Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 169 1.2 Era

Olises bit the neck of a level 30 king monster, causing it to fall powerlessly to the ground under a thousand holes.

Zhao Nan then threw a black seed at the king monster in the wild. The seed turned into a drop of black liquid, which was squeezed from between the monster's eyebrows.

After a while, the monster stood up and was out of combat in an instant. Zhao Nan's heart skipped a beat, causing this monster to attack other ordinary monsters, killing one of them with one slap. The ordinary monsters around did not respond at all to the king monster's attack, allowing it to kill one by one.

Zhao Nan nodded. It's a pity that after the king monster killed the monster, he didn't gain any experience.

Even so, Zhao Nan was extremely satisfied. After getting the devil's egg, I stayed in the fantasy dungeon for three months, more than a hundred days. He has more than a thousand devil seeds on hand. This thing is automatically generated every day, and the number will only increase.

Although the rewards of the fantasy dungeon itself are relatively poor, but obtaining this devil's egg can be considered as offsetting the past, so it will not be depressed.

The only dissatisfaction is that he needs to wear a half-mask on his face all the time, especially in the eyes, which is a thin layer of transparent wafers.

This is the treasure that Finina selected from all the collections of the two of them on the night of receiving the blessing, after being harmed by the charming eye for a night.

The deputy city lord said that this skill is so powerful that it is the public enemy of women in the world. It is not much different from the legendary ability to get pregnant at a glance. For the sake of world peace, she has no choice but to exterminate her relatives. The eyes are permanently sealed.

Well, but it can be unblocked at night.

The mask is very thin, and there is no discomfort at all on the face, but no matter what, as an upright person, if Zhao Nan cannot show his true face to others all day long, his heart is naturally filled with thousands of grass and mud horses galloping. He swore to himself, When you become stronger in the future, go find that witch and get rid of the blessing of the charming eye. Just leave another blessing and so on.



After this fantasy dungeon ended, Zhao Nan temporarily lost his exploration of the fantasy dungeon. As long as he didn't come across it by chance, he wouldn't take the initiative to look for it. The power obtained by one fantasy copy will conflict with another fantasy copy. Then the fantasy dungeon seems to have little attraction for him other than having plenty of time.

On the contrary, it is the devil's egg. It is better to control all the powerful monsters in the edge area of ​​Tingfeng City in the next time.

There are not many players, and the number of aborigines recruited by the City Defense Army is limited. To defend Tingfeng City, Zhao Nan plans to create a monster team by himself.

The monsters controlled by Zhao Nan must be at least 25 elite monsters. There are fewer king monsters in the wild, and the refresh time is longer than that of elite monsters. After another unit is controlled by the Devil Seed, the monster will not be refreshed again. It's a pity that once this seems to make it impossible for some players to complete their tasks.

But this is also impossible. Zhao Nan can only let these controlled monsters hide together. The monsters controlled by the devil seeds can actually move around. Just can't enter the safe zone.

Time passed day by day.

On the map of Tingfeng City, close to the city, a level 5 monster, the cave of the Crypt Spider, was constantly stuffed with monsters with blue names and gold names. Most of the players' levels are now over level 25. The terrain of this crypt is complicated, and there are no tasks to do, so basically no one will come.

The monsters in the crypt will be quiet without being instructed, and they will not be noticed.

Zhao Nan was doing small tasks to upgrade, while collecting all kinds of different powerful monsters. One hundred, two hundred, one thousand, two thousand...

Finally three months later. The system said, the second monster siege has begun!



Monster calendar October 15th.

Nine months and twenty-five days have passed since the monster attacked the city last time. After summer, autumn, and then spring, the green grass outside Tingfeng City really made the players intoxicated by the breath of spring feel a little uncomfortable with the crisis that came again.

Although I had mentally prepared for it very early, this kind of monster siege reminded him that it would only appear at the beginning of the attack. But this time it was not midnight.

Instead, it officially started at twelve noon and ended at six in the evening.

"If you want to fight, fight!"

The city lord told everyone domineeringly in the radio, those who are reluctant to part with those real estate, those who are reluctant to part with the maids and servants who play in various ways, and those who are reluctant to part with a happy small family, let's fight! We are all Long Aotian!

"We are all Long Aotian!!!"

On the tightly closed city gate, as if swearing an oath, everyone prepared blood recovery potions and mana restoration potions, and quietly looked at the little monsters such as first-level chicks and second-level ducks who died in the moat trap ahead.

"We are all Long Aotian!!!"

On the archery tower, huge crossbow arrows shot out one after another, smashing through a dozen monsters just outside the city, and in the last place, a hole was blasted, and then more ordinary arrows fell like rain .

Except for the guards, patrols, and personal guards who can participate in the monster siege, all the aboriginals have disappeared.

Listening to the location of Fengcheng Square, there are only a thousand players, shooting down those flying monsters, but they are forced to fall by the forbidden ball.

Because it has just started, the level of monsters is not high, and the city wall can still be defended.

However, those high-level monsters in the distance are galloping towards them. These monsters are the main force to attack the city.

Their function is to give the strongest blow in the final stage of the monster's siege.

Zhao Nan rode the sky dragon, alone in the sky outside the city. On the ground, one after another, monsters controlled by the demon seeds emerged from the crypt spider's burrow.

Below are countless figures of monsters, so densely packed that they have been crowded by all the places outside Tingfeng City. But when these monsters above the elite level emerged, a place was emptied.

Under Zhao Nan's command, two thousand monsters formed a terrifying team. Taking the crypt as the origin, they circled Tingfeng City and divided into two teams, each rotating clockwise and counterclockwise.

Elite monsters are already much stronger than ordinary monsters, let alone those king monsters. Coupled with the siege monsters, they turned a blind eye to these controlled monsters. That's why this monster team has an invincible record!

Countless monsters fell to the ground. After death, it will only be refreshed at the original place, and then come back again. The monster is tireless and keeps charging. Zhao Nan looked at the flying monsters that were gradually advanced in the distance, holding the devil's egg in his hand, commanding the flying monsters subdued by him, soaring into the sky, and rushing to kill them.

The roars of various powerful monsters resounded in bursts far away from the city.

The city wall of Tingfeng City's secondary city was stronger than everyone expected.

Zhao Nan took the time to pay attention to the battle situation in Dongyuan City. Got the news through Gao Mingyang's email. Although the monster siege has been organized this time, it is becoming more and more difficult to resist the monster. The city wall of Dongyuan City is almost about to be breached. They are going to evacuate and then go to protect the soul crystal.

The city level of Dongyuan City is currently only level 1. I heard that after Ximenyu officially became the city lord, he knew the city's upgrade standards and quickly promoted the national upgrade plan. But because the level has been suppressed all the time, this monster siege is still a little short of the average level that players need to reach to upgrade the city.

Therefore, there are not so many defensive measures on the city wall of Dongyuan City, and there is no moat as a buffer, and there is no Tingfeng City side, and there is a team of monsters secretly helping. Even though the number of players is much more than Tingfeng City, it is not as good as here.

It's not enough, but it will be a matter of time before the city wall of Tingfeng City is breached. After all, at present, the defense of the city wall itself is much more resistant, and the players in Tingfeng City are indeed short of manpower.

Zhao Nan looked at the current battle situation.

Then he gave an instruction to Finina who was far away in the temple in the city.

In the temple, Finina, who was reminded, quickly activated the unique function of the second-level city temple in monster siege.

Bless all players with various battle blessings.

"Consume 10,000 spirits, randomly bless 10,000 players with battle blessings for 20 minutes, and increase the character's attack power by 30%!"

"Consume 20,000 spirits, randomly bless 10,000 players with battle blessings for 30 minutes, and increase the speed of characters by 30%!"

A beam of colored light shoots into the air from the temple, and turns into beams of light, shooting into the bodies of each player.

Of course, this is just to delay the time when some city walls are breached.

The sun began to slant westward, and there were still two hours left before the end of the monster siege. Zhao Nan ordered everyone to retreat to the square.

When all the people gathered together, the temple once again shot out the light of various battle blessings. After Zhao Nan gave the controlled monsters to sweep the city and block the main road of the mine ahead, he joined the guards in the square without saying a word.

The Aboriginal City Defense Army raised their shields and stood in the front, while the players were attacking with skills from behind. Each of the mages prepared enough staffs, and where there were more monsters, they poured enough mana and threw them forward to explode.

The defense circle is gradually shrinking.

Facing countless monsters, Zhao Nan's attack with all his strength was quickly swallowed up by the monsters who came forward one after another.

This is beyond personal ability. Even if there were more than 2,000 elite-level monsters blocking the road ahead, the number of missed monsters was still terrifying.

The mana stored in the source of mana has long been emptied.

Olises and the little ice phoenix were wandering in the sky, and their pets were also released. The corpses of the monsters were already stacked higher and higher before they had time to fuse.

The sound of the piano is loud and clear. For the first time, Zhao Nan heard what little Lolita was playing.

Ambush from all sides!

Where the soft sound came, the monster actually showed signs of madness, attacking all directions indiscriminately.

The bearded man led the people in the cloud and kept fighting at the forefront. In the distance over there, Finina and Xiao Nan launched a Pandora transformation, joining forces to fight in and out.

Catwoman was silent and turned into a shadow, and the monster fell cleanly as the shadow passed by.

The soul-eating staff waved again and again, and Zhao Nan's mana value had not exceeded 1000 points for a long time. Even the mana recovery agent in the middle, even if the recovery speed is three times that of the sound, it can't catch up with the release speed of that skill.

There are always monsters missing.

The life value of Tingfeng City's soul crystal began to drop rapidly in the last hour.


"Come on, come on! Squeeze out all your strength for the last half hour! I was told you are tired, look at your side, there is always someone who is more tired than you, but still gritted their teeth and persisted! They may still A woman, or your lover!!"

Zhao Nan drank crazily.

"Come on!!"


Blood flowed like a river.

Most of the aboriginal defense forces have already been defeated and died. Facing such a large number of monsters, the so-called zero casualties are simply impossible.

Zhao Nan took out the sighing scepter that had been refrigerated for a long time, strengthened it to the fourth level, bit off one mana restoration potion after another, and poured mana into the sighing scepter.

The Sighing Scepter was recognized with force, and a terrifying explosion directly blasted out a huge pit, where hundreds of monsters were directly annihilated in it.

At some point, there was only half of the sun left, and the sky was completely darkened.

"Monster siege, end!"

Following the prompt of the system, the hideous monsters disappeared into the air one after another. The soul crystal exploded with brilliance and began to repair the destroyed buildings.

Everyone was directly tired to the ground, listening to their own heartbeats quietly. This time, it was Tingfeng City who really defended a monster siege.

Although I don't know why after the map is expanded this time, the difficulty of monster siege seems to have been reduced a lot.

But it's always good to win.

Zhao Nan sighed, he was much better than those tired people.

"Ding! Tingfeng City has successfully survived the second monster siege. Three minutes later, a global synchronous update will be carried out, entering the era of 'Global Monster OL' 1.2. More game information will be sent in the form of system mail. Pass it on to all players."

Zhao Nan sighed, and finally made it to the 1.2 update.



The time for updating is but a fleeting moment for everyone's consciousness.

But the updated content is exciting for everyone.

"The update of the 1.2 era is completed, and the city will open the intercommunication function in three days"

"The 1.2 era update is complete,..."

The situation of this update is not much different from what Zhao Nan remembered, looking at those players who were shocked by the inter-city function.

Zhao Nan sighed inwardly... The truly cruel era has just begun. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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