Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 164: The Lost Gem (7)

The so-called homework of the witch is to go to the shrine where the jade of the four souls is placed, and purify the jade of the four souls. According to Baoyu, it is said that after the ancient witches and countless monsters died together, the soul and monsters were fused and born, but the big one had a lot of evil thoughts.

Invisibility cloaks can even hide an individual's smell and voice. If he didn't have full vision within the scope of the eye of spiritual perception, and didn't notice the footprints caused by walking, Zhao Nan would not have been able to detect Jack's sneak attack at the beginning.

But Zhao Nan was not too close. God knows if this kind of witch has any other way to sense the existence of others?

Inside the shrine ahead, Kikyo didn't come out for a long time after she walked in. It wasn't until almost dawn that the witch carefully closed the door, looked around, and walked back to the village.

Zhao Nan pondered for a moment, and approached the shrine.

It can be seen that when he was about to open the door, there was a repelling force, as if trying to bounce it away.

Zhao Nan was taken aback. No wonder this thing was placed here, and there was no guard around it. It seemed that even this shrine had a special barrier guarding the village.

He exerted a little force, and the strength of the rebound became even stronger! But at this moment, there seemed to be something in the body that was about to move, rejecting this rebounding force.

With a move of Zhao Nan's hand, he passed through the barrier.

"Stigmata..." Zhao Nan was thoughtful, and secretly said in his heart: "This world rejects the power of the stigmata, so it is impossible to practice spiritual power. But in turn, the stigmata are also repelling the spiritual power."

Regardless of whether this inference is correct. But being able to easily enter the shrine is already a pleasant surprise. As long as you get the Jade of the Four Souls, you can leave the instance after the task is over.

A purple precious jade was placed in the altar in front of him, shining brightly. Zhao Nan frowned and walked up to the Jade of the Four Souls.

His brows were still tightened.

He subconsciously took out the jade of the four souls. After waiting for a moment, he opened his mouth slightly, and said in surprise, "'s fake!"

If you are just looking for props, the system will prompt you when you approach. Not this time, not even when holding Baoyu. There is no indication that the task is complete.

Zhao Nan put the precious jade back to its original position and quietly left the shrine.



The gems inside the shrine are fake. So where will the original be? Zhao Nan was quietly on the way back.

Perhaps it is still in the hands of the witch, and the shrine placed Baoyu just to deceive people. In fact, there is another place to put it; or the group of players who have been protected by the plot will wait. In order to protect the plot, he directly replaced the authentic product and returned it when the task time was up; or, someone replaced the jade of the four souls before him? The last guess is less likely.

Zhao Nan is more inclined to the first two guesses. As for whether Kikyo collected it on purpose or replaced it by a player, I really have no clue.

In the middle of the night. Zhao Nan returned to Kikyo's home smoothly.

Men and women were arranged in different rooms, and he touched where Finina and the others were.

In the middle of the night, of course, it wasn't for stealing incense and jade, it was just to wake up little Lolita.

When Little Lolita was forcibly woken up, she puffed her face and stared at her eyes with a dissatisfied expression, Zhao Nan had no choice but to say: "Little Anya, you're going to play next."


A question mark appeared, Zhao Nan said with a smile: "We have encountered a situation..."



"What. Little Anya wants to worship me as a teacher?" Kikyo was a little surprised to hear this request from the young Zen master in front of him.

Strictly speaking, this age can only be called a mage at most. But Zen Master Hei Ling always referred to Zhao Nan as Zen Master Nan. She did just that.

Zhao Nan pretended to be sincere and said: "Yes, Priestess Kikyo. Little Anya has been in poor health since she was a child, but after learning spiritual power, her health began to improve. But you know, the cultivation method of our mage system is not suitable for little Anya .”

The miko made a gesture of listening.

Zhao Nan smiled and patted the head of the little girl beside her. Pity said: "This child has determined to be an outstanding witch since she was a child. It is rare to meet the guardian witch who guards the jade of the four souls in the legend. She is unwilling to leave and wants to worship you as a teacher. So..."

Zhao Nan slightly pushed the expressionless little Lolita, causing her body to bend down. Sincerely said: "Please complete it."

Seeing that the other party was still hesitating, Zhao Nan said again: "Even if you don't accept apprentices, please give me some pointers, after all, it is also good for her body."

Kikyo suddenly said: "Little Anya, can I let my sister show you?"

Little Lolita nodded, and the two went to the next room and opened the door.

Zhao Nan listened attentively.

"Come on, take off your clothes first." Only the witch said so.



Pa, the door was suddenly pulled open forcefully, and little Lolita walked up to Zhao Nan, reached out and slapped a note in front of him, and then hurried back to Zhao Nan. in the side room.

Zhao Nan took a look subconsciously.

"Turn off the eyes of spiritual perception! Otherwise, I will tell Sister Finina about you sleeping in the same bed with Yeyue!"

Zhao Nan tore the note into pieces expressionlessly, walked outside and sat down on the long corridor, looked at the lotus leaves on a small pond in front of him, and said in a low voice, "I'll go..."



Little Lolita tidied her clothes and came out. She looked at Zhao Nan's back suspiciously for the first time, and then seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

The witch smiled lightly and said, "Master Nan, it's alright."

Zhao Nan shrugged and asked, "How?"

The witch frowned and said, "There is something wrong with the heart, which is difficult to cure. But it can be cured. We have passed down some medical skills from our lineage, plus the cultivation of spiritual power, as long as we persevere."

Zhao Nan raised her mouth and said, "His Majesty the Witch agreed?"

The witch said with a smile: "It's just a guide, not an apprentice. Our lineage will inherit the guardianship of the four soul jade. This is not a fun thing. Let little Anya recover and live in peace. This life."

Zhao Nan was taken aback, and thanked him very sincerely.

next. Thanks to this reason, everyone has a reason to stay.

Zhao Nan did not tell Zen Master Hei Ling that the Jade of the Four Souls was a fake. Anyway, in case this monk is lucky enough to find the real gem from somewhere. It's easier to grab it. There are many monsters along the way, so he dare not leave alone.

It's just that Zen Master Hei Ling was scratching his head and thinking about how to get the jade of the four souls from the witch. He sighed and wandered around the village every day, occasionally reciting Buddhist scriptures with the villagers, and seemed to have some fun.

Little Lolita's spiritual training has already been put on the agenda, and she has to take the herbal medicine that the witch suffered every day. The breath is getting better day by day.

But the real Jade of the Four Souls still has no clue. Seeing that the deadline for the mission is approaching. Zhao Nan had no choice but to take the initiative.

If you don't have a clue here, let's go and see if the group of players have replaced the real jade of the four souls.

Recently, he was wandering around the Western Zhou Dynasty in Maple Village. Under the inspection of the eyes of spiritual perception, he found a lot of people hiding in the dark.

Because it has avoided all the strongholds set up by the opponent, it seems that it is not clear that there are players who have successfully contacted the core of the plot. Probably just turned Zhao Nan and the others into wandering exorcists and the like.

Not only if you don't really do it, it's hard to tell just by clothes.

But he doesn't have the avenue to pick the opponent's stronghold.

God knows where they have subdued those powerful monsters and where their spiritual power has been cultivated in the past two years. And what kind of weird magic weapon is there on hand?

"You need to find an amulet..."



There is a lake in Fengzhi Village. There are two people fighting by the lake.

"Stop, stop, I surrender, Inuyasha, you are amazing!" Xiongyou raised his hands, looking scared.

"It's boring, I just started playing!" Inuyasha wiped his nose. After a few jumps, he jumped to the side of Xiongyou. "Would you like to play again?"

Xiongyou shook his head: "If you don't fight, you don't fight!"

"No fun!"

Xiongyou rolled his eyes, and suddenly said: "Inuyasha, you are so powerful, Kikyo Priestess must like you very much!"

The dog-eared boy gave a rare snort, and said with disdain: "I don't like that kind of guy!"

Xiongyou sighed: "That's right, one of you is a half-demon and the other is a human being. It's really troublesome to combine."


Suddenly a cold breath made Xiong You tremble all over, and saw the dog-eared boy suddenly appearing in front of him with a gloomy expression.

"Of course, I miss you Inuyasha, a powerful monster like you. Naturally, you won't be afraid of such troublesome things."

Inuyasha put his hands into his sleeves, sat on the ground, and looked around boredly.

Xiongyou suddenly said: "Inuyasha, I heard the other day that Kikyo Priestess likes the kind of hero who picks up the strong and helps the weak."

Inuyasha turned away and didn't look at it, and snorted coldly, "What's none of my business?"

Xiongyou rolled his eyes, and suddenly said: "When I came to Fengzhi Village, I heard that there was a group of thugs at Sunset Cliff not far from here. Be Mrs. Yazhai or something like that."

"It's none of my business..."

The dog-eared boy stood up violently, grabbed Xiongyou's collar with one hand and said, "Say it again, what bastard said that!?"

Xiongyou was shocked and said: "It's a group of thugs, I heard there are some monsters to help out. We originally planned to clear them up this time."

The dog-eared boy pushed Xiongyou away, and suddenly said: "Fighting with you is too boring, I'm going to find other fun... Well, do you know the exact location of those gangsters?"

Xiongyou quickly said: "Of course we know, we are here for them."

"Hurry up and take me there!"

"It's easy to talk about."

Xiongyou wiped off his cold sweat, thinking that the task of Zhao Nan asking him to abduct Inuyasha was really troublesome. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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