Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 445: Bombardment of Bone Gegeluo

But Zhao Nan didn't know who Ailian was.

This is probably a very important person? Otherwise, why would this terrifying Bone Monarch projection say this name?

Locke's eyes flickered at this time, and the wisdom circuit was running crazily.

Under the eyes of spiritual perception, Achilles' face twitched unnaturally after hearing the Bone Monarch projection say the name.

Zhao Nan frowned, but did not attack the Bone Lord's projection. He originally wanted to throw a 'Super Goblin Bomb' at the fastest speed, but he was not sure that it would work, and it would drive the Bone Monarch Projection crazy. Zhao Nan crossed it carefully, walked up to Achilles, frowned and asked, "What do you know?"

Achilles said blankly: "Before the trip, I collected some information on Ge Geluo in the Temple Alliance. There are some instructions on Ge Geluo's fall."

"tell me the story."

Achilles said without hesitation: "According to the records, Ms. Ailian and Ge Geluo once believed in the same sub-god. But for some unknown reason, Ailian first fell, and then was captured by the Temple Alliance. The punishment of fire is burning to death. The day Ailian dies is the day Ge Geluo also falls."

"What is their relationship?" Zhao Nan asked subconsciously.

Achilles was silent for a moment, and then said softly: "It is presumed to be a relationship between lovers."

"Did you fall because you saw the person you love the most burned to death in front of you?"

Looking at the motionless bone, Zhao Nan felt lost, and finally understood the reason why Ge Geluo's last voice contained infinite hatred.

Probably if it were him, he would have followed the same path.

Since the person I love cannot be forgiven by the gods, then why should I believe in you?

Achilles frowned and said: "No matter what the reason is, even if there is a big reason, there is no way to wash away the sins Ge Geluo committed."

Zhao Nan was noncommittal. The prince and the city lord easily disagreed on this issue.

Achilles wouldn't know that if someone he loved was killed in front of Zhao Nan's eyes, the city lord, who has always been calm, would definitely try his best to pierce the sky in the next second. It finally broke apart!

Locke jumped up suddenly, and said calmly: "Sir, I am afraid that the consciousness of the Bone Lord and the remaining consciousness of Ge Geluo are fighting. That's why it is motionless now."

Zhao Nan and Achilles looked at Locke at the same time. There was no way to respond on the magic man's face, and he said directly: "Through analysis, the name just called has been projected. This is the answer I calculated. Normally, if you are possessed by this kind of projection, the consciousness of the main body will disappear. But Ge Geluo's hatred is so strong that his consciousness can still resist the erosion of the Bone Lord's will."

What kind of intense hatred is that?

But when Zhao Nan was concentrating on his spirit sub-skills, what he sensed was a kind of endless sadness like the ocean!

"If you want to attack, now should be the best time." Locke finally fell to judgment.

Zhao Nan sighed, the wings of the blazing sky opened, and all distracting thoughts in his heart were suppressed immediately.

Tasks, always tasks.

If it is not completed, there is probably no way to start the next thing—to deal with the entire Noldo Kingdom, he must rely on the national power of the Galewindia Kingdom.

The Sword of Soul Devourer was unparalleled in sharpness, and at this moment it slashed on the projection of the Bone Monarch. The soul-devouring sword, which is omnipotent, can't stand the slightest bit!

Zhao Nan was stunned for a moment before he realized that even if the power of magic skills had improved early, his physical strength was still not as good as that of a real melee professional player who is constantly improving!

"Lock!" Zhao Nan threw the Soul Devouring Sword to the magic tool man, "cut it open!"

He can't, with Locke's terrifying strange power, he can finally do it, right? Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes and took a step back. At the same time, the magic tool man who was holding the Soul Devouring Sword did not hesitate at the moment.

The sword's edge turned into a streamer, and slashed fiercely on the skull of the Bone Monarch! The sound of this cut was extremely loud! At this time, the skull projected by the Bone Monarch finally cracked a piece!


Zhao Nan was overjoyed.

But in the dark eye sockets projected by the Bone Monarch, two orange-red light spots suddenly flashed, and then he waved the Bone Scythe. And out of ten meters!

At this moment, the projection of the Bone Monarch suddenly let out a big laugh!

Zhao Nan's heart sank.

LV60 Bone Gegeluo!

The name originally projected by the Bone Monarch changed in an instant!

Ge Geluo's voice appeared again, twisting the white skull, and the red light in the strange eye sockets flickered, "Thank you, the slash just now weakened the will of the Bone Lord instantly, and let me It was able to swallow it successfully! Hahaha!"

"Great, great!" Ge Geluo waved the bone scythe in his hand, "I have abandoned my human body, and now I feel endless power! Hahaha!!"

"Alliance of the Temple, one day, I will make you disappear into the paradise world!" Ge Geluo raised the bone scythe to the sky, and opened his sharp teeth like the mouth of a fierce beast. You guys who get in the way, kill them all!"

The bone sickle in Ge Geluo's hand suddenly swung down, and a huge flash shot out, cutting through the middle between Zhao Nan and Achilles.

On the ground is a huge cut mark of hundreds of meters.

The scattered airflow messed up the hair of both of them at the same time. Achilles took a deep breath and moved his figure.

Instead of sitting and waiting to die, it is better to fight to the death. His Royal Highness' intentions are very obvious.

This is a person who does not give up easily, and probably will not consider whether to retreat until the moment of powerlessness. It doesn't matter whether it is reckless or not.

It's just a matter of dignity.

If you flee without fighting with all your strength, you will probably leave some bad memories for yourself. Thinking so, Zhao Nan sighed, took the Soul Eater Sword from Locke's hand, and his eyes gradually became sharper.

Looking at the four huge health bars on Ge Geluo's head, he felt powerless. Ge Geluo's current level is too high, even if the soldiers of Fengcheng rush forward, they will still be chopped up.

Locke, Achilles, and Sky Dragon are the main attackers in close combat, while Zhao Nan uses magic skills to output. Strictly speaking, this is not the best team to cooperate with, but it is also the best condition that can be pulled out at this time.

After Achilles increased his strength, he could barely keep up with Ge Geluo's speed. Locke has a strong defense and can defend it. The sky dragon of the second stage of true red is not bad in all aspects.

At this moment, Bone Bone Ge Geluo was dancing with a Bone Bone Sickle, and even though he was attacked by three people and one dragon at the same time, he still showed no sign of losing the wind.

But this side can still hold on, Zhao Nan didn't intend to use the two-stroke nihility skill and copy the red dragon princess's one-hit secret.

At least, the flash of nothingness and the secret technique of the Red Dragon Princess must be preserved.

There is still the last magic eye of nothingness left, it can only be used or not depending on the situation. If you use it, you can make a copying position vacant... But I don't know when I will be able to meet the ability that I like to copy.

And what is more pitiful is that even if the skill you like is copying, you may not be able to succeed.

Bone Ge Geluo's body is not known how many times harder than steel, and direct attacks with weapons are obviously not effective. The Soul Devouring Sword cannot be handed over to Locke, otherwise Zhao Nan's attack power will be reduced a lot, and the damage to Ge Geluo will naturally not be great.

It's almost impossible to get to the shore at both ends, and I'm so depressed.

A muffled hum sound suddenly appeared, and the phosgene on Achilles' body suddenly disappeared, and he was knocked down to the ground by Bone Ge Geluo, spitting out a mouthful of blood. The improvement of the secret method has disappeared, and at this moment, the whole body is exhausted, and the whole person is as pale as paper, and I am afraid that I have no strength to fight again.

Suddenly a figure jumped out from the corner, helped Achilles up, and then fled hastily. It was Mr. Knight Commander.

Zhao Nan just frowned, didn't pursue it, and couldn't pursue it.

After losing the assist from Achilles, Locke was cut down to the ground by Bone Gegeluo in an instant, and there was some strange heat coming out of his body, and it was difficult to move at this moment.

"Automatic repair started."

After saying that, Locke closed his eyes.

But at this moment!

"elder brother--!"

Little Lolita's voice suddenly rang in her ears, and along with her call, a soft voice also appeared at this moment!

One after another figures shot towards him one after another.

"Hey, buddy, just wait, haha!" It was the offline President Gao.

Xiongyou and others returned one by one. Behind them, their pets were moving huge magic crystal cannons in pairs!

"Nan, when I came here, I had already adjusted the output power of the crystal cannon." Finina said quickly, "The biggest!"

Over there, the sky dragon was fighting fiercely, holding the sickle of Bone Gegeluo in its claws, and the two were competing for strength. But Zhao Nan's time as a follower of Olisis is really too long.

I haven't learned much else, but I have learned a lot of cunning in battle. At the moment when he was wrestling with Ge Geluo, two dragon teeth shot out from the two mouths on his head at the same time!

Blowing Bone Gegeluo into the mid-air, it also made Bone Gegeluo so angry that he paused in mid-air and looked at him coldly.

Those who can cause trouble to him have been eliminated, and the rest will not be a problem, right?

Unexpectedly, a huge ball of light rose from the ground and hit him from the side. There was only a bang, and a huge air current ripple exploded in mid-air!

Jiang Lun shouted, and said coquettishly: "Look at my headshot! Damn!"

Zhao Nan laughed lightly, waved his hand, and the five huge magic crystal cannons behind him raised the cannons side by side, and said loudly: "Let this bone skeleton have a taste of the power of our 'End of the World' guild!"

"Launch!" (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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