Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 417: A Dream Weaved by Lies

breaking Dawn.

After a night of chaos, the imperial capital temporarily fell into calm.

Gui Sisi suddenly woke up in a quiet room in a hotel in the imperial capital. She kept the pale face from last night, and she was sweating profusely. Obviously, she didn't sleep very well, or she saw something bad in her dream.

She took a slight breath, the lights in the room were dimmed, and she didn't want to be dazzling at all.

Zhao Nan was sitting in a corner of the room. He was concentrating on closing his eyes, but now he opened them, "Are you awake from the dream?"

Gui Sisi subconsciously nodded.

The young woman has been avoiding something. Last night, she was actually exhausted in sadness and depression.

"Lo... Where's Locke?"

Only when this name is called does the young woman become more at ease.

"I let it prepare some food." Zhao Nan said with a light smile, "As long as there are conditions, I would never choose to eat dry food."

In other words, this is a bad habit that has been formed by a certain woman in the family.

After a long time, the door was still closed, obviously what Locke wanted to prepare hadn't been done yet. Gui Sisi suddenly hesitated and said: "My everything you said last night true?"

Zhao Nan nodded slightly.

"Can Locke's curse really be undone?"

"Of course, if you can stay with it and love it with all your heart."

"But... I always find it unbelievable, because of the curse, it has turned into emotionless metal."

"Isn't the world you're in not enough for you to believe?"

"I understand, I will do my best!"

"Thanks for your hard work, I will take action here." Zhao Nan finally closed his eyes.

Some kind of question about the highest masterpiece of magic technology, he can't continue to explain it for the time being.

So, the dream has just begun.



Half of the castle of the imperial capital had been burned down, and the rest was blackened by the thick smoke of the fire. Some stood among the rubble in search of Aboriginal servants who might survive.

Unlike the chosen ones, the aborigines have no way to quickly heal their injuries through the magical props of bloodstains.

In the construction of the city, there is absolutely no way to leave these aborigines. Even in the city lord system, if the support of the aborigines drops to a certain level, they will be judged as dereliction of duty and forced to deprive them of their positions. The so-called no matter what. Even if the aborigines are not treated as souls in the dark, on the bright side, the rescue work must be done.

"Front ones, lift up the fallen pillars!"

"Search the fallen room here, there seems to be a voice for help!"

Guan Qingfeng was inspecting the rescue work at the scene. The garrison has considerable power within the imperial capital. But there are also many responsibilities.

The captain of the garrison who stayed up all night, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was frighteningly energetic.

A member of the defense team suddenly came over and stood at attention to salute, "My lord, Commander Zhang Tianlin of the City Defense Corps and leader Guo Haibin of the Raiders team have arrived."

Guan Qingfeng waved his hand, accompanied by two members of the defense team. Walking through a relatively complete corridor, while listening to the next report from his subordinates.

"Gu Tianyuan from the Demon City seems to have had contact with Commander Zhang Tianlin three hours ago. Only Yuwen Palace from the Demon City secretly met with Team Leader Guo."

Guan Qingfeng's brisk walking stopped suddenly, and he frowned and asked, "Where's Luohe?"

"No trace of him was found. If he hadn't been hiding very secretly, he should have left the main city."

Guan Qingfeng nodded, and said calmly: "Continue to search."


Guan Qingfeng walked straight down immediately, and opened a door after a while. There were two people sitting inside the door. But there were more than ten players standing beside the two of them.

Guan Qingfeng walked between the two with his hands behind his back, but did not sit down.

Zhang Tianlin, the commander of the Imperial City Defense Corps, suddenly frowned and said, "Guan Qingfeng, I want to know who the murderer is!"

The leader of the strategy team over there also had the same expression.

In order to keep his actions as confidential as possible, Haitian will not tell anyone except Guan Qingfeng who participated and the necessary manpower.

"The murderer is gone." Guan Qingfeng said calmly.

Guo Haibin sneered with disdain, his eyes like poisonous snakes swept over the other two. Slowly said: "It doesn't matter whether you are here or not. The key is what happens next. Haitian will do something without telling us, and now he knows it well. He died, but he died well."

Probably only after the city lord who once ruled the imperial capital really died cleanly and thoroughly, can he speak generously.

So Guan Qingfeng was not angry. Zhang Tianlin just smiled.

"No nonsense." Zhang Tianlin stood up at this time, obviously he already had a general understanding of what happened last night, so he said: "What do you want to do, just look at what everyone has done in the past few hours .To be honest, the three of us are not a murderer who can kill casually but has nothing to do with it. But who can say clearly about accidents? So, it’s better to meet less in the future.”

Zhang Tianlin is quite domineering, seems to have a plan in mind, and seems to have sworn an oath, "Compared with manpower, the city defense army has the most. Lun Gonggong, none of you can compare to me, the matter is very simple, if you don't make small moves, you will be among them in three months." One can be the deputy city lord."

The mighty and extraordinary leader let go of his words, and passed Guan Qingfeng, a group of people surrounded him and left quickly.

"In fact, he is the person who is most afraid of death."

The leader of the strategy team stood up with his hands on his knees, shrugged, "Actually, I'm pretty much the same...then I won't bother you, Captain Guan."

"My lord?" The members of the defense team didn't dare to speak until the team leader left.

Guan Qingfeng did it at this time, looking at his slender first time, his eyebrows frowned slightly, "Although there are many people in the city defense army, the proportion of aborigines is more. Powerful, but most of them are some unruly people, masters are against each other, the unity is not complete, it is just loose sand."

"No need to do anything." Guan Qingfeng raised his head suddenly and said, "You don't need to know what they will do. The job of our defense team is to maintain stability in the city. During this time, let's sweep away some cancers that should be wiped out. .Let the people below be more behaved and behave decently during this time."

The team members were stunned. Is the captain going to give up the next game?



"Leave as soon as possible...?"

Zhao Nan took his thoughts back from a certain email, and looked at the street from the tea room of the hotel where he lived through the slightly opened curtains.

The tea room was deserted, because the death of the city lord was so sudden that many tourists who lived here stayed behind closed doors. The waiter who seemed very leisurely came at this time. He smiled and said, "Sir, do you need to add something else?"

"Oh, no... By the way, is there any famous specialty in this imperial capital?"

"Sir, are you going to give someone away?"

"Family." Zhao Nan said with a smile.

"Let me think about it. There are a few particularly famous shops here. I don't know if they are open today."

"It's okay. Just tell me the breed."



Locke sat on the edge of the soft hotel couch. The back is like a straight ruler, and the clothes stick to each other without any curvature or crease.

Gui Sisi pinched it curiously, and asked in disbelief, "Is this really metal?"

"Yes." Locke replied.

"Those scholars are really hateful, they actually made your body like this!"

"No, those old gentlemen gave me a second life." Locke shook his head. Smiling: "I will thank them."

Gui Sisi held Locke's cheeks in both hands, looked straight into its eyes, and said through gritted teeth, "Damn the curse, it made you like this!"

"The meaning is unknown." Locke frowned: "Sisi, can you explain?"

Gui Sisi sighed, smiled wryly, "I finally know what you said to me before, it's really not a joke."

"Those words?" Locke froze and said, "What words?"

Gui Sisi shook her head and lay softly on Locke's chest. But suddenly heard a thud, "What's that sound?"

Locke subconsciously said: "Maybe there is something wrong with the body, I need to check it out."

Unexpectedly, Gui Sisi suddenly raised her head and said seriously: "No need! I know what these are!"

"What is it?"

"Heartbeat... I will definitely make you return to the original state!" Gui Sisi kissed Locke, and blocked his next words.

It seemed that, with a bang, something jumped again.



A pair of sharp blades quickly split the bodies of the two mobs. The incisions are surprisingly neat.

Locke waved the arm that had turned into a sharp blade, and swung away the blood of the monster lying on it. Killing such two little monsters is nothing, as for being able to do it, it is just because someone is very curious. Just want to see.

Gui Sisi trotted to Locke's side at this time, looked at the pair of sharp silver blades, and was amazed, "It's really true!"

"Of course, do you think I'm lying to you?" Zhao Nan shrugged.

Gui Sisi shook her head with a complex expression and sighed.

"If you regret it now, it won't take long to go back." Zhao Nan said, "I can even give you some material compensation, so that you can live more freely in the future."

Gui Sisi smiled wryly, took a look, and thought that the distance changed from majestic to a low city wall of the imperial capital, and said indifferently: "There is nothing worth nostalgic about that place."

"Then, let's keep going." Zhao Nan nodded, took out a sheepskin map and glanced at it, "Tomorrow at noon, you should be able to reach the edge village of another city that is nearest. I can go back to my place soon. place."

Before Haitian died, he didn't unlock the function of teleportation spar. After losing the city lord, the teleportation function of the imperial capital can only be turned on again after the next city lord is born.

Under such circumstances, the fastest way to leave is to go through the monster's area, reach the nearest city, and borrow the teleportation spar there.

But at this moment, a cold arrow shot out suddenly!

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