Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 194 Awakening of Wisdom

Since it is out of everyone's sight, then naturally there is no need to reserve strength when facing the nest of the gold-eating queen ant.

A delicate and pretty figure jumped, galloped, or stabbed out among the many elite gold-eating ants. His movements were flowing and smooth, and he felt like he was bathing in the spring breeze. She came and went in and out of the crowd of monsters, so unrestrained, and the power of her skills was astonishing.

This delicate figure is not Finina, and it is even less likely to be a catwoman with a proud figure. It's Yanan who has completed the hidden job change and is now a "Ranger Swordsman" job.

The beautiful girl from Tingfeng City suddenly gained more powerful abilities and is having an extremely joyful experience. Xiongyou was busy by her side, afraid that this happy girlfriend would slip off accidentally. After all, it is a beginner's first practice, even if it is flowing clouds and flowing water, it is still a flood of cloudy clouds and flowing water.

Little Lolita always acted like she did. After playing a few tunes casually, she lost interest in such things. Since her body has healed, her habit of spending experience while brushing monsters and dungeons has disappeared, and now she likes to jump up and down, and put away all the dropped things.

Every time he picked up something, no matter whether it was good or bad, he would always show a more joyful expression than usual.

Zhao Nan glanced at it, always feeling that there seemed to be something bad about Little Lolita who was awakening. He pursed his lips, and had to deal a stronger blow to the gold-eating ant queen to get rid of this not-so-good idea.

Behind the gold-eating ants, there were only two people, Zhao Nan and Finina. But these two people have caused various wounds to appear on the upper and lower parts of his body. This world is very unfair to monsters. Except for the very rare strange-type monsters, it is impossible for the rest of the monsters to leave the area except during the siege time.

Can't move a lot, and can't replenish lost health through blood recovery potions like players when attacked. It seems that there is only the fate of being slaughtered by players.

It hissed unwillingly. This hissing sound made Zhao Nan startled suddenly, and it also made the other people who were brushing the elite monsters startled. Little Lori picked up the gold coin in her hand and suddenly slid down, jingling.

It's never a strange thing for monsters to scream. They have heard too much. But it seemed to be the first time I heard this voice full of emotion, unwillingness and resentment.

The calls of the gold-eating queen ants were different, long or short, and its eyes kept turning. When it attacked, it was like a violent storm. It actually disrupted the previous rhythm, but it became more effective. .

As if, as if, suddenly had wisdom.

But it is wisdom. Zhao Nan squinted her eyes in the distance, and Finina took over the attack of the gold-eater queen with ease. But the attack of the gold-eating ant queen seemed to become more agile.

The combination of skills it released has also become more reasonable and effective. Although this level is still a piece of cake for a terrifying swordsman who is a sky sword master. But in Zhao Nan's view, the gold-eating ant queen is indeed different.

But it didn't go mad.

Monsters will go berserk and will not appear under normal circumstances. Once it appears, it will increase the attack power a little, and the attack will become chaotic. But obviously, the attack of the gold-eating ant queen at this moment seems to have been arranged every time, and its strength has not increased.

That is, the so-called awakening of wisdom. Zhao Nan let out a sigh of relief. Unknowingly, this kind of situation that he didn't want to see had already appeared.

Awakening of Wisdom... After the catastrophe, some human beings became monsters, lost all emotion and reason, and mixed with more monsters that appeared out of thin air. Then one day, these human-transformed monsters suddenly awakened the wisdom of human beings.

They will display intelligence, but not too high, do not have any memories of being human, and especially hate human players.

But this wisdom comes only once. After awakening wisdom, after being killed again, when it is refreshed again, it will return to its original appearance. But if they are not dead, the monsters with awakened wisdom also have a special ability, they can devour other monsters to upgrade themselves.

The king monster that only awakens in the wild is very terrifying. Because they can also control monsters of the same type and devour them continuously. After a period of time, the waiting time of the king monster will increase.



Zhao Nan kept his hands together, and together with Finina, he fired all kinds of terrifying blows at the gold-eating ant queen. Although this gold-eating ant queen has become difficult due to her awakened wisdom, she is no match for the two who have the professional inheritance of the 'six heroes'.

The elite monsters that Xiongyou and the others brushed were not average, and the gold-eating ant queen screamed and fell to the ground. Its corpse will melt away after a period of time, its wisdom will disappear, and then reappear in this place again.

There was nothing thrilling about this battle. For Finina, she hadn't spent much time preparing a lunch for Zhao Nan. She wiped the tiny beads of sweat from her forehead, and curiously rummaged through the body of the gold-eating ant queen to see if there was anything special. Under normal circumstances, whether it is beheading the king monster or the boss of the dungeon, unless it is a special reward, it will fall directly into the hands of the individual, otherwise it will fall to the ground.

This gold-eating ant queen obviously did not have such a special reward. But it doesn't mean that the items it bursts have no value.

Before coming here, Zhao Nan had told her that the purpose of killing the gold-eating ant queen this time was to obtain a prop called the Flame Stone. This kind of item can be spawned from the body of the gold-eating ant queen, but it has a chance to drop.

"Flame Stone!"

Fortunately, the items with this chance appeared in the first kill. Finina held a red round stone the size of a lychee in her hand, and looked at it carefully.

Zhao Nan accepted the stone with a normal expression, looked at Xiongyou and the others who had not yet completed the suppression, and said with a smile: "Please help."


With a jump of her legs, Finina has already made a beautiful slash in front of Yanan from top to bottom. The two talked and laughed and continued to deal with the elite monsters in front of them.

Little Lolita didn't know when she walked around Zhao Nan's back quietly, and didn't dislike the blood that overflowed from the wound after the gold-eating ant queen died, and confiscated the things on the ground one by one.

Zhao Nan stroked her little head, and little Lolita stared at her, and after thinking for a while, she took out a gold coin and stuffed it into Zhao Nan's hand.

That is the expression of reluctance to give up love.

Zhao Nan smiled softly, tossed the gold coin in his hand, and said, "It's really generous."

Little Lolita nodded emphatically, instead of writing, she just hummed.

At this time, Xu Yang was also riding on Olisis, swimming around in the mid-air, obeying Zhao Nan's instructions, giving him various support status, without any fuss.

Her eyes are calm, and she releases her skills and gestures as if she is doing a simple math problem of addition and subtraction, without any hesitation.

Ever since she lost her memory, she didn't seem to be afraid of seeing monsters die... She was afraid of strangers, but she wasn't afraid of monsters fighting. This is completely overturned before amnesia.

Zhao Nan couldn't tell whether this change was good or bad. It's just that I simply think that I feel ashamed of her in my heart, and no matter whether it's good or bad, I will protect this sister as a family member in the future.



"I'll be lazy for a while."

Zhao Nan looked at the few elite monsters left, sitting not far from the gold-eating ant queen, squinting at the queen's gradually melting corpse. Many claims about this awakening of wisdom come to mind.

How did it appear? Is there a special way to activate this awakening? According to what we already know, only monsters above the elite level can be spawned.

Zhao Nan suddenly had a bold idea in his mind. If this kind of wisdom awakening can be activated artificially, with the help of the devil's egg he has on hand, can he create a monster team that has wisdom and can evolve and upgrade independently?

If possible, with the increase of the devil seeds produced by the devil's egg every day, the number of this monster team will continue to increase in the future. Tingfeng City does not need a large number of players, even if all the king monsters and elite monsters on the map disappear, it will not have much impact.

But how to awaken the monster's wisdom?

Zhao Nan recalled some of the various monsters above the elite level that he had killed, and the most direct case of making the monster angry was very likely to make the monster go berserk. Not counting the past, in this life, this gold-eating ant queen is indeed the first time I have encountered an awakened wisdom.

Thinking about it, it seems that the information we know is not enough to unlock this secret. Zhao Nan concentrated his expression by tidying up the space in his backpack, not wanting people to see that he was thinking about such a shocking thing at the moment.

If the monster has wisdom, what will happen in the future?

What to do when monsters attack the city? Will they no longer be as blind as they used to be?

Will they not stay in the same place one day, but turn around and kill players?

Having said that, did the fraud sealers also grasp this kind of thing? Did the 'strategy group' formed by the other four super cities also notice it?

One is a behemoth before the catastrophe, and the other is an official institution that only appeared after October of the catastrophe. The various information they have is naturally complex and rich.

Zhao Nan rubbed his head, which was a little swollen from thinking about things. These days, whether it's Haidian's story or Ximenyu's story, countless cells in his cerebral cortex are dying every day. It seems that it is a bit unbelievable to worry about the awakening of the monster's wisdom now. This kind of problem that requires a lot of information collection and miscellaneous analysis is naturally better left to those who are particularly interested in it.

So I quickly got out of this occasional inspiration and turned to another thing that was even more nerve-wracking and brain-dead.

The thing about the magic sword Alnis.



More precisely, it was the problem of the illusions brought to him by the magic sword. Zhao Nan began to feel that his head would swell, and more often it was not because of excessive use of the brain, but because he had dreamed more in the past two days.

Constantly, repeatedly dreaming of those fragments. They seem to be afraid that Zhao Nan will forget it accidentally, and they become especially clear in the dream, as if they will be completely engraved into Zhao Nan's body before they will stop.

After the magic sword was obtained as a reward, no information was sent. Therefore, Zhao Nan is not sure whether these images appeared to provide him with the magic sword of purification, or appeared occasionally, or appeared with a plot in addition.

He dreamed of a tower reaching to the sky.

Is that the Babel Tower that the giant in the Castle of Oz said? Countless creatures in that picture are devastated, and the huge eyes in the sky are the punishment of the so-called gods for those who dared to challenge its authority?

If it is related to these, what about the origin of the magic sword Alnis?

Zhao Nan heard the scarlet eye inlaid in the magic sword, and his intuition told him that all these scenes were transmitted from this eye.

He sighed, and suddenly wanted to clear Dongyuan City 30's regular dungeon. After a successful strategy, you will probably be able to get more information from somewhere.

The place called 'historical origin'.

Thinking about it, Zhao Nan gradually closed his eyes, and the voices of the people in front of him killing monsters gradually became hazy, and then gradually turned into another sound of fighting.

It was extremely tragic, blood flowed like a river, and the eyes in the sky were still cold.



After an unknown amount of time, the monsters in the entire gold-eating queen ant's nest have been wiped out. It takes 48 hours for elite level monsters to be refreshed, and it takes longer for the gold-eating ant queen.

At the end of a battle that was not too intense, Finina touched the sweat on her forehead, scanned the surroundings with her eyes, and found that Xiao Luoli had already regarded Zhao Nan's retreat as a pillow at some point, He fell asleep, leaving some crystal clear saliva, looking extremely cute.

Finina couldn't help laughing, and when she walked over, she found that Zhao Nan had also fallen asleep together.

This made her very curious, wondering if he was a little too tired these two days.

Finina patted Zhao Nan's shoulder lightly, and said softly, "Nan, if you are tired, go home and rest?"

Zhao Nan frowned, opened his eyes sleepily, looked at the person in front of him dimly, and subconsciously called out in a low voice: "Di Yuna..."


Because the voice was too low, Finina didn't hear anything.

Zhao Nan woke up in an instant, and said calmly, "My wife."

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