Global Monster Online

Main Text Chapter 403: The Martial Demon, Locke

The strong man who took the lead last night was surnamed Liu, and his full name was Liu Jianguo, a very honest name. But judging from yesterday's performance, it was not satisfactory.

He and the others were indeed subordinates of one of the city lords who came here in a hurry.

Specifically, it is closer to the capital of Tianfu, a city called 'Duhe'.

To Zhao Nan's surprise, the theory he thought, the dog and its owner, was ruthlessly refuted by the city lord of Crossing the River City.

Unexpectedly, some people succeeded in securing the position of city lord by relying on brutal and unreasonable methods, killing innocent people indiscriminately, deliberately entrapping them, and so on. After becoming the city lord, he didn't think about making progress, and squeezed a lot of bottom-level players to continuously expand his camp.

"I heard that a lot of high-handed means were used to rule the city." Locke said blankly: "The reason why Liu Jianguo got drunk last night seems to be because his master lost his temper after returning from a meeting, and all the people under his command... scolded."

Zhao Nan rubbed his eyebrows.

There will always be something surprising.

He didn't feel much guilt towards that Gui Sisi, even if he understood that he did have some elements of injustice in what he said last night.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and after a while, it was the replaced Gui Sisi who pushed the door in without permission.

Her face was in a hurry, which seemed to be the reason for her haste.

"My lord, please avoid it for a while." Gui Sisi gritted her teeth and said, "The group of people gathered a lot of people last night, and they are planning to trouble you."

Locke looked at Gui Sisi with a blank expression on his face. Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes, but looked again.

He asked calmly, "Since you've already left, why did you come back and tell me?"

Gui Sisi glanced at Locke quietly, then took a deep breath and said, "I don't want anything in return. It's purely to repay a favor. Although I work in this place, many things are beyond my control, but there are differences between willing and unwilling." .”

Zhao Nan was stunned.

Is this still a bit strong?

"That's all for now, I wish you good luck." Gui Sisi breathed a sigh of relief, finally looked at Locke and said, "Mr. Locke, take care too!"

That's all for now. Also leave decisively.

Zhao Nan breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and said, "Locke, it seems that you are quite charming."

Locke showed a puzzled expression, thought for a while and said, "When the master made me, he used elves as the model. From the perspective of human aesthetics, the appearance of elves should be good. Sir, what do you mean? Is it this one?"


Zhao Nan stood up and patted Locke on the shoulder. Encouragement: "Keep working hard, the world of creatures is actually very exciting."

"unclear meaning."

Zhao Nan shook his head, "Look at the time, maybe there is still time to enjoy breakfast before someone makes trouble."

So, on the table of the Eight Immortals in the pilot test, Zhao Nan looked at the self-made newspaper from the imperial capital that had been delivered a long time ago. Eating some pre-disaster food that I haven't eaten in a long time.

Don't have a taste.

But the leisure time didn't last, and some kind of fried dessert was just half eaten. The door was kicked open vigorously.

He has never been picked on in Dongyuan City.

But I encountered this kind of thing instead in the imperial capital, "Did I overestimate your IQ, or is this the way it is?"

That strong man, Liu Jianguo, had recovered from his broken wrist a long time ago, and there were many heads blocked outside the door. Can't count in detail, but it seems that there are no less than ten people.

Liu Jianguo sneered and stepped into the threshold step by step, "How long can you hold your tongue!"

"I've always thought that I'm not a polite person." Zhao Nan shook his head, "Looking at it now, I guess I underestimated myself. As expected, there is a mountain and a mountain is low. Meeting you is my experience."

Liu Jianguo seemed too lazy to talk nonsense, and waved his hand, "Copy guys, be careful. Don't beat people to death!"

"The limit of the imperial capital is 30% of the life value." Zhao Nan said indifferently: "Let's see and fight."

"Yes, sir."

Locke nodded abruptly.

He just nodded, and one person had already rushed in front of Locke, holding a broad sword, perhaps because he wanted to make meritorious deeds, so the momentum of his move was very loud.

Unexpectedly, the broad sword was held between Locke's two fingers, and he couldn't draw it out no matter what.

"You bastard, let go!"

When Locke heard this, he let go of his two fingers. The man was drawing his sword, and one of them was inattentive, but staggered and fell to the ground.

"In the safe zone, everyone should not take out such dangerous things." Locke said indifferently.

As a celestial being, the actual level has reached level 55, and the body is remodeled with strange metals. Even if the safety zone cannot change the body to fight, Locke's strength makes Zhao Nan willing to bow down.

The same goes for speed!

At this moment, Locke stretched out his hand, grabbed the person, and threw them forward. Several people who were rushing forward were thrown upside down at the same time.

Liu Jianguo broke out in a cold sweat watching it. He was dazzled by drinking too much last night and thought it was a mistake. Didn't he wake up this morning?

"Don't be dazed, let's go together!" Liu Jianguo said in a deep voice, "I don't believe this guy is made of iron!"

Fighting in the safe zone used to be based on strength. Fighting in the safe zone still depends on strength. But the current strength is completely different from before. Any player can easily lift hundreds of catties with one arm.

When this group of people crossed the river city, they were used to being arrogant. In the two or three days since I came to the imperial capital, it was quiet. Unexpectedly, within three or two days of being quiet, he immediately reverted to his old ways.

Ke Locke's movements are so fast that it even makes people feel that it is using some kind of skill right now. I just felt a gust of wind blowing over my body, and then my hands were empty. I don't know when, my weapon has been taken away.

Locke had a broad sword, rapier, axe, and staff in his hand, but he didn't see how it exerted force. With his hands straight and his knees pushed up, he broke all these weapons into two pieces.

This is a pain for this group of people who came to seek revenge. The weapons that are usually used directly in the safe zone are all the weapons that he is most proud of. Isn't that player constantly polishing and upgrading his weapons? Take it as a baby?

"You are dead!"

I don't know which one was furious, his eyes were red, and he rushed towards Locke like a mad cow, holding a gun in his hand. Obviously another spare weapon.

The room has a lot of space.

This is probably due to the fact that the mansion is used for entertainment, and they want to show their dignity. But it also delayed this blessing, allowing this group of guys to surge up again.

Locke frowned.

It doesn't quite understand why these god-chosen are still acting so impulsively after they have shown the gap in strength.

Being attacked at will without fighting back is obviously not something that the combat circuit in its body can allow to happen.

Facing the random attacks of more than a dozen people, Locke still moved his hands and feet unhurriedly. He snatched the man's weapon and broke it with both hands, only to hear the sound of clicking and clicking.

This group of men whose IQ was suppressed by anger suddenly felt something was wrong.

All of their spare weapons were actually broken, and it was only when they saw a pile of weapon fragments on the ground that they reacted.

How can this be a character who can win the opponent?

"No...he's coming! Run!"

I don't know who yelled, someone took the first step and rushed out the door.

But Locke jumped easily. Blocking the door, "If you want to pass through here, please promise me that you will not come to trouble me in the future."

Liu Jianguo felt cold all over his body.

Who said that you have to have a face full of flesh and grinning teeth to make people feel scared? This kind of smiling, sporty look is really more terrifying than those high-level monsters.

"No... no problem, I promise. I won't come to find you bad luck in the future!" Liu Jianguo said cautiously.

Locke nodded and looked at the rest of the people one by one. "What about everyone?"

"Don't dare!"

"There will never be a next time!"

"please forgive us!"

There were occasional begging sounds, Locke moved away, and said softly: "Pick up all the garbage on the ground, and then leave."



"Sir, it has been dealt with."

After everyone left, Locke walked to Zhao Nan's door with a smile.

Zhao Nan nodded. He was noncommittal, and after eating for a while, he suddenly said, "Lock, do you think they won't show up in the future?"

"The other party has already made a promise." Locke did not hesitate, "So no."

Zhao Nan patted Locke on the shoulder. He smiled lightly and said, "Can you do one more thing for me?"

"Sir please tell me."

"Follow that group of people again, no matter what they do or say, you can't make a move, how?"





A group of people got together.

In a darker room.

In fact, he just pulled up the curtains around him.

"Brother, what should we do next? The weapons are all broken, I can't swallow this breath!" One person said.

Liu Jianguo frowned, stroked his hair vigorously, and said impatiently: "I can't swallow it either. But this time there are only so many people, what can I do?"

"We can't fight head-on, why don't we play negatively?" One person suddenly sneered.

Liu Jianguo snorted, and became interested: "How do you say it?"

"Fire it, burn it!" The man said viciously: "As long as you don't do it directly, you won't judge us at all. It's safe and fast!"

"That's a good way!" One person laughed and said, "I've asked, those two guys don't have any friends. Although they live here, they shouldn't be very important! The list of those big cities that the city lord asked us to pay attention to doesn't have these two guys. Personally. I don’t know where it came from in that corner of the mountain!”

"That's right, we can secretly block the doors and exits of their holidays, even if we can't burn them to death, we can still vent our anger!"

Liu Jianguo narrowed his eyes, then nodded with a sneer.

ps: In the new round of harmonious storm, I survived again. Ladies and gentlemen, don't you want to express it... I said it so firmly. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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