Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 184: City of the Undead (Part 2)


Could it be that he wants to take his own body? Zhao Nan was shocked. He had never heard of such a thing happening...but it was about to happen!

The mana value did not recover at all, and the bone altar had begun to see its scale, but the surrounding bones were still flying away.

Zhao Nan took a strong breath, the smell of corruption in the air made him uncomfortable for a while, but he was able to calm down.

There is no monster that cannot be killed, so he does not believe that the black sword has no weaknesses.

But at this moment, Finina's voice sounded directly from the bottom of his heart.

The city split apart and Xu Yang fell.

While comforting Finina, Zhao Nan thought to himself that if he hadn't pulled out the dagger with his hands, it probably wouldn't have happened.

However, the moment the word dagger swayed in his head, Zhao Nan subconsciously looked at the undead general.

The woman's body was placed beside it, and it was controlling the bones to build an altar with its hands free. At this time, in its chest, the stabbed wound was still there.

There should have been a dagger there.

But what about the dagger?

"...Moreover, I need you to do one thing for me..."



Zhao Nan looked around. In the Land of Bones, apart from being able to go out directly above the head, there are some narrow passages around.

The undead general seemed to be full of confidence holding the black sword. Zhao Nan lowered his head and tried not to let the other party see his expression.

The mana is still not recovered, but it does not affect the opening of the character space. At this time, General Undead suddenly looked down at the woman's body on the ground, and Zhao Nan's heart trembled.


The sky dragon bounced out of the pet space, and the red figure slammed into the undead general like a cannonball.

This collision directly caught Undead General by surprise, and with a flick of the black sword in his hand, the black light that was entangled with Zhao Nan suddenly loosened.

"Damn it!" The Undead General shouted angrily, and swung his sword at the guy who dared to attack him.

Zhao Nan called out loudly, and Olisis quickly retreated in front of him. Zhao Nan turned over and rode on the back of the dragon, took a quick look at the terrain, pointed to one of the underground passages, and let Olisis fly away.

"Can't escape!"

The general of the undead stuck the black sword in his hand on the ground, and the strange red light flickered. At this time, the bones that had not yet been built on the altar stood up one after another, turned into bone warriors, and chased in the direction of Zhao Nan.

The Undead General carried the woman's body to the bone altar, a trace of tenderness flashed across his pale face, "Sasha, wait for me, soon, soon..."

The Undead General met again, and a huge white-boned war horse stood up on the ground, and chased after it.



Along the way, what I saw was still full of bones. And among the bones, bone warriors quickly formed one by one, and struck towards Olisis.

The bad thing was not the attacks of these bone warriors, but Zhao Nan found that his mana was recovering very slowly at this moment. Even the use of mana restoration potions had no effect.

Look at the prompt of the system to know what is going on.

"Ding! You are banned by the magic sword Alnis!"

Ernis, the name of the black sword over there... Demon Sword.

It was supposed to be an absolute ban, and it was impossible to restore mana until the effect was eliminated. It was because Zhao Nan had drank the water from the Spring of Immortality that he was able to resist the effect of the ban a little bit, and his mana was therefore able to recover automatically...but very slowly, very slowly.

"Finina, how is the situation on your side?"

"It's not very good. The undead soldiers started to go crazy. Little Anya and I joined up. Now let's see if we can open the way to the manor." Finina quickly replied.

Although he couldn't see it, Zhao Nan still frowned, "Gather the others first, one hundred thousand undead soldiers, even if you want to break through, you can't go alone."

"How are you doing?"

"It's safe for now."

"Xu Yang?"

"I'm looking for... let's not talk about it."



read words.

"Xu Yang, tell me it's okay! Is it safe?"

At the other end of the sentence, because Xu Yang fell from a high altitude, as a sage, although he didn't have the reach of other combat professions, his equipment was not bad, and he was fine.

"It's not safe! My place is full of white bone monsters!"

The voice was slightly hurried and flustered. Probably, a sage is surrounded by many bone warrior monsters, and the only means of self-protection are a few low-power attack skills and his own pets.

It was no different from Zhao Nan's imagination, Xu Yang was indeed relying on his pet at the moment, and Moon Shadow Wind Butterfly was struggling to support him. Maybe if he changed to another combat class, the situation wouldn't be so bad.

"Can you tell where you are?"

"It seems... no."

"Then make some noise, the louder the better."


Zhao Nan covered her ears with a clatter, and was almost deafened.

Xu Yang said hoarsely, "Enough, is it big enough?"

Zhao Nan smiled bitterly and said, "Enough."

A scream echoed in the passage at this time, Zhao Nan carefully distinguished it, and hurriedly drove Sky Dragon to the place where the sound came from.



Above the city, undead warriors frantically waved their weapons. After Finina and Ye Anya met, they soon met Xiongyou and Yanan. After a little discussion, Finina still felt that it was time to meet. It was too long, so they decided to break through to the manor and meet up there.

At the same time, at the entrance of the secret passage on the hidden layer, the seven guilds finally broke through the trap of the changed secret passage, and with full of anger, they stared at the city where the undead wailed.

Holding a single-channel telescope, one person quickly swept across the entire city of the undead.

"I saw those people from the 'End of the World' guild! They seem to be in a lot of trouble."

"Hahaha, you deserve it, it's best to kill them all by these undead soldiers!"

"Yes, yes, we will collect their corpses properly!"

What happened on the secret path, after calming down a little, how could the members of these guilds fail to guess that the people in front did it?

At this moment, the man with the binoculars said again: "Hey, they seem to be rushing to a manor."

"Caught in a tight siege, instead of breaking out of the city, it goes deeper... Could it be that there are treasures in that manor?"

"It seems plausible."

"However, we seem to be forever behind." Someone said unwillingly.

At this time, the explorer who had been silent in the big team suddenly sneered, "I have a way!"

Everyone looked at him. Wang Suo, the explorer, showed complacency on his face, but secretly resented him in his heart. This exploration of the secret passage in the hidden layer should have been the person who contributed the most, but he was disturbed by others, so that countless scolding voices were heard in the secret passage. Hate it.

Wang Suo took out several huge baskets from his personal space, and each basket was connected to a huge white cloth with four thick ropes.

"Is this... a hot air balloon?"

Wang Suo proudly said: "Exactly. These are special props from the city I used to be in. It's a pity that there is no place to sell them in Dongyuan City, but I have these with me, which is enough for us to go there one step earlier!"

A ferocious laugh sounded, and huge hot air balloons, full of people, flew away from the ground.



A moment later, Olisis's huge roar sounded.

In a huge underground hollow space where the location is unknown, the sky dragon skipped over one bone warrior after another, like a red meteor, suddenly swooped down towards a certain place.

In that place, a human-tall butterfly pet has been scarred and is guarding its owner. Xu Yang was drenched all over, with his hair sticking to his face, and he continuously released buff skills at Moon Shadow Wind Butterfly. If you don't rely on these buffs, I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it long ago.

The sound of the dragon's roar suddenly surprised her.

The fiery red meteor fell to the ground, knocking a group of bone warriors to pieces. At this moment, a terrifying tornado suddenly appeared on the ground. The tornado was moving, and the bone warriors were swept up into the air one by one.

Zhao Nan stretched out his hand and put Xu Yang on Olisis's back. Sky Dragon's level has reached level 32. The body is even bigger than before, and it is moving towards the direction of the dragon. Not to mention supporting two people at this moment, even if there are two more, it doesn't seem to be a problem.

On the contrary, Zhao Nan just recovered some of his mana because he released two skills in a row and cleared the past again.

Suddenly there was a neighing sound from a horse.

The voice of the undead general echoed around: "My soldiers, stand up!"

The bone warrior who had just been killed suddenly made a clucking sound, and reassembled into a complete body again, but it looked like a bone archer holding a bone longbow.

Bone bows and arrows shot out of the ground, jingling into Olises' body.

"Have you moved since you fell?"

"It's been a while."

"Do you remember the original location?"

"Over there!" Xu Yang nodded quickly.

Zhao Nan had no mana to drive Olisis, so he didn't want to rely on the underage Sky Dragon to fight against the undead general holding the magic sword.

Olises was very fast, passing the bone warriors and bone archers at low altitude, and soon came to the place indicated by Xu Yang.

The Undead General seems to have been left far behind.

Zhao Nan thought that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, not to mention that he is not a gentleman, and he will be more fierce when he takes revenge, so he pulled Olisis's head and rushed straight into the sky, but saw a glimmer of light in front of him.

Unexpectedly, when ascending at this time, many bone flying dragons popped up from the surrounding soil, Oulisis' dragon chant sounded, but the bone flying dragons swooping down in front of them didn't seem to be heard, and their speed didn't slow down .

That undead general was really blown away, it was clearly the magic sword in his hand, and I have such a great style in the world that I can even summon a bone flying dragon.

Zhao Nan could only sigh secretly, returned to the ground, and walked away in embarrassment. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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