Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 167 Searching for the Lost Gem (End)

Zack's stronghold in Sunset Bluff was eventually wiped out. Inuyasha came out with a bloody aura all over his body, his eyes were faintly scarlet, it seemed that he had killed too much, and the hostility in his heart increased a lot.

Zhao Nan was startled, he had no intention of having any bad things happen to the protagonist of this kind of plot. Just looking at the speed of the opponent, if you don't prepare in advance, it will be difficult for your skills to hit the opponent.

"Let's go back to Maple Village. If we come out for a while, the scary Kikyo Miko will be worried." Zhao Nan said hastily.

Mentioning the priestess, Inuyasha gradually regained consciousness. Probably this level of killing is far less than the importance attached to the witch in his heart.

"My uncle is going to take a bath, it's so dirty, let's go first!"

After a few jumps, it has disappeared before anyone else.

Xiongyou laughed and said, "You know how to wipe your mouth if you steal it."

Zhao Nan shook his head and said, "The Jade of the Four Souls is not on Zack's body."

Xiongyou frowned and said: "It's not here, but it won't disappear from this world. Otherwise, if the jade is gone, we might be wiped out...then where will it be?"

Zhao Nan pondered and said: "Little friend, go back and tell them about this first, I want to visit other strongholds."

"you alone?"

Zhao Nan smiled and said, "It's okay, with Blazing Sky Wings and Olisis, I can walk even if I can't beat them."

Xiongyou hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded. If it were someone else, I'm afraid I really can't let go.



Zakas didn't replace the Jade of the Four Souls, which doesn't mean that people in his guild wouldn't do it secretly. What's more, more information is known, and there are several strongholds not far from Fengzhi Village.

After Zakas died, the monsters controlled by him through the devil's eggs were liberated. The monsters in those strongholds are probably going to rebel.

Olises was galloping above the lush forest.

Zhao Nan frowned, and the sky dragon landed on the ground.

He looked around and suddenly whispered, "Inuyasha, what's the matter with me?"

Seeing no movement around, Zhao Nan shrugged and said, "Your tail is exposed."

"No way!"

"But, haven't you already answered my question?" Zhao Nan said calmly.

call out.

The dog-eared boy jumped out from a hidden place, with his dog eyes open, "It's really uncomfortable!"

Zhao Nan was on guard secretly, the behavior of this half-demon seemed to be a little different from usual, and said: "Since it makes you uncomfortable, why are you still following me?"

"I just want to see where you want to go."

"These bandits have been wiped out, of course they are going to collect the bounty." Zhao Nan said without blushing.

"It's better to be like this." The dog-eared boy said coldly: "Don't let me know what bad things you did to the village, or I won't let you go!"

Zhao Nan waved his hand and said, "I haven't done anything bad."

Inuyasha snorted coldly: "Don't think I don't know, you went out secretly on the first night you came here. Although I don't understand how you left, I can smell your absence!"


Zhao Nan shook his head. He had indeed noticed that he was hiding in a tree and watching.

"Because I can't sleep, so I just walk around, don't be nervous."

Inuyasha sneered and said: "It's better like this. If I find out about something, I will not let you two go first!"

"...Two?" Zhao Nan was taken aback.

Inuyasha said disdainfully: "Pretend! You and that black spirit monk were not there that night, do you really think I don't know?"

"When did he come back?" Zhao Nan said expressionlessly.

"Anyway, it was before you." Zaizoutou, probably because of his vigilance against the unknown, Inuyasha hurriedly asked: "How did you disappear? And you can also hide the smell?"

Zhao Nan looked at the sky, and suddenly said: "It's dark and it's hard to walk, I'll go to collect the reward later, I'm going back to Fengzhi Village."

"Hey, you haven't answered me yet!" Inuyasha roared angrily.

Zhao Nan turned his head and squinted, and the sky dragon let out a high-pitched roar.

"Do you want to fight?"


Seeing Zhao Nan who had disappeared, the dog-eared boy gritted his teeth, with an expression of displeasure on his face, and waited for a moment before chasing after him.



Maple Village looks very quiet at night.

Zen Master Hei Ling finished his day of practice and was on his way back to temporarily stay at the witch's house.

"Huh? Zen Master Nan, what a coincidence!"

Zhao Nan greeted with a smile: "Zen Master Hei Ling, there is something I want to discuss with you."

Zen Master Hei Ling froze for a moment, nodded and said, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Nan said in a low voice, "Master Zen, it's been a while since we came to Maple Village, why haven't you asked the guardian maiden for the Jade of the Four Souls?"

Zen Master Hei Ling sighed, "I thought about it, but I just couldn't open my mouth."

"Then procrastinating like this is not an option." Zhao Nan looked at Zen Master Hei Ling seriously and said.

Zen Master Hei Ling said helplessly: "I also want to fulfill the general's commission."

When he was about to speak, suddenly a famous man ran over in horror and shouted: "No, there are monsters attacking the shrine! Everyone drive to help!"

After the villager finished shouting, he left in a hurry, shouting all the way. Zhao Nan said anxiously: "Zen Master Hei Ling, you can't let Baoyu fall into the hands of monsters, let's go help!"

Zen Master Hei Ling nodded and said: "Chan Master Nan, you go first, but I will come back with the spell when I go back. I didn't bring it with me when I went out today!"

Zhao Nan nodded without doubting it, watched Zen Master Hei Ling hurried past, and then walked towards the shrine.

After a while, Zen Master Hei Ling returned to the original place, saw no one in front of him, and quickly walked in another direction.

After he left, in the air, Zhao Nan put away the invisibility cloak thoughtfully, revealing his body.

At this time, the villager who shouted loudly returned to this place again, Zhao Nan said indifferently: "Go home, you have worked hard."

"Yes." The villagers replied blankly.

Zhao Nan followed the Zen master Hei Ling.

Tracking all the way forward, I saw that Zen Master Hei Ling walked out of the village and into the forest, until he came to a dead tree, hurriedly made a handprint towards the dead tree, and then spread his hand into the gap of the dead tree Among them, he took out a purple gem and stuffed it into his bosom.

At this moment, Zen Master Hei Ling's face changed slightly, he quickly turned around, and shot a few spells from his sleeves, lined up.

I saw twelve fire dragons rushing madly in front of me, and the row of talismans made a hissing sound, which actually intercepted the fire dragons at the bottom.


Amidst the smoke and dust, Zhao Nan frowned, looked at Zen Master Hei Ling who was also looking at him in surprise, shrugged and said, "Master Zen, your movements are really fast."

Zen Master Hei Ling suddenly raised his head, heaved a sigh of relief and said, "That villager...was it arranged by you? When did you find me?"

Zhao Nan shook his head and said, "Since you have already found out, why ask? But you, since you have already obtained the jade of the four souls, why do you still stay in the village?"

"That's my business, what does it have to do with you?" Zen Master Hei Ling sneered.

But before he could finish speaking, lightning shot out, and the spell shot out from his sleeve. How can someone who knows this kind of sneak attack technique let him succeed?

Under the eyes of spiritual perception, there is nothing to hide from Zen Master Hei Ling's every move.

He waved the tin staff in his hand, a huge whirlwind emerged in the forest, and the spell exploded again and again in the whirlwind.

But at this moment, Zen Master Hei Ling disappeared.

Zhao Nan sneered, and stuck his tin staff on the ground.

The soft soil around him suddenly turned into rolling quicksand.

Fusion skills, ground binding array!

Let the mud turn into quicksand, all the enemies around will be swallowed by the quicksand, and the body will be directly fixed in place. Only a terrified cry was heard, Zhao Nan followed the sound and waved his tin stick, a small fireball shot out.

The fireball collided with the air, making a screeching sound of burning, and actually set a piece of cloth on fire. The cloth was draped over Zen Master Hei Ling's body, he flung it away in a panic, the same tin rod was inserted into the quicksand, and with a loud shout, the quicksand returned to its original state.

"It's useless, I can break all your skills!" Zen Master Hei Ling said with some disdain.

Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes and said, "Player?"

"Go ask the ghost!"

Zen Master Hei Ling waved the tin stick in his hand vigorously, and shouted: "Let me show you the power of spiritual power!"

He leaped into the sky, golden light was shining on the tin staff, Zhao Nan activated the ground sword formation, but was blocked by the tin staff, and the rock swords were annihilated one by one.

"I have been cultivating spiritual power for twenty years. Even the guardian maiden may not remember me! Just you? How long have you been in this world? You can't even cultivate spiritual power. Why do you fight against me?"

"not necessarily."

Zhao Nan didn't give in at all, the guardian earth spirit emerged from his body, spread the wings of the blazing sky, rushed into the midair, and then started the indiscriminate bombardment towards the position of Zen Master Hei Ling!

The rush to work just now was just a test of the water, and his uninterrupted skill release really hasn't been shown.


Light of fire, sound of wind, current of water, earthquake.

Zen Master Hei Ling was in the midst of that terrifying skill bombardment. Spiritual power can break the effect of skills, and spiritual power can protect the body, but spiritual power will also be consumed.

"I don't believe your mana won't run out!"

"I don't believe that your spiritual power will not be exhausted!"

One raised and lowered his hands, as if they were endless, and the other waved his tin staff furiously up to the sky, and the frequency of swinging was incomparably fast.

The forest is a bit big, but it can't cover up the movement of the two people fighting.

A moment later, Zen Master Hei Ling was sweating from his forehead, and his physical strength was a little exhausted. Spiritual power can break the opponent's skills. But he didn't think of these skills, and occasionally some of them would require a lot of spiritual power from him to crack them.

"How can you have so much mana!" Zen Master Hei Ling gradually became startled.

"There are many things you don't know!" Zhao Nan shouted fiercely.

Fire Dragon Array*2!

Manipulate the twelve fire dragons and roll towards Zen Master Hei Ling. That horrible flame boiled the air.

Zen Master Hei Ling swayed his body, escaped the fire dragon but could not escape the entanglement of thorns and vines, his body remained motionless, his teeth were clenched, a burst of spiritual power erupted from his body, and he finally escaped. He waved the tin staff in his hand, but The light is gone.

"It seems that your spiritual power was exhausted first."


Zen Master Hei Ling gritted his teeth fiercely, and took out the jade of four souls from his bosom. The jade emitted a bright purple light. It seems that the other party wants to use the power of the jade of the four souls!

Zhao Nan frowned and suddenly sneered.

Powerful spiritual power poured into Zen Master Hei Ling's body, and he laughed wildly.

But at this moment, I saw four black shadows, from three directions, two fronts and two backs, lightning strikes!

Finina, Catwoman, Xiongyou, Yanan!

"Don't forget, I still have a few partners..." Zhao Nan fell to the ground easily.

On the ground, Zen Master Hei Ling hadn't merged with Baoyu's spiritual power, but was attacked by four people in close quarters.

The attack was only for a split second, and only a flash of sword light was seen. I don't know whose sword it was, but Zen Master Hei Ling struck with the palm of Baoyu's hand. After being shocked, Baoyu had already come out.

Baoyu fell to the ground, rolled a few times, and rolled to a small red skirt.

Little loli Ye Anya.

She looked at the precious jade on the ground, quickly picked it up, wrapped it around her hand, and walked to Zhao Nan.

"You take it first." Zhao Nan said with a smile: "Give it to me and I will leave soon, but you still need three months to recover, and we still need to stay for a while."

Little Loli suddenly bent down, blinked, and blushed.

Suddenly there was a scream.

Zen Master Hei Ling was easily pressed to the ground by four people, with two long swords crossed on his neck, Xiongyou smashed his joints of both arms.

"Is this guy really a player?" Xiong You sat on the back of Zen Master Hei Ling and twisted his butt vigorously: "Why don't you use a single skill?"

Zhao Nan squatted on the ground, looking at Zen Master Hei Ling, whose face was as pale as gray, "Probably because he is used to the way of using spiritual power, and has forgotten the player's ability. After all, it has been twenty years."

He put his hand on Zen Master Hei Ling's forehead, "Let's answer some questions."

Zen Master Hei Ling's spiritual power has been almost exhausted, and he is powerless to resist the magic words.



This Black Spirit Zen Master is indeed a player, and he should be the first to enter the instance. More than 20 years, that is to say, more than 20 days outside the copy have entered it.

However, his task has no time limit, so he put his mind to it, and simply did not complete the task, and stayed in this world, spending a period of time in a carefree life.

But in this dungeon, he will age. In order to live longer, he focused on the jade of the four souls.

The encounter with Zhao Nan was just by chance.

As for the replacement of Baoyu, it is naturally him. In fact, he had already been to Maple Village more than ten years ago, but he couldn't open the barrier of the shrine, so he became a monk and systematically learned how to use spiritual power. This time, I was finally confident that I could open the barrier of the shrine, so I made a move. But the jade of the four souls has a strong hostility, so he didn't dare to use it indiscriminately, so he had to hide it and continue to inquire about the correct way to use it in the village. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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