Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 406: Captain of the Imperial Guard

"excuse me."

A young man just pushed the door open after he got permission, and he was accompanied by another middle-aged man with an ugly face and a slightly gloomy look.

The youth is dressed as a swordsman, with a calm demeanor.

"I'm Guan Qingfeng, the captain of the imperial defense team." The young man introduced himself before calmly looking at the two people in the room, "Excuse me, who is Mr. Zhao Nan?"

"I am."

Zhao Nan, who was replying to Finina's email, stopped, glanced between the two of them, and said calmly, "I don't seem to have anything to do with the Imperial Capital's defense team?"

Guan Qingfeng took two steps forward, and the middle-aged man next to him also stepped forward, "This is the city lord of Duhe City, Chen Jie. According to the information provided by Mr. Chen, we now suspect that Mr. Zhao is related to an illegal operation murder case." , so I hope you can assist in the investigation."

Zhao Nan nodded, and suddenly said: "It's related, to what extent is it related?"

"Of course the murderer!"

The city lord of Crossing River City sneered at this moment: "Don't think that I don't know what happened! A few of my subordinates told me what happened before they died! You tie them up and create a big fire! A total of thirteen people died in this fire!"

Guan Qingfeng had no special expression on Chen Jie's testimony.

Zhao Nan shrugged and said softly, "Before he died, was this Mr. Chen Jie present?"

"No, Mr. Chen was not there." Guan Qingfeng suddenly replied: "He learned about it through email. And there was indeed a fire in the mansion, and the death toll also matches."

Zhao Nan narrowed her eyes and said, "Can the mail...can be used as evidence to accuse me?"

"Don't be stubborn! We don't know each other before, so could it be that we deliberately framed you?" Chen Jie said coldly: "If you are sensible, just confess your crime obediently! In the imperial capital, it is not your city. Yes. Let you fool around!"

Zhao Nan smiled, ignored the man's questioning, looked at Guan Qingfeng and said, "Can the mail be used as evidence? It's something that can't be made public, right?"

"You're making excuses!" Chen Jie snorted coldly.

Unexpectedly, Guan Qingfeng stretched out his hand suddenly, stopping Chen Jie's words. He said in a nonchalant manner: "As I said, Mr. Zhao is invited to assist in the investigation this time. Please also cooperate with Mr. Zhao."

"I like to deal with sensible people." Zhao Nan smiled brightly, turned around and ordered: "Locke, go ask someone to prepare some tea, and I will have a good talk with this garrison captain."

Guan Qingfeng said: "No, I hope that Mr. Zhao can go back to the Garrison with me."

"The laws of the imperial capital. Doesn't work for me?" Zhao Nan said with narrowed eyes.

"Captain Guan!?" Chen Jie called out in a cold voice.

Guan Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and under Chen Jie's disappointed eyes, he said calmly: "Then, I will disturb sir."

"No problem."



"First is time." Guan Qingfeng held a small notebook in his hand, took out a pen, and sat in front of Zhao Nan. "The time when the fire started was between ten and twenty in the morning. Where is Mr. Zhao during this time?"


"Is there any evidence?"

"The people I brought can testify against me."

Chen Jie suddenly patted the table vigorously, and said disdainfully: "That's your person, can you testify?"

Zhao Nan shrugged and said calmly: "This city lord, didn't you use your own email to testify against me?"

"Sophistry! My side is the sufferer!"

"The same sentence. Definite evidence?"

Chen Jie squeezed his fist, but unexpectedly a cold gaze came from his side, his heart skipped a beat, he snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

"The alibi is reserved for the time being." Guan Qingfeng said indifferently: "Someone saw Mr. Zhao, who appeared near the crime scene during this period. Regarding this, what explanation does Mr. Zhao have?"

"Call someone here first, and see where you saw me." Zhao Nan said calmly, "And about this, what I want to say is...the place suddenly caught fire. Normal people would go too Did you take a look? In this way, those who were there at the time, or those who were nearby, might be the murderer or something like that?"

Guan Qingfeng wrote in a small notebook for a while in silence, and continued to ask: "Also. According to the investigation, after the meeting last night, someone heard some fighting sounds in Mr.'s residence. The target is you, and Mr. Chen Jie's staff."

"I don't deny that."

"What is the reason for the conflict?"

"Drank too much."

"But as far as I know, the cause of the conflict is related to another woman."

Zhao Nan tapped on the table with her fingers, and suddenly said: "It's really a good sense of hearing."

"Hmph, you have no way to deny it this time, right?" Chen Jie seemed to have found an entry point, and couldn't help sneering triumphantly.

Zhao Nan sighed, and said helplessly: "Although after the catastrophe, I don't really believe that there is such a thing as law. But if the imperial capital really wants to rebuild the law, is it better for the sufferer not to be present for such a record-like thing? "

The city lord of the city of crossing the river is indeed a person who can raise a group of vicious dogs. As the saying goes, things are like masters, these words seem to have completely ignited the anger in his heart. At this time, Chen Jie snorted coldly, stood up directly, and reached out to grab Zhao Nan's collar.

But before he succeeded, Locke, who was waiting by the side, reached out and held his arm firmly.

Locke's wrist strength, even if it is not an ordinary person, can't bear it.

Chen Jie screamed and wailed: "My hand!! Let me go!!!"

Locke loosened his five fingers, and Chen Jie, who was exerting strength, suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground. The man was still angry, but Guan Qingfeng blocked the long sword with its sheath around his waist in front of him at this moment, "Mr. Chen, please wait outside the door for a while."

"Guan Qingfeng, what do you mean?" Chen Jie asked angrily, "I'm..."

But at this moment, the long sword was half out of its sheath suddenly, and Chen Jie's face changed slightly as if he had swallowed a mouse alive. He let out a heavy breath and straightened his clothes. "I'll make a note of it!"

There was only a bang, and the man slammed the door out.

Guan Qingfeng didn't change his face, and said just now: "Mr. Zhao, can we continue?"


"The woman from last night is called Gui Sisi. She also has a younger brother, Gui Shaohua." Guan Qingfeng flipped a page in the notebook in his hand, and said softly: "Earlier this morning, Gui Sisi was killed by Liu Jianguo. Then, after the fire was extinguished, Miss Gui and her younger brother applied for resignation to the mansion at the same time. Moreover, during the fire, witnesses saw that the gentleman beside Mr. Sister and brother Gui Sisi go together."

"From this point of view, my suspicion is really great." Zhao Nan smiled fearlessly: "Then what are you going to do? Arrest me directly?"

"I just like that Mr. Zhao can cooperate." Guan Qingfeng shook his head: "If possible, I don't want to use force."

"Then take out the evidence. I can definitely prove that I did it." Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes and said, "It is enough for someone to see it with their own eyes. After all, I think that as the defense team of the imperial capital, there will be no shortage of props like lie detectors." .So I will definitely believe in the authenticity of this witness."


Guan Qingfeng closed his hands suddenly, nodded, stood up slowly, and said softly: "Then I will take my leave. Regarding the follow-up investigation, if necessary, I will come again."

"Trouble." Zhao Nan said with deep regret, "I let you go for nothing."

"It's okay, it's just a matter of duty."



"As expected of the imperial capital, a place like Duhe City is simply incomparable...he has a talent."

Locke was a little worried: "Sir, do you think this captain of the defense team will be disadvantageous to Miss Sisi's brother?"

Zhao Nan shook his head, "Smart people don't do such boring things. I have already reminded him. Moreover, under the premise of reintegrating proposed by Haitian Jiang, he is even more afraid to act recklessly."

Zhao Nan was sent away by Gui Sisi and brother at the time, even if the two brothers and sisters were tortured later. At most, it can only be asked that there was a conflict between them.

The scene of setting fire, but no one saw it.

"But having said that, if I hadn't passed the certification and stayed in this mansion, I probably wouldn't be able to discuss today's matter."

Locke was at a loss.

Zhao Nan smiled: "Many things can't be understood just by looking at them. The big environment, the small environment, and various conditions constitute the entire process of an incident."

"The world of living beings is indeed complicated." Locke said thoughtfully.

"The world of living beings is not complicated, a simple set of laws of nature will apply." Zhao Nan shook his head and said, "What is complicated is the human heart."

Locke was even more bewildered.

Zhao Nan said, "Loke, if you're worried, you can go and see that Miss Gui."

He stood up and was about to walk out the door.

"Sir, where are you going?"

"Take a stroll around the imperial capital and learn a little about the customs and customs here." Zhao Nan said with a smile, "You don't have to stay with me."

"Understood." Locke nodded, "Also, sir, please pay attention and try not to go to some weird places."

Zhao Nan was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously said: "Strange place?"

Locke smiled and said, "The ladies said that it's the kind of place called the Land of Fireworks."

Zhao Nan almost staggered, "Are you an idiot? Who would go to that kind of place..."



"My lord, Chen Jie's appeasement work is temporarily completed."

Guan Qingfeng said so.

As the captain of the imperial defense team, Haitian Jiang is currently the person who is close to him, and he is also a popular figure in the young faction. He is also the person responsible for drawing the map after the city has been relocated. Left and right freedom.

"It's just a hooligan. After these two days, you can ignore it." Hai Tian will not pay much attention to it.

"However, the specific location of Tingfeng City has not been found out yet." Guan Qingfeng said suddenly.

Hai Tianjiang froze for a moment, and frowned slightly.

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