumped up high, blocking everyone's sight.

Suddenly a blue light burst out from the flame, and the light turned into bunches, extinguishing the flame in an instant.

Among the changes, only a clear voice sounded.

"Ice field!"

Under the light of this blue light, the villagers in front of Ye Anya and Yeyue, from near to far, turned into a mist one by one, without screaming or struggling, they dissipated one after another. The buildings of the village began to disappear, and the surroundings fell into darkness in the blink of an eye.

In the darkness, there was another shrill voice screaming, and a little light suddenly appeared above the pitch black, gradually increasing in number.

Everything is returning to normal again, the shadows of the trees are sparse, and the green grass is blown by the wind like a dream. The eyes of Ye Anya and Yeyue fell on the two who stood up holding hands a few steps ahead.

The azure blue light will eventually dissipate all the darkness, and Katyusha, the undead dressed in white, falls from the sky in front of her.

A burst of astonishment appeared on her pale face, it was like the first doubt in her life. Undead Katyusha frowned, her eyes were full of doubts and incomprehension: "How could you escape my world of deceit!"

Zhao Nan looked at Finina beside him, and because he found her, Zhang Zhihong completely woke up from that illusion.

Finina smiled naturally.

Everyone in the eyeliner is within a few meters, and they have never moved just now.

Zhao Nan stopped the ice field, and a few seconds passed. The ability to silence skills in the ice field is the key to breaking the so-called "deceitful world" world cast by the undead.

Zhao Nan sneered and said, "Didn't you say that we God's Chosen are servants of gods? Since we have gods behind us, what can you do as a little undead?"

"Then you all go to die!"

Katyusha, the undead, let out a sharp laugh. She was covered in black mist, and her white clothes were replaced by black clothes. It was an out-and-out witch's clothes common in the West.

LV30 Deceitful Witch Katyusha.

Golden name.

Zhao Nan moved his wrist.

The color of the "deceitful wizard" that was accepted at the beginning suddenly changed to gold, and the content changed to "Kill the deceitful witch Katyusha, get the key, and open the box."

The reward for that task has not changed. As for the box that Zhao Nan obtained at the beginning, Zhao Nan had seen it early in the morning, and it was indeed impossible to open it.

Quests that have the qualifications to enter fantasy dungeons are only blue-level, so it is naturally unreasonable. From the looks of it now, this is the real content of the 'Deceitful Wizard' quest... A quest in this kind of quest, if you are not careful, you may really fall into it.

Behind that, the catwoman Yeyue looked at the front with a complicated expression, quietly put the mask back on in her hand, and then whispered: "Little master, I'm going to fight."

Little Loli wrinkled her nose, took out the guqin majestically, and thrust it on the ground forcefully in front of her. With a flick of her hair, she was the first to strike.

"Little master..." Catwoman growled.

But the little loli whispered: "How dare you play with my concubine's feelings, I am not happy!"

She swept her little hand over the guqin, and a sonorous sound passed over Zhao Nan and Finina in an instant, and then turned into waves of sound blade attacks, quickly cutting down on Katyusha's body. On the deceitful witch, after that wave of blades passed, bleeding wounds could be seen all over her body, but her health did not drop much.

"After changing into a witch, I can already attack." Zhao Nan saw the difference before and after, and moved the Soul Devouring Staff a little forward, and the ice field opened instantly.

Even if it is as powerful as the former Earl Rose, his skills will be silenced after the ice field. What's more, it's just a level 30 field king monster?

The deceitful witch originally planned to use the ability of 'deceiving the world' again, but the skill was suppressed and could not be released.

At the same time that it was anxious, Little Lolita's sound blades flew over the sky and covered the sky. The sound of the piano was like a torrential rain, like a strong wind, wave after wave, there was no gap at all! The deceitful witch couldn't help being startled and terrified, and her own movement speed was weakened a lot.

Little Lolita's sound blade stopped after all, but within a few seconds, hundreds of damage values ​​had appeared on the deceitful witch. Can't bear it.

But at this time, a black shadow was quietly standing beside the deceitful witch, the black shadow was divided into four, and the rapier in his hand drew four different trajectories, which was dazzling.

Catwoman Yeyue also made a move at this time, and it was a clone skill that had never been seen before.

Hohohohoho! -

897! -

853! -

923! -


This avatar's four-sword attack does much more damage than Little Lolita.

Finina stuck out her tongue, with a strange expression on her face, she turned to look at Zhao Nan, and said with a half-smile: "They seem to be very angry..."

You must know that from the moment she came into contact with Little Lolita, she rarely took the initiative to attack, and she always looked indifferent. Naturally, this abnormality couldn't be hidden from Finina.

Zhao Nan chuckled, without blushing and without heartbeat, said: "Probably because you have suffered a lot... Isn't it the same for you, almost burned to death, aren't you angry now?"

"Well enough."

Finina smiled slightly, the golden light on her body swelled, and with a sound of golden armor on her body, her strike was like the wind, and the light of the sword turned into a full moon, slashing fiercely at the deceitful witch from top to bottom.

Rumble! -


Zhao Nan secretly wiped off his sweat, and the attack was Pandora's transformation and the Moon Falling Strike, which is not too bad... It was clearly the ruthlessness that he would not stop until he killed this witch.

After Finina, little Lolita played the piano again, this time it was not the kind of tiny sound blade, but as the music fluttered, explosions appeared one after another on the deceitful witch.

Bang bang bang—!

Finina turned in the air and shot eighteen sword lights, and the star combo shot! Eighteen horrible blood holes came out directly here.

The catwoman sneaked into a black shadow, turned several times on the maiden's body, forced the deceitful maiden to draw a spiral wound from her feet to her body, and there was no pause in the middle.

Zhao Nan took a step back secretly, wiped off a trace of cold sweat, and did not let go of the ice field. These three women, two big and one small, really make people feel ashamed when they get violent.

The sky dragon yelled in a low voice, feeling that there was no need to appear on the stage, and lay lazily on the ground, while the little ice phoenix stood on its back, using its sharp beak to comb the feathers on its body that did not contain any stray hairs. Xiao Huaxian Jiujiu covered her eyes and squeezed under Little Ice Phoenix, not daring to look.

Zhao Nan clutched his forehead and couldn't look any further.



Watch it or don't watch it, the fight will always end. When the system prompts that the fraudulent witch has been killed, Zhao Nan heaves a sigh of relief. When the little Lolita rolls her eyes, Finina is still smiling like a flower and puts her sword back into its sheath, and Catwoman turns around and doesn't look at it calmly. Walked to the side of the witch's body.

As a king monster, at worst, he will explode some equipment that is not too rubbish. The same goes for this deceitful miko. Zhao Nan just wanted to find out the key that could open the box.

But when he touched it, he found two keys.

A quest key that opens the chest

A purple light stays bright, small and exquisite. Since it is a key, it is naturally used to open the door.

Rainbow seven-color key-purple key (level 0): One of the keys that can open the road to heaven in the legend.

Purple Spoon.

This is already the third rainbow seven-color spoon that Zhao Nan has obtained. Since it is seven colors, it is probably seven, and now seven out of three, the so-called road to the sky, does he really need to go for it?

Zhao Nan silently put away the Purple Key without saying anything. The relationship behind this kind of thing is estimated to be some more perverted characters. The lord of the castle of Oz is very jealous of the so-called road to heaven.



The atmosphere was a little weird.

Zhao Nan is sure that the three women have not forgotten what happened in that deceitful world. He narrowed his eyes and glanced at Catwoman, and brought back the mask. He couldn't see the expression, and those eyes could reveal even less.

I don't know what she will think.

Zhao Nan didn't bother to pay attention to it, everyone just treated it as a misunderstanding, but in that case, how could he care about the end of so many subsections.

"Now that the task is completed, let's see what's in this box."

Finina took the mission key from his hand and said with a smile: "Let me open it, if something bad happens, such as defrauding the world, you can activate the ice field immediately. "

Zhao Nan gave a dry laugh.

The blue light came out, don't wait to open the box, it will be released now.


The key turned slightly, and a white mist suddenly floated out of the box. The white mist turned into a figure, with only a pair of black eyes and a mouth leaking out of the head.

The white mist figure remained motionless, and there was no sign of any attack. Zhao Nan took a step forward curiously, and the white mist figure suddenly said, "You guys woke me up?"

Zhao Nan nodded.

The white mist figure continued to speak: "It doesn't matter who it is, I need a material for my experiment, but I get it for me, and I will reward it!"

"Ding! The task of 'Deceitful Witch' is completed, get the fantasy dungeon key*1, and get the fantasy dungeon map*1."

"Ding! Does player Zhao Nan accept the task of 'Looking for Materials - Jade Fragments of the Four Souls'? Complete any and get a mysterious reward!"


"Go, follow the instructions on the map to find the place. After completing the task, just open the box again, and I will give a big gift to the finisher!" After the white figure finished speaking, it turned into a white mist and returned to the box.



"The two of them walked fast."

After the matter came to an end, little Lolita climbed onto Catwoman's back, exerting her talent of sleeping as long as she said she wanted to sleep to the limit.

Catwoman took this as a reason, turned into a shadow, fully activated her skills, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Nan felt that it would be best not to express her opinion when facing any questions from Finina.

"By the way... why can we escape from the world of deceit?"

"Fountain of Immortality." Zhao Nan pondered: "Probably because we drank that thing, we can resist this kind of attack a lot. Otherwise, neither you nor I will retain a certain degree of sobriety."

"Go back today, don't stay outside." Finina leaned her head: "It's not a big deal, don't always panic." quick!)

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