Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 173 Spring Afternoon Tea


If you can't solve anything, go to the PK field. You can't kill people there, but you can use skills. You are good at fighting, but it doesn't mean you can't be cool after using skills, right? Since the emergence of the city lord function, no one can kill people at will in the safe zone.

Just kidding, the number of people has been decreasing every day, if you still kill people, you will offend all the remaining players. For example, in Dongyuan City, once a murder occurs, it will be immediately captured by Void and put into prison, unless it is a monster attacking the city, it will be released as a combat force. After the siege is over, they will be captured and returned immediately.

The prison here is not the kind of place where everyone can sing and occasionally pick up soap once the iron bars are put down. It is a space where there is no light, and time seems to be static. The prisoner will not die in it, and he can think, but his body cannot move.

So even if this strong man is used to it, he still dare not kill people in the city.

Xiongyou rubbed against the strong man's back a few more times, let out a bah, and said in great disappointment: "I thought you wanted me to go out of the city to PK freely. But I didn't expect it to be the kind of kid playing in the PK field." Are you disgusting me?"

PK freely, PK outside the city, kill people and drink the boundless water, and return to the city in style afterward. Sounds good, but who would want to do that kind of thing without a deep-seated hatred? The brawny man obviously didn't expect that this young guy was even more ruthless than he imagined.

How could he know that since he broke away from the last fantasy dungeon and inexplicably carried the lives of some unknown players, that kind of unnecessary sin has already made this innocent boy who was able to live and die with his little girlfriend back then, Turned into a semi-familiar man who can live and die with his little girlfriend now, but can also kill without blinking an eye?

"You don't have it!!" The brawny man had his own way of counterattacking.

Xiongyou lifted the opponent up, and at a terrifying speed, when the opponent was able to react, he tested how powerful his fist could be without using skills. He also has his own way of fighting back.

"You are a coward!!"

Kacha, the strong man's left arm was broken, and it hung down directly, gritting his teeth: "You son of a bitch!!"

Click, this time it's the right arm. The strong man still wants to talk, his toughness is stronger than Xiongyou imagined. The half-familiar boy with a cruel smile was suddenly very happy to meet such a tough scumbag, and felt that the double-duty of breaking the opponent was not enough.

"There will be some violence next..."

The strong man who had been knocked down on the ground looked tremblingly at the foot behind the knee that hit his chest just now, until it stepped on his crotch. Who said that after the update of the 1.2 era, as long as it is not dead, even if the hands and legs are cut off, they can still grow back. But if that place is trampled, the pain will not count, and there will probably be some bad shadows in the future.

"I'm a coward, sorry!!"

"What are you talking about? Why can't I hear you?"


"Where's the house?"

"It's yours."

"What about PK?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!

"Fuck, what is this..."

Xiongyou rubbed against the strong man's chest several times with a look of displeasure, thinking that it was not enough, he directly took out a pair of shoes from his personal space, changed them, and said disgustedly: "Wipe these disgusting things of yours. Drop it, and get out of here!"

The strong man's face turned pale, he rolled on the ground, and then crawled and rolled away from the place full of humiliation. Xiongyou grinned his teeth and clapped his hands, "Can you?"

Zhao Nan smiled, "Wake up that goblin. By the way, ask about that person just now."




Dongyuan City passed the severe cold early, and it is now the end of spring. In Dongyuan City's castle, the tangle of branches is covered with green and tender leaves that shade the afternoon sun, making it extremely quiet. A servant of the Castle Lord walked into the emerald green courtyard with a pot of black tea and two cups.

Ximenyu squinted his eyes, looking at the sky above Dongyuan City through the outer wall of the not-so-high castle. The servant put the tea set away, carefully filled the teacup, pushed a cup in front of Ximenyu and Brother Lang, and then saluted and left.

Since the start of the migration work, the city lord of Dongyuan City hasn't been so leisurely for a long time. Ximenyu picked up the teacup and took a sip. The steam from the black tea made his cheeks feel warm. He drank slowly, but after the tea slowly slipped into his throat, he said softly: "Wolf, when you are free, smile, it is said that it can relax the muscles of the face."

Brother Wolf was startled, with an ugly smile on his face. Ximenyu is in charge of Tingfeng city's city lord, so naturally he has less time to manage the affairs of the guild. As a result, most of the 'Purgatory' guild fell on his head. He is worthy of this position, so Brother Lang is now the vice president of the guild. He is a serious person, his smile is naturally ugly, and it is not a smile from the heart.

Ximenyu shook his head, put down his teacup, and suddenly frowned nicely. An email was sent to him from nowhere.

Seeing Ximenyu's expression and movements, Brother Wolf knew that his young master was reading private emails. And with that focused expression, it seems that the person who sent the email was not an ordinary person.

After a while, Ximenyu leaned back on the back of the chair, tapped his knees with his fingers, raised his head, looked at the hollowed-out pavilion top, and breathed out after a while: "Among the guilds that support me, Is there a guild called 'Spike'?"

As a leader, Ximenyu does not remember everyone who supports him. If it is a name that has never appeared in the impression, it is even more dispensable role. Of course, as a confidant, brother wolf naturally has more things to remember than his young master. Therefore, he quickly gave an affirmative answer: "This guild should be neutral. However, their president is a member of the joint council, but it's not very talkative."

"Number of people?"

"The junior guild, if I remember correctly, should be fully registered." Brother Wolf frowned, feeling that this was not enough, so he gave a more exact number: "Three hundred people."

"Find a reason to arrest them." Ximenyu said indifferently.


Ximenyu asked curiously, "Why didn't you ask me why?"

Brother Lang smiled, this time it was from the heart, so Ximenyu thought it looked good, "Because this is an order. And I believe that the young master will not do business at a loss."

Ximenyu shook his head and said, "But I'm really losing money this time. Someone asked me just now, saying that some unpleasant things happened with a member of the Spike Guild, so I can deal with it."

Seeing Brother Lang's expression, Ximenyu suddenly put his hands on the round table in front of him, propped his chin, and said with a smile, "Guess how long it took me to think about this matter?"

"Should be... 3 minutes?" Brother Wolf silently recalled Ximenyu's actions after reading the email.

"One second."

Brother Wolf was stunned. Ximenyu would not lie in front of him, nor did he need to. Then there is only one possibility, and that is that the person who sent the email has the importance that Ximenyu doesn't have to think about dealing with a level like the Spike Guild.

"What about other times?" Brother Wolf asked.

Ximenyu said calmly: "I used to think about this second, and then I came up with the same answer."

Brother Wolf was even more puzzled, and made an expression of listening.

"It's Zhao Nan."

Brother Wolf was obviously taken aback. He will not be unfamiliar with this name. It's just that I haven't heard this name for too long, so it's dusty in my memory. In memory, it was an incredible name. At the last moment of the first monster siege in Dongyuan City, I believe that no one will forget the mage riding a dragon, the hero who restrained most of the flying monsters almost by himself in the last tens of minutes .

After the first monster siege in Dongyuan City ended, the mage riding a dragon was extremely popular, but it was like a flash in the pan, and there was no news. Otherwise, if Ximenyu wants to become the lord of the city, I am afraid that there will be a strong competitor.

There are not many people in Dongyuan City who know about the fact that Zhao Nan strayed into the dense fog area by mistake and then went to another city. Except for a few veterans of the original 'End of the World' guild, that is, Ximen Yu and Ximen Xiaowu, even Brother Lang didn't know about it.

"This person finally appeared?"

Brother Lang's face was serious. Even if Ximenyu didn't take the initiative to order Zhao Nan's matter, he would investigate it clearly. However, since the first monster siege, until now, he has not received any news. The 'End of the World' aspect didn't reveal anything either. Only through the confirmation of household registration, Zhao Nan has not died yet.

"Actually, I've seen him once before."

Ximenyu chuckled, picked up the teacup again, and sipped the much colder black tea, as if recalling: "Maybe he thought I didn't notice him... Then I had a feeling that maybe we will soon We can meet. You know my hunches are always more accurate."

"Wolf, get ready, I'm going out." Ximenyu put down his teacup.



The house purchase contract was quickly prepared, and with a wave of his hand, Zhao Nan officially owned the first real estate in Dongyuan City.

Since it is a new home, it naturally needs to be furnished. Little Loli frankly occupied a small attic where the skylight could be opened, and after being accompanied by Catwoman, she began to tidy up the room. Xiongyou and his wife went out to buy other furniture.

Zhao Nan finally came to the mage's hall in Dongyuan City, and saw Finina sitting quietly in a corner. After she threw herself into her arms and talked about some gossip, she opened an advanced envoy room alone. the door.

Met Heidi. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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