Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 179 Cloak

The entrances to the hidden floors on the second and third floors of the dungeon are actually a dilapidated altar in the undead dungeon. On the four sides of the altar, there are twelve broken white pillars of varying degrees. These uneven pillars, like the hands of the top ten guilds blocking the road today, are all separated by a fixed distance.

These people do not belong to the same guild, but their eyes belong to Zhao Nan and the others. Guard this altar when they receive orders. Don't let strange outsiders in, and don't let your own people in.

"Did you hear that?" The man's face became angry. Since outsiders came to this place, they naturally wanted to drive them away. "This is not the place you came from. If you want to try your luck, go up to the first floor!"

"what is this?"

But I didn't expect that someone in this team did not bow their heads to the members of the top ten guilds, and clenched their fists, "I blocked it once when I came in, and I will block it again now. Do you really think this place is your back garden? "

"Little friend, don't be impulsive." Yanan pulled Xiongyou's sleeve with a nervous expression.

Unexpectedly, my boyfriend, who has always been obedient to me, is tougher than I imagined this time, "I don't want to give up just like that. This is for you to get a scroll, let me give up, it's impossible! It's a big deal. , I can't beat it and leave in embarrassment, and I don't want to give things up!"

A thin beam of flame rose between the five fingers.

"You kid, do you want to force your way?"

"I have this plan!"

"Full you!"



The sound of fierce fighting suddenly became loud and clear. The Huoling Wudou master opened the Ice Domain, and he was able to fight against a team of people who did not know which guild was among the top ten guilds.

This scene was also clearly seen by the other nine guilds stationed here. What I think is not that someone really dares to challenge them, but that someone can really do this. This kind of scene is like rolling, one hits ten.

"Nan... is this really good?" Finina remained motionless. There was not much worry on his face. In the dungeon in Tingfeng City, the number of times of cooperation has been beyond count. She naturally knows the strength of Xiongyou.

Zhao Nan watched calmly for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "Let him make trouble."

Such irresponsible talk. Of course it appeared in the private chat channel.

"When I came in, I was blocked once. He was not reconciled for a long time, but he didn't want to refute my face so he endured it. Otherwise, you think he won't know that if we want to break in, those people can stop it? I can Dodge once, but can’t dodge the second time, do you know why? That’s because I’m like an idol in his heart. He’s looking forward to me. For my longing, he can endure my failure, endure someone He is stronger than me, but he can't bear it. I will swallow my breath and endure the disillusionment of my vision. If I stop him again, I'm afraid it will dampen his spirit. The worst case is that I am no longer in his heart. Perfect."

Finina was taken aback, but she hadn't expected this level. In a way, she prefers to solve problems without violence. She couldn't understand the meaning of this, but she had other ideas, "It's like... It seems that you are very afraid that your little friend will leave you."

Zhao Nan nodded numbly, and said with great certainty: "I'm afraid, why not. I'm afraid the skill of the ice field. You and I also know... Even if his skill effect is not as good as mine, but it is the closest to putting me in a desperate situation people……"



Ten players in a guild. Even if there are only ten ordinary occupations, how can the equipment of the top ten guilds be poor? However, they were beaten one by one and speechless. Once this kind of thing gets out, where will the face of their ten guilds go?

At some point, Xiongyou no longer faced ten people, but two more people. Two player mages from another guild. A long-range attack is being made on him.

Watching this scene, Yanan naturally couldn't just sit by and watch, so he directly activated Pandora's transformation skill, swung his sword, and stabbed out. Turning around, the small body exploded with amazing abilities.

Zhao Nan sighed, "So this time, I will make a move after all."

Shaking her head, Zhao Nan was not using the private chat channel anymore, and said helplessly: "Just treat it as a surprise before meeting. I have thought about several scenarios of meeting Mingyang and the others, but I have never thought about meeting them." This is it."

Finina chuckled, and pulled out the sword from her waist, with a sharp bang. She really doesn't like to use violence to solve problems. It's just that when the request comes from the mouth of the person beside her, she won't object to anything.

She is Finina, his woman, just such a simple position.


If you want to make trouble, just make it more cheerful.

Zhao Nan let the sky dragon roar towards the sky. The terrifying 'dragon power' ability was enough to instantly reduce the attack power, defense power, and even reaction speed of players who were not on his side.



The ability of 'Longwei' has a range. But the propagation of sound is obviously much farther than this range.

The high-level members of the ten guilds who were coming from the temporary meeting tent all heard this terrifying roar.

Brother Wolf suddenly stopped, and Duan Sirius also stopped at the same time, listening to the palpitating roar in disbelief.

The elders of the 'End of the World' guild suddenly turned pale, followed by ecstatic expressions.

This roar is so familiar to Gao Mingyang and the others!

"It's Osiris! It must be it!"

"Absolutely, absolutely not wrong!"

"He is back!"

This kind of stay didn't last long, as if to recover the time of this kind of stay, several people from the 'End of the World' trade union broke out at an astonishing speed in an instant, and ran in front of this group of people.

Brother Lang was startled, thinking that if that person is really in this place, then he must report to Ximenyu. His young master, the city lord of Dongyuan City, left this man's house half a day ago.



This is an unimaginable scenario.

Please imagine being a member of the top ten guilds in Dongyuan City, and a hundred players guarding here. It is even more impossible for the equipment to be poor, but at this moment, most of them are lying on their stomachs, lying down, or sitting, and are using blood recovery potions in embarrassment to restore their health, which is close to the bottom. Or wait until the life value recovers to a certain extent before the distorted part of the body, or the moment where the cut off part can be restored.

However, among the wounded, there were only a few people. These dismal results were actually caused by these people, and one of them was a little girl, and these people were still unscathed.

How can you bear it? How can you accept it?

Gao Mingyang and the others lost their minds for a moment.

But someone reacted instantly and made a move. With an incomparably fierce posture, he leaped forward. If you don't do something right away, how can you save that bit of face?

But when twelve terrifying fire dragons rose from the ground. Like lightning, they swam within a range of more than ten meters and exploded one by one. The deafening sound and huge destructive power told the people watching that it was not impossible for all of this to happen.

"Although he is wearing a mask, if you want to say that this mage is not Brother Nan, I wouldn't believe it even if he was killed!" Xu Fei muttered to himself.

"Who else in this world can cast spells at such a speed?" Xu Feng asked back.

Xu Yang clasped his hands in front of his chest, trying to be among so many people. But looking at that figure, he pursed his lips. He pursed his lips a little bit and didn't seem to know, but he kept repeating this sentence in his heart.

This is him, this is him, this is him...

"Stop, stop, stop for me!"

crazy. The angry shouting sound covered the entire altar in an instant, and the bearded President Gao even hoarse at this moment, "Stop the fuck, anyone who doesn't stop is my enemy! "

Have to say this artificial rant works well.

Zhao Nan stopped. Xiongyou also stopped, and Finina stood between the two of them, looking towards the end of the 'End of the World' guild.

The rest of the people stopped, all in an instant.

"President Gao, what are you doing?"

"Yes, are these people your acquaintances?"

A dissatisfied voice sounded, "These few people have hurt so many of us!"

"Lao Tzu is here!" Gao Mingyang, ignoring everyone's questioning, strode away, pushing away one person after another, and walked up to Zhao Nan.

"What are you doing?" Xiongyou frowned, but found that Zhao Nan didn't look defensive at all, secretly surprised.

Gao Mingyang ignored Xiongyou's words at all, and stared at the beard that was only less than an inch long, "Do you dare to call my name?"

"Gao Mingyang."

"Sure enough, it's your soul!"


But he saw Gao Mingyang's fist swung out like thunder, and hit Zhao Nan's stomach impartially. This punch was so strong that at least it made Zhao Nan bow slightly. .

"This punch is really heavy!"

"If you don't accept it, you have the guts to hit me!"


Zhao Nan smiled, straightened up again, breathed into his fist, and then lightly slammed on the opponent's shoulder.


Xiongyou opened his mouth and opened his eyes, but saw the elder sister Finina who had been in awe shaking her head towards him.



On the altar square, many people watched this scene one by one, not knowing what kind of drama was going on. Gao Mingyang is the leader of the second guild they know. He has a high level, good occupation, high-grade equipment, and he has enchanted his whole body perfectly four times! He is simply a fighter among men, tough and domineering at ordinary times.

But at this moment, the person who is aloof and awe-inspiring like the devil in the world, makes people's cognition shattered.

He said: "I want to cry, fuck you/damn!"

Seeing that Gao Mingyang seemed to be pulling people away, no one knew whether he was going to cry or not. This scene is not performed according to common sense at all. The presidents, vice presidents, etc. of the other guilds present, how could they not cast dissatisfied, surprised, and angered eyes?

"Wait a minute! President Gao, if you don't take care of this matter, is it true that my brother was beaten for nothing like this?"

A strong man swaggered forward, accusing angrily. These two people just now you punched me hard and I punched me lightly, who can't see the infinite love between them? If it weren't for the fact that 'The End of the World' is one of the three largest local snakes in Dongyuan City, it is probably not just him, but the guilds who came from outside the venue would have already mobilized to attack.

The strong man suppressed his anger as much as possible, and said loudly: "President Gao Mingyang!"

"What the hell!" Gao Mingyang was upset, his eyebrows raised and his expression was natural and arrogant, "I just want to let people see if the defense here is rigorous enough, so why don't you ask someone to come over and test it?"

It's not impossible, but it can't be so far-fetched.

"They are all members of my guild!" Gao Mingyang said loudly.

"I have the final say!" Gao Mingyang still said loudly.

He looked at the crowd, and suddenly tore off the clothes on his body, the exclusive uniform of the 'End of the World' guild master, after being torn off, it was directly put on the young man who had just been punched down by him .

"That's why I said it's a test, it's a test!" Gao Mingyang said loudly.

"Who said you can't come out and challenge me one-on-one!" Gao Mingyang said angrily, pointing at everyone.



Here, at most, there are only wounded and no dead, and it happens every day that people who are not as strong as others are knocked to the ground. It's just that for these defeated people, it's a little uncomfortable to be used to domineering. But what can you do if you are upset, really want to start a war with 'The End of the World' in this place?

The wolf from 'Purgatory' immediately stood up to smooth things over, and the other wolf from 'Guardian Knight' also expressed that he could accept this so-called 'test'.

The three largest ground snakes in Dongyuan City all talked like this, and the other seven guilds could only swallow their resentment in a muffled voice. Everyone here is looking for the hidden layer and gaining benefits, and no one wants to be wasted, and the combat meeting will continue afterwards.

It's just that the 'End of the World' guild randomly sent someone to take notes, and those presidents, vice presidents, clerks and the like have long since disappeared.

Not far from the meeting tent, Zhao Nan folded the uniform that was full of pungent alcohol smell, and looked at Gao Mingyang and others who were silent.

Swept across their faces, touched his stomach, and said with a smile: "I should be able to take a few more punches."

"Hundan!" Gao Xiang came over and punched lightly.

"Fuck you!" Xu Feng came over and punched a little harder.

"Long time no see." Xu Fei nodded and smiled.

"Idol! I finally see you again!" That was Jiang Lun.

"Welcome back."

This is Xu Yang. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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