Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 172 pk

In the square of Tingfeng City.

It is not called a square anymore, and it should not be an exaggeration to call it a castle. As the real core of a city, there will be some corresponding protected buildings after the city level 3. Today, the Level 5 Tingfeng City Square is surrounded by ten huge archery towers.

Even so, many people have not been here.

On this day, someone came. Zhao Nan and his party.

"Tingfeng City has changed a lot, and there are still many places I haven't visited." Xiongyou shook his head, and looked at the mighty and domineering huge magic crystal cannon on the distant city wall with some reluctance.

"There's no way around it. Brother Nan has already said that staying here will only slow down the upgrade." Yanan smiled.

At this time, Zhao Nan was walking back and forth between the four teleportation spars. Finina accompanied him left and right with some confusion, and finally couldn't help asking: "What are you doing?"

Zhao Nan said: "Turn off the teleportation function of Tingfeng City, players who do not have Tingfeng City's household registration cannot enter."

Finina laughed and said: "These players are trying their best to squeeze into those big cities. Who wants to come to this remote place."

This is a level 5 city, the only level 5 city among human players, how could it be a remote place? It's just that since Tingfeng City became level 5, Zhao Nan has blocked the spread of all news.

He chuckled softly: "Although it is remote, this city will become a place that everyone will envy in the future."

Besides, this is a city built just for you...



Zhao Nan's hands suddenly acted like a magic trick, and a few more transparent crystals appeared. He divided these crystals into everyone's hands.

"This miniature teleportation spar was exchanged from the inside of the temple. The end point is here. Except for special scenes and dungeons, it can be teleported back at any time."

Everyone nodded and carefully put away the miniature teleportation spar. Zhao Nan took one last look at Tingfeng City. When he comes back next time, it's time to clear the level 30 regular dungeon here. The internal affairs are handled by the butler Yan Feng, and there are many things in Tingfeng City that he does not need to manage.

Besides, there are no guilds here, and naturally there is no such thing as a joint meeting of guilds that advocates democracy.

"By the way... where are we going?" The teleportation spar flashed, and Xiongyou said: "I suddenly remembered this question."

"Dongyuan City, where I used to be..."



The flashes flashed again and again, and after more than ten teleportations in a row, everyone finally reached their destination. There are people coming and going in front of you, unlike Tingfeng City, which is so deserted and deserted that it makes people sick, the teleportation point in Dongyuan City can be said to be crowded.

"This is Dongyuan City?"

Except for Zhao Nan and Finina, the others here came to this place for the first time, so they couldn't help but look around curiously.

Before Zhao Nan came again, he had actually been here several times. It's just that they left in a hurry every time and didn't stay.

"Let's go, let's buy a house first, and then meet some old friends." Zhao Nan took Finina's hand and walked through the crowd.

The little loli behind her was led by Catwoman and followed closely. Xiongyou trotted up curiously, and asked puzzledly: "Real estate? We don't have a household registration here, how can we buy it?"

"You can have dual household registration." Zhao Nan explained: "I belonged to Dongyuan City before. At that time, I hadn't left yet, and the city lord system had appeared, and the household registration was implemented. Later, I became the city lord and also had the household registration of Tingfeng City. .But you don't, but you can apply here."

"It shouldn't be easy to deal with things like household registration, right?" Xiongyou looked around.

How many people migrated from other cities are now worrying about a household registration issue. Although people without household registration can stay in the city, they can only live in hotels or in other people's homes, and some can only spend time in the open air. Moreover, some tasks cannot be accepted without the household registration of the local city.

Migration is not as good as imagined. Local protectionism can be seen everywhere.

Zhao Nan looked at the end of the row of low buildings, a magnificent castle-like building, said in a low voice: "It's not difficult to deal with."

At this time, Finina suddenly whispered: "Nan... I want to meet my father."

Zhao Nan pondered and said: "I'll go buy a foothold first, you wait for me in the mage's hall. I also have some things to ask Mr. Haidian."

When Finina heard this, she immediately beamed with joy. It was true that she hadn't seen that adoptive father for a long time.

I saw Qiangwei Flower Immortal poking her head out of her hair, looking at this strange place, her beautiful figure had already disappeared in the crowd.



The place to live, naturally, can't be too condescending. In any case, he is also the lord of a city, and the wealth he possesses is naturally beyond the reach of ordinary players. What's more, Tingfeng City Level 5, the tax is very scary.

Of course, it doesn't need to be too luxurious, a medium-sized courtyard with a garden is enough. There are specialized aborigines in the city who are responsible for the sale and purchase of real estate. Of course, the purchase and sale contract will eventually be sent to the owner of Dongdi City for stamping and confirmation.

"Sir, the environment of this yard is the best in this area, warm in winter and cool in summer..."

The person responsible for recommending the pure white courtyard in front of him is a race of goblins. Now I am talking about it.

"Give me a price. If it suits me, I'll buy it directly." Zhao Nan shook his head...Buying and selling with this kind of goblin race, which is famous for buying and selling, is still a straightforward pain.

Once they start bargaining, they will use endless words to bring your intelligence down to the same level as it, and then defeat you with rich experience.

"Thank you for your emotion! Sir!" It is rare to meet a generous guest, and the goblin naturally smiled: "You are much more generous than other Lord Chosen One, my lord! I just met a Lord Chosen One yesterday, and I made a bargain After half a day, we still didn't talk about it."

Xiongyou smiled, this scene is a bit like the scene of buying real estate before the catastrophe. He really liked this place, so he was proud once in a while: "Don't talk so much, how much is it, I will come out! You don't care about those kind of picky God's Chosen!"

"Yes, yes, the villain is going to prepare now!" After the goblin finished speaking, he rushed out of the door immediately.

Xiao Nan pulled Xiongyou's ears directly, and said in a hateful voice: "You have a lot of money, don't you? My lord?"

"Hey, hello... it hurts."

Zhao Nan shook her head, reached out and patted the little Lolita who was sleeping on the sofa on the head. Catwoman turned a blind eye to the action.

For this kind of intimacy between Zhao Nan and Finina, little Lolita will never resist. Especially Zhao Nan, in the last fantasy dungeon, Little Lolita's physical problems were completely solved, and Catwoman was sincerely grateful.

But at this moment, the door was kicked open with a bang.

I saw that goblin was held in the hands of a strong man and carried it in.

"Who said you want to buy this house?" The strong man let out a voice that could not be ignored.

A slightly angry voice.

The goblin was being lifted, and he was in the air, his fat and short legs were kicking in the air, and he said in a panic, "I'm sorry, sir, this lord said he insisted on seeing you."

Zhao Nan waved his hand, stood up, his horizontal line of sight could only reach the neck of the strong man, and said dumbly, "It's me."

"Very well. I decided to buy this house yesterday. You can leave now."

"Ah, my lord, didn't you say that you think the house is too expensive and you don't want it?"

The brawny man threw the goblin on the ground forcefully, and snorted coldly: "Master just told you to keep it for a few days, who approved you to sell it to other people casually?"

The goblin fell to the ground, and because of the pain, he frowned forcefully.

Zhao Nan secretly sighed. At the beginning of the catastrophe, all the aborigines were much higher than the player. Players at that time did not dare to do anything to these aborigines. However, as the level increases and the player's strength surpasses that of the opponent, it is relatively common to bully the aborigines at will.

Of course, a little bullying or beating is okay. Once you think about killing the aborigines, you will be arrested and thrown into prison. Even if the city lord lowers the standard of punishment, this item will not be cancelled.

"How about... this gentleman, I have a better house, you see..." the goblin looked at Zhao Nan helplessly, and said anxiously.

"Your family..."

"Little friend!"

Zhao Nan turned his head to stop the somewhat upset Xiongyou. He had just returned to Dongyuan City, and Zhao Nan didn't want to cause trouble.


Zhao Nan shook his head, Xiongyou heaved a sigh of relief, and had no choice but to sulk secretly.

"Mr. Goblin, I'm sorry to trouble you." Zhao Nan said afterwards.

The goblin was overjoyed, and hurriedly got up from the ground. Just as he was about to leave, the strong man grabbed it, squinted his eyes and said with a gloomy face: "I just heard someone say that I Talking bad about me, talking about me. Who the hell is here?"

"Ah..." The goblin suddenly trembled all over.

Zhao Nan sighed and said, "Sir, we have already given up this yard, so let's go with what's left? Too much persistence is not a good thing."

"I'm just upset, how can you do this to me?"

This brawny man is used to it. He was originally a player from Dongyuan City, and he was still in a guild with a large scale. The equipment and level exceeded a large part of the players.

Zhao Nan also squinted his eyes. He wandered here and there these days. In his two lifetimes, he killed a lot of people and even more monsters. On the first day back in Dongyuan City, I originally planned to spend it quietly and feel the feeling of a wanderer returning home, but I didn't want to meet this accustomed guy.

It's not in his character to hold back any longer.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a pat on the shoulder was patted, and Xiongyou took a step from Zhao Nan's side with a relaxed expression.

How long has he been with Zhao Nan? I have been following since the fall of Tingfeng City. How could I not know what the City Lord, who created an earth-shattering level 5 city in a place where there is no one, looks like when he is angry? It's just that Zhao Nan is really ashamed to deal with this kind of guy with big muscles and small head, but he still has to teach him a lesson.

"Brother Nan, I'll take care of this matter."

Zhao Nan was taken aback, thinking it was worth it. Anyway, I have already regarded Xiongyou as a brother in my heart a long time ago. He was not a fearful person. But he also didn't like to take down his brother's face, so he let Xiongyou handle this kind of thing.

Then go make a fuss, even if it turns the world upside down, he will stand up to it, or there will be a suffocation in his chest, and his heart will not be smooth, and it is not good to be a human being without fun. In the worst case, he couldn't bear to pat his butt and go back to Tingfeng City, who can do nothing to win him?

"I said it!"

Xiongyou was shorter than Zhao Nan, but he didn't raise his head at this time, and put on a look that was even bigger than a strong man, and said sharply: "I said you can't help being stingy, and you have a fleshy head. It's weeds, what's the matter?"

"Boy, you are courting death!"

When the strong man got angry, the goblin left his hand and was thrown to the wall. With a bang, he passed out immediately. Then he clenched his fists and threw it directly at Xiongyou's face.

The appearance of this attack is decent.

There was no reaction on Xiongyou's face. With a wave of his arm, he pinched the strong man's wrist precisely like iron tongs, but the opponent's fist stayed in the air without moving. Seeing that Xiongyou pulled hard suddenly, the strong man lost his balance in an instant, and then he was hit hard by his knee on the stomach. Before he could figure out what happened, he was already thrown to the ground.

Although it is within the safe zone, the skills cannot be used. However, Xiongyou is a level 35 person, plus the equipment that was spawned in the level 20 regular dungeon of Tingfeng City, the attributes of itself are beyond the reach of many players. Not to mention these, in the two fantasy dungeons alone, the trained primitive physical fitness and fighting skills are already very practical.

"It's not like that."

Xiongyou pulled the strong man's arm with one hand, stepped on his shoulder with one foot, looked at the strong man's face against the floor, and said disdainfully: "I heard that the effect of bone movement is preserved after the update. I haven't tried it yet. What does it feel like to break someone's arm, why don't you let me try?"

The strong man was trampled on the ground, and he was so angry that he wanted to tear him apart at any time. When had he suffered such humiliation?

"Ding! You have been attacked by player Xiongyou from Tingfeng City, please defend in time."

At this moment, the system is prompting him to be attacked by a player named Xiongyou. The strong man instantly knew the name. At the same time, I also know that this is a player who is not from Dongyuan City.

Who knows where Tingfeng City is? Anyway, it’s not just 4 super big cities and 25 big cities.

"Okay, okay, okay!" The strong man gritted his teeth: "I'm not done with you! If you have the guts, go to the PK field with me!" (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster! )

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