Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 404 Angry Emotion

A group of people got together and discussed where it would be faster to get kerosene, who would be better to block the road, when to choose the last time to do it, and who would be the most suitable to monitor.

Gradually, he became more vocal and laughed constantly.

Suddenly the door was knocked hard a few times, and everyone's expressions changed slightly, and they all jumped.

Liu Jianguo collected himself and called out cautiously, "Who is it?"

"Boss, it's me, Xizi!"

Liu Jianguo waved his hand, and someone opened the door.

At this time, the person named Xizi, together with another person, brought in a large sack. There should be a person in the burlap bag, and it kept shaking, making a 'woo hoo' sound.

Xizi and the two put the sack on the ground.

Liu Jianguo frowned, and said displeasedly, "Woman? What are you doing with a woman tied up at this time?"

Xizi grinned a few times, and just now she untied the rope that tied the sack and said, "Boss, this is no ordinary woman. This is the one from last night."

On the ground, Gui Sisi's head had just been released, and a ball of white cloth was stuffed into her mouth, with a terrified expression on her face, You Zi was tear-stained, and her body shrank into a ball.

Liu Jianguo laughed out loud immediately, and said with satisfaction: "On the road, on the road!"

He squatted on the ground, reached out and grabbed Gui Sisi's hair, and said with a smile: "Tsk tsk, little white sheep, is it in Lao Tzu's hands again? I'll see who will come to save you now!"

Woohoo! !

Gui Sisi shook her head desperately and struggled, but was slapped to the ground with a slap, her throat shaking, it was crying bitterly.

"Boss, we're going out right now, you do the work first!" Xizi laughed twice.

Liu Jianguo waved his hand quite generously. He nodded and said: "I eat meat, and you have a share. I'm done, you come one by one!"

When everyone walked out, Liu Jianguo stretched out his hand to pinch Gui Sisi's chin, and said with a sneer, "Look at you. I don't know how many people have been fucked by you, and you still pretend to be innocent? Smile for me, or you will feel better." of!"

Woohoo! !

Liu Jianguo pulled out the cloth ball from Gui Sisi's mouth, but Gui Sisi, who had just released her mouth, spat hard.

Liu Jianguo froze for a moment, reached out and quickly wiped off the smear on his face, his eyes widened. He just slapped him with a slap and said, "Fuck! Bastard, see if I don't kill you!"

"The mansion here belongs to the public, how dare you mess around?" Gui Sisi said in horror.

Liu Jianguo laughed, squinting his eyes and said disdainfully: "I'm not afraid to tell you that my city owner is ready to join forces and come to the imperial capital. In the future, he will also be regarded as the overlord in the imperial capital. Do you think the owner of a mere mansion will care about such things? ?”

Gui Sisi's face changed slightly.

"I love seeing your women's expressions the most!"

Unexpectedly, Gui Sisi sighed. He said in a low voice: "Brother, it's because I don't know Mount Tai... Why don't you let me go and let me serve you well?"

Liu Jianguo chuckled, and said disdainfully, "Bitch, that's cheap! But still, it's not strong enough!"

Liu Jianguo's laughter became louder. Slowly untied Gui Sisi's rope, leaning forward: "Little girl, if you can make me happy, the benefits will not be short of you!"

"Thank you, big brother..."

Gui Sisi lowered her head and said happily... At this moment, her wrist suddenly loosened, a white light flashed, and a small dagger stabbed into Liu Jianguo's chest!

Unexpectedly, the stab did not hit him, instead, Liu Jianguo grabbed his wrist forcefully, "Bitch, do you think I will fall into your trap?"

"Let go of you. It's just that I think it's more exciting to play like this!" He laughed loudly, pulled the back of Gui Sisi's hand, and threw her to the ground.

"do not come!"

There was a flash of white light in Gui Sisi's hand, and she held the dagger again. Pointing at Liu Jianguo.

"Tsk tsk..."

Suddenly there was a bang, the door was knocked open, and a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old rushed in, furious, as if he was about to devour someone, "You bastard, let go of my sister!"

"Shaohua!" Gui Sisi exclaimed, "Hurry up!"

The young man was about to pounce, and punched Liu Jianguo in the chest. But this punch didn't work. Instead, Liu Jianguo raised his leg and lifted him to the ground.

At the same time, a few people rushed in from the door, and pushed the young man to the ground in two or three strokes, "Boss, this kid bumped in while we weren't paying attention! It was probably called by this woman!"

"Bastards, you bastards!" the young man cursed sadly.

Gui Sisi rushed towards her with a dagger in her hand, but was subdued by two hands.

Liu Jianguo touched the boy's cheek with his foot, and the boy spat out a mouthful of blood with a scream. Liu Jianguo said: "I've lost all my interest!"

"Let him go!" Gui Sisi said in horror, "I beg you, really. You can do whatever you want, please!"


Liu Jianguo snorted coldly, and someone covered the mouth of a young man, and then he looked at Gui Sisi with a sneer on his face, "Let him go? All right! Didn't you just say that you want to serve me well? Do it for me Take a look, if you are sincere enough, I can consider it."

Seeing the young man struggling constantly with a look of grief and indignation, Gui Sisi bit her lip, gave a wry smile, and untied the shooter from her collar.

A tear fell down.

This kind of thing happens all the time in this deformed world. Although he had heard a lot, Gui Sisi still hated the injustice of fate when the sun fell on his head one day.

The first button was unbuttoned, Liu Jianguo blew a whistle, his eyes suddenly became hot, and he grinned in a low voice.

But at this moment, a scream was suddenly heard.

Everyone was stunned, and saw that there was an extra person in the room at some point, a person who stomped his companion on the ground.

This is the man who broke all their weapons not long ago!

Liu Jianguo's face suddenly changed drastically, and he subconsciously took two steps back, saying in horror, "Why are you here!"

"Mr. Locke!" Gui Sisi called out in surprise.

Locke didn't answer, he shot very quickly, and kicked away the people who were pressing down on the boy one by one in the blink of an eye!

No match for this guy!

This is already a consensus!

Looking at this thin figure. Everyone, including Liu Jianguo, trembled. Liu Jianguo swallowed at this time, and said in a trembling voice: "Brother, we didn't find fault this time, we just had some fun."

Locke turned his head. The beautiful eyeballs showed no emotion at all, and were slightly cold.

"This woman, if you like it, you can take it, I haven't touched it yet, don't worry!" Liu Jianguo took another step back.

At this time, Gui Sisi and the boy gathered behind Locke at the same time. Gui Sisi subconsciously grabbed Locke's arm, hoping to say: "Sir, save us!"

Locke didn't answer, but just stared at Liu Jianguo all the time, making the other party's heart tremble, and suddenly said: "Why?"

"What... what?" Liu Jianguo's face changed again.

Locke said indifferently: "You have promised not to trouble us again. Why are you still discussing the arson behind your back?"

"Joke, it's just a joke!" Liu Jianguo said quickly: "How dare we do it for real? It's just a joke, don't take it seriously!"

"You are no longer trustworthy." Locke shook his head: "I have an urge to tear you apart, for some reason."

There was only a bang.

After a flash, Locke punched Liu Jianguo in the chest. The guy flew upside down like a cannonball and hit the wall. This punch was extremely powerful. All of a sudden, Liu Jianguo's health dropped by more than 60%.

"Tell me, what is this impulse."

Liu Jianguo's body was sunk in the wall, his internal organs were writhing, and he was about to pass out from the pain, so how could he answer? It was too late to vomit blood.

Locke set his target on another person, and said without emotion: "Tell me!"

It was another punch, hitting the person into the floor again.

"tell me!!!"

Punch after punch, more than a dozen fists in a row, these people were knocked down and howled.

Although these people were in severe pain, they insisted on not taking out the medicine. Treat injuries. Their health is basically above 30%, if it is lower, this guy will be arrested and imprisoned.

But Locke stopped, stood in the middle of the crowd, and said slowly: "I will wait until everyone's health automatically recovers. I will ask later."

This guy got hit on the head by a donkey! Liu Jianguo cursed in his heart, such an obvious question, do you still need to ask it in detail? But if this person never leaves, is he really doing what he says?

"What should I do?" Liu Jianguo's eyes rolled wildly.

Unexpectedly, Locke grabbed them one by one at this time, and then picked up the hemp rope on the ground, and tied them up one by one.

This hemp rope is special, otherwise it wouldn't bind Gui Sisi so effortlessly.

On this side, Liu Jianguo and his party lowered their heads like ashes and refused to speak.

"Mr. Locke..."

At this time, Gui Sisi called out softly.

"Miss Sisi, what's the matter?" Locke regained his composure and turned around to ask.

"Thank you for saving me again." Gui Sisi said gratefully.

"I have a question." Locke suddenly stared at Gui Sisi and said, "I have been hiding and observing these people. Until Miss Sisi wanted to untie her clothes, she suddenly had an uncontrollable urge to Wanting to tear these people apart. But don't know what the hell it is."

Locke said softly: "Miss Sisi, can you tell me?"

"Ah..." Gui Sisi lowered her head, whispering like a mosquito, " do I know."

"Really?" Locke shook his head in disappointment, "I'm sorry, I bothered you."

"No!" Gui Sisi quickly raised her head, but turned away blushing, "It's not like this..."

Unexpectedly, there was a burst of light laughter at this time.

In front of the door, a figure walked in slowly, and said in a pleasant voice, "Locke, you can't get any results from this way of asking."

"Sir!" Locke was taken aback for a moment, "Why are you here?"

Zhao Nan laughed, glanced across the audience, squinted and said, "Of course it's to see this interesting scene."

He finally looked at Locke and said softly, "I've been following you."

PS: This chapter is neither pornographic nor violent, it properly promotes positive energy! ! Please call me a pure cigar! !

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