Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 443 Counterattack

Now that he has decided to accept this task, Zhao Nan will not think too much about unnecessary things, just try to complete it as much as possible.

It said, speaking of it, the undead disaster has something to do with the prince's entrustment and the content of the task.

The undead disaster can gain the trust of the queen. As for the entrustment of Achilles, it is to help Princess Yoro obtain the inheritance right of the Kingdom of Hayatenia. It can be said to be a series.

After knowing the content of the rewards for the undead disaster, Zhao Nan vaguely felt that things might develop in this direction. I just never thought that the purpose would be revealed so soon.

Achilles looked better after swallowing an elf biscuit. The elf biscuits will be absorbed quickly, and then a large amount of stamina will be replenished.

Since completing this invisible deal with Achilles, Adolf's attitude has changed 360 degrees. The head of the Knights of the Queen, who has seen the ability of the Earl of God's Choice, and twice in a row, has long put aside his previous minor dissatisfaction and other thoughts.

The huge magic that happened not long ago, the terrifying destructive power and shocking power are still vivid in my mind. He is still so young and already lost, it is really unimaginable how far he will develop in the future.

Adolf was a little jealous of this young man, who possessed such terrifying talent and power as the Chosen One. But more of them are secretly happy, thinking that after Princess Youluo has the support of the Earl of God's Choice, even if she can't get the right advantage in the battle for the succession to the throne, it won't be too bad. He advocated the spirit of chivalry, and he had sworn to be loyal to the queen, so he must stick to it.

The skeleton soldiers in the city are still searching for Zhao Nan. Just like what Ge Geluo said, the entire Qiluo City is his eyes, and no one can hide from him.

The hiding place of the three was quickly discovered by the skeleton soldiers, and the necromancer even appeared outside the window, looking inward with ferocious eyes.

"Tsk tsk, it's really good, even the golden lion cubs are here." Ge Geluo sneered again and again, and with his hands raised, a large number of skeleton soldiers had surrounded the building, and hundreds of bone arrows shot through it in an instant up the wall!


But in the blink of an eye, the building area collapsed under the collective attack of the skeleton soldiers.

Ge Geluo has been staring at the scene in front of him, suddenly frowned, and instinctively waved his hand to summon a bone shield! The moment the shield appeared, the ground within tens of meters was shaking strangely! The vibration was not expensive for a moment, and there were two huge magic formations extending out from the ground.

It is still Yanlong Wushifang!

These fire dragons can come from the sky or from the ground! Hundreds of fire dragons rushed straight out of the magic circle like ferocious beasts escaped from their cages, and finally bit back!

With a wave of his hand, Earl God's Chosen blew up all the buildings tens of meters away! Hundreds of skeleton soldiers were shattered at this moment, and more were pushed away by the heat wave.

Ge Geluo hovered in the sky, and a bone shield appeared behind him, preventing him from being hit by the fire dragon's attack.

He frowned and glanced at the ground. In the collapsed building, a strange mask appeared, and inside the mask, the three of them were unscathed.

The attack just now can already pose a great threat to Ge Geluo. But as long as the altar still exists, he will have hundreds of thousands of lives that can counteract the opponent's attack, not to mention a celestial being, even a legendary powerhouse, he will not be afraid! Qi Luo City is like his body!

The only pity is that a bone altar has been destroyed, and a large number of souls are needed to build it.

Or this golden lion cub plus the magician's life can offset part of it. Ge Geluo narrowed his eyes, and six huge skeleton soldiers appeared from behind him, stepping through the building.

At this time, Zhao Nan on the ground, together with Achilles and Adolf, was heading towards Yipian's position.

"You can't escape!"

Ge Geluo was already tired of this cat-and-mouse game, and now his hands were retracted into his sleeves, and two black mist sprayed out from his sleeves.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Nan suddenly turned around and came back, riding the sky dragon, waving the Soul Eater Sword in his hand, shooting out small fireballs the size of basketballs in a straight line.

"It's a pity, I'm not going to play cat and mouse with you this time either."

The fireball shot in front of the bone shield, only causing Ge Geluo to retreat a little bit, Ge Geluo said disdainfully: "Is this the only thing left?"

Unexpectedly, just after saying this, the figure of Achilles suddenly shot out from behind the sky dragon, and directly slashed at Ge Geluo with his sword!

Jianfeng also cut through Ge Geluo's bone shield, and even cut his men directly!

"Hahaha, useless, useless!"

The necromancer, who had recovered again, shouted suddenly at this time, and the six huge skeleton soldiers regrouped again, turning into two super huge behemoths.

Zhao Nan squinted his eyes, causing Sky Dragon to swoop down suddenly, and the Soul Eater sword in his hand slashed across the leg bones of two huge skeleton soldiers.

The sharpness of the Soul Devouring Sword, Zhao Nan has yet to find anything that cannot be cut off. Of course, he was not willing to try some very precious materials, but among all the materials he tried, none of them survived!

The leg bones of this huge skeleton soldier were broken, and the body immediately lost its balance, and it fell directly on the ground, raising a lot of dust.

Ge Geluo's face changed slightly. The huge skeleton soldier assembled with great effort, never thought that it would be cut to the ground like this, and he roared out of embarrassment!

In Qiluo City, although his strength has not improved, his magic power will always be replenished, almost inexhaustible. The horror of the necromancer lies in the fact that he can drive countless skeletons to fight for him and consume the enemy to death, which is the true meaning of this profession.

But Zhao Nan and Achilles attacked Ge Geluo in turn, retreating with one blow. The two had never cooperated before, but at this moment they showed a strange tacit understanding. The leader of the knights on the ground is struggling to support himself among the huge number of skeleton soldiers.

Only then did I realize that the gap between myself and those two juniors was so huge, the pride of the past had long been blown away with the wind, and now I just thought about being able to survive this battle.

The battle continued, and it actually lasted more than an hour. The movements of both Zhao Nan and Achilles slowed down.

Ge Geluo was killed at least two hundred times in this hour, right?

The two approached in mid-air at the same time, and Zhao Nan said with some difficulty: "I swear, I will never deal with this kind of necromancer in the future."

"I feel the same." Achilles fixed his eyes on Ge Geluo, and there was a sense of powerlessness on his face.

Zhao Nan suddenly smiled, "However, it's almost over!"

At the same time, there were bursts of loud noises in the entire Qiluo City at the same time!

I saw huge bright lights appearing in seven different locations in Qiluo City! In the bright light, it is the remaining seven bone altars!

Every bone altar has this protective cover. At this moment, it is being hit by a fierce attack, and the protective cover is torn apart in an instant!

Then there were several roaring sounds, and the five bone altars were blown up into slag in an instant!

Ge Geluo let out a scream at this moment, it seemed that the destruction of these altars had caused him terrible harm! At this time, a bone altar was destroyed, and Ge Geluo's pale face suddenly became even uglier!

Suddenly, a huge storm of sword light appeared, among which there were countless thunderbolts, shaking the last altar of bones, and after a few seconds, the entire altar of bones was torn to pieces!


The seven bone altars were destroyed, and a terrifying number of painful souls rushed out of them. Countless wailing sounds also appeared at this time. Ge Geluo suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and gritted his teeth: "You are delaying time!"

Zhao Nan shrugged and took a long breath, "So much nonsense, it's finally rewarding."

In order to keep annoying the necromancer and keep his hatred high, this more than an hour's battle is probably the most drooling Zhao Nan has ever done so far!

"Well, I don't know if you can be resurrected this time!" Zhao Nan chuckled, and the sky dragon roared out immediately!

Achilles narrowed his eyes, and His Royal Highness, who was exhausted, also glowed with more ferocious power at this moment!

Ge Geluo's face changed drastically, and at the same time, the skeleton soldiers in Qiluo City shattered to the ground in an instant, turning into a sea of ​​broken bones.

"I won't just count like this!"

After all, turn over and flee in one direction, very fast!


But in the direction where Ge Geluo was escaping, a golden figure also pierced the sky at the same time. Under the gray sky, the jet-black wings actually emitted a strange black light, which cannot be ignored no matter what. Lose!

It's Finina!

The famous sword in Sword Princess Gao Ling gave birth to a huge sword light, aimed at Ge Geluo and swung it three times quickly! ! Three arc-shaped sword lights are stacked one on top of the other, one is more powerful than the other, and it also incorporates the attribute of thunder and lightning!

The necromancer, who no longer has the power to regenerate, still summons the bone shield at this moment! But his ability is not based on defense, nor on attack, what is powerful is only special ability. Now that the ability has been broken, even a level as high as 55 can't withstand Finina's alluring slash!

The last sword light tore through the bone shield and struck the necromancer's body, causing him to fly upside down in mid-air, vomiting blood wildly!

There was a shocking casualty on his chest! The blood dyed the gray robe dark red!

At this moment, one after another silhouettes flew from everywhere, it was Gao Mingyang and his party who turned back again, and all the female relatives of the castle!

"You bastard, you can't escape!" Gao Mingyang yelled while drinking the moon potion.

The wings of the silver eagle made him consume a lot of the power of the sword in his body.

The necromancer at this moment has been driven into a desperate situation! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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