Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 190 Exploding Xiang

Dongyuan City, PK field.

The PK field is what the players say, but in the eyes of the aborigines, there is another name here - the bloodthirsty field.

Gao Mingyang and his party rushed to this huge ring-shaped venue early. Dongyuan City is already a Tier 3 city, and it has undergone two changes, so it no longer looks like it did before. The use of the bloodthirsty field only emerged after the fusion and migration of players, and it was idle most of the time in the past.

It is not difficult for him to understand the reason why the bloodthirsty field suddenly appeared. Whether it is because of the ability to recover after the update, or for the players to gain a little more skill, or for gambling, or even because of the conflicts caused by the integration of different cities, in Gao Mingyang Apparently, it's all normal.

What he didn't understand was that the bloodthirsty field was opened based on the principle of fairness. Such a team of 7 players against 7 guild legions, a total of 140 people's PK actually appeared. What's even more incredible is that when the two sides were about to fight each other in the dungeon of the undead, after Ximenyu appeared and made this proposal, Zhao Nan agreed without thinking.

Looking at the heads of the players who heard the news, Gao Mingyang touched his stubble, which seemed to be much thicker and more uneven because of not sleeping all night. Hurt, agreeing to this duel is a good solution, but I would rather fight outside than being the best here."

"Isn't this very suitable for your style?" Xu Feng grinned: "This time is enough to make a fuss!"

"Go, whoever loves to play will go, I don't care!"

"I don't like what the equipment you strengthened overnight is for?"

"I heard that it will glow after being strengthened to the seventh level, and it looks very high-end and atmospheric!"

"Grade, grade, let's shave off your nondescript beard first!"

"It's dirt!!"

Jiang Lun really couldn't figure out whether these four bosses were really careless, or had given up on treatment. Didn't you see the seven guilds from outside, they were already staring at each other early in the morning, gearing up, gritting their teeth and biting their lips with a look of resentment?

Did the bosses really not take the stakes of this duel seriously? Jiang Lun didn't know that he could only walk around with his head up and down during this day, trying to calm the uneasiness in the guild... No matter how you look at it, this form of duel is extremely unfavorable to your side.

Walking into the bloodthirsty field is not as versatile and variable as the free duel outside. Inside, the use of blood return agents is prohibited. When the player's health drops to only 1 point, he will be expelled by the strong, which is also considered a failure.

No matter how powerful the combat power is, how can the health of 7 people fight against the health of 140 people without being able to replenish their health? Speaking of this PK is not like the one in the undead city manor, the other party has come fully prepared this time. The 20 people in each legion team are all professional combinations that have been researched at present, and the group's combat power is the most adequate.

can win?

In the midst of Jiang Lun's doubts, a commotion came, and Zhao Nan and his party finally walked into the bloodthirsty field.

It was hardly the much-anticipated duel. When the news of the duel appeared on the streets of Dongyuan City in an unexpected manner in the intelligence newspaper, most of the players who watched it had the mentality of this duel that the 'End of the World' guild was crazy.

I heard that the head of this guild has always been abnormal. Now it seems that it is indeed abnormal. Otherwise, if a normal person, how could someone accept such a fundamentally unfair duel?

The scene was suddenly silent, because the very popular Dongyuan City City Lord appeared. Surrounded by many people, he stood on the field without saying anything. After simply looking around for a week, someone invited both parties to the stage.

The members of the seven major guilds were divided into seven groups, and lined up on Ximenyu's left, with ferocious eyes. On the other side were Zhao Nan, Finina, Xiongyou, Gao Mingyang, Xu Feng, Catwoman, and Gao Xiang.

"No sages and priests?"

"Are they planning to give up all support and fight directly with fierce attacks?"

There was a lot of discussion outside the arena, and the members of the seven major guilds on the arena did not dare to be too careless. Many people here are people who have seen the horror of that female swordsman. Although he still doesn't know what the other party's real occupation is, but the ability to kill a person with one sword in the manor back then has implanted fear in his bone marrow.

"Both sides are in position." Ximenyu's voice reached everyone's ears through the radio, without any emotion, "Now I will confirm again, the bet for this duel. The seven guilds win, the 'End of the World' guild Disband, and pay all the items in the guild warehouse, and leave Dongyuan City after the next monster siege is over."

The field was full of wow. The intelligence newspaper only noted the duel, but did not elaborate on the stakes of the duel. Unexpectedly, it went to this extent.

Ximenyu still ignored it and continued his calm words: "If the 'End of the World' guild wins, they will sign an agreement and will not pursue what happened in the dungeon in the future. There are three agreements, one for both parties and one for me. If the guild joins and continues to make trouble for this matter, I will be expelled from the city. The bets of both parties have also passed the majority of the votes of the guild joint council... Now, I declare that the duel has officially begun!"

Although it started, Ximenyu was not finished yet, so naturally no one planned to attack.

But the members of the seven major guilds, especially the long-range professions who stand behind the melee professions after forming an array, have long been prepared. Once the opponent enters the range of the shooting range, they will directly attack.

Based on the principle of fairness, both parties will keep a safe distance before the duel. This distance is so long that even Zhao Nan has no way to attack the place.

But at this time, facing the rigorous formation of the seven major guilds, the 'End of the World' side obviously did not intend to take the initiative to attack.

Once you take the initiative to attack, you will immediately enter the opponent's long-range shooting range, and normal people will not do this kind of thing.

This kind of motionless confrontation quickly made the audience outside the venue dissatisfied, and they all said that they came to watch a duel, not this kind of affectionate confrontation!

Among the seven major guilds, they couldn't bear the abuse outside the arena soon.

There are more than one hundred of you, seven legion models, long-range and melee sage priests, basically the best configuration, and you dare not rush to kill the only seven you have, how shameless you are?

"Listen, move slowly!"

With an order, the members of the Seven Great Guilds finally started to move. And released their pets one after another. This team suddenly became even bigger.

The sound of beasts screaming continuously.

Facing the seven legions pressing ahead, Zhao Nan patted Gao Xiang on the shoulder, "I will make it up to you."

"One month, Maple Leaf Tavern!"


"It was so quick to promise!" Gao Xiang shook his head dissatisfied, and muttered, "I should have spoken more harshly."

Despite talking, Gao Xiang rushed out quickly, he didn't even release his pet, just ran out like that.

At this time, among the formation of the seven major guilds, there were two long-distance professions of the guilds, and the first round of attacks began.

There are a total of ten mages and six archers in the two legions. It's no wonder that the opponent can resist the attack between colleagues!

Dozens of skills immediately leaned on Gao Xiang's body.

Only the rumbling sound was heard, and Gao Xiang's figure was quickly covered by a burst of gunpowder smoke. The members of the seven major guilds did not relax. While paying attention to the movement of the opponents except Gao Xiang, they were preparing for the second attack, waiting for the moment when the gunpowder smoke cleared.

But at this moment, Gao Xiang had nothing to do, rushing out of the gunpowder with a layer of purple brilliance on his body!

"It's an invincible potion!"

"It's so ruthless, I'm willing to drop one level directly!"

"Stop talking, he's rushing over!"

"What are you afraid of, after 20 seconds, the pet will bite him to death!"

The members of the seven major guilds were not afraid, but Gao Xiang seemed to be determined to enter the opponent's formation. After 20 seconds of invincibility, he crashed into one of the guild's legions without attacking. rampage.

"Stop him, stop him!"

But seeing someone walking towards him, neither dodging nor avoiding, a black ball the size of a basketball suddenly appeared in his hand. There is also a huge red fork engraved inside the ball.

"Super Goblin Bomb!!! Dodge!"

Gao Xiang laughed and threw the bomb in his hand vigorously. The range of the super goblin bomb is very short, less than ten meters away, but it is extremely powerful.

I saw a group of people avoiding it, and the super goblin bomb fell directly on the crowd, flashing a flash, and a huge explosion sounded.

In just a second, twenty or thirty people covered in scars appeared outside the duel arena. They were the people at the center of the explosion, and they were directly blown by the power of the bomb to a state with 1 point of life remaining.

As far as this kind of bomb is concerned, its power is far more than that. Even a level 30 king monster can even blow up half of its health! At this moment, two super goblin bombs appeared in Gao Xiang's hands again, and he threw them left and right.


Twice, the terrifying shock can be felt outside the arena!

"Super Goblin Bomb..." Ximenyu sat outside the arena in an exclusive place, watching Gao Xiang throw two bombs and then another two, "One for 3000 contribution points, counting the invincible potion, it's a lot capital."

"But it works."

Beside Ximenyu, a calm voice spoke.

"This is not what I wanted you to see." Ximenyu said regretfully.

"It doesn't matter." The man said.




Six, a total of six super goblin bombs, those who are familiar with the industry know that the value of this bomb, six contribution points of 18,000 points, is the luck of ordinary players who have attacked the city twice with monsters! Generally, players are lucky if they can get four or five thousand points at a time! Contribution points have always been carefully preserved by players, and no one is willing to use them casually, let alone use them on such one-time bomb props.

But how would the members of the Seven Great Guilds know that Zhao Nan had a terrifying amount of contribution points? Since he got the Devil's Egg, when the monsters attacked the city, the contribution points of the siege monsters killed by his monster team were also counted on his head.

Now he has so many contribution points that he himself feels incredible. Naturally, I don't care too much about these super goblin bombs.

Twenty seconds passed in the blink of an eye, and Gao Xiang, who had blown up six times, didn't take out any more bombs.

"He's finally off!! Get rid of him!"

There are invincible, there are bombs, dare not approach. But when these disappeared, what awaited Gao Xiang was all the anger of the remaining people.

Under the colorful lights, he smiled, and said with a relaxed expression: "I admit defeat..."


Before the skill arrived, Gao Xiang had already been teleported away from the duel venue!

throw in the towel?

It turned out to be an admission of defeat?

After blowing up the formation of the seven major guilds to pieces, causing most of the members of the seven major guilds to leave the venue, he actually surrendered?

At this time, Gao Xiang didn't have any scars on his body, but he still patted his clean shoulders deliberately, so that there was no dust at all. The contrast between this and the wounded players from the seven major guilds on the other side outside the duel arena who are busy recovering, the remaining companions on the field were all blown away!

At this moment, a mournful sound came, and with a flash of white light, there was one more wounded outside the field.

"I'm making a move!"

Gao Mingyang was carrying the sword, kicking his head, and his body was shining brightly, which was the light after the weapons and equipment had been strengthened to the seventh level. It's just that this kind of light is good-looking and has no use at all. But he didn't know that the guild leader actually liked this domineering effect. Like a light bulb with tens of thousands of watts, he opened and closed and rushed to kill among the crowd of the seven major guilds.

The original formation of the people here has long since become chaotic because of Gao Xiang's disturbance.

"Okay, I'm going to make a move too!"

Xiongyou squeezed his fists hard, his fists burst into flames, the flames extended, his whole body turned into a huge fire ball, jumped out, and fell directly to the ground, producing a great explosion force.

Finina made a move, she didn't use Pandora to transform, and based on her current speed alone, she was already the best.

Catwoman also made a move, and Xu Feng was already sneaking.

Zhao Nan rode on Olisis and simply shot in the air. There is no replication, one skill is used for one shot, and the second attack will take some time.

There is really no need to expose one's true strength in this kind of duel.

Because of Gao Xiang's relationship, the seven legions of the seven major guilds scattered in order to avoid the attack of the bombs. The sky dragon roared loudly in mid-air, and all the pets in the field trembled. The fighting spirit is not strong either.

There's no way to replenish health here... and the mage in the sky, the speed of the pet riding it is too fast, it is extremely difficult to hit him.

On the other hand, the opponent's skills are just behind, but the scope is much wider... (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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