Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 165: The Lost Gem (8)

This time, it was only Zhao Nan, Xiongyou, and the boy with dog ears. As for the others, they stayed behind in the village.

The benefit of this is mobility. Once something goes wrong, Zhao Nan can rely on Blazing Wings to leave quickly. And Xiongyou can also be taken away by Sky Dragon.

As for the dog-eared boy, as the protagonist, he doesn't have the aura of the protagonist, so don't mess around in the next time.

Zhao Nan thought so.

The so-called Sunset Cliff is not far from Maple Village, and the normal speed can be reached in a day. It's just that the dog-eared boy was a little impatient, and he arrived at his destination in half a day.

According to Inuyasha, the evil spirit here is very strong. Although he is conceited, he is not really without brains. Seeing the evil spirit filling the place, he stopped.

Zhao Nan said with a look of admiration: "Inuyasha, I have heard the legend about you. It is said that you are a super powerful monster. As long as you report your name, it will really scare the enemy."

"of course!"

Zhao Nan touched his chin suddenly, and thought deeply: "But you don't look like you... you are not as brave as in the legend, strange, strange..."

He looked at Inuyasha, squinted his eyes, touched his chin again and again, "...are you thinking about how to deal with these gangsters?"

"of course!"

"Then have you thought about it?"

Inuyasha snorted coldly, looked at the hole on the cliff, and said contemptuously: "It's just more than a hundred monsters, watch me tear them all apart!"

After all, one got up and climbed the high cliff barefoot without any difficulty.

"Hahahahaha! Let me wipe out all of you bastards!"

Zhao Nan laughed softly: "Follow up, this is a super talisman, don't leave him too far."

After saying that, the Blazing Sky Wings spread out behind him, and followed them with ease. Xiongyou suddenly shuddered. It is estimated that the players in the cave will be very surprised to see Inuyasha's appearance.



The cave entrance of the cliff is like the teeth of a ferocious monster opening its mouth. When the dog-eared boy entered the cave entrance, his whole body released a strong demonic aura. It's like a light bulb with tens of thousands of watts, you can't get it if you want it.

"Who is acting wild here!"

The first ones to appear were a few little demon soldiers guarding the entrance of the cave. Without batting an eye, Inuyasha swiftly clawed to death one by one.

Xiongyou looked behind him, lowered his head and said: "Although I intend to lose to him in the martial arts competition, but in fact, if I try my best, I'm afraid I still can't beat him."

Zhao Nan laughed lowly, and suddenly said: "Inuyasha, you should report your name, so that these monsters will remember your name well! Otherwise, I don't know who died in it."

"Is that so?" Inuyasha put his hands into his sleeves, thought about it seriously, and suddenly said, "Zen Master Nan, thank you!"

As he spoke, he laughed like a mad dog. The sound vibrated in the entire cave, and there were bursts of noisy sounds immediately.

I could only hear Inuyasha shouting loudly: "My uncle Inuyasha is here!!"

Then it turned into a red figure and charged away.



"Boss, boss, it's not good, someone broke in!"

In the depths of the cave, there are a group of around 30 players resident here. As for the others, they are scattered in various places.

As the guild leader, Zacks got the quest of this fantasy dungeon, and broke into it with most of his guild's elites. As soon as he entered the instance, Zack fell in love with this place. Not only did he not have to face the monsters flying all over the city, but he could also meet many lovely humans. Even if there are inconveniences in this era, and there are monsters, but it is normal, at least there is no need to face monsters attacking the city.

Unfortunately, the task time is only three years.

Now there is only one year left, most of the players who came in with other missions either died, or chose to cooperate with him, and everyone spent some time here together.

Zacks just regards this place as a fiction, and killing people is a common thing, and the women in this country are also very good, much better than the cities living outside the copy. You can do whatever you want, there are no restrictions.

Today, I just took off my pants, ready to have a good time, and then I was reminded by my little brother in panic.

"Falke, I'll kill whoever breaks in!" Zacks was very angry. He was harassed when he was raising his gun and preparing to mount his horse, and his interest suddenly dropped a lot.

"My uncle Inuyasha is here!!"

At this moment, Zack was stunned for a moment when he heard the domineering declaration of his meow, and subconsciously said, "Who's here?"


"Fack!" Zacks yelled quickly, "What is this guy doing here?"

"Clear us!" The younger brother hurriedly said, "I have already killed quite a few monsters guarding the gate, and they will attack in soon! What should we do? Kill him?"

Zacks said furiously: "If you want to die, I can fulfill you! If you do him, we will bury him with him!"

"Then...then what shall we do?"

Zacks lifted his pants, walked forward and said calmly: "If he likes to kill, let him kill as much as he likes, order all the monsters to go out, and kill him. Remember not to let the monsters resist, it's fine if you mean it. Bump him If the plot changes, we are all going to die, we have to hide from him, and leave quietly while he starts killing monsters! There is still one year left, I don’t want to waste all my previous work! Falk, why did this troublesome guy leave the village , no one reciprocated?"

Zacks has never been so depressed before. When the enemy is defeated, he not only has to send his subordinates to fight, but also cannot resist. Although it is said that these monsters will disappear after leaving the dungeon, and it doesn't hurt how much they die, the problem is that so many monsters will come to the capital in the next year? It would be much more troublesome to look at Maple Village.



Inuyasha killed all directions, and the killing was just at the time of the rise, and he hadn't noticed that Zhao Nan and Xiongyou had already stopped.

"We can just wait here." Zhao Nan smiled.

A black ball was taken out of the backpack. Putting the ball on the ground, a white spider silk shot out suddenly, covering the entire passage.

"Really?" Xiongyou asked suspiciously.

"They don't dare to kill the protagonist." Zhao Nan looked at the dog-eared boy who wanted to be invincible in the hall of the cave in front of him, and said amusedly: "And now it seems that he dare not touch it."

He looked at the chaos, someone was walking towards the edge quietly, pulled Xiongyou to hide in the dark, and said in a low voice: "So, let's just set a trap."

Xiongyou took a deep breath, his face darkened, and he said in a deep voice: "Brother Nan... I am ready!"

Zhao Nan was taken aback, patted him on the shoulder, and sighed: "Get ready to shoot!" (To be continued.)

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