Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 180 City of the Undead (Part 1)

Finina stood quietly aside, whispering to Xiongyou about the relationship between Zhao Nan and the guild.

"We used to belong to this guild too, and we met you after passing through the foggy area. Speaking of the recovery battle in Fengshi, the supplies that Zhao Nan brought out were all prepared by Mingyang and the others."

Finina's statement was simple, "They are good people."

Although it is not enough to drag Xiongyou and the others back to the time ten months ago, it seems to be able to make people see some passionate scenes that make people look forward to.

How can a group of people be so unscrupulous that you can hit me and hit you while laughing, how can it be easy?



Like an arrow, the ghost monster passed over the head with a hissing sound, and then was shot down by the archer's precise skills, and the players wearing the 'Evil Resisting Orb' immediately attacked in groups.

Looking at the orderly attack method, Zhao Nan couldn't help admiring: "The guild is developing well."

"That's it!" Gao Mingyang didn't know what modesty was at all, put his shoulders on Zhao Nan's shoulders, and after punching Zhao Nan, his anger was fading away invisible, but another wave of dissatisfaction rose again, so he squinted his eyes, "Are you really angry?" It’s not kind, it will kill you to say hello when you come back? I want to show up in this place, but fortunately, I’m enough to suppress the situation!”

"It's really a boom." Zhao Nan smiled.

People's hearts have not changed, and their narrow eyes have long been opened.

"Speaking of..."


Gao Mingyang bent down, put his palm on Zhao Nan's ear, and asked in a low voice, "Am I an uncle now? It's been ten months, and you haven't given me a nephew or niece. ?”

Zhao Nan had seen this guy's way of thinking out of his mind many times in a bar in Dongyuan City ten months ago, and then saw it again here, and finally got rid of the slight insanity in his heart. The emotion was emptied in an instant, and all turned into helplessness.

"go to hell."

Gao Mingyang chuckled, how could he still have the domineering appearance just now? Instead, he became a little disappointed because he couldn't get the answer to his heart's prayer, and let out a long sigh.

At this time, the meeting tent was opened, and the person who was sent to replace the clerk Jiang Lun to take notes ran over to everyone, "President, we are going to leave in half an hour. This is the information about the trap in the hidden layer." .”

With a big wave of his hand, Gao Mingyang made someone hand over the information to Jiang Lun. He rubbed his chin with a serious face, "It's not about love, shit, no. It's not about love, shit, it's still wrong..."

The seriousness disappeared in an instant, and the hand touching his chin turned into a hand scratching his head, "Now is the time to do the task?"

"Now is indeed the time to do the task."

Zhao Nan beckoned to Finina and the others, and talked about things without talking about feelings, "I came here this time to get a scroll of hidden occupations, I know something about hidden layers, do you want to get all the benefits or just a part of them?" ?”

Gao Mingyang was never curious about what Zhao Nan knew, because that kind of curiosity was too entangled. He was so entangled that his beard might not grow back, and his hair might be scratched completely.

"Then...take them all!"

"Can you stand it?"

"If you can take it, dare to hold it!"

Zhao Nan shrugged and said bluntly: "Then don't wait for half an hour, start now."



This time the ten guilds united and dominated the place early on here, naturally it was not because the stinky editor-in-chief of the intelligence newspaper changed his mind and secretly sold information. But to become the top ten in Dongyuan City, each has its own source of information.

The matter of the dungeon of the undead had been spread among the ten guilds long before the information newspaper was printed and sold, perhaps a day ago.

The 'End of the World' guild brought in quite a few people this time, but after subtracting seven and eight people, there are only about twenty people who can really enter the hidden layer. Now including Zhao Nan and his party, there are exactly 30 people .

Thirty people's early actions quickly let others know. For this guild that doesn't follow the rules, besides cursing secretly and condemning publicly, the more important thing is to catch up with the past. God knows that people have reached that position in the hidden layer, have they passed all the traps, have they touched something that makes people greedy?

"Hurry up, they are at most ten minutes ahead of time, and they won't be able to go far!"

Inside the entrance of the altar, the presidents began to urge their own hands to pass through the altar. Looking at the people gradually disappearing on the altar, at the end, there were still two groups of people whose hands remained motionless.

"President Duan Sirius, why don't you go in?"

Brother Wolf didn't move, and neither did the people behind him, standing like a pole, as if poured out of a mold.

Frankly speaking, Duan Sirius doesn't like this person who has the same name as him but has a completely different personality. But he was able to restrain this emotion very well, and asked, "Why don't you go in?"

"We don't participate in the hidden layer this time."

Unexpectedly, Brother Wolf's answer was so simple and direct, Duan Sirius was stunned, and then smiled wryly: "It seems that I have no choice but to cooperate with you, right?"

Brother Wolf said dumbly: "You can do whatever you want."

"Sure enough, it's the style of the first guild in Dongyuan City." Duan Sirius shook his head: "Then let me get some benefits, the third floor of the dungeon."

Brother Lang didn't understand why Sirius Duan didn't participate in the hidden layer. The reason why he didn't participate was entirely because of an email from Ximenyu.

"Instead of eating the remaining bones, it's better to go to the third floor and drink the first mouthful of boiling soup."

It's just this email, Brother Wolf has once again seen Ximenyu's terrible evaluation of Zhao Nan. 'Purgatory' is never afraid of anyone, even if he is a little behind, he is confident that he can catch up, but Ximenyu thinks that he can only eat the leftover bones.

Although Brother Lang was unwilling, he had to obey the young master's order.

"Even the adult in your family thinks he will fall behind, what else can I say?"

Duan Sirius smiled, now the 'Purgatory' guild is basically presided over by Brother Wolf, but the players in Dongyuan City know who is really in charge. His eyes suddenly brightened, and he pursed his lips and said, "The eight guilds inside, no matter how much they fight, they have to be divided. It's better to divide them equally between me and you on the third floor."

Or how to fight, it is very likely that in the end it will be nothing but joy. It wasn't that he was afraid of the mage riding a dragon at this time, but that he couldn't forget the last scene of Dongyuan City's first monster attack that day. Since that person can still appear after ten months of disappearance, if the strength is not stronger than before, ghosts will believe it. A few people swept a hundred well-equipped guild players, that kind of thing was clearly in sight.



Inside the secret path leading to the hidden layer, there were sudden wailing sounds again and again, and the damage values ​​that dealt a lot of damage fluttered red again and again.

The voices of abuse rose one after another at this time.

"Damn it, why is it not at all different from what was said in the explorer's guide! Isn't this damn foolish?"

"Don't talk bro, I got an arrow in my ass, help me pull it out!"

"There are rolling stones, flash!"

Looking at those strange traps, the explorer who played the most important role in this strategy was suddenly flustered in the wind, pursing his pale lips, "It shouldn't be, it's impossible, how could this happen."

"Wang Suo, think about it more clearly, are you sure this is the way to go here?"

Facing the doubts of his companions, the explorer named Wang Suo seemed not confident at this moment. He had a feeling, as if there were hands in front of him, controlling all these changes.

But even if it is a change, is it too irregular?



a few minutes ago.

"Idol, what are you doing?"

"No, knock here to see if there is a hidden compartment or something, maybe you can find something good." Zhao Nan said plainly.

"Knock knock?"

Jiang Lun followed Zhao Nan's example and knocked on the same place. The sound was solid, and the bricks on the wall seemed to be sunken. He listened quietly for a while, overjoyed, but found that nothing happened.

"If it can be knocked out like this, I have pried this passage." Gao Mingyang curled his lips in disdain, and then patted his thigh hard, as if enlightened in the dark, "I understand, the explorer is so It’s amazing, it’s actually knocked out like this.”

knock knock?

Xiongyou also tapped, knocking out some rhythms abruptly on the wall.

Knock knock.

Knock knock.

These guys couldn't stop.

Zhao Nan sighed secretly, this is all right now, the people who come in behind are estimated to be able to walk through this secret path completely, and they will not die or be disabled.

"Don't make trouble, continue on your way." Gao Xiang held his forehead in pain.

It's okay to make trouble, but the problem is that there are more than 20 people from other guilds following here. If the news of this bear child is spread, how can you meet people?

Catwoman went to secretly record the places Zhao Nan knocked along the way, and occasionally knocked on the way forward.

Zhao Nan was taken aback for a moment. This kind of observation was really cruel. Even Finina, who had a similar heart with him, only vaguely guessed that she was causing some trouble for the guild later, but Catwoman had already seen this intention. , and became an accomplice.

He suddenly wanted to know where the little Lolita got this hot catwoman. His attributes of the map may not be able to support him for too long in the future. In the future, facing a map that has never been experienced before, Catwoman's strange sense of touch will stand up to great use.

Since there was already a route provided by explorers earlier in the secret passage ahead, the group of the 'End of the World' guild naturally walked very easily, and all members arrived at their destination safely.

The hidden layer of the undead dungeon. The city of the undead.

In front of him was a huge city.

And there are people living in it. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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