Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 405 Recording the thing called anger

"Sir, have you been following me?"

Locke asked curiously.

Zhao Nan nodded and said casually, "Because I was a little worried about you, so I followed."

Locke smiled and said gently: "Thank you for your concern, I'm fine."

Zhao Nan waved his hand and asked Locke to stand aside, then looked at Gui Sisi's two siblings.

Gui Sisi shrank her shoulders in fear, but it was her younger brother, that young man looked at Zhao Nan with neither humility nor condescension.

In this room, except for Locke and Gui Sisi, the boy seemed to be full of hostility.

Zhao Nan suddenly liked the young man's eyes, but he looked at Gui Sisi and said calmly, "Miss Gui, I take back what I said yesterday."

Gui Sisi was startled suddenly, a little confused and got up.

Zhao Nan shook her head and said with a light smile, "The tea is good, the people are good, and the heart is good."

Gui Sisi lowered her head, not daring to look into Zhao Nan's eyes, and said softly, "My lord, I'm flattered."

"Lock, please send Miss Gui and her brother back." Zhao Nan said suddenly.

Locke nodded, stretched out his hand, and made a gesture of invitation, "Miss Sisi, please."



Zhao Nan found a fairly complete stool in the chaotic room, pulled it to Liu Jianguo, and sat down in front of him at the same time.

"It seems that your city lord is not in the mansion." Zhao Nan said plainly, "So we still have some time. I'll ask you a few questions. If I'm satisfied, I can help you break the rope."

"Say it!" Liu Jianguo lost his temper, and told him intuitively that this smiling young man was ridiculously stronger than the one just now. Even more difficult to deal with.

In fact, this is also the case. Seeing Locke in front of Zhao Nan, who is respectful, saying "Mr.

"You are in River Crossing City, do you often do this kind of thing?"

"Not often! This is the first time!" Liu Jianguo straightened his face and said, "We were temporarily obsessed. We just went astray."

Zhao Nan picked up a dagger from the ground, which was probably left by Gui Sisi. He patted Liu Jianguo's cheek twice with the dagger, "Everyone understands, it's better to be honest."

"Don't mess around!" Liu Jianguo's breathing suddenly became rapid: "If this knife is stabbed, you will be arrested and sent to prison!"

"Aren't there many ways to kill people?" Zhao Nan smiled, the sun was shining brightly, "For example, setting fire?"

Everyone's face changed suddenly. Zhao Nan stood up, a white light flashed in his hand, and a small prop appeared. This is some kind of fire prop. "This mansion is really good. There are many wooden materials, even the carpet is good. I just don't know if it will catch fire easily..."

"I said!" One person suddenly panicked: "It is often done! However, it is all instructed by the city lord. We are just following orders!"

Zhao Nan shrugged and sat down again. His mouth clicked, and he continued to ask: "Just now you said that the city lord of Crossing River City promised to let players move into the imperial capital, right?"

"Yes, the city lord has already said it himself." Liu Jianguo replied quickly.

"Did your City Lord take the initiative to contact you, or did General Haitian send someone to talk?"

Liu Jianguo shook his head: "I don't know about it. But obedient means. It was some benefits promised by the city lord of the imperial capital first, and this matter was agreed to. And..."

"And what?"

"It seems that there are many city lords who have already agreed." Liu Jianguo said cautiously: "This should be announced soon...My lord, don't you know?"

Zhao Nan smiled and stood up suddenly. Walked a few steps. The eyes of this group of people widened, without blinking, for fear that he would do something terrible.

"How long will it take for the people who saved you to come back?" Zhao Nan asked suddenly.

Liu Jianguo forced a smile, "It's just us, no one will come to rescue us. You are joking, my lord."

"Ah, is it?" Zhao Nan shook his head and said softly, "I hope what you said is not true, because I really like that you can escape."

While speaking, a small flame suddenly appeared in the tool of life in his hand, and then he flipped his palm and fell to the ground.

Chi chi, the carpet burned quickly.

"Didn't you just say that you would let us go if you answered the question?" Liu Jianguo said angrily, his face darkened.

"I'm talking about breaking the rope." Zhao Nan shrugged: "If the fire burns through, the rope will probably be broken, so I didn't break my promise."

"You, I fuck you!!"

Zhao Nan clapped her hands and sighed: "That's it. Also, thank you for teaching my companions that some people just like to break their promises and get fat, and they are untrustworthy...Enjoy the rest of the time."

The flames spread, and it became a big fire in a blink of an eye, and everyone wailed continuously. The rope was specially made by them to bind people, and even if it could be burned, it would be after a charred corpse.



Suddenly, the fire rose, and the fire rushed into the air, and the eyes of the people in the entire mansion were attracted.

In the corridor, many people working in the mansion ran to each other, some were in a hurry to put out the fire, and some were watching from afar.

Gui Sisi and Gui Shaohua looked away, subconsciously looking at Locke.

"What's the matter?" Locke asked curiously.

Gui Sisi said hesitantly: "Mr. Locke, aren't you curious...that fire?"

She had a feeling that the fire was definitely related to Zhao Nan, but she didn't know how to speak up.

Unexpectedly, Locke shook his head, and said softly: "The master ordered me to take you back, and you can ignore other things."

Gui Shaohua was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said: "Why are you so obedient?"

"Shaohua!" Gui Sisi quickly sternly said, "Don't be so rude to Mr. Locke, he just rescued him!"

"I'm sorry..." Gui Shaohua didn't dare to look at his sister, as if he had done something wrong.

Locke just smiled, "Mr.'s words are the first to be followed at present. This is my principle."

When Iverson made Locke, his words were absolutely what Locke must abide by. Then it was given to the Holy One and became the word of Ulysses to be obeyed. Later, Ulysses asked Locke to follow Zhao Nan, so in the absence of the above two, for the circuit analysis of the magic tool man, it is natural to first obey Zhao Nan's words.

As for the other women in Zhao Nan's family. One is the disciple of its previous master, so it is naturally obliged to serve. One is the wife of the current husband, of course she must be obedient, and the other sister, who is also the husband, is also the object of obedience.

But Gui Sisi's two siblings didn't know this.

Gui Shaohua stuck out his tongue, and said in disbelief: "Mr. Locke, you are so powerful, yet you still listen to that person just now. Isn't he even more powerful?"

Locke thought for a while, nodded and said, "Mister is indeed very powerful. Even if Damoris can't use it now, I may not be able to defeat Mr.

"Damores?" Gui Shaohua asked curiously

"Sorry, I can't tell you this." Locke shook his head.

Gui Sisi grabbed Gui Shaohua's arm. After sending him a look of being talked about, he apologized: "My younger brother is usually very curious, and said some things that shouldn't be said, I hope you don't mind."

"No problem."

There is nothing to say along the way.

Gui Sisi has her own independent residence in the mansion, the siblings seem to be living together, at this moment, the residence is in front of her eyes, Gui Sisi suddenly said: "Shaohua, you go in first, I have something to do with you Mr. Locke, tell me."

The young man glanced suspiciously. Then he grinned, "Sister, take your time, I won't be a light bulb anymore!"


But Gui Shaohua disappeared long ago, and Gui Sisi blushed immediately.

"Miss Sisi, is there anything you need to tell me?" Locke asked directly.

Gui Sisi lowered her head and turned away from Locke. Holding the corners of his clothes with both hands, he suddenly whispered: "Is what you said just now true?"

"Please explain in detail, what do I mean by what I said?" Locke asked curiously.

Gui Sisi said in a lower voice: "That's... that's right. If you were impulsive when you saw me..."

"It's true." Locke replied calmly, "It's a wonderful feeling, I've never tried it before."

"Slick tongue..."

"The meaning is unclear, can Miss Sisi explain?" Locke asked curiously.

"You..." Gui Sisi turned around and gave Locke a blank look, "You want to embarrass me, don't you?"

Locke shook his head and said sincerely: "In principle, I don't want to embarrass you, Miss Sisi."

"You still say it!" Gui Sisi suddenly said coquettishly.

Locke froze for a moment, and said calmly: "I'm sorry, I may have said something that you don't like to hear. Now that it's time to go, I should leave too. Goodbye, Miss Sisi."

Unexpectedly, Gui Sisi subconsciously stretched out her hand to pull Locke's arm, and said in a panic, "That's not what I meant!"

"What does that mean?" Locke asked inexplicably.

"You... wood!" Gui Sisi suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

Locke said: "Miss Sisi, you misunderstood, I used to be wood, but not now."

"what is that?"

"Specifically, it should be metal."

Gui Sisi was startled, and suddenly burst out laughing, "You, you can still joke, I really can't tell!"

"This is not a joke." Locke said very seriously.

Unexpectedly, Gui Sisi was out of breath from laughing, and said coquettishly: "OK, OK, I understand, don't be so serious."

"That's good." Locke nodded with satisfaction.

Gui Sisi was still holding Locke's arm at this time, suddenly felt embarrassed, lowered her head, and said softly: "Mr. Locke, will you...will you look down on me?"

"why would you say so?"

Gui Sisi sighed and said with a wry smile: "I work in this kind of place... Besides, I also deliberately wanted to seduce that gentleman who was you. You must think I'm a frivolous woman, right?"

"First of all, sir will not be seduced by you." Locke shook his head: "Secondly, the ladies will not allow this to happen. So, I will stop you."

"How many young ladies?" Gui Sisi was taken aback, "Are you a woman from that lord's family?"

"Yes, Miss Finina, Miss Xu Yang, Miss Anya and Miss Yeyue."

Gui Sisi stuck out her tongue and said with a strange expression: "A lot..."

But he turned his head and said slightly disappointed: "Is it because of those ladies that you stopped me?"

Locke thought for a while, "Based on principle, I don't want Miss Sisi to do that kind of thing. Moreover, judging from the previous situation, Miss Sisi is not a frivolous person."

Locke said with a smile: "In that situation, Miss Sisi showed wit. Although the effect is not good, it seems to be the best way. In addition, Miss Sisi can give in for her younger brother. In my opinion, It’s a good state of mind.”

"Really?" Gui Sisi opened her wonderful eyes and looked at Locke with some joy.

"Of course, I won't lie." Locke nodded.

Gui Sisi breathed a sigh of relief, a lot more relaxed. She looked at Locke without blinking, and mustered up her courage, "The world has changed, and there are some things that make me bow my head, that's why I did this kind of thing."

She walked in front of Locke, trembling slightly: "I... I won't do that kind of thing in the future... Actually, I'm still clean."

Locke closed his eyes and said, "Liu Jianguo made me feel that some people's promises are not credible. Therefore, I will temporarily trust Miss Sisi's words with some reservations.

Gui Sisi gritted her teeth and kissed Locke's lips almost as if she had exhausted all her strength!

This point backed away, and Gui Sisi said in an extremely firm tone: "I will let you believe me! Definitely!"

After saying this, Gui Sisi blushed and quickly ran back to her room.

Locke touched his lips subconsciously, and said strangely: "What a strange etiquette."



Zhao Nan was laughing.

He laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth, and even the tears were about to burst out.

After a long time, I straightened my breathing, "And then? What happened after she kissed you?"

This was Zhao Nan's reaction after listening to Locke's complete retelling half an hour later.

"Miss Sisi went back to her room afterward." Locke looked at Zhao Nan curiously, and asked, "Sir, does this seem funny?"

Zhao Nan waved his hand, took a sip of tea, let out a long breath, and said with a light smile, "This is probably something that can make Finina and the others laugh for a while. Oh, no, as women, they will never laugh .You don’t tell them about this, or I will suffer.”

"Understood." Locke nodded, and asked, "But sir, what made you laugh about this matter?"

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I've been laughing a bit low recently, but this is actually a very serious issue." Zhao Nanqing coughed twice, and said seriously: "Locke, I told you that no matter what Liu Jianguo did or said, Don't make a move either. But you still made a move in the end, what is this for?"

Locke shook his head and apologized: "I'm sorry, sir. I violated your words. In fact, I still can't understand the reason. It's just an impulse. If possible, I hope you can check my Circuit, is there a problem?"

Zhao Nan shook his head and said helplessly: "First of all, I don't have the ability to check your extremely complicated circuit structure yet. Next, the impulsiveness you mentioned, we humans actually call it 'anger'!"

"Angry?" Locke bowed his head and read a sentence, seemingly a little happy, but also a little confused, and said to himself: "Is this, anger?"

It clutched its chest, "I recorded it." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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