Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 170 This is a game, so let's update the bug

Every era, most games, most updates, the more updated, the worse.

Therefore, the update of the 1.2 era cannot escape this part.

Zhao Nan was leaning on a corner of the square, he was really powerless to stand up, the battle lasted for 6 hours, both physically and mentally, almost reached the limit.

He looked down at the mail sent to him after the update... Instead of clicking on the bracelet on his hand, the player bracelet has disappeared because of this update, but instead changed it to an alternative space that truly belongs to him through the operation of his mind .

This space also drops after the character dies.

The email is very long... Although Zhao Nan has read it once in memory, Zhao Nan still can't help but send out the grass mud horse from the soul to this email.

The mail is as follows:

1. Open the mutual transmission function between cities, which is like a train leading to tomorrow, so cheers, those who are scattered in various places after the catastrophe.

2. The character interface is completely bound to the personal spirit. Everything the character gets will be inherited by the character who has obtained the "character space", including all bound equipment and props, including accepted tasks.

3. In the future, monsters will attack the city once every three months, starting from the second monster attack.

4. After the regular dungeon is opened, it must be raided within ten days. Cities that are not raided will receive an additional monster siege penalty, and so on. When the punishment overlaps with the monster siege time, the number of siege monsters is doubled.

5. Optimized the allocation of character attribute points. Character attribute points will be divided into innate attributes and acquired attributes. Innate attributes are the most primitive attributes of characters when they log in. Acquired attributes are the free attribute points and additional attribute points of equipment and props obtained by each upgrade. Every time a character with innate attribute points upgrades, the corresponding combat ability will be fixed. For example, 1 point of innate primitive physique attribute, each upgrade level, the character will increase 100 points of life, 2 points is 200 points of life, and so on. For every 1 point added to the character's acquired physique attribute, the character's life value will increase by 50 points. The final health value, attack power, etc. of the characters will be calculated comprehensively through the "addition of innate attributes for each addition of acquired attributes and equipment and props". For other attribute point bonuses, please refer to the updated character panel attribute page.

6. After the character's body is attacked, the body will not collapse until the life value is emptied. But keep the head, heart and other weak points. If the weak point is attacked, it will cause a lot of damage. The damage value is calculated after offsetting the attack power of the attack and the character's own defense power. Pain effect is preserved, and body bone displacement effect is preserved.

7. Except for the main city and fixed villages, all temporary safety zones in the suburbs will be revoked.

8. The aborigines will no longer disappear after monster sieges.

9. All rights of the city owner are reserved, and a joint guild meeting is added. The joint council has a pass rate of more than 50%, and has the right to negate various decisions of the city lord. Decisions that have occurred before this update are not included in the negation.



With the opening of the city intercommunication function, the dense fog zone can no longer isolate the remaining players after the catastrophe. But this interoperability is not as good as expected. Some cities do not have direct intercommunication, but need to carry out midpoint transmission. And the concept of area emerged.

Divided by the earth's continental plates that once existed, teleportation cannot be realized between regions separated by oceans. Even so, there has been a massive migration of players.

On the day of the city's intercommunication, countless players continued to teleport, and the light of each city's teleportation crystal never stopped shining from the moment the intercommunication was opened. Countless people found their lost family members on this day, crying with each other. This is the long awaited reunion.

On the third day after the 1.2 era update, the imperial capital of the original Huaguo region called the city owners of all the cities that survived the catastrophe in the original country, held a joint council, and organized personnel from the imperial capital to disperse them in various cities , to carry out instant text relay on the topic at the meeting.

The theme of this meeting is - "Fusion, in the face of the monster siege every three months, we have to concentrate all our strength.", also known as the 'Fusion Meeting'.

The so-called fusion refers to the work of migrating between cities in various places based on the maximum player capacity of the city. Abandon some cities with a small number of players and a small city area.

After the intercommunication function was turned on, the fusion meeting basically won the majority of approval. The mighty migration work was basically completed within half a month after the opening of the intercommunication.

Now there are four super big cities in the Huaguo area, the imperial capital, the demon capital, the demon capital, and the heavenly capital. Then there are twenty-five second-tier big cities.

In addition to these twenty-nine cities, there are still redundant players who can only be arranged in the cities adjacent to these cities.

Other countries have also carried out similar player migration work.

Monster Calendar November 1st.

Tingfeng City, the Castle of the Castle.

Zhao Nan looked at Fu Yun expressionlessly.

This bearded man who has not come to say goodbye until now as the players in Tingfeng City have been leaving since the migration started.

The bearded man also had a calm face, without any anxiety, "Zhao Nan, I guess my group of people is already the last group. After my guild leaves, there may not even be 10 players left in Tingfeng City. You really don't plan to find a big city to join? With your strength, not to mention the big city, even the four super big cities, I believe they will be warmly welcomed, right?"

Zhao Nan suddenly smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have plans."

Fu Yun nodded: "I believe you may have better plans. I have obtained the qualification to enter the capital of abundance, so please keep in touch in the future... I am leaving."

"Ding! Fu Yun asked you to leave the city, do you accept it?"


The bearded man sighed, and when the system prompted that the application had been approved, he looked around complicatedly, and slowly left the castle.

There is no so-called reluctance, in order to survive better, no one will be reluctant.



The real number of players left in Tingfeng City is actually only four. Zhao Nan, Little Lolita, Xiongyou, Yanan.

And have also lived together.

"Boss Fu Yun is gone too." Xiongyou looked at the back of Fu Yun leaving the castle.

Zhao Nan said: "Aren't you and Xiao Nan going? I remember Xiao Nan still has relatives, right?"

"We met a long time ago. In fact, they are relatives, not close relatives, but from her mother's side. Her parents passed away during the catastrophe." Xiongyou shook his head, "That meeting was a bit unpleasant... As for not Go, of course, because I believe that you will not be crazy to stay. I have traveled to many cities these days, and the city owners of those cities encouraged everyone to move from the very beginning."

Zhao Nan said: "During the fusion meeting, it has been determined which cities need to be abandoned, so naturally we must act according to the plan."

"But you didn't." Xiongyou said seriously: "Since you came back from that meeting, you have only unilaterally accepted the leave application of Tingfeng City players."

"If you want to go, you can't stay, why should you stay?" Zhao Nan shook his head: "People go to high places, it has always been like this."

"Sour." Xiongyou laughed: "I'm just hanging on, so if you have the ability, you can kill me!"

Zhao Nan was taken aback, and subconsciously touched his face, the mask was still there.

"Okay, don't be too tragic, even if there is only one player, there is still a way for one player to defend the city."


Zhao Nan nodded, "Fu Yun is gone, there is no need for me here now, it's time to work hard."


"To prepare for the defense of the city...for my city."

Zhao Nan narrowed her eyes, but there was still a word in her heart that she didn't say...for a long, long time.



One person also has one's own method of defending the city. Of course, it is impossible to say that one person can fight against the massive monsters that attack the city by one person. The key is the city itself.

The city itself can be upgraded. Once the city is upgraded, the number of people it can accommodate will increase, the number of native troops that can be recruited will increase, and the defense function will continue to be strengthened.

Tripolar cities can summon city guardians from temples. The real guardians of the three-pole cities are not comparable to the parallel imports that are forced to appear due to special circumstances. There is only one guardian in each city, but the guardian can also be upgraded.

A guardian can stand alone and is extremely powerful.

But no matter how high the level of the guardian is, it still depends on the players in the whole city.

However, guardians can be added in a more special way. If one guardian can't keep it, how about ten or a hundred guardians?

In some cities, when the last player with household registration leaves, they will be invaded by monsters immediately, and only the aborigines themselves are resisting the invasion of monsters. When the aborigines can't keep it, the city will be reduced to a special scene - a monster city.

In fact, it is almost the same as the situation of the city falling after the monster failed to attack and defend the city. But the soul crystal will still remain, and it is fine if anyone is willing to conquer it.

Zhao Nan was naturally planning on these soul crystals. It's just not to recover these cities, but to plunder these soul crystals.

The soul crystal also has another name - the soul of the city.

When the inherent soul crystal devours the souls of other cities, another guardian of the city can be produced.

After a city has been reduced to a monster city, it is naturally much more difficult to obtain the soul of the city, but it is much easier when a city has just begun to be invaded by monsters and the crystal has not completely died.

So, after listening to the teleportation crystal on Fengshi Square flash.

Zhao Nan has already appeared in another city around Tingfeng City. This city is bigger than Tingfeng City, but the last player with household registration has also officially left. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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