Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 163 The Lost Gem (6)


The road to Maple Village is somewhat difficult, and the rainy weather has lasted for several days. In the forest of rain and mist, a blaze was accompanied by an angry shout, and a whirlwind of flames was rolled up.

A big tree in front of him had been burned, there was a loud thunder, and the rain began to pour. Under the tree, Xiongyou was panting, with a gloomy expression on his face, and at his feet was the corpse of a centipede monster.

They obtained the other party's information and knew where the hidden stronghold was, so they kept taking detours and gradually approached the destination. But as the destination approached, more monsters were encountered instead. These are little monsters that were missed by the opponent.

Maple Village has the Jade of the Four Souls, and it would be very strange if there were no monsters peeping at it.

Zhao Nan patted Xiongyou on the shoulder.

When encountering monsters in the past few days, he always strikes in a hurry. When fighting, he is a little crazy, as if to vent his anger, and strikes cruelly.

"Take a break." Zhao Nan whispered.

Xiongyou raised his head suddenly, with a gloomy expression on his face, he said hoarsely: "I want to leave this ghost dungeon as soon as possible."

"Master Nan, there seems to be an abandoned small temple in front, let's go in and avoid it."



The words of Zen Master Hei Ling came. In the rain, Zhao Nan squinted and saw a dark shadow. He nodded.

Boom, continuous lightning and thunder.

After settling down, a fire was lit in the small temple soon.

Zhao Nan sat alone outside the small temple. There were only four wooden stairs on top of it, and drops of rain fell in a line above his head.

Suddenly the door opened, and Finina closed the door carefully, and sat beside Zhao Nan, resting her chin with both hands, looking at the dark clouds.

"How about the two of them?" Zhao Nan moved his body and leaned against the armrest next to him.

"Don't talk." Finina shook her head, hugged her knees and said, "I've been on the road these few days and dealt with the enemy, and I'm afraid my spirit will not be able to bear it."

"Although the monster is not strong, it's just that the two of them feel a little uncomfortable." Zhao Nan knocked his head on the handrail a few times, and suddenly felt a soft feeling.

Those little hands protected his head.

"You can only let Xiaoyou and Xiao Nan get used to it slowly." Finina leaned on Zhao Nan's shoulder and said, "At least they can still fight, they won't be able to escape, right?"

Once any of them are completed, many more people will be obliterated because of the failure of the task. Carrying many lives on their backs, this can be regarded as an extremely heavy mental burden for Xiongyou and Yanan. They have survived together until now, and they have killed a lot of monsters, and they can kill fewer people than counting five fingers on the palm of one hand.

Although they dealt with monsters these few times, Xiongyou and Xiaonan are basically in a state of morbid excitement. They force themselves to fight instead, trying to stay on task before it's over, in order to train themselves to be strong enough to take the lives of those who failed in their quest.

Suddenly the sound of the piano sounded, ding ding dong dong, accompanied by the sound of rain, the small temple became even quieter. The sound from the burning firewood was almost diluted. Zhao Nan pretended to be listening, "Fortunately, there is little Anya's piano sound."

"It's really unbelievable. Little Anya doesn't speak, but she can always calm Xiaoyou and Xiao Nan."

"It's a good thing to be able to rest, I'm afraid I can't stop."

"Although the weather is a bit gloomy, the air is fresh. Why are you talking nonsense instead?"

Zhao Nan looked at her and embraced her. Before entering the dungeon, Zhao Nan said even more faint words.

Being an enemy of the whole world for the sake of beauty, the legendary hero's shortness of breath comes from the heart. Unlike Xiongyou and the others, he is now getting used to how to eat people. He has changed from eating people to eating more people. So once he knew that in the fantasy dungeon, there would still be such a situation where players would fight against each other and directly bet on the lives of both parties, he easily accepted the past.

He really couldn't stop.



But the rain will stop. After a short rest for a long time, the haze for several days finally disappeared, and then it cleared up.

The faces of the two nervous people looked a lot better. Although it can't be said that they have completely thought through, at least they can keep calm.

There was a rosy feeling on Little Lolita's face, and Catwoman wanted to hug her heartbrokenly, but was rejected.

Zhao Nan looked at Ye Anya, the ruddy complexion was not caused by the body's discomfort with the exercise, but a quite normal blood color.

Zhao Nan suddenly said: "Little Anya, run a few steps to see if you are tired."

Yeyue immediately objected to such a proposal that would burden her little master's body, and said in a deep voice, "Master Zhao Nan, you can't use the blood recovery agent here, the little master will put a heavy burden on the heart after exercising!"

Unexpectedly, the little Lolita bounced a few times at the front door, and then ran a distance of ten meters. Yeyue was shocked, and the little Lolita bounced again like a bunny and returned to her.

With a rosy face but not panting, this was basically impossible to happen before.

"What the hell is this..." Yeyue hurriedly listened to the heartbeat of little Lolita, it was a little faster, but it was still steady, so she continued, "...unbelievable!"

"It's probably due to spiritual power." Zhao Nan said thoughtfully: "Spiritual power cultivation can not only use the means of eliminating demons at this time, but the most basic thing is to strengthen the body. Little Anya has a heart problem, and medical technology can't solve it , but spiritual power can strengthen her heart...probably."

Catwoman immediately beamed with joy, "Hi, little master!"

Little Lolita nodded, a rare smile appeared on her face.

Zhao Nan touched her head and said: "Don't be too happy. You have only cultivated spiritual power for less than half a month, and the effect is not that great. This kind of thing must be persistent... For example, that Zen master Hei Ling, the time of cultivation Just over twenty years."

Little Loli stuck out her tongue, perhaps because she was able to solve the problem that bothered her, so she had such a mischievous expression after smiling. Then continue to jump up and down the road.

"Don't get too complacent." Zhao Nan shook his head and smiled.

This discovery seems to be the only good news after entering the dungeon. During this period of time, Xiongyou and Yanan showed a rare smile on their faces.

"Hey, who is this little witch?"



Suddenly on the road, two young men and women came, a man and a woman. The woman is dressed in white clothes and red skirt priestess costumes, holding a bow and arrow and hanging a quiver on her shoulder. The other is a barefoot, beautiful boy with long silver hair and a pair of fluffy ears in a red robe.

Little Loli stopped in front of the two of them, then stopped suddenly, and looked up suspiciously.

"Who is this little guy?"

The dog-eared boy squatted down, squinted his eyes, stared at Little Lolita, and suddenly reached out to touch her. Unexpectedly, the little loli waved her hand.

"How dare you bite me, you bastard!!"



"Inuyasha!" The witch girl snorted coldly, hit the dog-eared boy with a bow and arrow, then lowered her head and smiled, "Little sister, this guy is not sensible, don't blame him."

"little Master!"

Catwoman was the first to find her, pulled Little Loli behind her, watched the two people in front of her warily, and set her posture.

The witch girl apologized: "I'm sorry, this companion of mine has no malicious intentions."

"Yeyue, it's just a misunderstanding, relax."

Zhao Nan came from behind, followed by everyone behind him.

The witch looked at Yeyue's body for a while, showing a surprised expression, but quickly calmed down. There doesn't seem to be much curiosity. In other words, curiosity has been attracted by this sudden extra group of people.

"There is a monster!"

The dog-eared boy's expression froze, the nails in his hand grew a few inches, and there was a scarlet light on his hand.


Still hitting the head with the longbow, the witch in white said in a deep voice, "The evil aura on her body is left after the monster is eliminated. You are still a monster, so you can't tell the difference!"

At this time, Xiongyou quietly gave Zhao Nan a look.

Zhao Nan was taken aback for a moment, never expecting to meet these... two protagonists in this place.

Kikyo, Inuyasha.



"I'm really sorry, Zen Master Nan, Zen Master Hei Ling!" The witch Kikyo bent down apologetically and apologized: "I didn't expect to meet Zen Master Hei Ling here."

Zen Master Hei Ling chuckled, and said kindly: "Where is it, it is my honor to be able to see the guardian maiden of Maple Village."

Ji Jiao shook his head and said, "Zen Master Hei Ling has been exterminating demons for many years, and the little girl has also heard about it. He is much better than me who stays in the village."

Zhao Nan did not expect that this Zen master Hei Ling was still famous.

Zen Master Hei Ling didn't say the purpose of this trip, but just said that a kind of companion travels and eliminates demons along the way, passing by here. Kikyo didn't have too much doubt, and then invited everyone to Fengzhi Village to take a rest.

Seeing that the location of the Jade of the Four Souls was right in front of him, Zhao Nan secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

However, where are the hidden players now?



Fengzhi Village is like a paradise, quiet under the sunset, and the villagers rest at sunset.

"The village is shabby, please forgive me for the poor greetings." Kikyo knelt in front of the people and said apologetically.

Zhao Nan suddenly said: "I heard that the witch guards the jade of the four souls. It is peaceful here, and the contribution of the witch is indispensable."

Kikyo said: "The village has an enchantment set up by the witches of the past generations. It is not my fault that ordinary monsters cannot break in."

Zhao Nan was noncommittal, "We will leave tomorrow. Thank you Miko for your hospitality."

Kikyo smiled, "I really need to do my homework. If you have any needs, I can tell my sister Xiaofeng that the sleeping place is ready."

Kikyo leaves soon.

In her home, on a tree, a pair of eyes flashed out from the leaves. The eye of inspiration sees a boy with dog ears.

Zhao Nan wore an invisibility cloak and quietly followed the witch. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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