Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 187: City of the Undead (I can't stop at all)

The twelve fire dragons, mixed with anger, ignored the undead general's pleas at all, and exploded one after another in the blink of an eye. Dazzling flames and loud noises appeared.

The aftermath did not stop, Zhao Nan walked in front of the undead general amidst the haze of fire and smoke. When seeing it, its health is not much left. After the Yanlong Formation, it became even thinner.

"What else do you want to say?" Zhao Nan pointed at the other party while holding the staff.

However, the eyes of spiritual perception are all poured into it, and if there is any abnormal movement, it will be attacked like a storm.

Little did they know that the undead general had no intention of fighting back at all, but sadly said the continuation of the story on the inscription on the undead city.

After its lover was killed that year, it rushed into the royal city, not only took back his lover's body, but also snatched the magic sword from the princess's hand. The magic sword over there has incredible power, and it is because of the loss of the power of this magic sword that the kingdom was defeated by the enemy.

At the same time, because of the magic sword, the general of the undead began to have evil thoughts in his heart, planning to use the lives of the people in the city where it was located to perform an evil magic to resurrect his lover. Even after being cursed by the Undead Princess, this evil thought did not disappear. Even if he died, his soul was still imprisoned in his body due to the magic sword, but he was able to wake up occasionally. In order not to let himself do more horrible things, he had no choice but to bury himself and insert a dagger into his chest to suppress the power of the magic sword.

"I'm already a dead person, so I shouldn't be obsessed with worldly things anymore." The General of Undead looked at Zhao Nan: "But now that the magic sword is back in the hands of the princess, she plans to use the power of the magic sword to form an army of undead and restore The former kingdom. God's Chosen One, please stop her, and don't let life be ruined!"

"Ding! Trigger the mission 'Princess of Subjugation'. The general of the undead asks you to destroy the undead princess Anola, prevent her from gradually becoming an army of undead, and bury him and his lover together again."

"Mission rewards: Fallen Wings*1, Demon Sword Alnis*1, God Bless Gouyu*1, gold coins..."

"Whether to accept."


After accepting it, Zhao Nan supported the undead general, and at the same time cursed at the grass-mud horse in the depths of his heart... This is the dark golden hidden mission.

And judging by the circumstances of this mission, its trigger conditions are simply maddening. First of all, you must have a person whose sub-job is a recorder, and then this person must be someone who can make the undead princess look like a possessor, and then you must find the tomb of the undead general, and finally let the princess and the general meet ...

After clarifying the ins and outs of the matter, Zhao Nan looked at Xu Yang who was bewildered, and looked at Xu Yang who was smiling slightly, and said softly: "I have to say, your luck is always good."


Zhao Nan shook his head, asked Olisis to pick up Xu Yang, and at the same time asked her to call out her pet to accompany her all around, and let the general of the undead lead the way back to the bone altar.

"The ability of the magic sword in the hands of the princess is stronger than mine." Chris began to betray the woman who once loved him deeply: "But she has lost her body, and even if she takes the magic sword back from my hand, she can't bear the magic sword." The power of the sword"

"I used to have a magic sword, and I can suppress it for a while..."

"Understood, that's the time for me to make a move, right?" Zhao Nan nodded, and asked with her mouth pursed, "How long is it?"

"Five minutes. If the dagger can be retrieved, the time can be longer."



Altar of Bones.

The formation of the altar has been thoroughly completed. There is no longer a single bone in the surrounding area. The altar is divided into three poles, and the position of the base is divided into four extended bone roads.

Xu Yang poked his head out from Olisis's back, looked at the road of bones on the ground, smooth as a mirror, and vaguely saw ferocious undead roaring.

"Don't look if you're afraid." Zhao Nan looked ahead.

Sure enough, Xu Yang retracted his head obediently, and continued to look at the butterfly. He lost all his memories, and everything was new.

Does Moon Shadow Wind Butterfly have her own name?

When Xu Yang was worried about the butterfly's name, Zhao Nan was also worried about what he saw in front of him.

The Undead Princess has no entity. But now she has a body again. The general's former lover was holding the magic sword at this time, and the scarlet eyes of the magic sword shone like a big ruby.

"She entered and desecrated Sasha's body, it cannot be forgiven!" The Undead General's face was full of grief and indignation.

From Zhao Nan's point of view, if this matter is unforgivable, then this general seems to be even more unforgivable... Because of his problem, the entire kingdom was also destroyed, and the crime seems to be even greater.


The undead general waved his single arm, and rushed over first, completely throwing aside the battle plan that he had discussed with Zhao Nan on the way. At this time, the undead princess also stopped her calling for the army, and with a wave of the magic sword, one after another white bone flying dragon appeared in the surrounding rocks and soil.

The undead type, Bone Wyvern, are far from the current dragon type monsters, but there is only a little touch in appearance.

"Olises, fly higher." Zhao Nan pointed to the top of his head: "Xu Yang, prepare your skill bar and listen to my instructions to release your skills."

Olisis was about to fly, but Xu Yang pressed its head, "I want to call my sister!"

Zhao Nan stared and raised his eyebrows, "Don't make trouble!"

"No, no, or I won't help you!"

"Sister!" Zhao Nan said briskly.





The two undead once again called each other's name affectionately, and then did things that were life and death. Even though he has lost an arm, his fighting power is still fierce.

With just fists, a flying dragon can already be smashed to pieces. At the same time, Zhao Nan activated the Wings of Blazing Sky, and the speed of casting spells was the highest in the world, causing a series of light films like auroras to appear in the midair. They were the brilliance of many different skills. A strange scene that overlaps the ground.

Zhao Nan bit the blue medicine, and never felt the thrill of releasing skills so clearly for a moment. Bone Wyverns that were shattered into pieces scattered all over the ground from mid-air.

At this time, the body of Sasha possessed by the undead princess, her hair is also scattered, and she is using the power of the magic sword to beat the undead general.

Probably because he couldn't bear to hurt his lover's body, even though he was full of anger, he had to fight back.

Zhao Nan ignored the beating between them. One is the undead general who chased him down nine streets, and the other is the undead princess who somehow gave him an extra sister. Both are enemies, regardless of whether it is the character who issued the mission or not.

Once the task is accomplished, let the dead and the living be left alone, and they will be buried together in the end, and there is no mention of maintaining the integrity of the corpse.

"Xu...sister, brilliant light!"


Flame Dragon Formation*2...Twice as powerful!


Each of the twelve fire dragons had twice the normal power, and the entire top of the bone altar was blown off a layer in an instant, and the bones turned into fragments and splashed out.

The fighting general and princess fell under the altar at the same time.

"The Chosen One, stop!" Chris was startled.

The bombing not only left his body tattered, but even his lover's body was covered in cuts and bruises.

This kind of thing has been ignored for a long time! Zhao Nan said dumbly: "Give me the augmentation technique!"

"It's you again!"

Seemingly finally willing to look away from Chris, the undead princess screamed angrily, looking at the black light shot out from the magic sword, how could she let it catch her after suffering a loss?

Click! The blue medicine in his mouth was bitten open in an instant, the wings of the blazing sky suddenly opened, and an afterimage of white light suddenly appeared in the air.

This is because the speed of Blazing Wings is not constant, its speed is directly proportional to the output of mana, the more mana it is willing to output in an instant, the faster the speed will change back.

But there is also a limit, which consumes more mana per second than maintaining the ice field, so Zhao Nan had to bite a blue medicine in advance.

This blue medicine is not comparable to that of Dongyuan City. It is a special product of Tingfeng City, a level 5 city, a high-level recovery type.

The black light chased the light and shadow like a whip, but the light and shadow drew several circles in midair. But seeing the black light suddenly stop, it has reached the limit of extension.

Earth Sword Formation*2!

The rock sword began to shoot, forcing the undead princess to fight with her magic sword. Back then, there was very little space in the tomb, so Zhao Nan couldn't use his full strength. Now that the surrounding space is infinitely larger, the power of Blazing Wings is revealed.

I saw that God's Chosen One was flying fast and slow in the air, and the colorful skills fell from the sky. The Undead Princess could chop off some, but still be affected by some. The Undead General felt heartbroken, raised his hand and called out a bone flying dragon, which slammed into Zhao Nan's position.

This sells teammates' goods!

Zhao Nan cursed in his heart, and had no choice but to resist the Bone Wyvern. The rhythm suppressing the undead princess was interrupted instantly.



The sky dragon spit out the "Dragon Tooth Bullet" and shot directly at the position of the undead general, blowing his body far away.

At this time, the dead princess holds the sword in both hands, and the eye on the hilt is wider than ever before, and the black energy that emerges from the sword is unparalleled, and with a simple wave, there are dozens of blows Black sword wind.

The sword wind is dense and huge, and Zhao Nan can only be busy dealing with it for a while... The one that is difficult to fight against is the magic sword.

"Chris, quickly suppress the power of the magic sword!"

"No, I can't hurt Sasha's body!"

Zhao Nan exploded in anger and stared at the other party bitterly. To maintain the ultimate speed of Blazing Wings, the amount of mana consumed is a geometric level.

At this moment, a familiar feeling, like the emergence of another part of my soul, hit my heart. He took a deep breath and advanced instead of retreating. Under the extreme speed of Blazing Wings, his body turned into a stream of light, dodging one after another black sword wind, and actually directly bullied the Undead Princess before.

Earth Spirit Guardian!

"Looking for death!" The Undead Princess sneered and slashed out.

It directly cut through the three earth spirit guardian halos, and even made a terrifying cut in Zhao Nan's chest. He also lost nearly one-third of his health.

A scream in the sky! Xu Yang directly pressed Olisis's head, causing it to swoop down.

At the same time, an angry cry came from behind the ears of the undead princess.

"you dare!!"

But she saw Finina appearing behind the undead princess. In her hand, the dagger that once suppressed the undead general had been inserted into the back of the undead princess.

The undead princess let out a scream, which came from the power of the dagger, which was expelling her from the body of the general's lover.

Zhao Nan gritted his teeth, subconsciously snatched away the magic sword, and instantly snatched the magic sword from the opponent's hand!

The magic sword started, and the eyes above the hilt opened wide again.

In the blink of an eye, countless pictures flashed across Zhao Nan's eyes.



Dark red earth, gray sky.

Endless corpses, erupting volcanoes.

The world is collapsing, and countless creatures are fighting each other.

Soaring into the sky, a huge white tower emitted a radiant light.

"Diarna, Diarna, Diarna..."

Countless voices are calling the same name.

A woman who is all over the country and the city, bumped into the sky.

In the sky, a pair of huge eyes can be vaguely seen, looking down at the earth coldly.




A call made Zhao Nan tremble all over, the magic sword flicked, slipped from his hand and plunged obliquely into the ground. Zhao Nan's back was wet at some point.

In front of her, the undead princess was painfully getting out of the possessed body... The call came from Finina.

Zhao Nan was taken aback, forcibly suppressed all the doubts in his heart, remembered the name "Di Yuna", and quickly retreated.

Finina also jumped at the same time, and jumped in front of Zhao Nan. At this time, the Sky Dragon had just swooped down.

Those flashing scenes just now made Zhao Nan seem to have passed through a world...but the actual time was only a second or two.

But in this short period of time, the undead princess finally got out, revealing her original form. She roared angrily to the sky, and took the magic sword into her hand.

"Go to hell with me!"

The undead princess was already crazy, and her body swelled more than ten times in mid-air with the power of the magic sword! The level itself is soaring even more, it has risen crazily to level 50 in just a short moment, and it hasn't stopped yet!

But this kind of increase was only for a moment, as if it was knocked down by something, it fell back quickly.

Zhao Nan tilted his head, the undead general who sold his teammates finally started to play a role after his lover's body was safe. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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