Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 182 City of the Undead (Part 2)

Because little Lolita never revealed her background, Zhao Nan just kept the note carefully. And because Ye Anya seemed to have no family when they first met, Zhao Nan just kept the question on this note in his heart, as a little girl in the rebellious period who had only a half-knowledge of the adult world.

"what exactly is it?"

Little Lolita continued to write and ask questions stubbornly.

what exactly is it?

Zhao Nan also secretly asked himself what it was.

When he met Xu Yangchu, the only impression he had was why this kind of woman was so lucky. When we met for the second time, I just felt that this woman was a bit stupid. She tried to use her stubborn and innocent thinking to look at the world of catastrophe. When they met for the third time, when she bought clothes for herself on the street.

The fourth time was when I met the four of Gao Mingyang.

what exactly is it?

The fifth time...the sixth time...the seventh time...

Zhao Nan suddenly found that if he wanted, he could basically remember what happened a long time ago. Then, these things will eventually transform into an unclear figure in my heart if there is nothing there.

what exactly is it?

Up to now, he still can't ask, as if he never knew, and couldn't figure out where Xu Yang's special affection came from.

Some are unbelievable, some are unscientific, and some are too absurd.

Zhao Nan put his hands on Little Lolita's head, letting the bundles of snow-white hair slip out from between him, hesitated for a moment, and smiled: "Probably not your first question. "



Little Loli snorted coldly and stared at it, dissatisfied with what the man in front of her said, and soon began to write and draw in her little notebook.

Zhao Nan could see it, stroke by stroke, it was a kind of shelled animal with its legs turned upside down.

"For you, dishonest... turtle bastard!"

Zhao Nan looked at the little turtle drawn on the paper in a daze. Little Lolita had already waved her sleeve to hold Catwoman's hand, and walked into the city.

Although it is a curse word, but because the turtle's painting style is really cute, Zhao Nan couldn't bear to tear it up, so he had to fold the paper, put it in his bosom, and put it in the inner pocket of the clothes close to his chest, bowing his head and laughing at himself Smiling, he patted the inside pocket again, and then squinted his eyes to look at the inside of this undead dungeon, which can really be called a city.

The dungeon of the undead is divided into three floors. The appearance of the three floors is actually similar, but it is only in this hidden layer that the undead soldiers will appear. There are only some common undead monsters on the first and second floors, and then there are a few characters who are specifically offended. Inside the third floor is a special dungeon, which is naturally good, but Zhao Nan doesn't like it at the moment.

Two hours of exploration time, because of the appearance of the turtle, quickly crawled away for a few minutes. Finina and Xu Yang had already walked away, and as if they had made an appointment, they turned around together, beckoned, and called little Lori to her side, and walked forward with joy.

Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes from the large area of ​​the city to the small area in front of him, and blew a stunning whistle in his heart, regardless of all unnecessary issues, this is an extremely beautiful painting.

He even had the mood to appreciate this rare and wonderful scenery. Because the wall-knocking event that couldn't stop happened to hit the place where the hidden layer channel could be changed, which made those later guilds have to explore again, so there was a lot of time.

Xiongyou was quite nervous about this exploration, and he couldn't wait to take Yanan to take over after Gao Mingyang and the others set off. The purpose this time is indeed to get a hidden job for Yanan, but there are 100,000 undead soldiers in this dungeon, and they are playing roles that may release missions within two hours. It's like finding a needle in a haystack.

Zhao Nan couldn't make the right things happen again and again, so he had to find a reason at random and simply act alone. As long as he is himself, he naturally doesn't need to care about the problems that need to be explained during the process.

He's told enough lies, to the point where he can't be bothered to think of more lies to cover up.

Zhao Nan took a deep breath and parted ways with everyone on the road.



"Master Finina, I want to go over there and have a look." Catwoman suddenly looked at the corner in front of her.

Although the city is not big, once you walk inside, you will soon lose sight of people. The undead soldiers in the city will not attack people because they have not yet reached the time to go crazy. So very safe.

If it is not safe, Zhao Nan will naturally not let people split up. Finina easily agreed with Catwoman's decision. Zhao Nan can see Catwoman's special sense of touch, so how can the woman who can sleep with him not know?

"Be careful and keep an eye on the time of the confluence."

Watching Catwoman leave, Xu Yang suddenly hugged his shoulders, as if he felt a chill. Although it shows that the so-called undead here is just a kind of monster, it cannot avoid the female nature's fear of ghosts.

"I really want to know what you have experienced during this time." Xu Yang breathed out.

"I'll tell you slowly."


"Yes." Finina nodded with a smile.

The two women simply didn't go to the so-called try their luck, found a quiet corner, and sat on the ground casually with their backs leaning against the eaves of the dilapidated houses. As if a little girl was showing her most precious treasure to her friends, Finina used her voice to speak from the moment she entered Tingfeng City.

After talking about the cannibal in Tingfeng City, Xu Yang turned slightly pale.

After talking about the fall of Tingfeng City, Xu Yang bowed his head in silence, secretly thinking whether such a day would happen in Dongyuan City.

Talking about how Tingfeng City Plaza dealt with mutant king monsters that day, Xu Yang tightly grabbed his clothes.

After talking about the scene where Zhao Nan almost died in the square, Xu Yang let out a soft sigh, and his palms holding the clothes loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened again.

He talked about the scene after recovering Tingfeng City, the scene of the mutant dungeon of Tingfeng City, and the scene of the level 20 regular dungeon of Tingfeng City, one scene after another.

Xu Yang thought that he had enough experience in these ten months, but after listening to this distant story, he found that in the same period of time, someone had more experience than her. Rich to the point of unimaginable.

She looked at the straight eaves that blocked the sky, and at the end of the story, she whispered: "I knew that you would not be ordinary. I knew it from a very early age."

After speaking, she kept looking up at the sky above. There is no sky here, and above is a night sky that is as dark as starless.

"By the way. Have you seen your relatives after the inter-city communication?"

Xu Yang suddenly lowered his head, pulled his hair around his ears, shrunk his legs even tighter, and said with a pale smile, "After the second monster siege, I seem to be able to only remember to see them."

Finina also followed Xu Yang's example, with her legs curled up and her hands hugged, "I actually don't know who my parents are."


"Since I was sensible, all I can see is my adoptive father."

She looked at Xu Yang, tilted her head and smiled, "So I think, even if I can only see it in my memory, I'm already very happy, right?"

This is like an elf who has fallen into the mortal world, with western hair color and a square face, she has never seen her angry. Xu Yang felt an inexplicable soreness in her heart, and the sourness rushed to her nose in an instant. If she was a man, if he could meet such an elf, he probably wouldn't have the heart to leave her.


"You're not sorry for anything. You just need to be sorry for yourself." Finina sighed and blinked her bright eyes. "That guy is very passive about his feelings. If he doesn't take the initiative, nothing will happen."

What does this mean? Xu Yang was stunned.

Finina stood up and stretched her body vigorously, "It's almost time, let's meet up."

"Ah, it's been such a long time!" Xu Yang quickly stood up, busy dusting himself.

"By the way, Xu Yang."


"If one day..."


"what sound?"

Accompanied by Xu Yang's question, a strong wave came from the ground. At this moment, the city of undead in front of him suddenly collapsed.


A series of cracks appeared on the ground, but in a moment, people were swallowed down.

Among the boulders that kept falling, Finina quickly stepped on the falling rocks one by one, using this to jump and walk through, trying to rescue Xu Yang who had completely lost his parallelism.

"Sister Xu Yang, give me your hand!!"

Hands are about to touch each other!

"No, I can't reach it—!"

But there seems to be a small distance that cannot be crossed between the two forever.

"Xu Yang!!!"

Just a little bit short, a boulder fell from Finina's head, completely ruining this rescue.

Xu Yang fell into the abyss that suddenly left.

Finina had no choice but to use the falling rocks to safely return to the ground. At this time, the strange movements of the entire city had stopped, and Finina looked at the place that was innocently destroyed and even more dilapidated. But at this time, the feeling Zhao Nan gave her also became vague.

She looked back at the bottomless crack, and kept calling Zhao Nan's name in her heart.

It took a while before there was a response, and the voice was slightly hasty, "Sorry, something unexpected happened."

"Nan, could it be that you made the city change?"


Finina smiled wryly, thinking that Zhao Nan might be in a bad situation at the moment, so she quickly asked, "Where are you?"

"Under the crack."

"Sister Xu Yang also fell down just now, I didn't have time to save her."

Zhao Nan was silent for a moment again, "The undead soldiers are about to go crazy, see if you can join Ming Yang and the others, I will hurry back as soon as possible."

"But you..."

"Don't worry, the most powerful monster in this place is only level 30. Even if it's a king monster, can it still hurt me? I'm doing a mission and I can't get away temporarily. But you, if you have an accident, I can't feel at ease. Xu Yang, I'll check the situation... And, I need you to help me with one thing..." (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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