Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 181: City of the Undead (Part 2)


Xu Yang couldn't help being surprised.

"The people inside are all undead." Zhao Nan shook his head, pointing at the people walking in front, "Look carefully, they don't have feet."

Upon closer inspection, the people on the street were not normal people, but undead floating three inches above the ground. The faces of these undead are gray and pale. What's even more strange is that these undead are all wearing broken battle armor.

Outside the entrance of the city of the undead stands a huge stone tablet with rows of neat words engraved on it.

"It records the history of this city." Xu Yang looked at the stone tablet in a daze.

Finina was rather curious. Even she could only understand the text on the stone plaque as an ancient text, but she couldn't recognize it. She couldn't help asking curiously: "Sister Xu Yang, can you understand it?"

"My sub-profession is a recorder. Many words can be memorized and understood as long as I copy them once." Xu Yang said calmly, and then concentrated on interpreting the words on the stone tablet.


Looking at the puzzled Finina, Zhao Nan explained, "That's a special kind of sub-profession. You can just understand it as a historian."

What comes to mind is that this woman's luck is still just as good. Recorder is a sub-job that is more difficult to obtain than explorer. I really don't know whether she picked flowers for the old lady or did housework for the old man this time.

Seeing Xu Yang deciphering the words on the stone tablet, Zhao Nan became interested. Back then, there were no such people as recorders, and the opening of the hidden layer was just crossing the river by feeling the stones. Although the hidden layer was finally conquered by relying on a large number of people, some people still think that there must be some secrets left. Not unlocked.

After a while, Xu Yang finished reading.

The history of this place is recorded on the stone tablet. That is a period of epic history.

Long, long, long ago, there was a young and promising general who was invincible and the most outstanding young man in the kingdom.

The king decided to marry his favorite daughter who had fallen in love with the general early on. Unexpectedly, the general already had another lover, and in front of the officials, he publicly rejected the king's offer of marriage. His Majesty the King was so angry that he ordered the general to be dismissed from all positions. The general who felt guilty in his heart didn't complain at all. But unexpectedly, the woman he loved died tragically at the hands of the emperor the next day. In a fit of rage, the young general went on a killing spree in the royal city, but in the end he was only able to get back his lover's body and seriously injured the princess.

The general was hunted down by the kingdom's army, and retreated to a city with his own troops. There were only 100,000 remnants left, but the entire kingdom's army suffered unprecedented heavy losses.

But at this time, the neighboring country sent troops to invade the kingdom. The king died in the war, and the subjugated princess committed suicide in front of the enemy army. Before she died, her soul turned into a terrible curse with resentment and unwillingness. She cursed the young general, and his army, that he would never leave the retreating city. And let the soldiers here be tortured every day and go crazy.

"If I don't love those who love me, I will not be freed from life to life, and will be tortured by sorrow day and night in immortality!"

This should be the last sentence on the stone plaque.

The voice of gnashing teeth came out of Xu Yang's mouth, and everyone suddenly felt a chill. Jiang Lun's teeth trembled suddenly. Listening to this story and seeing the undead flying around inside, he was not afraid of monsters but such dead people. "Women are really scary!"

Gao Mingyang quietly said to Cousin He: "Do you think Mr. Xu has assumed the role?"

Gao Xiang shook his head to show that you think too much.

For some reason, tens of thousands of cold grains suddenly appeared behind Zhao Nan's back. He always felt that the atmosphere was not right, and he was about to speak.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the undead in the city seemed to be crazy, and they fought fiercely with each other. The undead completely lost their minds, not only fighting among themselves, but also rushed out, grabbed the group of people, and organized attacks one after another.

"What's going on?"

"This is part of the curse." Xu Yang shook her head vigorously. She felt a little dizzy, and said after she regained her composure, "The princess's curse, all the soldiers in this city will go berserk every two hours."

"I don't want to say everything, crazy women are too scary!" Gao Mingyang couldn't help cursing.

These undead soldiers are all level 30. There are 100,000 undead soldiers in this city on the stone tablet, which is a monster with 100,000 heads. Of course, what he had to face was not the 100,000 monsters, but some of the undead soldiers that came out.

Even so, everyone still fought and retreated. After half an hour, the undead retreated one by one and continued to wander in the city.

Zhao Nan finally understood the reason why he had to resist these undead every two hours when he came here once, and now he calculated the time in his mind, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, don't go to the matter on the stone sign. I think, it is probably to tell us when the undead will make trouble. We have two hours in the next, and we are the first batch to come here, everyone will split up to try their luck. I guess we can find some tasks if we catch any undead. of."

This is indeed true, those guilds behind have not come yet, and those who don't take the lead at this time are really sorry for the lead along the way.

Gao Mingyang quickly assigned the teams, organized their own teams, and plunged into this city full of soldiers.

"I said Zhao Nan, your team doesn't have support jobs yet, right?" Gao Mingyang waved his hand before leaving, "Here, I'll give you a sage!"

Then he narrowed his eyes and pushed Xu Yang over.

Zhao Nan couldn't help but smile wryly.

Xu Yang stood there with embarrassment, and suddenly took a deep breath, as long as it came, he will be at ease. After a long time, many things have changed.

She smiled and said, "What? I'm not welcome?"

That smile is so touching and so confident.

A woman can also be generous, so Zhao Nan naturally can't act too much like a mother-in-law, and it's only two hours at a time, so it's not good to waste it under this kind of embarrassment.

"No, if he is not welcome, I will not let him go."

Finina suddenly smiled and walked to Xu Yang's side, hugging her arm affectionately, "I haven't had a good word with Sister Xu Yang since we met, now it's all over."

"Then... let's go." Zhao Nan shrugged.

Little Lolita suddenly walked up to him and handed him a note.

There are two words written on it with iron and silver hooks and a big question mark.

"Mistress?" (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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