Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 189: The Woman in the Dream

The pure white house has two and a half floors, the first floor is the living room, kitchen, dining room, and lounge. Above the second floor is where people live. After washing off their fatigue, Xiongyou and Yanan had already returned to their rooms and went to bed at the end.

The young couple's skins haven't really grown thick yet, and in their new home in Dongyuan City, they didn't sleep in the same room as they did in Tingfeng City. Prior to this, little Lolita had already fallen asleep in the company of Catwoman.

In front of the door of the room at the end of the corridor on the same floor, Zhao Nan had been standing with his back against the wall for a while, with his eyes closed and his head bowed, occasionally letting out a long breath. It seemed to be listening to the whispers in the room.

After an unknown amount of time, the door slammed softly. With beautiful long golden hair, the hostess of the house and deputy city lord of Tingfeng City walked out cautiously, and then glanced at the room through the slightly open door. Finally closed the door.

Zhao Nan opened his eyes.

With her finger between her lips, Finina let out a 'hush' sound, shook her head, and pointed down again.

Below, is the location of the living room. Zhao Nan and Finina embraced each other, leaning against the slightly hard sofa. Just like they used to be in the 'time copy', in a small space, enjoying the peace that belongs to the two of them. Finina's finger moved unconsciously on Zhao Nan's chest, her unrelated desires.

"Thank you..." Zhao Nan leaned her head on the edge of the back of the sofa, half-closed her eyes, "You know I'm not very good at telling stories."

"It's nothing." Finina smiled, and her expression changed a little, which is something called curiosity, "I just didn't expect that sister Xu Yang needs someone to tell a story now, so she is willing to sleep... like Like a child."

Zhao Nan fell silent. Because of the sudden change of status, he had to take this 'only sister' to live in his new home. The group of laughing old masters in "The End of the World" also cooperated quite well, and they even accepted this change of role more easily than Zhao Nan.

"Aren't you going to rest?" Finina said softly, "There is still a duel."

"Just sit here for a while." Zhao Nan lowered her head, and the tip of her nose just touched the swirl of Finina's hair. She had just finished a tiring day, and she hadn't washed her hair yet. But the smell is not bad.

Zhao Nan suggested subconsciously: "Go and wash it."



Finina didn't say anything, and obediently left Zhao Nan to sit alone. This man has always been like this. He subconsciously likes to have someone by his side, but when he thinks about problems, he likes to be alone. Under normal circumstances, she can think of what Zhao Nan is thinking.

But until she took off her clothes and the warm water dripped from her collarbone to her legs, and the tingling comfort spread all over her body, she still couldn't think of what Zhao Nan was thinking about this time.

When considering that the seven major guilds blocked the exit of the altar, it was time to take revenge. Ximenyu's sudden appearance? Finina splashed hot water on her face, and quickly denied this idea. People from the top ten guilds were all there at that time, and the seven major guilds attacked 'The End of the World', and it was impossible for the people in 'Purgatory' not to know.

The guilds are fighting each other, and it is a serious matter of life and death. As the city lord of Dongyuan City, it is impossible not to intervene. So when the person at the "end of the world" is in the extremely narrow place at the entrance of the altar. Confronting people from the Seven Great Guilds, when the battle is about to start. It is not surprising that the city lord of Dongyuan City appeared on the grounds that "the next monster will attack the city soon, and we can't lose manpower here".

Finina gently rubbed the shampoo in her palm, kneaded a layer of foam, wiped it on her hair, and then heard a cry. The Rose Fairy stumbled out of her hair and fell to the ground, covered in white foam, so embarrassed.

Finina smiled, and picked up Xiao Huaxian. Rinse in the nearby bath, then let Xiao Huaxian treat the bath as a swimming pool and swim around.

She lowered her head, scratching her wet hair, thinking to herself. So it was because of the city lord's strong intervention that turned what was supposed to be an imminent battle into a duel a day later?

She quickly dismissed the idea again. Even in the upcoming duel, her side can only send seven people, while the other side can have a guild send out a team of 20 people, a total of 140 people, she doesn't think it's dangerous How big is it. She herself has long been used to the less-to-many, one-to-many style of play. The worst is to suffer a little damage.

She is not afraid, so Zhao Nan will naturally not be afraid of this solution to the problem. Since you are not afraid, there is no need to worry about it.

"I don't understand..."

Finina sighed, washed her hair casually, and then stepped into the bath, and the Rose Fairy swam over immediately.

Chirp, chirp.

Finina nodded Xiao Huaxian's head, causing her to float up and down in the water, "It seems to be much duller recently."

"Chirp?" Xiao Huaxian tilted her head, her eyes full of doubts.

"Is it because of sister Xu Yang..."

"Chirp, chirp?"

Finina quickly dismissed this idea. If Zhao Nan was troubled by this, then it should be restlessness...not the strong emotion she felt.

intense unease.

That feeling of uneasiness actually appeared before the seven major guilds blocked the altar, and it has continued.

But what is it that makes him uneasy?


Finina poured Xiao Huaxian's water in front of her heart, but unexpectedly, Xiao Huaxian's cheeks suddenly swelled up and looked like a bun, as if she was finally angry because of this kind of teasing, her hands suddenly grabbed Finina's neck Pulling on the necklace she was wearing, she pulled it vigorously.

This necklace of pure glass heart.

Finina gently lifted Xiao Huaxian away, and said in a low voice, "Don't be so naughty."

"Chirp! Chirp!!"

Finina was startled suddenly, as if thinking of something, "By the way, you are hungry."




Sitting alone, Zhao Nan's eyelids suddenly became extremely heavy. After a while, they were completely closed, and her breathing was gentle.

He began to dream.

In the dream, he vaguely saw a stunningly beautiful woman rushing up to the gray sky with a determined face.

At the same time, a pair of huge eyes looked down on everything coldly.

The dream was incomplete, but it kept repeating, seemingly endlessly. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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