Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 418: Lord of Abundance

Arrows are good arrows.

Accurate and fierce, when it was shot on the ground, the ground on the first floor turned into ice in an instant. This is a very powerful arrow.

But it missed the target.

The arrow pierced through the ground, causing the ice peak to disappear out of thin air. Certain archer professions will have some specially crafted sharp arrows, which will automatically return to their own quiver after shooting

This is obviously not an arrow of mistake, but a cold arrow that has been prepared long ago. But the person who was going to shoot had long been used to the radar-like ability of opening the eye of spiritual perception at any time in a place that was not a safe zone.

So the moment the cold arrow was shot, Zhao Nan had consciously slowed down his pace and stopped just right.

"Sir?" Locke frowned.

The arms that had just changed into hands changed into sharp blades again. It stands to reason that after leaving the city, it has been able to catch this kind of attack more sensitively than Zhao Nan, but for some reason, its reaction is a little slower.

Oh no, something caught my attention. Locke looked at Gui Sisi subconsciously, as if the source was here.

The magic tool man frowned suspiciously.

"It seems that many people want to say hello to me." Zhao Nan sneered, and waved suddenly, two, then two small fireballs shot in two directions at this moment.

This is a monster map of only a dozen or so levels outside the imperial capital. There is a small forest in front of it, full of shadows, which is most suitable for hiding people.

The four small fireballs exploded almost at the same time, and the power was astonishingly great. She used to be a member of the guild, and went out to explore. As a thief, Gui Sisi, although she has stopped doing such wild adventures since she entered the Imperial Capital Mansion, it does not prevent her from knowing that the little fireball ability.

This fireball is comparable to the fire dragon technique of ordinary fire mages!

There was a mess of voices in Xiaolin, and the people who were ambushing him obviously didn't expect it. These fireballs are so powerful that some flustered figures shuttled through the forest. They seemed to have been exposed, so they stopped hiding and jumped out of the ambush points one by one.

One after another, in the blink of an eye, dozens of different faces appeared in front of the three of them. There are thirty-seven players in total. In the eyes of spiritual perception, this precise number has already appeared in Zhao Nan's mind.

"Sir, there are two city masters attending the meeting." Locke whispered.

Zhao Nan just felt familiar, but the magic tool man has a memory that no one can match. Looking at the two familiar people, Zhao Nan thoughtfully folded the sheepskin map in his hand. Take your time and look at everyone.

"You're so brave!"

One of the city lords with green hair raised his thumbs up, "As expected of a high-level city lord, I really can't underestimate you!"

For this kind of praise, Zhao Nan didn't dare to compliment me, and said: "Everyone ambushed me, even sniped, did you just want to say hello?"

Another city lord with dark red eyes shook his head and smiled, "Why? I have a lot of questions. I want to ask."

"But obviously this is not the polite way to ask people?" Zhao Nan said with narrowed eyes.

"This is not a safe zone, if you cooperate a little bit." The green-haired city lord said calmly: "I'm not afraid to tell you, we planned to leave at first, but you appeared in our sight. To be honest, we Very interested in your city."

Zhao Nan let out a 'heh', but didn't seem to panic, "It seems that everyone was able to leave the imperial capital safely because of me, right? Can I understand the current situation as revenge for kindness?"

The red-eyed city lord laughed, "Naive! But even if I want to thank you, I still want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to capture you! A city with diplomatic rights is too precious and too dangerous. We don't want to be the next Haitian general!"

Haitian, the lord of the imperial capital, will be killed.

But the culprit was never found.

Why? In the synagogue that day, the city masters who had seen Zhao Nan's immunity from killing, how could they not guess it?

This permission is too scary! No one wants their city to be mixed with such people. The two city lords met by chance during their escape from the imperial capital. And walking together, the next part of the journey seems to have to pass through several fortieth-level monsters, and it would be good to have more strength.

The two talked about a lot of things on the way. But suddenly found Zhao Nan's whereabouts. Thinking of the place with unknown origin but a higher level than all the current cities, he became distracted and had evil thoughts.

If you can take this city as your own, why not do it? Homicide immunity makes them afraid, but on the other hand, if they own it, others are afraid!

Zhao Nan is just three people in front of him, one of whom is a woman. This is simply a great opportunity for the two city lords who are united.

No matter how tyrannical your force is in the safe zone, can you still resist the siege of dozens of people outside the city? As the player's level increases, the skills that can be used become more and more powerful, and the attack range becomes wider.

The lord of a city naturally has his advantages. Being besieged by calculations in the imperial capital is just falling into a conspiracy. If they really want to fight with hands and feet, these city lords are all very conceited. After all, behind them, there is a city supporter, not to mention a high level, and the best equipment, even the subordinates who are taken out are definitely the elite among the elite.

This was self-confidence, otherwise the two of them wouldn't have acted brazenly if they said they would.

"If you're smart, you'll be caught without a fight. For the sake of disrupting the venue, we can still treat you politely." The green-haired city lord sneered, "If you cooperate, we won't treat you badly. If you resist, control one of them." I believe you know how many people have means."

Zhao Nan nodded, raised his hands, and sighed: "I understand. But there is a request, how about letting my companion leave?"

"That's not okay, we don't want to miss any troubles." The city lord with red eyes sneered, "And I think you will cooperate more with a few hostages."

Zhao Nan smiled and said softly, "The two of you are really familiar with each other."

"They are all city lords, don't tell me that your hands are clean." The green-haired city lord said coldly at this time: "Stop talking nonsense, or you surrender yourself, or we will do it directly!"

Zhao Nan nodded, but suddenly said: "You are right, but my hands are not very clean."

"Do it!" the city lord with red pupils suddenly shouted.

The people he brought got their skills in an instant.

But what is unexpected is that at this moment, a blue radiance enveloped within a radius of tens of meters, enveloping everyone into a blue world!

Various skills were suddenly interrupted! As if the body was tied with a lead weight, it suddenly became heavy, and even the thoughts seemed to be a little slower!

At the same time, a huge roar appeared.

It was a gigantic figure, fiery red, with four wings spread out, extremely mighty, it was the sky dragon!

In just one second, two terrifying flames spit out from the sky dragon's mouth! That is the breath of the dragon, extremely pure dragon flame!

Long Yan spat out, and the five players were all in the flames, howling immediately!

Zhao Nan didn't do anything, but simply maintained the ice field. In this field, except for him and the people in his team who can act normally, all opponents must be restricted!

"Lock, do it."

Following Zhao Nan's call, Locke did not hesitate. Magic tool people cannot form a team. Its body is also restricted within the ice field, and it cannot be deformed either. But its defense has never been obtained by relying on ability.

That's its body!

At this time, Locke's five fingers were close together, and his legs turned into an afterimage when he kicked his legs. In the blink of an eye, his arms pierced through a player's body!

It must not exceed four seconds before and after, but six players have already fallen down.

The sky dragon, which could be said to be close to a giant dragon, swooped down at this time, and its two claws grabbed the heads of the two people respectively. With a little force, the human head was directly crushed!

Go to the second!

At this time, the green-haired city lord and the other red-eyed city lord were shocked. Unexpected things happened as soon as they said they would happen!

"This blue one is weird, get out as soon as possible!" The green-haired city lord yelled in horror.

When they met this young city lord who was almost the same as the single, they thought it was a great opportunity, but they didn't expect that this stubble was so tough!

He had just finished speaking, and there were already three more screams - what kind of people and pets are these, and they can kill people instantly! This attack power immediately made people pale with fright!

Seeing that the edge of the brilliance was right in front of him, the red-eyed city lord had a look of joy on his face, and he left first, and it would not be too late to plan in the future.

To maintain the ice field for one second requires a huge amount of mana. But after the evil spirit incident, Zhao Nan's level soared by nine levels, and his magic power also increased a lot. Without the moon potion, he could maintain it for half a minute casually.

Seeing the two fleeing quickly, Zhao Nan quickly raised his hand.

For him, the distance of 50 meters or 100 meters is not a problem. But he frowned, and suddenly withdrew his hands.

But at this moment, just as the red-eyed city lord first escaped from the ice field, and then quickly sprinted for about ten meters, he only heard a loud explosion, as if a huge fireball had been knocked down from the sky. The person smashed into the soil hard.

A man who was covered in flames stood up now, wearing a pair of huge black metal gloves on his hands.

It's a fighter.

And he is a fire spirit fighter like Xiongyou.

And the fire spirit martial artist who suddenly appeared was the city lord of the capital of abundance, Luohe, who had met several times before!

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