Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 186: City of the Undead (Again and again)

After 'Xu Yang' was possessed, his physical strength was surprisingly great, and he seemed to be proficient in a strange physical technique. Zhao Nan resisted the opponent's attack with great difficulty.

The appearance of an undead general, the fighting between the guilds on the ground, plus Xu Yang's being possessed, a series of events gave his modest mind the urge to mess everything up.

"Hahaha, why didn't you fight back? Didn't you say you were going to deal with me? Could it be that you just said it in your mouth, but you still care about this woman's body in your heart?"

"Normal people would care, right?"


She seemed to be on a parallel line with Her Royal Highness, who had been emotionally hurt and seemed to be psychologically distorted. It seemed impossible to find a way to drive Xu Yang out of him.

The mana was recovering bit by bit. Zhao Nan squinted his eyes. In this small place, he dodged, bent down, and iron bridge boards. He tried all possible ways to resist the opponent's attack.

After the princess possessed her body, she didn't care about the body of 'Xu Yang' at all. When she hit the rock with her fist, she didn't care even if her bones were broken or her fingers deformed.


The hard rock was suddenly broken, and a pale war horse neighed and appeared in front of Zhao Nan's eyes. The undead general appeared with a magic sword in his hand. He lowered his head, and his white as gray cheeks suddenly trembled slightly. He frowned and looked down. Down.

At this moment, 'Xu Yang' had stopped his hands, and looked at the undead general motionlessly.



Different voices sounded at the same time, but Zhao Nan heard the same strong emotion contained in the two voices—the so-called hatred.

"You still exist!" The undead general gritted his teeth, and the magic sword Alnis in his hand glowed red.

Anola, that is, the undead princess possessed by Xu Yang, opened her eyes with a gloomy aura. That aura was fighting against the power of the magic sword. Anola said with even more hatred: "Chris, I will never Let you go!"

Mana - 500!

Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes, and the azure blue light shone instantly! The Ice Domain, which can be maintained for only 1 second, messed up both Anola and Chris at the same time. The magic sword glowed, offsetting the ability of the Ice Domain, but Anola couldn't.

It possessed Xu Yang's body, so it must be using some kind of skill. In the field of ice, except for Zhao Nan, all skills are invalid! He didn't believe that the offsetting ability of the magic sword Alnis was a Chinese cabbage that could be seen everywhere.

In a second, a phantom was expelled from Xu Yang's body and floated in midair. The face that should have been exquisite was completely distorted at this time, like a ghost at the limit of imagination. Probably because she didn't expect to be expelled from the possessed state, Anuo La felt a sense of surprise on top of her resentment.

Almost at the moment when the blue light appeared, a dragon chant sounded. Zhao Nan held Xu Yang with one hand, and rode the sky dragon, flying low.

But he heard a strong sound of blows behind him, the general of the undead did not chase after him this time, because of resentment, he chose Anola who exposed his body instead.

Zhao Nan looked back.

LV30 Undead Princess Anola. This is also a wild king monster level.

Seeing that the former enemies were fighting for life and death, Zhao Nan lowered his head and fled in an instant.

The voices of the pair of enemies gradually moved away. Zhao Nan took a look at the complex terrain in the wrong place, and felt that the recovery speed of mana was much faster—the banning effect of the magic sword was weakening.

After the undead princess left the body, Xu Yang fell into a coma. Zhao Nan fed her the blood recovery agent, and her physical trauma has healed. He sighed secretly, it would be good if he didn't know how to deal with it after waking up.

Let out a cry.

Xu Yang showed signs of waking up. Zhao Nan was calm and gentle, but there were already countless turbulent waves in his heart. He rubbed his head in pain, and as calmly as possible, the moment Xu Yang opened his eyes, "You're awake."

Xu Yang propped himself up, looked around suspiciously and looked at the person in front of him, as if he was afraid or hesitant, "Where is this...?"

Zhao Nan had no choice but to reply, "It's still underground."

"Underground..." Xu Yang tilted his head, opened a pair of round eyes, and stared at Zhao Nan without blinking, but said something unexpected to Zhao Nan...

"Who are you?"

Zhao Nan looked at Xu Yang's expression with wide eyes and doubts, and subconsciously said, "Are you... sober?"

"Zhao Nan."

Xu Yang murmured, but his expression was deep in thought, as if he was trapped in his own world, and seemed to be eager to know a more complete answer, "I remember your name, but I can't remember it... Who am I, and what do you think?" who is it?"


Because of the Undead Princess, or because of being attacked by the 'Soul Roar'? Zhao Nan frowned, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

How can you breathe a sigh of relief?

Even in the state of amnesia, she can still remember this name... Zhao Nan smiled wryly in her heart, this woman's persistence has reached that point.

At this time, Xu Yang suddenly grabbed Zhao Nan's palm and said in a low voice, "It feels so warm...Zhao Nan, are you my relative?"

Zhao Nan stared blankly at the dust on the other party's face and clothes, couldn't help but trembled slightly, unable to say anything, he took out the handkerchief she gave him, and wiped off the dust carefully, thinking of this She couldn't help but soften in her heart when she said something because of the relationship between the undead princess.

"Yes...we are relatives."

"Dear ones! Really?" Xu Yang grasped Zhao Nan's hand vigorously—what exactly was she trying to grasp?

Zhao Nan said cautiously, "It's my sister."



"Your name is Xu Yang, and I'm Zhao Nan. Our parents are divorced, so we have different surnames." Zhao Nan tried his best to connect the two people's 'experiences', "Do you understand?"

Xu Yang nodded.

Zhao Nan sighed, no matter what caused her amnesia, whether it was long-term or short-lived, even whether it was true or not, as long as she could get along like this, it would be fine.

"Can you remember anything?"

"Can not remember."

Zhao Nan nodded and said seriously: "Now we are in a very dangerous situation, don't ask why, I will tell you later. But you must listen to me now, understand?"

Xu Yang smiled and said softly, "You are my younger brother, so I naturally listen to you."

In the next few simple questions, Xu Yang forgot all the people and things, but still retained all kinds of knowledge. Zhao Nan is quite fortunate about this, at least what he is facing is not a baby. It's just that she even forgot about the catastrophe, and Zhao Nan had to carefully teach her about her sage profession, which was even more puzzling.



"Monster... This woman is a monster! Run away!"

The former manor of the Undead General is now far more dilapidated than before. Scary sword marks are strewn like cobwebs, trapping many people, and still trapping their lives here forever.

Among the seven major guilds, the arrows shot by the fastest archer could not even track the golden figure. Among the seven major guilds, the warrior with the strongest defense became as if under her sword. Thin paper is average.

One sword cuts one, two swords cuts one.

Following Finina's sudden attack, Gao Mingyang and the others gritted their teeth and joined the battle without saying anything. Even Gao Xiang had no intention of negotiating. If Finina were to suffer any harm in this place, he would feel ashamed to meet Zhao Nan.

The one who actually created the guild.

Three minutes, in just three minutes, dozens of players had already been beheaded to death, and because of her relationship, many opportunities were created for the people at the 'end of the world'.

On Finina's head, there was a mark as bright red as blood.

Bloodthirsty, standing here so openly. The effect of Finina's Pandora skill has been removed, and it will be thirty minutes before she needs to use it next time.

It's just that she stood still with her sword horizontally expressionless, but no one dared to get close.

The Seven Great Guilds have come and gone. They lost almost half of their manpower, but they didn't recover any interest from the other party's guild. In the 'End of the World' guild, the most injured person had already lost his hands, but after the update of the 1.2 era, once he drank the blood recovery potion, he immediately became vigorous and fierce.

Finina simply nodded, and the members of the seven major guilds were repelled, and now they broke into the undead warriors, breaking through and running. She didn't bother to chase, thinking that Zhao Nan was still facing the undead general, so she sneaked into the manor.

She contacted Zhao Nan and simply asked where the dagger might have fallen.



I don't know the outcome of the battle between the Undead General and the Undead Princess, but Zhao Nan was slightly relieved to learn that Finina had started searching for the dagger.

The effect of mana restraint recovery continued to weaken, and his mana value began to rise, until finally, the effect disappeared completely, and after quickly pouring mana recovery potion, and the source of mana was also full of mana, Zhao Nan showed a trace of chill.

He looked around silently, and his eyes of spiritual perception drew a detailed map within this intricate terrain.

Xu Yang looked at him curiously, a little scared, but he kept telling himself in his heart that this was his younger brother, and there was nothing to be afraid of. Think like this, look like this, no longer afraid, and more curious.

"what are you doing?"

Three khaki halos suddenly enveloped Xu Yang's body, Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm going to collect interest!"

Under the eyes of spiritual perception, Zhao Nan 'saw' the position of the undead general, leaning on the rock, one arm had been torn off, but the undead princess was not there, and more importantly, the magic sword in the general's hand was also gone. gone!

Without the magic sword, the undead general is just an ordinary king monster!

When Zhao Nan saw Chris, the undead general was also staring at him at the same time, his body leaning against the rock did not move, but his face was pale and his hair was disheveled.

Startled, Xu Yang hid behind Zhao Nan, grabbed Zhao Nan's arm and poked his head out. Zhao Nan smiled, patted her hand and said, "Don't be afraid. This is a toothless tiger."

Saying so, the Soul Devouring Staff touched the ground, and twelve fire dragons roared out.

"Wait—God's Chosen One, please don't be impulsive! Listen to me!"

Unexpectedly, the undead general is now spreading the color of pleading. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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