Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 171 Level 5 Tingfeng City

Zhao Nan didn't even bother to find out the original name of the city.

The teleportation point here is already empty, but it is the top of a high tower condescending. Basically, you can see the whole city in your eyes.

I saw that the city's defensive cover had begun to flicker continuously, and monsters, from low-level to high-level, were beginning to attack. Without the command of the city lord, the city has become a mess.

But there are already aboriginal organizations to fight against the invasion of monsters.

Few of the cities that have decided to give up come back again. After the player leaves, they will basically sell all the industries in the city they are in. After all, a teleportation between cities costs a lot. Not high-end players, many people can save as much as they can for this kind of overhead.

When the monster invades, the soul crystal will be breached soon. Zhao Nan didn't want to waste time, so he hurried to the soul crystal here.

There is a "city soul" in the soul crystal, which can only be obtained by certified city owners. Of course... this kind of thing seems to have not been discovered yet.

But after being discovered, it will be difficult to obtain the 'Soul of the City'.

The soul crystal here has not been attacked yet, Zhao Nan doesn't want to waste time. The sky dragon lifted him up into the air and headed for the soul crystal.

At this time, Zhao Nan put his forehead on the soul crystal, and a golden mark immediately emerged from his forehead.

The golden light shone brightly on the entire soul crystal.

"Ding! Player Zhao Nan, found the 'Soul of the City', do you want to absorb it?"

"Note: 'City Soul' can be used to create city guardian characters, and can also be used to upgrade cities!"


The soul crystal suddenly split a straight crack, the crack expanded, and there was only one golden ball of light in it. After the ball of light appeared, it quickly merged into the mark of the city lord on Zhao Nan's forehead.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Zhao Nan, you have obtained 'Soul of the City'*1"

At this time, the 'soul of the city' had just disappeared, and the soul crystal immediately became extremely dim, and the protective cover of the city disappeared in an instant.

A large number of monsters frantically poured into the city. The life value of the soul crystal also dropped to 1 point in an instant, and the monster might be completely cleared with a light touch.

Zhao Nan didn't hesitate. Once the life value of the soul crystal was cleared, the teleportation function would immediately fail.

After harvesting a 'Soul of the City', Zhao Nan did not return to Tingfeng City immediately, but rushed to another city where all players were about to evacuate without delay.

He has a list of abandoned cities decided by the Fusion Conference on hand. Each city has also made a list that can communicate with each other. This is to facilitate the migration between players, but it also facilitates the choice of Zhao Nan's route.

As long as you go to a city where the player hasn't completely left, turn around and leave immediately. Once you encounter a city that has no players or is resisting monsters, just collect the 'soul of the city' and leave.

This time, taking advantage of the fact that the 'Soul of the City' hadn't been discovered yet, Zhao Nan seized the opportunity and visited almost all the cities in China within a short period of time. If it weren't for being a city lord and being able to have the city's tax revenue, not many people would be able to support that kind of terrifying transmission fee.

When Zhao Nan returned to Tingfeng City, it was already December 30th in the monster calendar.

Exactly one year after the catastrophe. At this time, the teleportation crystals in Tingfeng City can still appear on the list of teleportation places, and there are only a few names of the cities left.

Although only two months have passed since the start of the migration plan, the number of 'city souls' that Zhao Nan has obtained has reached 273.

In other words, there are 273 cities that he hastened to enter the city that was captured by monsters.

'Soul of the City' also has quality. The "city soul" of a first-tier city is level 1, and that of a second-tier city is extremely level 2...



In two months, because there were already a few players left in Tingfeng City, they basically went out for a walk around the street and came back, and they were able to take on a terrifying number of tasks.

During the period when Zhao Nan was constantly going back and forth between cities. Xiongyou, Yanan, and Xiaoluoli basically never stop for a day. The amount of tasks has reached such a point that the experience gained can be much more than simply killing monsters.

Tingfeng City only needs four real players, so the average number of players needed to upgrade the city to the third level is much simpler.

Back this time, counting Zhao Nan himself, the average player level of Tingfeng City has reached level 36, and Yanan, who has the lowest level, is already level 35, directly exceeding 70% of the players who have reached level 35. Upgrade the standard of Tier 3 cities.

It took Zhao Nan three days to complete the task of raising the city level to level 3. A colored light flashed in the soul. The scale of the entire Tingfeng City is expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But this expansion didn't end, the soul crystal immediately flashed two more dazzling lights in a row!

"Ding! Congratulations to Tingfeng City for upgrading to level 4!"

"Ding! Congratulations to Tingfeng City for upgrading to level 5!"

After arriving in 5 cities, the number of "city souls" in Zhao Nan's hands dropped sharply to 38. Among them, 17 are first-level "city souls" and 21 are second-level "city souls".

After raising the city level to level 5, Zhao Nan hurried to the temple of Tingfeng City.

At this time, the scale of the temple has become extremely majestic. Outside the temple, a huge statue ten meters high appeared. It looked like a knight in golden armor holding a spear. If there are other Tingfeng City original players here, they will be able to tell that this Golden Armored Knight is the guardian who appeared at the beginning!

Zhao Nan placed the 'Soul of the City' on his hand in the temple and handed it to the elders of the temple. After a ceremony, 38 huge statues stood outside the temple again.

The original guardian of Tingfeng City appeared after the three poles of the city. Its level is 1. Its level increases with the level of the city. It is now a level 3 guardian. As for the other 38 guardians, the first-level 'city soul' becomes a first-level guardian, and the second-level 'city soul' becomes a second-level guardian.

The level of this kind of guardian needs additional materials to be able to upgrade.

As for the level improvement of these guardians, you can get it slowly.

After the city was upgraded to level 5, the expansion of Tingfeng City lasted for a whole day. The area of ​​the city has more than doubled directly. And the number of aborigines that the city defense army can recruit has reached 300,000!

As the sun sets, the entire city wall of Tingfeng City will emit a metallic luster. The city walls of level 5 cities are so hard that at this stage, even with the perfectly strengthened Soul Devouring Staff and the skills with the highest attack power, Zhao Nan can only leave a very shallow mark on the city walls. In addition, each archery tower on the city wall has also changed from one giant crossbow bolt to three side by side. And there are also ten huge forts!

Magic Crystal Cannon!

It will only appear after the 5th level city, a big killer when monsters attack the city! The shooting range of this type of gun reached two kilometers, and the range of action reached three hundred meters. With one shot, monsters below level 35, except for the elite level, are all scum.

Under the city wall, the moat was also extended to a degree of 50 degrees. Under the water, there are no longer sharp stalagmites, but many aquatic plants. When the monsters attacked the city, the aquatic plants would entangle the monsters crossing the river and drag them under the water. At the bottom of the water, under the aquatic plants was a terrifying carnivorous plant that would directly bite the monsters to pieces.

In this way, there are 39 guardians, strong city walls, 300,000 aboriginal city defense forces, arrow towers, magic crystal cannons, and a monster army outside. In today's Tingfeng City, even if facing the next monster siege, even if Zhao Nan doesn't go to command, he can still sleep quietly in the castle. When he wakes up, the monster siege may have ended up.

Zhao Nan rode the sky dragon on the outskirts of Tingfeng City, looking at this level 5 city, with mixed feelings in his heart.

The 'fusion meeting' was repeated before him once again.

Only this time, he was no longer a bystander, but a member of the meeting. During that meeting, he lowered his head and didn't say a word. Even if he met Ximenyu, he didn't take the initiative to say hello. It's not that Zhao Nan didn't think about it, and also carried out a migration.

It means player migration. In fact, after that meeting, there was another meeting. It's just not live. That's the meeting where the specifics of the migration are decided.

That's the real theme.

In order for human beings to pass on, it is necessary to gather the most advantageous human beings. That is the so-called super city. The city lord of each city is in his own city, and selects the strongest players to join them. Then retreat step by step.

And then there's management... something like a government. Not in the game. These are the four super big cities, and there are also 25 big city lords who privately organized a 'circle city management meeting'.

In the end, it was Zhao Nan who was least willing to see, but had to appear...'Strategy group'.

The "Strategy Group" under the "Round City Management Conference" is naturally not a small-scale quest to find missions in the city, but an organization that really aims to find out the truth of the world with the purpose of solving this game. They will collect all information, and analyze, research, and decipher. If the 'Strategy Group' can continue to develop, it is bound to come into contact with some truths.

"That kind of truth... I really don't want to know."

Zhao Nan looked at Tingfeng City today, a level 5 city, and those guardians. A city with this configuration can be defended even if a level 40 map is opened.

He made the level 5 city appear in this world more than a year ahead of schedule. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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