Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 178: The Gossip Theory of Happy Being a Father

The so-called top ten guilds in Dongyuan City, in fact, only three are local guilds. The other guilds all migrated from other abandoned cities. Since it can be called the top ten, the overall strength of the guild will naturally be worthy of this title, and there is no water in the slightest.

But even if the powerful foreign guilds entered, it seemed that they could not catch up with the first three guilds in Dongyuan City itself. 'Purgatory' was prepared by Ximenyu long before the catastrophe for the days when he could cheat in the future. The players in it have all been trained by elite soldiers, so naturally they are not comparable to the recruit egg training camp in Dongyuan City. In fact, this is also the case, 'Blood Shadow' has long been reduced to a second- and third-rate character.

As for the "end of the world", although it is said that it appeared before the catastrophe. But who made them start in the mid-level guild so wonderfully from the very beginning? Ximenyu can cheat, so naturally Zhao Nan is cheating too.

One month of preview and three years of experience, in fact, a long time ago, through the development of these two guilds, an unknown contest began.

Of course, this kind of contest is not even clear to the two parties, nor can they be expected.

As for the third-ranked "Guardian Knight" guild, both Ximen Yu and Zhao Nan saw it as an anomaly. Ximenyu thinks that Duan Sirius' methods are very good, and Zhao Nan thinks that Duan Sirius is very lucky. Obviously, he had been the first to obtain the hidden job that should belong to him, but he insisted on another way, as if he was an immortal Xiaoqiang, and entered Zhao Nan's sight again.



It was raining outside the dungeon, and the sound of the ticking rain naturally couldn't come in, but the noisy discussions still rang out here.

This is a temporary stronghold jointly organized by the top ten guilds.

The player who revealed the dungeon probably didn't guess it, because his revelation allowed the real secret of the undead dungeon to be developed, and the time was surprisingly short.

The one who made the contribution was an outside guild, a member of the 'Little Round Bear' guild. As for the reason, it was because the member's sub-job was an explorer.

Because of the information about the dungeon, a lot has appeared in the newspapers. Because this explorer with special abilities easily found a route to the hidden layer in the dungeon based on some clues, and successfully reached the hidden layer.

Explorers are now detailing their discoveries. There are many pitfalls on the way to the hidden layer. This is something that everyone has to listen to. With the explanation, the noisy discussion gradually becomes more subtle, and more people are listening.

People from the 'End of the World' guild were also listening.

Gao Mingyang, Xu Fei, Xu Feng, Gao Xiang, Jiang Lun, Xu Yang.

Based on the status of the guild, they sat very far in front of this huge temporary tent.

"Speaking of explorers... I think of Zhao Nan's soul again!"

Although it was a very low voice, the meaning of dissatisfaction was particularly clear. The sub-profession of explorer appeared for the first time through Zhao Nan. However, what Gao Mingyang said now brought the memories of the few people back to ten months ago.

It's not long, but it's doesn't seem to be short either.

The stubble on Gao Mingyang's face is said to be because an enchanter girl in "Purgatory" prefers a particularly domineering man, so President Gao started to deal with his face a few months ago. He touched his chin, which was a little prickly, and felt that he was not relieved to call a bastard, so he continued: "Bastard, bastard!"

"It's almost time to meet." Gao Xiang lowered his head and wiped his longbow.

A longbow of golden quality, but he has already surpassed the level of using this longbow. It is not this longbow that is currently in use. But someone can always see that this veteran player of the Second Guild of Dongyuan City always likes to take out this tool and wipe it carefully.

"He said spring and summer will come soon." Gao Mingyang was still very dissatisfied, "If you hadn't dragged me, would I still not be able to find the transmission route to Tingfeng City if I went around?"

"Maybe there is a mission." Xu Fei said calmly: "You have to understand that some serial missions take half a month to complete, and you are not allowed to stop halfway. Besides, the scary places like dense fog areas In the past, do you still think he would die on those level 30 monsters? Maybe he is now brushing unknown special scenes there, making a fortune silently. Even this explorer who is just 30 can discover the dungeon In the hidden layer, do you think Brother Nan, who is so boring, won't continue to make noise in other places?"

"It's a crime for him not to bring Lao Tzu along with him!" Gao Mingyang said still dissatisfied.

The voice was slightly higher, and finally the other people who were listening couldn't see it, and cast dissatisfied glances one after another. Gao Mingyang stared, and said loudly: "I'll wait until I'm full and continue."

The explorer hastily cleared his throat, and had no choice but to use the next words to draw everyone's distracted attention back.

"You're actually very annoying now." Xu Feng couldn't help but shook his head and smiled helplessly.

Gao Mingyang also shook his head, this time his voice was lowered, "If you make a bang again, don't forget how it came from."

Several people fell silent suddenly, not speaking for themselves. Gao Mingyang took out a few sips of the bottled wine produced by the bar he particularly likes to go to in Dongyuan City, Brother Wolf from the 'Purgatory' guild not far away, and Sirius Duan from the 'Guardian Knight' secretly shook their heads , I really don't understand how this guy who doesn't care about the occasion can make a guild grow to this point.

Gao Mingyang frowned and hiccupped after taking a few sips of wine. He slapped his thigh and said seriously, "I suddenly thought of a question!"

Seeing him so serious, I always felt that the chairman would not say any more nasty words, so the other people listened very seriously.

"Do you remember Little Six?"

"Who is Little Six?"

"The pharmacist in our guild is Xu Yang's former student." Gao Mingyang frowned, "I heard that he got married with a woman, and that woman was also Xu Yang's former student."

Looking at Xu Yang, Xu Yangliu frowned, dissatisfied: "Those of my students fall in love freely, what does this kind of thing have to do with you?"

Gao Mingyang quickly waved his hands and said, "No, I'm talking about the fact that Little Six is ​​happy to be a father!"

"I'll're the guild leader, not the gossip leader!" Xu Fei couldn't help how this guy could discuss who was having a big belly with whom on such an occasion.

Gao Mingyang said with a straight face, "That's not what I'm talking about. I was thinking, is that bastard Zhao Nan also happy to be a father? Didn't you mean that she was pregnant in October? That's why it took so long... ...Could it be possible that I was uncle when we met?"

Xu Feng was startled, pointing at Gao Mingyang, pointing at Xu Fei, pointing at the past one by one, and then pointing at himself: "Uncle?"

"It's reasonable." Gao Xiang put down the rag in his hand and said thoughtfully.

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Xu Feng suddenly became interested when he came.



While people from other guilds were thinking hard about the explorer's information about the dungeon, several people from the 'End of the World' guild were also trying to talk about whether it was a boy or a girl.

Jiang Lun, who was trying his best to record what the explorer said, finally couldn't bear the chattering, whispered like a cock mother-in-law, so he said dissatisfiedly: "I said, big brothers, enough mud! I haven't seen the last one in our union. The beautiful sage's flower can't stand it anymore?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and suddenly stopped the burning fire of gossip, like a basin of cold water poured down, cooling the heart.

The people here suddenly remembered something again. During these ten months, the name of the sage flower of the 'End of the World' guild has spread throughout Dongyuan City. Gradually matured, Mr. Xu, who broke away from the innocent mentality at the beginning, has long been the object of admiration of many people.

But I have never heard of anyone being able to pluck this flower.

As for whether this sage's flower has a heart, or a problem with her orientation, it is all under discussion among many boring men in Dongyuan City. But what is the real situation.

Only Jiang Lun and the bosses in his mouth know.

They know it!

So Jiang Lun held his forehead in pain and said: "If you don't die, you won't are dead!"

Gao Mingyang bit his chin, and said with a click, "It's not good..."



"Oh no!"

A player rushed into the temporary meeting tent in a panic, panting, "Someone, someone who doesn't belong to us, broke into the entrance of the hidden layer!"



Using another passage, Zhao Nan and the others quickly bypassed the guards of the top ten guilds, and entered the undead dungeon through another passage.

This dungeon is divided into three floors. The better tasks in the first floor were basically completed by the discoverer. So Zhao Nan didn't stay too long, and rushed directly to the second floor.

The first floor is not so empty. Some of the weaker examples in the top ten guilds are going around here to see if there are other opportunities.

Although it is said that they are both top ten guilds, there seems to be a lot of competition between them. On the first floor, Zhao Nan saw many times when different guilds competed for the same monster.

There is a task that can be accepted by multiple people, it just depends on who can finish it faster. For example, killing an elite monster.

When people from two different guilds are fighting for the same monster, they will ask people to guard the monster, and then send people out for a PK. Of course, this kind of PK is not the opposite of life and death. The loser will give up the task.

This kind of PK situation, Zhao Nan and the others have secretly watched it several times. Among them is the PK between the 'End of the World' guild and members of other guilds.

Suddenly there was a faint smile on Zhao Nan's face.

Finina knew that it was because Zhao Nan let go of some worries after seeing the members of the 'End of the World' guild a few times.

For this person who loves himself and also loves himself like life, I know that he is a little narrow-minded, but I still think there is nothing wrong with it.

Although it was a butterfly that flew into his heart, this butterfly was obviously not a noisy butterfly.

After entering the second floor, Zhao Nan used some memories to trigger some specific plots in the dungeon. For example, plots such as hidden layers.

On the third floor of the dungeon, there are indeed hidden job scrolls, but they are relatively common. Zhao Nan, an ordinary hidden profession, naturally despises it. So a long time ago, Zhao Nan put the destination of this trip in the hidden layer.

That's the mezzanine between the third and second floors.

This kind of ability to easily trigger the plot makes the surprise in Catwoman's heart greater than the flickering in her eyes. You must know that she has special abilities, and she is especially good at exploring things. Regarding this point, Zhao Nan had already experienced it thoroughly when listening to the level 20 regular dungeon in Feng City.

But Catwoman still needs a trace of clues to be able to do particularly strange things. But she never imagined that someone could do Zhao Nan's... How should I put it.

It should be said, as if I already knew that this place can be triggered, so I just walked over there without any consideration.

"Ah, what luck, I found a quest reminder here."

So to speak.

"Too unreasonable." Catwoman thought silently.



Zhao Nan naturally didn't know what the catwoman Yeyue was thinking, and probably didn't have much mood to think about it. It seemed enough to have a butterfly fluttering in his heart all the time.

Along the way, apart from the discomfort of being blocked by those people at the entrance, what he saw and heard on the way, the people's style of Gao Mingyang Guild can still catch his eyes. The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. If the lower beam is not too crooked, the upper beam is naturally not bent.

Zhao Nan is in a good mood.

But before entering the hidden layer, this good mood was knocked down.

Just as he was leading people close to the entrance of the hidden layer, he unexpectedly collided with players from various guilds guarding here.

In theory, no one should find out here.

But Zhao Nan didn't know that there was an explorer among the top ten guilds. Just as Gao Mingyang and the others didn't know, in the dungeon, the Hun Dan they were talking about had already sneaked in, using his eyes hidden behind the mask to observe things unscrupulously.

There were a lot of guys blocking the road in front of them, and they began to blame those guys outside, maybe they were lazy, so they let unknown players mix in.

I don't know when it started, all guilds have become popular to customize their own uniforms. Uniforms appeared to distinguish different guilds.

But it was obvious that the few people who appeared in front of them did not belong to any guild.

"Go away, don't get in the way!"

As if to declare his own sovereignty, that domineering voice yelled out without concealing it. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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