Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 193 Happy Brushing

Dongyuan City still has many experienced tasks waiting for Zhao Nan who left Dongyuan City a long time ago. To put it bluntly, returning to Dongyuan City this time is naturally to make up for these regrets.

He told Gao Xiang that nice place, in fact, in the eyes of others, it is no less than a treasure house. It is impossible for the monster area on the ground to be undiscovered.

So they are underground. Naturally, they did not refer to Zhao Nan and Gao Xiang, but most of the members of the guild.

Ximenyu said that he would be able to consolidate his power in Dongyuan City in the future. Then Zhao Nan will naturally follow what he said, and let the 'End of the World' guild become stronger as soon as possible.

Levels and equipment are always the standard by which a player's strength is measured. A high level means being able to wear more high-level equipment and learn more skills. At this stage, basically all players' level improvement is in a slow period.

The maps after level 30 are not open, because Ximenyu is suppressing the opening conditions of the level 30 regular dungeon near the time of the third monster siege. This seems to be the unified opinion of the 29 cities after the 'Integration Parliament' ended.

The character level exceeds the highest level of ordinary monsters at this stage. It is not impossible to increase the level by spawning monsters, but the efficiency is not as convenient as the task. But in fact, if the number of monsters is large enough, the situation is different.

Before passing through layers of circuitous rock passages, there is a hidden entrance. And to get this entrance, you need to get a task before. The reward item of the mission is one of the materials Zhao Nan needs to use to upgrade the level of the Soul Devouring Staff and raise it from level 20 equipment to level 30 equipment.

Only with this staff, Zhao Nan would be willing to spend more time to improve.

At the end of this secret passage is a very huge circular basin. The basin is not high and can easily reach the bottom.

The entire guild stood on the edge of the circle, and the mage explained how to release a small skill for lighting. The bottom of the basin was covered in blackness like seaweed, and some kind of fist-sized monster was slowly crawling up.

"Gold-eating ants, a level 30 monster." Zhao Nan pointed to the basin below: "There are many footholds around here, so there is absolutely no problem standing in a team."

As he spoke, he simply released a small fireball towards the ground. Fireball, the lowest level skill of a fire mage, could easily blow up a few of the gold-eating ants below.

It was the first time everyone saw a level 30 monster that was so easy to kill, and they couldn't help being amazed. Zhao Nan said with a smile: "The scariest thing about this kind of monster is not how powerful it is, but its number. It's just that the number of monsters in this area is more than the number of monsters within five kilometers outside. Basically It is to the extent that it cannot be emptied in an instant.”

In this way, anyone can understand Zhao Nan's meaning. The number of gold-eating ants is huge, and the degree of killing is very simple. In the case of a team, the mage is protected by close combat. There is nothing to do, just throw the skill directly in front of it. There is no need to aim at anything at all, and you can even hit it with your eyes closed.

"In addition to here, there are three such basins nearby, which are allocated. Each team can kill the largest number of monsters." Zhao Nan pointed to the location of the other three basins, "how much experience can be earned, It depends on how active you are."

"Another thing to note is that after being attacked, gold-eating ants will crawl faster and can spit out acid. This acid is one of the few materials that can damage equipment."

Zhao Nan began to carefully explain the weakness of this monster and the correct way of hunting, and there were low, low exclamations. The 'End of the World' guild does not recruit players from outside cities. Since the players migrated, no new members have been added.

Many of them joined in only after hearing about the legend of the dragon riding mage from various sources. Of course, after joining, after calming down, I realized that this legend has actually been deified a lot. After a 7 vs. 140 victory, it was such a convenient and fast leveling point. Zhao Nan had only returned for a few days, which had already shocked these people greatly.

"Have a good time!" Gao Mingyang held up his sword, and was the first to jump into a foothold in the basin. He swung a skill, which instantly killed ten gold-eating ants, but his experience value was only Up 10 points. That is to say, you only get a little if you kill one head.

Not only was he not dissatisfied, but he was very happy. With a wave of his hand, he got 10 experience points to start with, so it was worth waving his hand ten thousand times no matter what!

"Let's go down too!"

Gao Xiang and the others also led their own teams, and then the rest of the team were freely assigned to form teams. One team had one foothold, and almost occupied all the spots in the four basins that could spawn monsters. The bursts of explosions were particularly loud underground, and the flickering lights made people feel dazzling.

After level 30, the experience required for each level up is huge.

"In about four days, it can almost be improved by one or two levels." Zhao Nan nodded, looking at the progress of the four basins, it started off well. But then there is the issue of patience, this kind of days of repeatedly spawning monsters is very boring.

"Master Zhao Nan, when did you discover this place?"

Catwoman is very curious about such a magical place to brush the level. Because she had just arrived in Dongyuan City, she hadn't had time to explore the city in the past few days. The problem is that in her eyes, Zhao Nan doesn't seem to have spared any time. She knew that Zhao Nan left before the level 30 map of Dongyuan City was released, and she just came back now, and she couldn't think of a reasonable reason after much deliberation.

"My friend told me." Zhao Nan could only perfunctoryly say that he could not reveal his secret to the public. In order to avoid more difficult questions for the catwoman with keen sense of touch, he had to change the topic: "These gold-eating ants we You don’t get experience if you kill them, but if you’re above the elite level, it’s okay. Come with me, I can’t let you just idle around.”

Hearing that there are elite monsters, Xiongyou immediately cheered up. To be honest, killing these boring ants is better than doing some simple tasks outside.

This person from Tingfeng City has temporarily reached a limit in terms of equipment needs. For them, experience and some secret treasures are the most important.

Zhao Nan took people away, and everyone watched, but no one asked, even though he felt strange, or knew that the other party might have some better things. It's just that people have already provided this place in order to provide it. If they are still greedy, it seems that it can't be justified.

The initial stage of the expansion of the "End of the World" guild was very mixed. There were all kinds of people, but Gao Mingyang, as the chairman, stubbornly followed his own preferences and only kept those who liked him. The people who were kicked out of the guild slandered the president outside, saying that he was selfish, self-willed, and prostitute. Faced with this kind of pointing from the outside world, President Gao still had a very happy time.

Whether it is selfishness, self-willedness or lust. Gao Mingyang once told those who remained in the guild that he would choose the team with 10 people who could scold each other with a smile, and the team with 50 people with someone hiding their knife behind a smile. He doesn't need people to flatter him, but he wants someone who can block the knife for him, and he is willing to suffer the knife for whoever blocks the knife for him.

So even if it is the second most powerful guild in Dongyuan City, the real situation is that this guild is far from reaching a saturation level in the midst of continuous increase and decrease of members.

Thanks to this unsaturated situation, the atmosphere of this guild is far better than Zhao Nan imagined. If there is no accident, Zhao Nan will try to get the 'End of the World' guild to join his Tingfeng City later.

After all, Tingfeng City also has its own regular dungeon, level 30 regular dungeon, Zhao Nan doesn't think that just a few people in the city's household registration book can get past it. However, keeping the level 30 regular dungeons untouched, and the monsters attacking the city once every ten days, in the long run, would really consume too much of Tingfeng City's aboriginal city defense force.

Of course, Tingfeng City at level 5 doesn't care about the monster attacking the city at this stage, even if it is in a state of not commanding. So Zhao Nan is not in a hurry to make this invitation.



Deeper in the same place, Zhao Nan and his party came to a red place. In front of a huge open space, many small grids appeared on the ground, and gold-eating ants could be seen in each grid.

Near the center of these gold-eating ants, there is a patch of elite monsters with blue names, and there are surprisingly many of them. Under normal circumstances, only one elite monster will appear in a local area, and the number of king monsters is even less. Unexpectedly, it is a large area at a glance here, how can it not surprise people?

And in the very center, there is a giant ant the size of an adult.

LV30 Gold-eating Ant Queen.

The queen ant lay tightly in the center, motionless.

"Little friend, Xiao Nan." Zhao Nan looked behind him, assigning the battles he wrote down, "And Anya and Yeyue, except for the ant queen, the rest belong to you."

"Little brother, what about me?" Xu Yang looked at Zhao Nan curiously.

In the past two days, she has been reborn to understand the things of this world, and it seems that it is the reason for what she has experienced, and she quickly accepted it.

Zhao Nan and Finina looked at each other, then smiled and said: "You have to follow me, but you can't get off Olisis's back. Just watch the time and give us the status."

With the abilities of Zhao Nan and his wife, it would be a breeze to level up with someone who does nothing. Zhao Nan couldn't give Xu Yang what he wanted, so he had to make compensation elsewhere. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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