Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 185: City of the Undead (Again)

The undead on the ground were quickly wiped out one by one, and the sky sword master used her terrifying figure to forcefully open a straight road leading to the manor.

As a companion for ten months, this is not the first time Xiongyou has seen how powerful his sister-in-law Finina is. But it wasn't until then that I realized that what I saw before seemed to be just the tip of the iceberg.

Even the little loli, who has never done much, likes to sleep late when brushing dungeons, and shares her experience openly, has a side that cannot be underestimated.

With the guqin in his hand, the sound of the piano was played passionately. The speed of the sound might not be the fastest, but it was far greater than Finina's killing range.

Not to mention the Catwoman who has completely turned into a shadow, flashing from time to time, and hiding from time to time. Her attacks are always silent, and she kills monsters invisible in silent tenderness.

Seeing that Finina stopped suddenly, Xiongyou and Yanan stared so brightly that she almost thought she was soy sauce, and it turned out that the destination had been reached.

This place is special, even if those undead warriors are mad, they will not be mad here.


ah ah ah ah! !

Exaggerated shouts sounded, and Gao Mingyang, Gao Xiang and the others rushed from different directions with their own hands.

The general situation has already been discussed during the process of moving forward. After meeting, Finina simply nodded and plunged into the manor.

Unexpectedly, dozens of noises suddenly exploded in the surroundings at this time, and the dry grass in the manor in front of him was already full of potholes.

I saw people from the seven major guilds rushing out from all directions with people.

Gao Mingyang blew a whistle. He had a very thick skin, so he laughed and said, "Ah, all real people."

He glanced around. But when they found that the two 'Purgatory' and 'Guardian Knight' were missing, I was secretly surprised and relieved.

"President Gao, we are all here to welcome you." Someone from the seven major guilds sneered, "You know, we have worked so hard for this welcome!"

"It's a waste of time and money!" Gao Mingyang shook his head: "How about discounting it?"

"Okay, okay, I'll give you a discount right away!"

"Wait, maybe there are some misunderstandings in this, nothing can't be solved." Gao Xiang sighed, unwilling to fight against members of seven guilds at the same time under this situation. He is different from Gao Mingyang's fearless character, so if the big guild is not careful and keeps taking care of it, it will disappear one day sooner or later.

"Don't talk!"

Two cold words.

I saw a huge sword light flashing, it was a huge new moon. The new moon cut out a shocking huge deep scar on the ground.

This was the effect of Finina's sword swing after she said those two cold words.

"I want to go in!" She walked forward slowly.

"Don't stop me!" The golden light was shining on her body.

"Otherwise, die!" The strange armor exuding gorgeous light has appeared in front of everyone.

"This little girl is really angry, brothers, have fun!" Another guild leader said disdainfully.

The total number of people in their seven guilds is ten times the number of Gao Mingyang's guild in front of them, is it still scary?

But he saw that shining figure, as bright as the sun, piercing people's eyes with dull pain.

A sword screamed.

One person's body was split open, the person who was still screaming a second ago. At this moment, the life value is directly emptied, no matter how many blood recovery potions are drunk. Never recover.

"Don't stop me!"

The figure holding the sword is cold and stubborn.



Tick, tick.

Zhao Nan let out a sigh of relief, and vigorously washed his face with the small pool of water collected from the stalagmites on the top that took an indefinite amount of time.

Being chased by monsters and having to hide, this kind of thing is already an extremely distant memory in my impression.

"We'll rest here for a while."

Zhao Nan said while connecting with Finina through reading words.

People from the seven major guilds actually appeared in the manor earlier. Nature is also informed. Their appearance was a bit unexpected.

"Wipe your face." Xu Yang handed over a handkerchief.

Zhao Nan was startled, didn't say anything, took it out and wiped his face casually, "Thanks."

"I should thank you." Xu Yang looked at Zhao Nan. He whispered: "Every time, every time, you are helping me, saving me."

"Can I say it's just a coincidence?" Zhao Nan said calmly.

The so-called helping and saving each other seems to be due to a coincidence every time. Zhao Nan suddenly felt absurd.

"Even if it's a coincidence, it's a fact."

"Don't pay too much attention, even if it is someone else, they will do the same thing." Zhao Nan said softly.

Why is he in the mood to think about some emotional problems at this time? A person above who is more important is fighting with others at this time. If the effect of being banned has not been eliminated, he has already rushed out, letting the seven major guilds bear his anger.

Xu Yang said quietly: "I really make you so scared?"

Zhao Nan sighed: "Women are like tigers, one head is enough for the family."

Xu Yang's face was pale, his shoulders trembled suddenly, and he shook hands vigorously, his fingers turned slightly red.

She looked at Zhao Nan.

Looking at her, Zhao Nan finally felt that there were some things that needed to be explained clearly. How could it be easier for the three of them to be embarrassed at the same time in the future? He sighed again, and when he was about to speak, his mouth was blocked by a pair of trembling, cold lips. .

The momentary astonishment made the opponent's tongue easily roll in.

Xu Yang opened his eyes wide, what Zhao Nan saw was a trace of madness and resolution. Under this storm-like attack, a butterfly in my heart suddenly fluttered its wings.

Zhao Nan grabbed Xu Yang's shoulder with both hands, pushed it away forcefully, and said in a deep voice, "Calm down!!"

Xu Yang's eyes were filled with tears, and he said in a desolate voice, "Why?"

Zhao Nan frowned and remained silent.

"Do you know how much determination it took me, and all the courage in my life, to dare to do this. Why, why do you still reject me?"

"Calm down, okay?" Zhao Nan said with a wry smile.

"Calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down, but how do you let me calm down? I thought I could calm down all the time, and told myself like this from the beginning, Xu Yang, don't be stupid..." She gritted her teeth. Crying into tears: "But why do you appear in front of my eyes again and again?"

"I said, this is a coincidence!"

"What's wrong with me?"

"Everything is fine with you, but I can't afford to love others, can I? It's my fault."

"I can do anything, whether it's small or dark, but you can't tell me no!"

"You're crazy!"

"I'm crazy. I'm crazy. I'm crazy, I'm hopelessly in love with a man who's been years my junior. Every day, every night, every moment. Thinking about it! I don't even I don’t know when this feeling often appeared.” She laughed and cried, as if she wanted to vent all her emotions at once: “And you don’t accept it at all, why! Why! Why!”

"Xu Yang!" Zhao Nan shouted fiercely.

Xu Yang's state is too weird, when did the psychological pressure go to this level?

"Zhao Nan, I like you." Xu Yang said loudly without stopping, with tears in his eyes: "In this life, in the next life, and in the next life, I will love you. I'm crazy, really crazy. "

"My parents are dead, and I am the only one left. I think you will want me, and I will survive. You don't want me, you don't want me..."

"Xu Yang..." Zhao Nan shook her shoulder vigorously: "Awake, cleanse the spirit. Use it for yourself!"

"You don't want me, you don't want me..."

Xu Yang raised his head, and suddenly said as cold as frost: "Then... just die!"

After all, his hands pinched Zhao Nan's neck with incredible speed. This strength was unexpectedly great. With his physical strength, he couldn't break free!

"If I don't love those who love me, I will not be freed from life to life, and will be tortured by sorrow day and night in immortality!"

Amidst the madness, Xu Yang's voice was sharp and even colder.

Zhao Nan shook her hands with both hands, looked at the eyes that gradually lost their reason, and heard the words just now, a lightning bolt split the haze in his heart.

"You...not...Xu Yang..."

"Go to hell, go to hell, Chris, go to hell! Chris!!!!!!"

Zhao Nan painfully twitched the Soul Eater Staff beside him, and immediately let out a 'Soul Roar'.

The gray mist instantly enveloped the two of them. Only a scream that didn't belong to her came out of Xu Yang's mouth, and he held his head in pain with both hands, and quickly backed away.

Zhao Nan panted heavily, staring at the body writhing in pain.

"Princess of the kingdom!"

Xu Yang on the ground quickly struggled to his feet, covered his forehead in pain, and let out a cold snort.

Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes, his heart moved, he calmed down secretly, and said indifferently: "Your Highness, with a good trick, actually invaded my companion's body early in the morning... It should be when Xu Yang detoxified the stone tablet, right? To play with others Feelings are not the etiquette that a princess of a kingdom should have."

'Xu Yang' sneered and said, "Playing? I was just expressing the true thoughts in her heart. If it wasn't for her own strong feelings, she just happened to interpret my words, how could she call me out of my deep sleep Come out? Man, you should be lucky, there is such a woman in the world who loves you so deeply!"

No wonder Xu Yang was in a special state before... Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Isn't Your Highness planning to come out?"

He took out the Soul Devouring Staff in one fell swoop, looked at the empty mana, and said without changing his face: "The latter, do you want to try the pain just now?"

"Men all over the world are guilty, and so are you. Go to hell!"

Unexpectedly, Her Royal Highness, the subjugated princess, doesn't like this at all. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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