Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 166: The Lost Gem (9)

Zack led people around Inuyasha, and let a large group of monsters go purely to die. This is the effect of a very interesting prop he has on hand. When I first entered this world, if I didn't have this item, I'm afraid it would be very difficult to set up checkpoints in the Musashi country.

It is also because of owning this item that he has the confidence to face other group players. So what if you have many players? I have many monsters, even violent soldiers can violently kill you.

But when the opponent is a plot character and the most important character, Zacks has no choice but to admit it.

As a co-prosperous guild leader, of course you have to be at the forefront. He jumped over to the exit of the hall in the cave without any hesitation.

It landed safely, but when Zack wanted to lift his legs and continue walking, he suddenly stopped moving.

"Boss, why did you stop?"

"Hey...why can't I move?"

Suddenly, the whole ground began to change, and countless black shadows flashed, and rock swords shot out from the ground!

Earth Sword Formation*2!



Swords are made of rocks. This kind of sword is not only sharp, but also powerful. Once it is shot from the ground, it cannot be defended, unless the defensive skills are activated early in the morning.

But obviously this group of players haven't really used their skills for too long, or didn't expect that there would be such a sinister trap waiting for them here.

Once the rock sword is fired, it will disappear after concentrating on the target. But even if it disappears, think about where these things shoot out from under the feet, where will they hit?

Xiongyou tightened his ass, looking awkwardly at these people who were attacked by the earth sword array in front of him. It wasn't until most people were hit by the trick and the little brother passed out from the pain that he thought of turning on the defensive skills.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Even though the defensive skills were activated, after the rock sword finished shooting, twelve fire dragons filled the entire passage followed.

The fire dragon passed through directly, blah blah blah, radiant heat, and the sound of explosions continued.

After the soul-devouring staff reaches the perfect tenth level of enhancement, its attack power can be regarded as doubled, and with the improvement of fusion skills and so on, the power of the twelve fire dragons in the fire dragon array is absolutely awesome!

What's more, they are already entangled in the silk of the hunting spider and cannot move. It would be surprising if such a reachable target could not be hit.

Xiongyou said he was ready. Now that it was ready, after the fire dragon disappeared, he activated the attack skills of the fire spirit fighter, and after being blessed by Zhao Nan with an earth spirit guardian, he plunged into the players who had not yet fallen.

The blood recovery agent cannot be used here, that is to say, it cannot be restored to combat power immediately after being seriously injured.

Zakas looked powerful, but he didn't expect that he was a mage. And it's soil type. With a rock armor on his body, he gritted his teeth to resist Xiongyou's attack, while preparing to release the rest of his skills.

Can he shorten the cooling time of skills like Zhao Nan did, so he can still have time to say loudly: "You two are also players, right? Let's discuss and see if we can cooperate?"

From Jack's clichés, I know that when Zack meets players, he likes to use this kind of as if to resolve the battle between the two sides, but once they relax, they will bite back like a poisonous snake.

"Little friend, let's increase the output." Zhao Nan said expressionlessly.

And he himself released the skills that frightened Zack...the kind of skill release frequency that would not have a pause time.

Fortunately, Inuyasha restrained those monsters, and then set up a trap, so that Zakas and his group could be wiped out. Otherwise, Zhao Nan would probably be able to retreat completely if he confronted them head-on.



Zakas had already been knocked down to the ground unwillingly, with burn marks all over his body. At the same time, Xiongyou squinted his eyes and stood silently in one place.

Inuyasha hadn't finished killing in the cave, but he crushed most of the people to death in his own hands.

There is no turning back. Xiongyou silently thought, luckily he didn't bring Yanan with him this time. He looked at Zhao Nan, maybe this is what he did on purpose?

However, Zhao Nan turned a blind eye to Xiongyou's gaze, squatted down, recovered the hunting spider silk, and then released the magic word skill on Zakas under the terrified gaze.

At this time, Xiongyou suddenly said: "Brother Nan, let me go and see Inuyasha."


It will take a while to consume the opponent's spiritual power.

The magic words were resisted by the spiritual power in the opponent's body, Zhao Nan sneered and said, "I'll see how long you can last!"

He has the source of mana behind him, and he simply releases a magic word skill, and he will not feel empty if he releases it hundreds of times a day. But Zack couldn't do it.

In the process of resisting the magic words, the spiritual power weakened again and again, until finally, it was unable to resist.

"Tell me, have you replaced the Jade of the Four Souls?"


"Where are the others?" Zhao Nan asked unwillingly.

"I'm not going to let other people spoil the plot."

The answer came out.

The two looked at each other, and they didn't expect that this entry was a waste of time. Xiongyou shook his head in disappointment, Zhao Nan pursed his lips, and suddenly said, "How do you control the monsters here?"

"I have a secret treasure, the devil's egg. It can automatically produce a seed every once in a while. Once it is implanted in the body, it will be under my control." Zakas said blankly.

"Show it to me." Zhao Nan said with a little shortness of breath.

Without hesitation, Zakas took out a strange object that looked like a honeycomb from his backpack.

Zhao Nan took it in his hand and looked at it.

This is a secret treasure outside the dungeon.

Devil's Egg: Special Secret Treasure. Drains the user's blood and produces 10 devil seeds a day. Implanted in a dying wild monster, the monster can be commanded. Monsters implanted with demon seeds will not be affected by monster siege. When the monster dies, the demon seeds will wither automatically.

"This thing..."

After Zhao Nan finished reading, her heart beat faster for a moment, but she quickly recovered. Not for nothing this time.

It's a big harvest, a big harvest.

The egg of the devil is 10 seeds a day and can control ten monsters. But the number of monsters counting in the millions of monsters attacking the city on the opposite side seems to be a drop in the bucket.

But this is within the fantasy dungeon, here is only one day a year outside!

This time alone, there are still more than a hundred days before leaving. How many seeds are there for this? The ones implanted with the devil seeds are field elite monsters, what about field king monsters?



But... If you can't leave this copy, it's useless to get it.

He shook his head, put away the devil's egg, and turned Zakas' body into ashes with a fire.

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