Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 442: Trigger: See also Trigger

In the dim Qiluo City, the vision became even more hazy at this time.

The communication between Zhao Nan and Gao Mingyang was not interrupted. But because of avoiding the terrifying black mist, they temporarily dispersed.

It was unexpected that after an altar was destroyed, Ge Geluo would be so angry that he would unleash such a powerful killing move. It is not known how many temple envoys escaped this attack.

Zhao Nan didn't care much about the casualties of the envoys of the temple. He lowered his head and moved rapidly among the numerous skeleton soldiers.

After Ge Geluo's attack, he and Gao Mingyang made an agreement to retreat, and they would go there first, so as not to waste time gathering together.

I didn't meet the aboriginal legion in Tingfeng City on this road. Presumably, Locke has conveyed his meaning, and the commander Vali has led people to retreat!

At the corner of the street, a huge number of skeleton soldiers were rushing towards his position.

Zhao Nan frowned and stopped. These skeleton soldiers alone are not enough to resist his footsteps. But if it is the master of these skeleton soldiers, that is another way of saying it.

Ge Geluo!

This necromancer appeared in front of Zhao Nan at this moment, suspended three feet above the ground. Since the hood that covered his face was blown away, he has not tidied it up again. At this moment, a pair of eyeballs spit out, like the eyes of a chameleon, looked at Zhao Nan coldly.

"Tsk tsk, how bold you are, how dare you destroy one of my altars!" Ge Geluo screamed sharply, "I will definitely imprison your soul!"

He waved suddenly!

Among the skeleton corps behind him, hundreds of bone arrows were shot out in a patchwork pattern, and it rained all over the sky!

Zhao Nan took a breath, the guardian earth spirit was quickly consumed by the dense attacks that could not be dodged!


The sky dragon roared out at this time, blocking Zhao Nan's face, and Olisis's terrifying defensive power bounced off these bone arrows one by one.

Ge Geluo's face changed slightly at this time, and he said in a deep voice: "You are, the chosen one!"

Zhao Nan didn't answer, turned over and rode on the sky dragon, and rushed up to the sky! Unexpectedly, the necromancer seemed determined to kill Zhao Nan. With a move with both hands, a bone scepter appeared in his hand, and he tapped hard on the ground.

Huge bone monster birds burst out of the ground one by one! In the whole city, tens of thousands of giant bone birds were densely packed, blocking all the paths of the Sky Dragon.

If this Necromancer fights alone, it doesn't seem difficult to kill him once. But his ability to manipulate bones with this hand was really hit by Gao Mingyang.


Facing tens of thousands of bone monster birds, Zhao Nan gave a wry smile. This national-level task is indeed suitable for a God's Chosen City—the kind of God's Chosen City that is full of people and can easily pull out tens of thousands of God's Chosen!

I thought that after going back this time, not only would I have to make up for the history of the eighth era of the Paradise Continent, but I also wanted to complete the transfer of the personnel from the capital of abundance on the Luohe River as soon as possible.


The sky dragon roared, and hundreds of bone monster birds fell from mid-air under its pressure, but the road ahead was still blocked.

"Go down." Zhao Nan said quickly.

What's more, instead of going to the sky, he moves in the city, so he can hide himself even more. Unless the Necromancer can raze the city to the ground in an instant, it will not be easy to catch him.

Ge Geluo can kill, but the problem is that he can't kill them all. There are still seven altars left. If they can't be destroyed, Zhao Nan will not foolishly fight this wizard who is close to infinite resurrection.

"You can't escape!" The necromancer's voice sounded in the city, "My eyes are everywhere here, you can't escape!"

Zhao Nan didn't shake her head. She was wearing an invisibility cloak and moved slowly in the complicated streets.

He attracted the attention of the necromancer, probably Gao Mingyang and the others' retreat would be smoother. In this battle, Zhao Nan did not let Finina and the others follow suit. On the one hand, it was for safety, and on the other hand, it was for special circumstances to be able to come out for support.

But at this moment, Zhao Nan stopped suddenly, turned around and looked thoughtfully at the massive number of skeleton soldiers searching and attacking randomly on the street.

He quietly climbed into a not-so-high building, hid under the window, and opened the mail space silently.

"The plan has changed, and now things are assembled..."

Suddenly a black shadow crashed in at this time, Zhao Nan frowned, got up, drew his sword, the plane made too much sound and light, he deliberately did not use magic.

The Soul Devouring Sword pierced out trickily.

A pair of slightly flustered eyes appeared in front of Zhao Nan. It turned out to be the leader of the Knights.

At this moment, the leader of the Knights was still accompanied by one person, and it was Achilles, the leader of the temple. The head of the temple, at this time, was supported by Adolf, his hair was almost wet, his body was covered with sweat, his face was pale and weak, and he seemed to have lost his strength and passed out.

"It's you!"

Adolf let out a cry of surprise.

Zhao Nan slowly withdrew the sword, glanced expressionlessly, and took a step back.

Adolf smiled awkwardly, "I never expected to meet the Earl in this place."

Zhao Nan pointed at Achilles and said, "What's wrong with him?"

"His Royal Highness has increased his strength with the secret method. After the secret method expires, it is now a period of depression." Adolf shook his head and said, "At the last moment, His Highness resisted Ge Geluo's attack with all his strength, so that I had a chance to escape. Otherwise, your Highness With the power at that time, it is not difficult to escape."

Zhao Nan nodded. The commander of the temple, for the sake of command power, obstinately ignored the fact that Zhao Nan killed more than a dozen envoys, but now he put himself in danger to save people?

Some can't justify.

Zhao Nan frowned, and said in his heart, "Your Highness?"

Adolf carefully placed Achilles on the ground, and then smiled wryly: "It's actually not a secret. Your Highness Achilles is the emperor's elder brother of His Royal Highness. He is also the second prince of my Kingdom of Galewindia."

Zhao Nan was stunned, looked down at Achilles, and said softly, "What's going on?"

Adolf said helplessly: "His Royal Highness has been talented since he was a child, and he was favored by the high-level members of the Temple Alliance and absorbed into the Temple Alliance. The last time he returned to China was three years ago. This action is probably also due to the identity of His Royal Highness." The reason is to let him play."

"Prince Youluo didn't mention this to me." Zhao Nan said calmly.

Adolf said: " is estimated that Her Royal Highness also has her own ideas, and she must not have deliberately concealed it from the Earl."

Zhao Nan nodded noncommittally, and suddenly walked to Achilles' side, waving his hand and shooting a soft blue light. All I saw was a layer of soft blue water mist, covering Achilles' whole body.

The head of the knight group hesitated to speak, but seeing Achilles' face gradually softening in the mist, he said gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Earl, for your help! Unexpectedly, Mr. Earl is proficient in fire magic. He is also proficient in healing techniques! He really deserves to be the God's Chosen One!"

"I'm not a priest." Zhao Nan shook his head and said, "At most, this will allow him to recover some strength faster. His injury can only relieve the pain."

Adolf didn't say anything, he looked at Achilles with concern, and then said: "I have offended you in the past, I hope the count will forgive me."

"The only person he saved was you. Right?" Zhao Nan looked at Adolf and narrowed his eyes.

Adolf's face changed slightly.

Zhao Nan said, "Don't worry, there are no people from other temples nearby. Deny or affirm, it's up to you."

"The prince and the princess are born of the same mother." Adolf sighed and said, "The prince just doesn't want to be around His Royal Highness You Luo, and there is no one who can serve him."

"Just for this, can I desperately save you?"

Adolf sighed again: "After the prince entered the Temple Alliance, he has already left the royal family. Unless it is the intention of the Temple Alliance, otherwise it is absolutely not allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. His Highness Achilles and His Royal Highness Yolo have had a very good relationship since childhood... ...The royal family is not all happy, after this incident is over, the prince needs to go back to the Temple Alliance."

Zhao Nan squinted her eyes and said with a smile: "It seems that the princess is in the country, and she is not living very comfortably."

Adolf took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and suddenly knelt down on one knee and said, "Princess Youluo is the kindest person in the royal family, and she is deeply loved by the people. But there are dark currents in the palace, and Her Highness is alone. Lord Earl, please take care of me!"

Zhao Nan smiled softly: "Since I have already said that I am alone and weak, if I stand by her side, I will be asking for trouble?"

"This..." Adolf's face suddenly turned ugly, "The city of God's Chosen is to support the orthodoxy of the royal family all the time. At present, only Her Royal Highness in the country has the ability to let the people live a real good life! If it is replaced by other heirs to the throne, it must be The people are living in dire straits. My lord, think twice!"

Zhao Nan shrugged and said, "Is it true that she is the only one who is capable of succeeding, and it's not just based on what you, the head of the palace knights, say. Are you sure you know who the heirs to the throne are and how much they weigh?"

"How about Abandoned Land?"

Suddenly another voice came, and Achilles woke up at some point, his face was still pale, but he finished speaking, "One year later, I will give you a quota to enter the abandoned land and hunt for the soul crystal. "

——Trigger task: Entrustment of the prince (national level)

——Mission background: The royal family of King Galewindia is undercurrents, and the heirs compete fiercely. Princess Yolo is at a disadvantage among the heirs, and the situation is not optimistic.

——Mission content: Help Princess Yolo to win the succession competition.

——Mission Reward: Abandoned Land Entry Quota*1

- accept/not accept

The reward is only for entering the quota, and being able to enter means that you have the opportunity to obtain the soul crystal above the recovery. Zhao Nan secretly chose to accept, but stared at Achilles and said, "But why should I trust you?"

Achilles said indifferently: "You can choose to believe or not, but you only have one chance."

Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes, and threw him an elf biscuit, "Replenish your strength." (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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